The Church Building Use Policy at Grace Christian Fellowship reflects our values and is in line with our mission statement. ?Church building use is limited to member or members for any event held in the building or surrounding property.? Events should be primarily for members and regular Sunday worship service attendees (and their families) of Grace Christian Fellowship.? Building and property use is limited to events that have to do with church life, church business, or Gospel outreach. Requests for building use must be made at least two weeks prior to the event so review and approval can be sought of the Elders.? Any new event that is proposed cannot conflict with other events that are already scheduled for any part or all of the building.? This is a general building use policy subject to review by the elders on a case-by-case basis. If you would like to use the church building belonging to Grace Christian Fellowship, please read and fill out the following application form.Date and approximate amount of time building will be used: (include time spent in set up and tear down)______________________________________________________________________Nature of meeting: (Bridal or baby Shower, etc.)________________________________________If you are going to use the church after office hours, you must arrange to have a designated opener & closer. This person will ensure the building is locked up properly. This can be your Home group leader. If they cannot open and close, please enclose twenty dollars to pay the church closer. Designated closer___________________________________________________Church closers: Jesse Roseberry (509) 828-3728 Kao Lor (509) 389-9928Please leave the building clean and ready for the next event. This is a checklist of things that must be done:Vacuum carpet in fellowship hall. Vacuums are located in the closet by the restrooms.Empty garbage.Clean kitchen. Please follow the checklist on the refrigeratorVacuum and clean nursery (if applicable)Put tables & chairs awayTurn off lights I have read and understood this application, and will incur responsibility for any damages during my use of the building.Signed:_____________________________________________________Print name:________________________________________________If you are using a church closer, please enclose twenty dollars to cover closing costs.Permission granted by:________________________________________Date:______________________________________________________________ ................

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