Tuesdays with morrie mitch character traits


Tuesdays with morrie mitch character traits

Morrie Schwartz is an old man in his mid to late seventies who is diagnosed with A.L.S. Shortly after being diagnosed with A.L.S. Morrie begins to hold meetings with Mitch Albom, his former student at Brandies University, to talk about life, death, love, family, etc. on every Tuesday until he dies of. Morrie is father of two children named Rob and Jon, and wife to a woman named Charlotte. He lives in New town, Michigan, and has many caretakers in his home to take care of him. He dies on November fourth.Mitch Albom is the second main character of Tuesdays with Morrie, as well as the author. Mitch, directly after getting out of college, wanted to be a musician, then became a very busy writer for newspaper and other forms of media. Until meeting once again with Morrie, his former professor at Brandies, Mitch is very money oriented. As the book progresses, he changes emmencly from Morrie's teachings, and looks at life differently with another set of values in mind. Mitch has no children but a wife named Janine.Ted Koppel is an anchorman of Nightline, in Tuesdays with Morrie, and is in three chapters of the book; The Audiovisual, The Audiovisual, Part Two, and the Audiovisual, Part Three. He is introduced when Morrie's good friend, Mourie Stein, sends some of Morrie's thoughts about death to the Boston Globe, who then sent them to Ted Koppel. Koppel then interviews Morrie on death and all that goes three times throughout the next two or so years. Koppel, who Morrie at first thinks to be a narcissist, over the next three interviews, becomes more relaxed and friendly, as if Morrie was tearing him down, layer by layer.Charlotte, Morrie's wife, is introduces mainly in the Sixth Tuesday. She works on a daily basis, so Mitch doesn't meat her until Morrie's condition worsens, and Charlotte stays home to help him. Of all of Morrie's friends and family, Charlotte seems the most depressed as she loses her husband. Albom describes her as having a "lilting voice" and gray hair. She progresses the story when she begins to stay home, which tells the reader that Morrie's condition has worsened.Janine is the wife of Mitch Albom. She is introduced in detail in The Tenth Tuesday, but before then we know very little about her. In the first chapter she is included in, her and Albom go to visit Morrie. Morrie has been wanting to meet Janine for a while. When at Morrie's house, Janine sings for Morrie, for she is a professional singer, but is usually very shy about her talent. From description, Janine is extremely kind, with a very loving voice. Peter is Albom's younger brother, who is introduced in The Fifth Tuesday, where Morrie and Albom talk about family.At a younger age, Mitch and Peter got along, just as any two brothers would. Him and Mitch were very different. Peter was the bad student, and an adventurous brother who light up the room when ever entering. He was the favorite of the family, and at family gatherings, Mitch would feel somewhat ocward around him. But, after moving to Spain and developing a cancer in his pancreas, he became disconnected from the rest of his family. He barely writes, insisting upon facing his cancer alone. As Mitch begins to understand life at a different view due to Morrie's teachings, he understands that, when asking his brother to talk all the time, he is approaching him the wrong way. When coming in at a different angle, him and his brother finally get in touch at the end of the book.Charlie is Morrie's father, a very stiff and disconnected man. He is introduces at first in the chapter The Professor, a description of Morrie's early life. Charlies was always a very poor, non-talkative man, and when Morrie's mother, Charlie's wife dies, Charlie becomes even more so. Charlie then marries a woman named Eva, but his attitude does not change. Later on, after running several blocks away from a gang of robbers, he collapsed on his relatives porch and dies.Eva is Morrie's step Mother, who Charlie marries after Morrie's real mother dies. Eva is introduces in in The Professor, the chapter that explains Morrie's early childhood. Eva fills in the silence that Charlie creates with his lack of the need to converse. She kisses Morrie and his brother, David, goodnight every night and shows the affection he lost with his real mother. Eva stresses the importance of education to her two step sons, and, in a way, pushes Morrie to become the great professor he became.Connie is one of Morrie's many house helpers.She advances the plot in the boo because, every time she is mentioned, we know there is going to be a health update. Norman is one of Morrie's house helpers.Tony is Morrie's house helper that helps him in and out of a bathing suit in the beginning of the book. The following quote is feedback from a TPT buyer who purchased a similar character analysis activity for a different piece of literature: "This is a comprehensive packet. The students comprehension of this book went through the roof. I loved it." In this activity, students will select a character from the text in which they would like to analyze. They will select a line from the text that demonstrates how their chosen character exhibits the following traits in the novel: physical, philosophical, emotional, social and intellectual. Students will also list the page number where the line is found in the text. There