2017-18 WHAC


(updated 1/21/18)

WHAC Media Relations Office

Dawn Harmon

(913) 991-0878 (c)


WHAC Statistician

Mike Dean

(616) 890-6226 (c)


I. Sports Information Contacts

Aquinas College________________________________________________________________

DJ Foster (1st year)

(616) 632-2442 (o)

(440) 570-2478 (c)


Doug Seites (associate) (3rd year)

(616) 632-3297 (o)

(616) 745-5836 (c)


Concordia University___________________________________________________________

Zachary Johnston (8th year)

(734) 995-7473 (o)

(616) 902-3563 (c)


Kyle Thoms (assistant) (3rd year)

(734) 545-4358 (c)


Cornerstone University_________________________________________________________

Aaron Sagraves (4th year)

(616) 977-5415 (o)

(616) 915-0243(c)


Indiana Tech__________________________________________________________________

Tyler Stevenson (3rd year)

260-422-5562 ext 2492 (o)

219-242-9548 (c)


Lawrence Tech________________________________________________________________

Jay Nicols (3rd year)

(248) 204-3867 (o)

(248) 850-0635 (c)


Lourdes University_____________________________________________________________

Ryan Wronkowicz (6th year)

(419) 824-3668 (o)

(219) 617-2466 (c)


Madonna University____________________________________________________________

Zach Shore (2nd year)

(734) 432-5834 (o)

(734) 338-1960 (c)


Rochester College______________________________________________________________

Chaz Hill

(248) 218-2167

(810) 272-8542


Siena Heights University________________________________________________________

Crystal Wilcoxen (3rd year)

(517) 264-7843 (o)

(248) 231-6463 (c)


Laura Klutsarits (13th year)


(517) 264-7874 (o)


Scott Oliver (17th year)


(517) 264-7879 (o)



Nick McCutcheon (2nd year)

(313) 593-5540 (o)

(605) 999-3826 (c)


Dave Burnaska (2nd year)


(313) 593-5671 (o)



Matt Zircher (1st year)

(419) 998-8869 (o)

(937) 304-6586 (c)



Spring Arbor University (bowling only)____________________________________________

Chris Bauman (3rd year)

(517) 750-6504 (o)

(517) 392-2667 (c)


Email Correspondence

**stats@** – only select individuals receive this email, and not all of them are SIDs. USE TO SEND STAT FILES ONLY for golf, cross country, bowling, track & field. Do not send generic questions/correspondence meant for SIDs to this account.

**sportsinfo@ **– will reach every head SID and requested assistants in the conference. Use this email for questions, general issues that you want ALL SIDs to receive.

II. Regular Season Media Procedures

A. Duties and Responsibilities of Visiting SID

a. Notify host SID of any travel intentions – attending or not attending.

b. Confirm host SID has current roster in Microsoft Word AND Stat Crew format 48 hours prior to contest. Name the file with school abbreviation, sport and year.

c. Make sure roster is updated on DakStats.

d. Update host SID on any roster changes that occurred in last week.

e. Provide host SID with updated media contact list.

B. Duties and Responsibilities of Host SID

a. Update visiting SID of any change in schedule, stats, start time, etc.

b. Secure visiting team roster (Word AND Stat Crew).

c. Reserve spot with appropriate technology for visiting SID, radio, stat crew.

d. Enter officials names in stat program.

e. Secure media list from visiting SID.

f. Link Webcast or internet radio to WHAC schedule on .

g. Ensure Champions of Character PA announcements are read.

h. Keep live statistics in game.

i. Send release, full box, first half box to media list, including visiting media list.

j. Send release, full box, first half box, full play-by-play game files to visiting SID.

III. Awards

A. Postseason All-Conference team

a. Selected in all sports sponsored as a championship sport by the conference.

b. Teams selected by WHAC coaches prior to respective conference championship tournament/event for sports without an individual championship and determined by finish in sports with an individual championship.

c. Nominations are submitted via an online nomination system.

d. Each team will be released by the WHAC Media Relations office on a date to be determined by Media Relations office, SIDs, and Coaches Committee. If no WHAC tournament or playoff is played in a sport, the WHAC Media Relations office will disseminate the information at a time deemed appropriate.

e. IMPORTANT: Information for the All-Conference teams is NOT to be released in print or via internet by conference schools until the official release is sent out by the WHAC Media Relations office.

B. Conference Weekly Honors

a. Players of the Week will be named in the sports of volleyball, men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s lacrosse, bowling, baseball and softball.

i. Offensive and defensive players of the week will be named in men’s and women’s soccer, men’s and women’s lacrosse.

ii. Player of the Week, Defensive Player of the Week, and Setter of the Week named in women’s volleyball.

iii. Player of the Week will be named in men’s and women’s basketball, baseball and softball.

iv. Pitcher of the Week will be named in baseball and softball.

b. Runners of the Week will be named in the sports of men’s and women’s cross country.

c. Golfers of the Week will be named in the sports of men’s and women’s golf

i. Fall honors and spring honors will be chosen.

d. Track Athlete of the Week and Field Athlete of the Week will be named in the sports of men’s and women’s indoor track & field, and men’s and women’s outdoor track & field.

e. Each school may nominate one player (per category) per week per sport.

