Missouri Compromise of 1820 - Webs

Missouri Compromise of 1820 |Compromise of 1850 |Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 |Dred Scott vs. Sanford, a/k/a The Dred Scott decision | |

|Applied to La territory |Applied to Mexican Cession |Applied to territories of Kansas and |Applies to all territories |

|Maine comes in as free state |Ca comes in as free state |Nebraska (Nebraska territory |Congress may not limit the spread |

|Missouri comes in as slave state |Territories of Utah and New Mexico will|organized into two territories – |of slavery into the territories |

|Everything north of 36 deg 30 N |each use popular sovereignty to |Kansas and Nebraska) |The black man has no rights at all|

|lat comes in free, (except Mo) |determine how they will enter the Union|Kansas and Nebraska will each use | |

|Everything south of the line comes|on the issue of slavery |popular sovereignty to determine who |It is the Constitutional right of |

|in slave |New and enforced fugitive slave law |they will enter the Union on the |the slave owner to maintain his |

| |(Fugitive Slave Law of 1850) |issue of slavery |property and to travel with it – |

| |No more slave trade in District of | |including slaves - wherever he |

| |Columbia | |wishes |

Comparison of key laws affecting the rights of slaves and slaveowners in the context of Westward expansion


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