are two worksheets provided with different words to describe each trait. This is meant to allow students to better understand the traits- if needed. One worksheet asks students to find a line from the text for each of the traits listed above (physical, philosophical, emotional, social and intellectual). The second worksheet uses the following wording to describe the traits: physical trait, treats others, acts towards others, feels about things, and way of thinking. One thing I really like about this activity is that some students select the same line but have different perspectives for which trait it supports. The class discussion for this activity allows students to read their lines from the text and share their understanding as to why they believe it supports a particular trait. There are also two pages of questions for students to consider when they analyze their chosen character. These questions prompt students in different ways to analyze a character deeper. The two pages provide questions for physical, philosophical, emotional, social and intellectual traits. The worksheet is a great activity for students to complete as they read through a literary work. You may simply have students complete the worksheet just to understand a character better. This activity also sets the stage for students to write a character analysis that is one paragraph, five paragraphs or seven paragraphs; you can modify the length of the essay to fit your needs. This worksheet allows for students to "see" which traits they should include in their five paragraph essays: introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs and a concluding paragraph. I ask students to bring in a quote/line from the text that supports their claim for each trait. Each worksheet is 1.5-2 pages, totaling four pages. There are two pages of questions. This packet contains a total of six pages. Have fun! Free Study Guide: Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom Previous Page | Table of Contents | Next Page Downloadable / Printable Version The novel takes place during 1995, in Morries study, in West Newton, Massachusetts. Mitch and Morrie meet every Tuesday, in his study, to discuss the meaning of life. Morrie was a college professor for most of his career, and Mitch took all of his classes offered, when he was in college. When Morrie taught small classes, he would often hold them in his study, at the university, to give the students a friendlier environment. Morrie would also meet with his students, especially Mitch, outside of the class for discussion purposes. Since Morrie has been sick and thereby restrained to his house, he and Mitch meet every Tuesday, in his study. This setting is symbolic and parallels to Morries teaching career and the many students lives he had changed. It is only fitting that since Morrie liked to teach in his study, as he was able to give his last class, to one of his favorite students (Mitch) in the comfort of his own study at home. CHARACTER LIST Major Characters Morrie Schwartz The novel is centered around him; Morrie is Mitchs former college professor who was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gherig's disease); he meets with Mitch in his home every Tuesday to teach him about the meaning of life. Mitch Albom Morrie's former student; he has since become a journalist and leads a very fast paced life; finds Morrie after hearing he is sick on "ABC's Nightline" and visits him every Tuesday. Minor Characters Ted Koppel A famous television newsman/personality; he interviews Morrie three times for the ABC's Nightline show; he eventually describes Morrie as his friend and is almost in tears during his last interview with Morrie. Charlotte Morries wife, who is also a college professor; she keeps her job as a professor even while Morrie is sick because it is what he wished for her. Janine Mitchs wife; she takes a phone call from Morrie, whom she had never met, and accompanies Mitch to his next visit with Morrie. As a professional singer, she never sings upon request; however, when Morrie asked her to sing she did without hesitation and moved him to tears. Peter Mitchs younger brother who lives in Spain; he has pancreatic cancer and refuses any help from his family. He seems reluctant to rekindle his relationship with Mitch, but by the end of the novel, we see that he has warmed up and may be letting his brother back into his life. Charlie Morries father who came to America from Russia. He neglects Morrie and his brother; he even insists that Morrie keeps the death of their mother a secret from his younger brother. He dies after escaping muggers; Morrie had to travel to New York to identify his body at the city morgue. Eva Morries stepmother who came into his life when he was about nine years old. She provided much love to Morrie and his brother, David. She highly valued education and served as a great motivation for Morrie to work hard at his education. Morries love for education stemmed from Eva, which later lead to his career as a professor. David Morries younger brother who developed polio at a young age. Connie Morries at-home health care aide; she assists Morrie in going to the bathroom, getting up and into his chair and also with his meals. Previous Page | Table of Contents | Next Page Downloadable / Printable Version Tuesdays With Morrie by Mitch Albom: Free BookNotes Summary

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