f. Timelines

i. Fall honors begin Aug. 28 and ends with the last national award

1. Fall baseball will be Sept. 26, Oct. 3, Oct. 10

ii. Winter honors begin Nov. 6 and ends with the last national award

iii. Spring honors begin March 5 and ends with the last national award

g. Nomination process

i. Log in to admin.

ii. Click Nominate Player of the Week.

iii. Select the appropriate nomination form and click GO.

iv. Enter information in all appropriate fields and/or download stats from DakStats and hit submit. (Double check that stats are correct.)

v. Make sure to add NOTES!

vi. Repeat for nominations in other categories as applicable.

vii. Your nominee MUST be listed on the roster on the WHAC site.

viii. Your nominee MUST have a head shot loaded to the WHAC site.

ix. DEADLINE: Nominations must be submitted online by 10 a.m. (EST) every Monday during appropriate season.

1. Nominations not received by the deadline will not be eligible for consideration.

2. In the event circumstances prohibit you from nominating (i.e. computer problems, statistical issues, illness, etc.) nominating school must contact WHAC Media Relations office prior to nomination deadline.

h. Voting instructions – DEADLINE to vote is 1 p.m.

i. Log in to admin.

ii. Click on Vote/Select Player of the Week

iii. Select the appropriate award and click Go.

iv. Selection criteria (in no particular order)

v. Statistics compiled during the week of competition (week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday).

vi. Impact of nominee in team outcome.

vii. Magnitude of the contest on conference and/or national level.

viii. Performance in multiple games if applicable.

ix. Level of competition faced.

x. Statistical achievements of week vs. season average.

IV. Public Address

A. Public Address Announcers

a. Are not to exhibit emotion or incite the crowd during a game.

b. The PA system is not be used by cheerleaders once the game has started.

c. League PA announcers are expected to exhibit professionalism at all times.

B. Public Address Announcements

a. In conjunction with the NAIA’s Champions of Character initiative, the WHAC has adopted a pre-game read for all games played at a WHAC school.

b. Time should be taken prior to the start of each competition to read the WHAC C of C announcement before hosting an event. (see Appendix A)

c. The WHAC reserves the right to request Conference Tournament event hosts to read conference and/or tournament sponsor provided scripts during time-outs or halftimes.

V. Conference Tournaments

A. Host institution Sports Information Director is responsible for all media-related services associated with WHAC championship tournaments/events held on his/her campus.

B. SID Duties for hosting a WHAC championship tournament include, but are not limited to:

a. Procuring accurate rosters prior to event (Word AND Stat Crew).

b. Inputting (loading) rosters into appropriate statistical program.

c. Using appropriate stat program to score games/matches played in-game.

d. Printing out stat sheets at halftime (soccer & basketball) and/or conclusion of game (soccer, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball) for dissemination to media members and coaches.

e. Emailing all media lists for participating schools with FINAL stats from competition ASAP following conclusion of event.

f. Emailing game result and stat file to participating schools SID and conference office (stats@) within one hour of completion.

g. Securing quality awards photos including team champions and individual honors along with a couple of action shots.

C. Additional Postseason Hosting Responsibilities

a. If more than one facility is used for hosting WHAC tournament, it is the responsibility of host school to provide an official scorer and statistician at EACH site.

b. If host institution does not have two official scorers, it is the responsibility of host institution to find a qualified statistician and pay expenses for travel to and coverage of event.

c. Failure to adhere to the Sports Information guidelines will result in an official warning by the conference commissioner to the offending SID and Athletics Director. Repeated offenses will result in $100 fine.

D. Conference Tournament Publications

a. Game publications (game programs) are the responsibility of the host school.

b. Information such as All-Conference team and updated conference statistics will be supplied by the conference office and must be included in the game program.

c. If the conference tournament is held at a neutral site with no host, then WHAC Media Relations office will produce program.

d. A conference tournament bracket will also be supplied by the WHAC Media Relations office and is to be included in game program.

VI. Websites

A. It is the responsibility of each school to maintain an accurate and consistently updated athletics Website.

B. Information such as team record, rosters, coaching staff and statistics are often referenced in game programs and should be as accurate as possible on your athletics Web site on a daily basis.

C. Each WHAC member institution is to have the official WHAC logo displayed on the main page of athletics site, linking to .

D. Each WHAC member institution should also display the NAIA logo displayed on the main page of athletics site, linking to .

E. It has been requested each WHAC member institution should display the PlayNAIA log on the main athletics site, linking to .

F. It is the responsibility of each WHAC member to upload respective rosters and photos to the .

a. Rosters can be sent via other SIDHelp sites

b. Rosters can be downloaded from DakStats

c. Team and individual photos can be loaded from the roster page and are used on the WHAC awards page

VII. Michael Dean – Patrick Moore SID of the Year Award Selection Process

A. All SIDs will select a top three from a list of all eligible, full-time SIDs in no order of rank. The three SIDs with the most votes from will move on to a final vote.

B. If nominated as a finalist for the honor, an SID must provide a detailed list of accomplishments to the WHAC along with a letter from an administrator at their institution with reasoning for why that individual should be named SID of the Year. Once the materials are gathered, the voting process will reopen. All full-time SIDs will receive the supporting documentation from the finalists and will vote for one winner.

