REVISED – July 7, 2020

Roncalli Catholic Schools

Parents In Action (PIA) Bylaws

Article I – Name

The name of this organization is, Roncalli Catholic Schools, Parents In Action. This is an unincorporated nonprofit association under Chapter 184 of the Wisconsin Statutes. It is governed by the Roncalli Catholic Schools, Board of Trustees.

Article II – Philosophy

This group has been created as an inclusive, responsive, flexible organization with its mission of support and service derived from the parents of the students at Roncalli Catholic Schools, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. It shall pursue its purpose and participate in the common mission of Roncalli Catholic Schools.

Article III – Purposes

Parents In Action is formed for the following purposes:

Section 3:1 To support the school’s mission to improve the welfare of children mentally, physically, socially, and spiritually.

Section 3:2 To help develop and foster environment of community among families to strengthen their bond with the school and their child’s education.

Section 3:3 To develop and foster the relationship between home and the school, that parents and teachers may collaborate to foster a caring Christian environment.

Article IV – Amendments

Section 4:1 Amendments to the bylaws shall be established by Parents In Action and approved by the Roncalli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees.

Article V – Membership

Section 5:1 Qualification of Members

Any parent or legal guardian of a student enrolled in Roncalli Catholic is a

member of the Parents In Action.

Section 5:2 Removal of Members

For conduct detrimental to the interests of Parents In Action, PIA may suspend or terminate membership privileges by an affirmative vote of three-fourths of PIA Representatives. Any such member will be notified at least fourteen days in advance of the meeting at which PIA will consider suspension or termination of that person’s membership.

Article VI – Membership Meetings

Section 6:1 Required Number

At least one (1) All Membership Meeting shall be held in September or October at a time and date designated by Parents In Action. A second All Membership Meeting may be held in April or May to recap the year’s business and vote for School Representatives. Other All Membership Meetings may be called at the discretion of the officers of PIA.

Section 6:2 Availability of Agenda

The All Membership Meeting agenda will be set by Parents In Action and be available to the membership at or before the meeting.

Section 6:3 Proposing an Agenda Item

Any member may propose in writing or by contacting a School Representative an item for consideration to be included on the agenda for the All Membership Meeting in advance of the meeting.

Article VII – Committee Meetings

Section 7:1 Frequency

Committee meetings of the officers and campus representatives shall be held once a month. If it is deemed a monthly board meeting is unnecessary, consensus will be made by the majority of the committee at the month’s prior meeting. If in the month leading up to a committee meeting it is deemed a monthly meeting is not necessary, a consensus of the officers may cancel a meeting.

Section 7:2 Agenda

The agenda shall be set by the Chairperson and made available prior to the committee meeting. Any member may propose an item for the agenda by contacting the Chairperson.

Section 7:3 Quorum for Meetings

At a meeting of the committee members, a quorum is seven (7) members, including at least one representative from each campus.

Section 7:4 Majority Action as Membership Action

Decisions made by a majority will be arrived at by consensus at a meeting where a quorum is present.

Section 7:5 Attendees

Committee meetings shall be in attendance by representatives of each school the Director of Development of Roncalli Catholic Schools, as well as the school principals shall attend, rotating monthly.

Article VIII – School Representatives/Officers and Elections

Section 8:1 This committee shall consist of four representatives from each school; elementary, middle, and high school. It shall also include the school principals and facilitated by the Director of Development of Roncalli Catholic Schools.

Section 8:2 The officers shall be:




Section 8:3 Officers will be elected from committee members at the June/July meeting. Members may nominate someone for an office, or a member may nominate themselves. Officers shall be elected annually.

Section 8:4 Terms of the officers will be one year beginning July1st and ending on June 30th.

Generally, an officer will be elected to serve no more than two consecutive terms in the same office, unless a replacement is not available, or a special request is made to serve longer.

Section 8:5 There shall be 4 representatives from each campus (elementary, middle, high). If more than four people volunteer or are nominated for any school, there shall be a vote at the All Membership meeting in May/June. (or vote via paper ballot/survey monkey)

Section 8:6 Representatives will serve for one year starting July 1st and ending June 30th.

Each representative has one vote. More than one member of a household may serve together as a representative by sharing a single representative role and receiving a single vote.

Section 8:7 Any PIA committee officer member may be removed from office by a three-fourths vote of the PIA committee whenever, in their best judgment, the best interests of PIA will be served with the removal. At least five days advance notice is provided to all PIA members of an officer removal. Such removal shall be approved by the Roncalli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees.

