MS101 Mississippi Laws, Rules, & Ethics for Professional ...

Mississippi? Laws, Rules, and Et hics for Professional

En g i n eer s

Three (3) Continuing Education Hours Course # MS101

Approved Cont inuing Educat ion for Licensed Professional Engineers

EZ- Ezekiel Ent erprises, LLC 301 Mission Dr. Unit 571 New Sm yrna Beach, FL 32170

800-433-1487 h el p d esk @ezp d h . co m

Updated ? October 2018

Louisiana Laws, Rules & Ethics for Professional Engineers

Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC

Course Description:

The Mississippi Laws, Rules and Ethics course satisfies the Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) required one (1) hour of Ethics. Additionally, the current Mississippi Laws and Rules are covered with an extra two (2) hours awarded which applies to the overall 15 hours of continuing education required for each MS licensed engineer. The course is designed as a distance learning interactive course that enables the practicing professional engineer to examine the cannons of ethics as well as keep up to date on the legal aspects that govern the practice of engineering in the state of Mississippi

Obj ect ives:

The primary objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the standards of professional behavior for adherence to the highest principles of ethical conduct. The secondary objective of this course is to familiarize the student with the laws and rules regulating the practice of engineering in the state of Mississippi. Upon successful completion of the course, the student will have a thorough understanding of ethical practices and be well versed with the MS laws and rules


Students must achieve a minimum score of 70% on the online quiz to pass this course.

The quiz may be t aken as many t imes as necessary to successful pass and complete the course.

Oct 2018

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Louisiana Laws, Rules & Ethics for Professional Engineers

Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC

Table of Contents

MI SSI SSI PPI CODE OF 1972 ......................................................................................3 MI SSI SSI PPI ADMI NI STRATI VE CODE...................................................................... 25

Part 901 Chapter 1: Organization, purpose, and operation of the Board .......................................................... 25 Part 901 Chapter 2: DEFI NI TI ONS ............................................................................................................... 31 Part 901 Chapter 3: APPLI CATI ONS ............................................................................................................. 33 Part 901 Chapter 4: COMI TY LI CENSURE...................................................................................................... 38 Part 901 Chapter 5: FEES............................................................................................................................ 40 Part 901 Chapter 6: ROSTER ....................................................................................................................... 41 Part 901 Chapter 7: RETI RED LI CENSEES..................................................................................................... 41 Part 901 Chapter 8: CURRI CULA APPROVED BY THE BOARD .......................................................................... 42 Part 901 Chapter 9: EXPERI ENCE................................................................................................................. 44 Part 901 Chapt er 10: REFERENCES .............................................................................................................. 49 Part 901 Chapter 11: EXAMI NATI ONS .......................................................................................................... 50 Part 901 Chapter 12: CLASSI FI CATI ONS....................................................................................................... 56 Part 901 Chapter 13: LI CENSURE OR ENROLLMENT ...................................................................................... 56 Part 901 Chapt er 14: SEALS ........................................................................................................................ 57 Part 901 Chapter 15: EXPI RATI ONS AND RENEWALS..................................................................................... 60 Part 901 Chapter 16: CERTI FI CATE OF AUTHORI TY; USE OF TERMS. ............................................................. 61 Part 901 Chapter 17: CODE OF PROFESSI ONAL CONDUCT............................................................................. 63 Part 901 Chapter 18: DI SCI PLI NARY ACTI ONS.............................................................................................. 69 Part 901 Chapter 19: REI NSTATEMENT OF LI CENSURE OR CERTI FI CATI ON AFTER REVOCATI ON..................... 76 Part 901 Chapter 20: SEVERABI LI TY ............................................................................................................ 76 Part 901 Chapter 21: STANDARDS OF PRACTI CE FOR SURVEYI NG ................................................................. 77 Part 901 Chapter 22: CHANGES OR AMENDMENTS TO RULES ........................................................................ 81 Part 901 Chapter 23: CONTI NUI NG PROFESSI ONAL COMPETENCY ................................................................. 81

CODE OF ETHI CS.................................................................................................... 87

Preamble ...................................................................................................................................... 87 I . Fundamental Canons.................................................................................................................. 87 I I . Rules of Practice ....................................................................................................................... 87 I I I . Professional Obligations ........................................................................................................... 90

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 94

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Louisiana Laws, Rules & Ethics for Professional Engineers

Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC

Mississippi Code of 1972


?73-13-1. Engineers must be licensed; use of w ords "graduate engineer".

I n order to safeguard life, health, and property, and to promote the public welfare, any person or firm in either public or private capacity practicing or offering to practice engineering shall hereafter be required to submit evidence that the person or firm is qualified so to practice engineering and shall be licensed as hereinafter provided; and it shall be unlawful for any person or firm to practice or to offer to practice in this state, engineering, as defined in the provisions of Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45, or to use in connection with his name or otherwise assume, use, or advertise any title or description tending to convey the impression that he is a professional engineer, unless such person has been duly licensed under the provisions of Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45. There is specifically reserved to engineering graduates of all universities and colleges accredited by a regional accrediting body that is recognized by the United States Department of Education, the right to disclose any college degrees received by such individuals and use the words "graduate engineer" on his stationery, business cards, and personal communications of any character.

?73-13-3. Definitions.

The term "engineer" as used in sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45 shall mean a professional engineer as hereinafter defined.

The term "professional engineer" within the meaning and intent of Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45 shall mean a person who has met the qualifications as required under Section 73-13-23(1) and who has been issued a certificate of registration as a professional engineer.

The term "engineer intern" as used in Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45 shall mean a candidate for licensure as a professional engineer who has met the qualifications as required under Section 73-13-23(2) and who has been issued a certificate of enrollment as an engineer intern.

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Louisiana Laws, Rules & Ethics for Professional Engineers

Ezekiel Enterprises, LLC

The term "practice of engineering" within the meaning and intent of Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45 shall mean any service or creative work the adequate performance of which requires engineering education, training, and experience in the application of special knowledge of the mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences to such services or creative work as consultation, investigation, expert technical testimony, evaluation, planning, design, and design coordination of engineering works and systems, planning the use of land, air and water, performing engineering surveys and studies, and the review of construction for the purpose of monitoring compliance with drawings and specifications; any of which embraces such engineering services or work, either public or private, in connection with any utilities, water resources, structures, buildings, machines, equipment, processes, work systems, projects, communications systems, transportation systems, industrial or consumer products or equipment of control systems; or engineering services or work of a communications, mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, pneumatic, chemical, geotechnical (including geology and geohydrology incidental to the practice of engineering), geological, environmental, or thermal nature, insofar as they involve safeguarding life, health or property, and including such other professional services as may be necessary to the planning, progress and completion of any engineering services.

Design coordination includes the review and coordination of those technical submissions prepared by others, including as appropriate and without limitation, consulting engineers, surveyors, architects, landscape architects, and other professionals working under direction of the engineer.

The term "firm" as used in Sections 73-13-1 through 73-13-45, shall mean a business entity that offers the professional engineering or surveying services to the public of its licensed personnel who are either employees, officers, directors, partners, members or managers. A business entity may be formed as either:

(a) A professional service corporation;

(b) A corporation;

(c) A partnership, including limited partnerships and limited liability partnerships; or

(d) A limited liability company.

Prior to any contract for or the provision of professional engineering or surveying services in this jurisdiction, a firm shall obtain a certificate of authority under Section 73-13-43 or Section 73-13-105 of this chapter. A sole proprietorship, owned and

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