C. An SID may vote for themselves in the opening round to determine the three finalists. During the final vote, the finalists will not be allowed to vote for themselves. Votes for SID of the Year will remain anonymous in the opening and final round. The final tally will be made by the WHAC SID.




_____________________ and the NAIA would like to take this opportunity to encourage you to (Host Institution)

help everyone enjoy tonight’s contest by being a true Champion of Character. By displaying respect and good sportsmanship, you can help us create a positive environment for the teams and the fans.


____________________ is a true believer in the NAIA’s Champions of Character Initiative and

asks that you show respect for the players, fans and officials of tonight’s contest between

_________________ and _____________________. Regardless of the outcome, we expect a

(Host Institution) (Opponent)

positive environment for all.


Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to tonight’s match-up between ___________

and ___________________. _______________ and the NAIA are committed to maintaining

a the true spirit of competition in athletics. Please do your part by showing respect to every spectator, athlete, coach, and official involved in today’s contest.




Welcome to today’s game. , the _______________________________

(Host Institution) (Athletic Conference)

and the NAIA have formed a partnership to promote character in athletics. The NAIA Champions of Character program empowers our athletes, coaches, officials and fans to be role models for sportsmanship and fair play on the field (or court) and in our communities. Thank you for your support.


Good Ladies and Gentlemen and welcome to _________________

(Afternoon / Evening) (Host Institution)

for Champions of Character event between the visiting

(Today’s / Tonight’s)

and your . The NAIA embraces (visiting Mascot & Institution ) (Host School & Mascot)

the five core character values of the Champions of Character Initiative, which are respect, responsibility, integrity, servant leadership and sportsmanship. We hope that you embrace these values as you create a positive environment for everyone to enjoy.


______________________ welcomes all players, officials and spectators to today’s contest. As a

(Host Institution)

member of the NAIA and the _________________________ we are committed to the true spirit

(Athletic Conference)

of competition as Champions of Character, embracing five core values: respect, integrity, responsibility, servant leadership and sportsmanship. We ask each of you as a participant, official or spectator to abide by these values by creating a positive environment in which our athletes may participate, our officials may work and you, the spectator, may enjoy. Please enjoy today’s contest.




____________________welcomes you to today’s game! As a participant in the NAIA’s

(Host Institution)

Champions of Character Initiative we, along with the ___________________________ challenge each of you to today’s contest with the true spirit of sportsmanship. ______________ is confident this will create a positive competitive environment we can all take pride in and enjoy.


_________________________ welcomes all players, officials and spectators to today’s game.

(Host Institution)

As participants in the NAIA’s Champions of Character initiative, we hope each of you will help create a positive competitive environment by showing respect for one another. On behalf of the

__________________ , please enjoy today’s game.

(Athletic Conference)


In the spirit of sportsmanship, _______________________ welcomes all of today’s players,

(Host School)

officials and fans. As a member of the NAIA and its Champions of Character Initiative, we hope that today’s players, officials and spectators will uphold the standards the NAIA embraces. These are the values that will make today’s game a positive competitive experience. Enjoy the game!




AP Style used for states. Refer to Appendix F for appropriate abbreviations.


Soccer, Volleyball

|# |First Last Name |Pos. |Yr. |Ht. |Hometown, State |Previous School |

|1 |Dawn Harmon |S |Fr. |5-7 |Muncie, Ind. |Muncie Central HS |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:

Golf, Cross Country

|First Last Name |Yr |Hometown, State |Previous School |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:



|# |First Last Name |Pos. |Yr. |Ht. |Hometown, State |Previous School |

|13 |Dawn Harmon |G |Sr. |5-7 |Muncie, Ind. |Indiana University |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:

Indoor Track & Field

|First Last Name |Yr |Hometown, State |Previous School |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:



|# |First Last Name |Pos. |Yr. |Ht. |B/T |Hometown. State |Previous School |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:


|First Last Name |Yr |Singles/Doubles Pos. |Ht. |Hometown, State |Previous School |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:

Outdoor Track & Field

|First Last Name |Yr |Hometown, State |Previous School |

Head Coach:

Assistant Coaches:



PMS Colors: Blue #653

Red #1788

PMS Colors

Blue - #7455C; Red - #1788C



|Aquinas |Marygrove |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Red #188 |Forest Green #343 |

| |Gold #465 |

|Concordia |UM-Dearborn |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Red #186 |Yellow #115 |

|Yellow #108 |Blue #2758 |

|Cornerstone |UNOH |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Blue #8960 (metallic) |Red #484 |

|Gold #1245 (metallic) |Black |

| |Gray |

| | |

|Indiana Tech |Rochester |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Orange #172 |Red: #1805 |

|Black |Black |

|Lawrence Tech |Siena Heights |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Royal Blue #300 |Blue #295 |

|Gray #437 |Gold #116 |

|White | |

|Lourdes |Spring Arbor |

|PMS: |PMS: |

|Orange #1525C |Yellow 109c |

|Black |Navy 289c |

| | |

|Madonna | |

|PMS: | |

|Blue #293 | |

|Gold #108 | |




• Go to

• Select “Click here to register for access” if you have not registered

• Click “Login Here” button

• Enter your email address and password and click the “Enter Admin Section” button


You should see the following items when logged in:

• Dashboard - Wolverine-Hoosier Athletic Conference Options – nominate/vote for postseason awards

• Quick Look –SIDHelp announcements

Top Nav Bar (hover mouse over them):

• Schedules – select appropriate sport to view, add, delete, or edit events

• Rosters – select appropriate sport to view, add, delete, or edit events

• News – can add news item or see list of your news items to edit or delete

• Report Scores – report results, scores, postpone, or cancel events

• Help – search knowledge base, submit a suggestion, etc.

