January MeetingThe first meeting of the year will be Monday, January 20, at 6:30 p.m. (Notethe 6:30 time.) The program is on the Sax-Zim Bog presented by birding guide, Gregg Severson. Gregg is an avid birder and photographer who has guided in the bog for years. He will concentrate on winter bird photography but also has been asked to speak on photo opportunities in the bog in other seasons. Am looking forward to seeing his presentation, especially since I saw that one of the types of birding trips Gregg offers combines birding with stops at brew pubs!The photo theme for the photo solon is “Winter.” If you are a snowbird who has forgotten what snow is, your photos may include sand and palm trees.Usual rules apply:*Two photos submitted to Dropbox*Photo size 1 MB or less*Titles start with “01” and “02”*Submission deadline midnight Sunday, January 19We will again be having drawings for a sensor cleaning at at Northwest Camera Repair this year. These drawings are based on photos submitted for solons.Interclub Photo Contest Deadline for entering photos is Saturday,February 1, 2020, 5:00 p.m. Rules for the competition can be found on the TCACCC website at this link: gives members a chance to see how they stack up against other photographers. Judges simply give a score to a photo. A photo can earn an Acceptance, an Award, a Runner-Up, or Image of the Year in its category. I am planning to enter a couple of prints this year. I will drop off prints from others if you want to give them to me at the January meeting. Need to read print rules carefully. We will also enter the club competetion. 20 photos from 20 of our members will be chosen as our club entry. Photos from our monthly solons, our 5 Favorite Photos of 2020, and from our December workshop will be considered. 2020 Schedule of ProgramsJan—“Sax Zim Bog”—Gregg Severson, birding guideFeb—“Photography Spouses”—Nancy & DickCrombie, club membersMarch—“Landscape Photography”—Don Tredinnick, professional photographerApril—“African Safari”—Jim Blake, club memberMay—“Mirrorless Cameras/Camera Care”—Gus Gulbranson, Northwest Camera RepairJune—“Photographing Flowers”—Peggy Boike, club member July—Club Pot-Luck PicnicAugust—“Photo Critques”—John Pennoyer, veteran photo judgeSeptember—“See Photo Opportunities”—Paul Clark, club memberOctober—TBD but likely “Intro to Lightroom”November—“5 Favorite Photos of 2020”DuesYou may pay your yearly dues at the January meeting. Check only made out to ArtReach for $15.Photo Shows The club tries to provide opportunities for members to exhibit photos. Like the Interclub Contest, exhibiting photos leads to growth as a photographer. If you are thinking of exhibiting your photos. a minimum size of 11 X 14 is suggested. It’s suggested having your photo exhibited by hanging it with a wire. Ready made frames with a hanger attached attached to a cardboard backing really don’t work that well. Finally, it does not cost that much more to have your photo printed by a quality printer. Two metro ones our members recommend are Paint Addict and White House. ................

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