Section 8:8 A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, or other disqualification will be filled by the PIA Chairperson. The office appointed to fill such a vacancy will serve for the remainder of the term of the officer he or she replaces.

Section 8:9 No representative/officer will receive any compensation for services to P.I.A.

Article IX – Duties of the Officers

Section 9:1 The Chairperson Shall

a. Lead at all meetings of the PIA meetings.

b. Set the agenda for all PIA meetings.

c. See that the mission and purpose of PIA is carried out.

d. Exercise general supervision over the affairs of PIA

pursuant to policies recommended by the Board of Trustees.

e. Collaborate with the Vice-Chairperson/Treasurer and Director of Development in filling representative vacancies in preparation for the new school year.

f. Appoint replacements to fill offices vacated.

g. Review the income and expenses with the Director of Development.

h. Maintain communication with school Principals and Director of Development.

i. Maintain the PIA email address.

Section 9:2 The Vice-Chairperson/Treasurer shall

a. Act as an aid to the Chairperson

b. In the absence of the Chairperson at a meeting, perform all duties of the Chairperson.

c. Collaborate with the Chairperson and Director of Development in filling representative vacancies in preparation for the new school year.

d. Be responsible for an accurate account of all funds received or paid to PIA.

d. Turn in all monies and bills to the Roncalli Catholic Schools Director of Development.

e. Present a financial statement at every meeting of PIA as prepared by the Roncalli Catholic Schools Business Office.

Section 9:3 The Secretary shall

a. Act as an aid to the Chairperson.

b. Keep minutes of all meetings of PIA for approval at the next meeting. Submit meeting minutes to the Chairperson, who will distribute to all.

c. Keep records of the activities and accomplishments of

PIA, and compile this information in permanent form.

d. Prepare and distribute general communications to the membership.

e. Have a current copy of the bylaws.

f. Conduct correspondence delegated to him or her.

g. Maintain an accurate roster of the names of PIA committee members/officers.

h. Create a newsletter, that will be distributed through the weekly envelope, email, school website and/or Facebook. This newsletter will note what PIA is currently working on and/or providing. Submit to Director of Development for approval.

i. Submit on a timely basis information to the Marketing Coordinator to post on Facebook and/or other social media outlets.

Article X – Execution of Deposits/Invoices

Section 10:1 All checks, and invoices issued in the name of PIA will be handed into the Roncalli Catholic Schools Director of Development for deposit or payment.

Section 10:2 All funds of PIA will be deposited in a timely manner to the credit of PIA to the Roncalli Catholic Schools Business Office as required by the policy of the Board of Trustees.

Article XI– Focus Groups/Activities

Section 11:1 These are the focus areas that direct planned activities:

Faculty/Staff Appreciation

Parent Education

School/Community Building Activities

Section 11:2 All individual activities planned shall be chaired by two committee members. If an activity planned happens at one school, it shall be chaired by representatives representing that school. If any of those representatives are unable to, other committee members may volunteer to co-chair the activity.

Section 11:3 Every effort shall be made to engage PIA members at large to assist with planning, working an event/activity or donating materials. This shall be done through Sign Up Genius, flyers, and/or school Facebook page.

Section 11:4 All activities are to remain within the financial budget allotment. If overages are

anticipated the chairs of the activity shall seek approval by the Director of Development.

Article XII – Books, Records and Reports

Section 12:1 All names of members and information of members are only for use by PIA. Membership lists are not to be distributed to any business or organization. Committee assignment lists and any or all other lists generated by PIA are the sole property of Roncalli Catholic Schools and are to be used for school related business only.

Section 12:2 Each and every PIA member shall have the right, at any reasonable

time, to view related documents of PIA business.

Section 12:3 PIA will create a report in June, collaborating with the Director of Development. The report will contain the following information:

a. The expenses and disbursements of PIA.

b. The revenue and receipts of PIA.

c. General information on activities and programs of PIA during the last school year.

Article XIII – Fiscal Activities

Section 13:1 The fiscal year of P.I.A. will run from July 1st to June 30th.

Section 13:2 A proposed working annual budget will be started by May to give the new committee that starts their positions in July a framework to work with. An annual budget will be approved at the July/August meeting. This budget will then be submitted to the Roncalli Catholic Schools Board of Trustees, via the Director of Development.


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