Reporting Scores:

Following the conclusion of ALL non-conference games/matches and ALL HOME conference games/matches, you will be responsible for reporting your score through the WHAC site within 12 hours of completion. To report scores following these steps:

• Click on “Enter Results” for desired event

• Enter the final score

• For games that go overtime, or extra innings, click the Extra drop down menu and select the proper situation.

• Make sure the “Status field” says “Played”

• Once all information is entered click “Save Results”

* Note: The score will now appear on the WHAC website and standings will be updated accordingly - information will also be sent to the NAIA through this process

Editing Game Schedules:

Prior to and during the course of the season, games will be added, changed, or deleted through the following process.

• Click on Schedules or Report Scores from top nav bar

• Select the appropriate event

• Click on “Edit”

• Edit necessary items and click “Save”

• To delete a game completely, select “Delete” from the list of events

• Links such as live audio, stats can be added at any time

* Note: Once you have updated your schedule, it is automatically sent to the NAIA Scoreboard.

Entering/Editing Team Rosters:

It is mandatory that each of your team’s rosters be added to the WHAC site. This will come into play for Player of the Week as well as any other awards an athlete receives in the year.

• Select “Rosters” from top nave bar and click on appropriate sport

• Click on one of the following:

1. “Import Roster from Last Year” “Add an athlete”

2. “Download Roster from another SIDHelp site”

3. “Copy Roster from Another Sport”

4. “Download Roster from Dakstats”

5. “Add an athlete”


Statistical Policies

All Sports – Scrimmages/Exhibition Games

• A game will be counted by both teams as an official contest for purposes of won-lost records and team and individual statistics unless both institutions agree before the game that it is to be a scrimmage or an exhibition contest. If it is a scrimmage or an exhibition contest, the team and individual statistics and records cannot be counted for either team.

Career Statistics

• All official games played count toward an athlete’s career statistics including games played in a Redshirt season. Example: Joe plays the first six games of the basketball season his sophomore year and then breaks his ankle. Joe doesn’t play the rest of the season but is awarded a medical Redshirt and has three more years of eligibility left. These six games would count in Joe’s career statistics and he will be credited with five years of playing if he plays in five different seasons.

Changing Official Statistics

• When an error or discrepancy in the official statistics is discovered after a contest has concluded and the official statistics have been distributed, use the following procedure.

- If the sports information director of the home team discovers the error, the SID must alert the visiting SID of the change within 72 hours of game completion. The home SID must also send notification to the conference office along with new stat file and outline the change and why it was made.

- If the visiting SID needs to make a change in the final statistics, he or she must call/ email the home team’s SID within 72 hours after the event. If the home team SID agrees, then the home team SID must confirm the changes in writing ( email is acceptable) with the visiting SID and send a copy to the conference office along with updated stat file.

- However, if the home team SID disagrees with the change, then the visiting SID must file an appeal with the conference media relations office in writing ( email) with the 72 hour period. The WHAC media relations department will review the case and make final judgment. Every effort should be made between the two schools to resolve the issue. In the event the dispute reaches the conference office, both parties should know the decision of the conference office is final.

Class Listing in Rosters

• A student-athlete’s class (Fr., So., Jr., Sr.) should always be listed by eligibility on rosters to be used for statistical purposes. For example a player that is a sophomore academically but redshirted his freshman year should be listed on the roster as a freshman since he had four years of eligibility.

• The WHAC requires the following class notation on all rosters for websites and documents distributed between schools, to encourage consistency and save time of formatting game publications. (Fr., So., Jr., Sr.) - Please do not spell out FRESHMAN, do not use alternate abbreviation (Soph.) and do not use numbers (1-4).

Countable Opponents

• Only games against varsity teams of four-year, degree-granting colleges/universities shall be included in team statistics, won-lost records and coaching records. If you are unsure if a team can be counted, contact the WHAC Media Relations office.

