St. Anthony on the Desert Episcopal Church

SUNDAY – January 24, 2021

Celebrant & Preacher The Rev. Bruce Jackson

Deacon The Rev. Susan Cihak

Director of Music Joe Hacnik

Cantor Sandy Gulledge

Announcements Dan Austin

Lector Dan Austin

Altar Guild Kate Fauster


Latest News

Church Looks Different, Yet our Mission Remains the Same

Thanks to all who have turned in their pledge for 2021. You can still make your pledge by returning your pledge card at a church service or mailing it to the church office. The need during this time of COVID has increased. Please prayerfully consider your support of St. Anthony – our mission and our ministries. To pledge online go to:


Dialogue with Scripture Resumes

Wednesdays at 3 pm via Zoom

With Fr. Jackson

Join us for a thought-provoking discussion of the week’s Gospel reading every Wednesday afternoon

when we share our questions and insights. For Zoom login information go to dialogue-with-scripture.html.

The Arts Council 2021 Premier Exhibit

The St. Anthony Arts Council exhibits have resumed. Because of COVID, the exhibits are now online. Please enjoy our January exhibit by going to the-arts-council.html. Our current exhibition explores the art of Rosie and Rebecca Evans. If you are interested in being on the Arts Council, we welcome anyone who wants to join. You

do not have to be an artist, just a person willing to help. Because we will be online for a few more months, computer skills would be beneficial. Please

leave a message at the church office for Becky if you have any questions.

Godly Play for Children via Zoom

Sundays at 9 am

We have been invited to join St. Barnabas for a weekly Sunday School Zoom meeting. Every Sunday at 9 am we will be hearing a Godly Play story as a large group and then break out into smaller, age-based groups for wondering and engagement. Parents are encouraged to attend with children. This class is appropriate for ages 3-12 years. For more information and to register your child, go to .

Live Streaming Now Available for All Services

We are now live streaming via YouTube all our worship services that are conducted indoors. To view

the worship service live, go to doing-church-online.html at the scheduled time of worship. The service will also be available to view here at a later time.

Worship Service Reservations

Reservations can be made on a week-to-week basis online at worship-reservations.html or by calling the church office at 480.451.0860 beginning on Monday of each week.

Communion to Go

For those unable to attend an in-person worship service due to health concerns, we offer “communion to go.” For information and to sign up, go to munion-to-go.html.

Stay in Touch

So not to miss any important information, be sure to keep your contact information up to date. A weekly update is sent out in addition to other postings that are more crucial timewise. We try not to over burden your inbox. Send contact info to communications@st-.


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