Forfeit Scores (In Game)

• If a forfeit is declared to one of the teams by the game officials and the game has not progressed to a “reasonable point of conclusion”, then the official game score should be recorded from the following chart. The team’s won-lost record shall include the forfeit, but if the statistics are voided, all averages in future rankings shall be computed without the inclusion of the forfeited contest.


|- Baseball |9-0 |5 innings |

|- Basketball |2-0 |30 minutes |

|- Golf |Withdraw |case-by-case |

|- Soccer |1-0 |70 minutes |

|- Softball |7-0 |5 innings |

|- Tennis |Withdraw |case-by-case |

|- Volleyball |3-0 |all completed sets/games in a match shall count, as |

| | |well as a partial set/game if a team has at least 10|

| | |points in the match. |

|- Lacrosse |1-0 |3 quarters (M); 48 minutes (W) |

|- Ice Hockey |1-0 |2 periods |

Forfeit Scores (Post Game)

• If at any point after the conclusion of a game the result is to be changed to forfeit (i.e. ineligible players participating, etc.) use the following guidelines:

- To record a forfeit, the wins of the penalized team must be changed to losses and losses of its opponent must be changed to wins. This affects season records, all-time records and coaches’ records, and should be changed whenever and wherever these records are referred. Except for any student-athletes declared ineligible, the individual statistics are not affected by this action. Example: If Team A was 18-10 for the season but has to forfeit five wins, then Team A’s record would now stand at 13-15 for the season and the won-lost records for each of the opposing teams affected would also be changed.

- Individual records and performances of other players (teammates and opponents) who participated in these games shall not be altered except for those players who were declared ineligible.

Postseason Records and Statistics

• Postseason games including conference, regional and/or NAIA tournaments, shall be included in the official records and statistics for all sports.

Halted Game Rule

• Conference regular-season and tournament games are governed by the Halted-Game rule. A game may be halted “if play must be temporarily suspended with the intent that it will be continued at some later time or date.” The resumption of the game must start at exactly the point of it being suspended with lineups and batting orders of both teams exactly the same as they were, subject to the rules of substitution, and any player who played or was announced as a substitute before the game was suspended, must be in the lineup when play resumes or be ineligible for the remainder of the game. Every effort should be made to continue the game with the plate umpire’s original lineup cards.

Reporting Scores Regularly

• For a member institution to retain good standing with the WHAC, score reporting on a regular basis, following the guidelines below is a must.

- The host SID (for conference games) will email the stat file and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician. The host SID also has one hour from completion of a hosted event to post the score to the WHAC site via SID HELP and send out stat file and game score to appropriate parties.

- For non-conference games, the WHAC SID must report the score via the WHAC website within 12 hours of completion and send stat file to WHAC statistician within 24 hours of completion of event. In the event that the 24-hour rule cannot be met, it is the responsibility of the WHAC school participating SID to notify the conference office for ruling.

- Reporting your score to the WHAC site via SID HELP will automatically sync your score through the NAIA site.

-All scores must be reported through the NAIA Scoreboard (this is automatically done when you post score on WHAC site) or through DakStats within 24 hours of the contest in order for the team to be eligible for ratings.

- FINE SYSTEM FOR NON-REPORTING - If timelines are not met in reporting scores and/or statistics the following action will be taken by the WHAC

- First offense; written letter of reprimand citing non-compliance to SID and school AD

- Second offense; written letter of reprimand citing non-compliance to SID, AD and school President

- Third offense; letter of reprimand to SID, AD, President and $100 fine payable to WHAC

- All future occurrences result in additional $100 fine and review by WHAC Executive committed for further punishment including disqualification of sport in question to relieve individual post-season honors.

Roster Formatting

• Please adhere to the following roster format for word documents being sent as official rosters. This format will ensure consistency within the conference and save time in reformatting rosters for game programs. If your coach handles the posting of rosters to your Web, or creates their own roster, please be sure they use the format below.

No. Name Pos. Yr. Ht. Hometown/High School/Previous School

1 John Adams SS Fr. 5-10 Anytown, Mich./Lincoln HS

10 Bob Johnson F Sr. 6-4 Boston, Mass./Revere HS/Fenway JC

Position Abbreviations by Sport:


OH = Outside Hitter | MH = Middle Hitter | S = Setter | DS = Defensive Specialist | L = Libero


F = Forward | M = Midfielder | D = Defender | GK = Goalkeeper


F = Forward | C = Center | G = Guard (note we do not use small forwards, wings, etc.) (you may use F/C or G/F for dual positions)


C = Catcher | 3B = Third Base | SS = Shortstop | 2B = Second Base | 1B = First Base | INF = Infielder | OF = Outfielder | DH = Designated Hitter | LF = Left field | CF = Center field | RF = Right Field | RHP = Right-handed Pitcher | LHP = Left-handed Pitcher | UTL = Utilitiy | DP = Designated Player (softball only)




- The home team will provide an official scorer for ALL (conference and non-conference) home games.

- The statistician will use The Automated Scorebook (TAS) software to carefully and accurately record the stats live in-game.

- For conference HOME games, host SID will score the game LIVE using TAS program.

- For conference games, visiting institution SID will provide an electronic team roster (via email) for use with the stat program.


- The host SID will email the stat file and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician and update the WHAC site with game score.

- For non-conference road games, WHAC school SID is responsible to gather score and stats to be sent to WHAC statistician and update score on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities

- The host SID will send a final box score to all media outlets for the visiting team as provided by the visiting SID.

- When possible, the host SID will provide printed box scores to the visiting coach immediately after game.



- The home team will provide an official scorer for ALL (conference and non-conference) home games.

- The statistican will use The Automated Scorebook (TAS) software to carefully and accurately record stats live in-game.

- For conference HOME games, host SID will score the game LIVE using TAS program.

- For conference games, visiting institution SID will provide an electronic team roster (via email) for use with the stat program.


- The host SID will email the stat file and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician and update the WHAC site with game score.

- For non-conference road games, WHAC school SID is responsible to gather score and stats to be sent to WHAC statistician and update score on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities

- The host SID will send a final box score to all media outlets for the visiting team as provided by the visiting SID.

- When possible, the host SID will provide printed box scores to the visiting coach immediately after game.



- The home team will provide an official scorer for ALL (conference and non-conference) home games.

- The scorer will use The Automated Scorebook (TAS) software to carefully and accurately record the games in-game.

- For conference HOME games, host SID will score the game using TAS program live during the course of play

- For non-conference matches, host SID is to provide opponents statistics

- For conference games, visiting institution SID will provide an electronic team roster (via email) for use with the stat program.


- The host SID will email the stat file (with both teams statistics) and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician and update the WHAC site with game score.

- For non-conference road games, WHAC school SID is responsible to gather score and stats to be sent to WHAC statistician and update score on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities

- The host SID will send a final box score to all media outlets for the visiting team as provided by the visiting SID.

- When possible, the host SID will provide printed box scores to the visiting coach immediately after game.



- The home team will provide an official statistician and spotter for ALL (conference and non-conference) home games.

- The statistician is allowed to use either DakStats OR The Automated Scorebook (TAS) software to carefully and accurately record the games.

- For all HOME games, host SID will score the game LIVE using either of above stats programs.

- For conference games, visiting institution SID will provide an electronic team roster (via email) for use with the stat program.


- The host SID will email the stat file and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician and update the WHAC site with game score.

- Stats will be printed and distributed to both locker rooms as soon as possible at halftime of each game.

- Stats should be checked with official book at halftime to ensure accuracy.

- For non-conference road games, WHAC school SID is responsible to gather score and stats to be sent to WHAC statistician and update score on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities:

- The host SID will send a final box score to all media outlets for the visiting team as provided by the visiting SID.

- The host SID will email the game score and file along with HTMLs of the first half box , final box and each half’s play-by-play to stats@ within one hour of completion.

- The host SID will update the score on the WHAC website using SID Help (or on institution site if using SIDHelp) within one hour of completion.

- Host SID also has one hour to “sync” updated stats for basketball via the DakStats program.

- The host SID will provide printed box scores to the both coaches immediately after game.



- The home team will provide an official scorer for ALL (conference and non-conference) home meets.

- The scorer will gather final results for ALL participants following meet conclusion.

- For non-conference road meets, WHAC school SID is responsible to get final results to conference office.

- Host SID will gather, tabulate and type out clearly the final results, including team scores and individual scores.

- The host SID will email final results within one hour of meet completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician.

- Conference statistician will turn results around for web publication.

- Host SID and SID of WHAC teams participating in away meets (non-conference) are responsible to update scores on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities:

- The host SID will send final results to all media outlets for the visiting teams as provided by the visiting SID.

- The host SID will EMAIL the result and file to stats@ within one hour of completion.

- The host SID will update the score on the WHAC website using SID Help (or on institution site if using SIDHelp) within one hour of completion.

- When possible, the host SID will provide printed results to the participating teams immediately after meet.



- The home team will provide an official statistician and spotter for ALL (conference and non-conference) home games.

- The statistician is allowed to use The Automated Scorebook (TAS) software to carefully and accurately record the games.

- For conference games, visiting institution SID will provide an electronic team roster (via email) for use with the stat program.


- The host SID will email the stat file and game score within one hour of game completion to the visiting team Sports Information Office as well as the conference statistician and update the WHAC site with game score.

- For non-conference road games, WHAC school SID is responsible to gather score and stats to be sent to WHAC statistician and update score on WHAC site.

Post game responsibilities:

- The host SID will send a final box score to all media outlets for the visiting team as provided by the visiting SID.

- The host SID will update the score on the WHAC website using SID Help (or on institution site if using SIDHelp) within one hour of completion.

BOWLING – Dave Jones is in charge of stats for the conference. Contact is (330) 240-7839.

* Failure to adhere to these guidelines will result in reprimand/fining for host SID and institution



FALL SPORTS: Golf ( Soccer ( Volleyball

SCHOOL NAMES………………………………………………………………………………………….

|Aquinas – AQ | |Lawrence Tech – LT | |UM-Dearborn – MD |

|Concordia – AA | |Lourdes – LU | |Northwestern Ohio – NO |

|Cornerstone – CS | |Madonna – MU | |Rochester -- RC |

|Indiana Tech – IT | |Marygrove – MG | |Siena Heights – SH |

TEAM ID…………………………………………………………………………………………………….



|Aquinas |AQW |

|Concordia |AAW |

|Cornerstone |CSW |

|Indiana Tech |ITW |

|Lawrence Tech |LTW |

|Lourdes |LUW |

|Madonna |MUW |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOW |

|UM-Dearborn |MDW |

|Rochester |RCW |

|Siena Heights |SHW |



|Aquinas |AQM |

|Concordia |AAM |

|Cornerstone |CSM |

|Indiana Tech |ITM |

|Lawrence Tech |LTM |

|Lourdes |LUM |

|Madonna |MUM |

|Marygrove |MGM |

|UM-Dearborn |MDM |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOM |

|Rochester |RCM |

|Siena Heights |SHM |



|Aquinas |AQV |

|Concordia |AAV |

|Cornerstone |CSV |

|Indiana Tech |ITV |

|Lawrence Tech |LTV |

|Lourdes |LUV |

|Madonna |MUV |

|UM-Dearborn |MDV |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOV |

|Rochester |RCV |

|Siena Heights |SHVB |



|Aquinas |AQM |

|Concordia |AAM |

|Cornerstone |CSM |

|Indiana Tech |ITM |

|Lawrence Tech |LTM |

|Lourdes |LUM |

|Madonna |MUM |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOM |

|Rochester |RCM |

|Siena Heights |SHM |




|Aquinas |AQW |

|Concordia |AAW |

|Cornerstone |CSW |

|Indiana Tech |ITW |

|Lawrence Tech |LTMG |

|Lourdes |LUW |

|Madonna |MUW |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOW |

|Rochester |RCW |

|Siena Heights |SHW |


GAME FILE NAMING - NOTE DO NOT include anything other than the two-letter code, but you MUST include a ZERO in front of single-digit number months and days.


By date with a three-letter abbreviation denoting home team (two letters for the school; one letter for the gender).

EXAMPLE: 0902AQW (Sept. 2 women’s soccer game at Aquinas)

EXAMPLE: 1012AQM (Oct. 12 men’s soccer game at Aquinas)


NON-CONFERENCE TAS golf files will be named by date similar to soccer:

EXAMPLE: 0902LTM (Sept. 2 men’s golf non-conference event, hosted by Lawrence Tech)

WHAC Jamborees should be assigned a file name that uses WH for the team ID:

EXAMPLE: 1008WHW (Oct. 8 Women’s golf WHAC Jamboree)


Volleyball files will be named by date (4 digits), match number (1 digit), followed by two letter school abbreviation.

EXAMPLE: 09021AA (Sept. 2, first match of two on that day, home team Concordia)

EXAMPLE: 09022AA (Sept. 2, second match of the day, home team Concordia)

EXAMPLE: 09100AA (Sept. 10, only match of the day, home team Concordia)

These examples apply to all, using your two-letter abbreviation listed above for AA.


Enter player name field as … Kate Jones or Jones, Kate (either is acceptable; note that the compiled conference stats will use the Kate Jones style)




Basketball ( Men’s Ice Hockey

N.B. – Marygrove will not participate in winter sports

SCHOOL NAMES………………………………………………………………………………………….

|Aquinas – AQ | |Lawrence Tech – LT | |Northwestern Ohio – NO |

|Concordia – AA | |Lourdes – LU | |Rochester -- RC |

|Cornerstone – CS | |Madonna – MU | |Siena Heights – SH |

|Indiana Tech – IT | |UM-Dearborn – MD | | |

TEAM ID…………………………………………………………………………………………………….



|Aquinas |AQM |

|Concordia |AAM |

|Cornerstone |CSM |

|Indiana Tech |ITM |

|Lawrence Tech |LTM |

|Lourdes |LUM |

|Madonna |MUM |

|UM-Dearborn |MDM |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOM |

|Rochester |RCM |

|Siena Heights |SHM |



|Aquinas |AQW |

|Concordia |AAW |

|Cornerstone |CSW |

|Indiana Tech |ITW |

|Lawrence Tech |LTW |

|Lourdes |LUW |

|Madonna |MUW |

|UM-Dearborn |MDW |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOW |

|Rochester |RCW |

|Siena Heights |SHW |



|Aquinas |AQM |

|Indiana Tech |ITM |

|Lawrence Tech |LTM |

|UM-Dearborn |MDM |

|Rochester |RCM |


NOTE DO NOT include anything other than the two-letter code. Include a leading zero for January-March games


By date (4 digits) with a 2 letter code for team and 1-letter code for gender

EXAMPLE: 1111AQW (November 11 women’s game at AQ

EXAMPLE: 0202CSM (February 2 men’s game at Cornerstone)

These examples apply to all, substituting your two-letter abbreviation listed above.

ROSTER INPUT……………………………………………………………………………………………

Enter player name field as … Kate Jones or Jones, Kate (Conference stats style will use Kate Jones)




Baseball ( Softball ( Lacrosse

SCHOOL NAMES………………………………………………………………………………………….

|Aquinas – AQ | |Lawrence Tech – LT | |Northwestern Ohio – NO |

|Concordia – AA | |Lourdes – LU | |Siena Heights – SH |

|Cornerstone – CS | |Madonna – MU | |Rochester – RC |

|Indiana Tech – IT | |Michigan-Dearborn – MD | |WHAC -- WH |

N.B. – Marygrove will not participate in spring sports

TEAM ID…………………………………………………………………………………………………….



|Aquinas |AQB |

|Concordia |AAB |

|Cornerstone |CSB |

|Indiana Tech |ITB |

|Lourdes |LUB |

|Madonna |MUB |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOB |

|UM-Dearborn |MDB |

|Siena Heights |SHB |

|Rochester |RCB |




|Aquinas |AQML |

|Davenport |DUML |

|Indiana Tech |ITML |

|Lawrence Tech |LTML |

|Lourdes |LUML |

|UM-Dearborn |MDML |

|Siena Heights |SHML |



|Aquinas |AQS |

|Concordia |AAS |

|Cornerstone |CSS |

|Indiana Tech |ITS |

|Lawrence Tech |LTS |

|Madonna |MUS |

|UM-Dearborn |MDS |

|Northwestern Ohio |NOS |

|Siena Heights |SHS |




|Aquinas |AQWL |

|Davenport |DUWL |

|Indiana Tech |ITWL |

|Lawrence Tech |LTWL |

|Lourdes |LUWL |

|Siena Heights |SHWL |


NOTE: DO NOT include anything other than the two-letter code.


By date with a three-letter abbreviation (two for the team, one for B (baseball) or S (softball) denoting home team.

EXAMPLES: 5020AQB (May 2 single baseball game at Aquinas); 4291CSS (April 29 first game of softball doubleheader at Cornerstone, second game listed as 4292)

Fall baseball (only) will use four digits for the date, examples: 09141MUB (first game of doubleheader at Madonna), 10040AAB (single game at Concordia)

WHAC Tournament: Use WHB or WHS. Number each game sequentially by date, 5051WHB, 5056WHB for tournament games played on May 5; 5061WHB, 5065WHB for tournament games played on May 6


TAS golf NON-CONFERENCE golf files will be named by date similar to fall golf events

EXAMPLE: 0402MUM (April. 2 men’s golf non-conference event hosted by Madonna)

WHAC Jamboree should be assigned a file name listed below:

EXAMPLE: 0409WHW (Women’s golf Jamboree on April 9)


By date (3 digits, one for the month, 2 for the date), two-letter school abbreviation and ML for men’s lacrosse or WL for women’s lacrosse.

EXAMPLES: 417DUML (men’s match hosted by Davenport on April 17), 3201AQM (first of two men’s matches hosted by Aquinas on March 20, the second one would be 3202AQM), 302ITWL (women’s match hosted by Indiana Tech on March 2).

These examples apply to all, substituting your two-letter abbreviation listed above.

ROSTER INPUT………………………………………………………………………………

Enter player name field as … Kate Jones or Jones, Kate (Short names, for TAS Baseball/Softball: Jones,K or Jones,Ka should a school have a Kristin Jones in addition to a Kate Jones). Note: NO space after the comma and DO NOT affix a period after the first initial; e.g. do not use Jones,K. or Jones, K. Conference-level stats will use the Kate Jones style.)


AP State Abbreviations

SPELL OUT the following: Alaska, Hawaii, Idaho, Iowa, Maine, Ohio, Texas, Utah

(the two states not part of the contiguous US and states that are five letters or fewer)

For all other states, use the following (USPS abbreviations in parentheses):


|Alabama |Ala. |(AL) |

|Arizona |Ariz. |(AZ) |

|Arkansas |Ark. |(AR) |

|California |Calif. |(CA) |

|Colorado |Colo. |(CO) |

|Connecticut |Conn. |(CT) |

|Delaware |Del. |(DE) |

|Florida |Fla. |(FL) |

|Georgia |Ga. |(GA) |

|Illinois |Ill. |(IL) |

|Indiana |Ind. |(IN) |

|Kansas |Kan. |(KS) |

|Kentucky |Ky. |(KY) |

|Louisiana |La. |(LA) |

|Marylan |Md. |(MD) |

|Massachusetts |Mass. |(MA) |

|Michigan |Mich. |(MI) |

|Minnesota |Minn. |(MN) |

|Mississippi |Miss. |(MS) |

|Missouri |Mo. |(MO) |

|Montana |Mont. |(MT) |

|Nebrasks |Neb. |(NE) |

|Nevada |Nev. |(NV) |

|New Hampshire |N.H. |(NH) |

|New Jersey |N.J. |(NJ) |

|New Mexico |N.M. |(NM) |

|New York |N.Y. |(NY) |

|North Carolina |N.C. |(NC) |

|North Dakota |N.D. |(ND) |

|Oklahoma |Okla. |(OK) |

|Oregon |Ore. |(OR) |

|Pennsylvania |Pa. |(PA) |

|Rhode Island |R.I. |(RI) |

|South Carolina |S.C. |(SC) |

|South Dakota |S.D. |(SD) |

|Tennessee |Tenn. |(TN) |

|Vermont |Vt. |(VT) |

|Virginia |Va. |(VA) |

|Washington |Wash. |(WA) |

|West Virginia |W.Va. |(WV) |

|Wisconsin |Wis. |(WI) |

|Wyoming |Wyo. |(WY) |



SID Resources

NAIA School Logo Collection (Dropbox)



Countable Opponents

Canadian Countable Opponents

Internet Archive Retrieval

NAIA Awards

NAIA Master Calendar

NAIA Official Forms

NAIA Player of the Week Nomination Page


NAIA-SIDA Facebook Group Page

NCAA Statistics Policies & Guidelines


Online Streaming Links


Cornerstone -

Davenport -

Indiana Tech -

Lawrence Tech -

Madonna –

Marygrove -

Siena Heights -



(Host Institution)

(Host Institution)

(Host Institution)


(Host Institution)


(Athletic Conference)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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