Biofield Devices Disclaimers

Bio-Plasma Devices Manual

Now with EYE-Light!


BIO-PLASMA Devices are not FDA approved to treat or diagnose disease.

By Eyelight Spectrum Products &


Ph 614-297-7001

BIO PLASMA - Zero Energy Balancing Device

[pic] [pic] Before After 1st Session

BIO-PLASMA devices are one of the best ways to improve inflammation. Beth Crose, a horse and animal healer, provided the following case study from her website. The thermal images above are from the hoof of a Quarter Horse diagnosed with ring bone.  The digital thermal images show how use of BIO-PLASMA devices reduced heat and inflammation from about 80% image brightness to 40% brightness. Lighter colors are the hottest temperatures, and darker colors are the coolest in the thermal images.  The horse’s owner in Avon Lake, Ohio said if she hadn't seen the before and after pictures, she would never have believed what she had witnessed.  She was able to ride her horse the following day.

[pic] [pic] Before Session on 3/19 After 2nd Session on 3/21

Prior to BIO-PLASMA device treatment the horse in these images had a leg that was inflamed, lame and swollen. “On March 21, the owner conveyed that the mare's lameness and swelling had improved daily since the first Energy Balancing session.  The mare appeared brighter in her appearance and moved with little hesitance when she was brought from her stall.  Manual palpation revealed there was still some swelling present, but it had more of a normal soft tissue feel.  I could actually feel tendons and ligaments this time around, whereas I could not feel them on Sunday, March 19. The session was approximately 8 minutes and the mare physically relaxed during the session showing signs of chewing and licking.  She walked just as freely back to her stall and had an overall "content" look.”Beth Crose provided these case studies using the IR PEMF BIO-PLASMA. energy- for more information.

Dr. Estrada, Buenos Aires, Argentina – “Just in the last week, I have worked with the PEMF BIO-PLASMA device for vascular diseases. My patient with a cerebral stroke had very impaired speech. All of his words were confused. I put the device above his head, at the top. First I treated with the Violet end and then the Infrared end. After the second session there wasn’t anymore confused speech. Another patient had pain in her chest. I put the BIO-PLASMA device between the knees and the pain left. A diabetic woman had neuropathy pain, without a pulse in her feet. In three sessions she was fully recuperated. For these cases I affirm that BIO-PLASMA DEVICE IS WONDERFUL.”

Kevin, Ohio, USA - "In the past year I had been in a bus accident and an automobile accident. Both my body and energy were all out of whack. My wife was concerned about my libido not being able to keep up with her needs. I mentioned this to my healing therapist, who uses BIO-PLASMA devices. She said she would try programming the BIO-PLASMA device with the circulation/sex meridian. After one session my wife was very happy that my libido was back to normal."

Fatima, Brazil – I dropped an 80lb. object on my ankle. My foot was completely swollen and very painful.Within 1 week I was completely healed and no pain.I couldn’t believe it.

Fritz, Seattle Wash., USA - “I have had continuous pain in my lower back for 35 years, ever since I was 14. W one session from the IR Bio-Plasma Saber I had no pain for 3 months.”

Nancy, Ohio, USA – “The doctor said I had a cyst in my right breast. My energy therapist used the BIO-PLASMA device on me. I went back to the doctor three months later and he said my cyst was gone.”

Jason, Portsmouth, Virginia, USA - "The BIO-PLASMA device has been amazing with every client. When I have used the BIO-PLASMA device many have told me they feel light like air. They can feel energy working on the area of blockage, trauma or pain. Using the BIO-PLASMA device I scan from the bottom chakra to the top chakra, inner to outer, then the left and right sides of the body. I do this 3 to 5 times. Sometimes it makes the muscles twitch as tension, pain or blockage is released in the body. Many clients have felt sleepy afterwards from being more relaxed and calm."

Pat M.T., Ohio, USA - “I had a client with a broken ankle and impaired circulation due to other issues. The foot was moving well but was still in pain. The BIO-PLASMA device completely left the ankle pain-free. Many times I use the BIO-PLASMA device on clients and don’t hear anything from them right away and then about 6 months later I hear, Oh yeah, the pain is gone.”

Sonja, Bermuda - My client Jean could not raise her right arm due to pain.  She had carpal tunnel in her left hand and was unable to make her jewelry, due to the pain.  After only one treatment she said she had no pain.  I called her a few days later and she said thanks for the healing; as she had no pain and the swelling went down in the left forefinger knuckle. She was able to resume her work.


Lori, North Ohio, USA. "Horses that have Insulin Resistance (IR) can develop laminitis. A 19-year old Morgan mare Annie was diagnosed with IR in December. One to two months later, Annie started laying down all the time (in the 5 ½ years that I have had Annie, I had seen her lying down once prior to this) and had no energy to feed herself. Friends suggested a massage from energy-bodyworker Beth, who suggested energy work instead. She balanced her energy and did cold laser therapy with the BIO-PLASMA device. Annie enjoyed that so much that she would stick her foot out towards the BIO-PLASMA device. Beth suggested I hang it in Annie's stall, which I did. Before Annie's sessions with Beth, I truly thought that I was going to lose my horse. In the last few days, Annie started to TROT circles around me. It brought tears to my eyes. 2 months ago my horse couldn't walk. I believe God has blessed Annie and me by bringing Beth and the BIO-PLASMA device into our lives."

[pic] [pic]

The first pic, 9/13 is 12 days after the hematoma first opened up on 9/01. The second pic, 9/27, is 14 days after the first picture or 26 days after 9/01. Beth, Belville, Ohio - "My filly horse went through the fence. Initially she had swelling for a week, then it broke open and she had a big gaping hole in her chest about the size of a football. I called the vet but I used BIO-PLASMA device work on it as well. In 14 days her wound went to one third of its original size. I really think the energy work of using the BIO-PLASMA device on her was significant in reducing the healing time. The vet said this injury would take about 6 months to be completely filled in with scar tissue and closed. In two months it was completely healed. I cannot get over what I see when I use this tool whether it's with animals or humans. It's absolutely amazing." energy- for more information.

Table of Contents

Medical Disclaimer

BIO-PLASMA Devices Family Descriptions

Product Specifications

BIO-PLASMA Devices Purpose

BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window

Using Your BIO-PLASMA Device Right Away!

BIO-PLASMA’s Biofield Balancing Cookbook

Which End Do I Use?

How Do I Know How Long to Treat with the BIO-PLASMA Device?

Ailment Any Location

Animal Agility

Animal Field Recovery



Arterial Plaque

Biofield & Chakra Balancing

Cardiac Output

Chakra Layers & Clearing

Chronic Un-Wellness

Cleansing the Aura for Dummies

Clinical Recovery

Cranial Sacral

Crystal Energy Balancing

Cysts of Energy

Depressed Emotions


Divining Preparation

Double Helix Water


Fatigue and Low Energy

Feng Shui


Gulf War Syndrome

Homeopathic or Other Remedies

Infertility Meridians

Inflammation Rejuvenation


Table of Contents

BIO-PLASMA Balancing Cookbook (cont.)

Joint Pain



Locating Items with Your BIO-PLASMA Device


Meridian Cleansing

Multi-lingual BIO-PLASMA Devices

Pain and Stiffness


Scanning the Body




Teeth Plaque


Vertebra Fixation

Vortex Helix Water

Wound Therapy

Workshop Enhancement

Chakra Energy Anatomy

What Should I Notice During a BIO-PLASMA Balancing Session?

How Long in Duration Should I Treat with My BIO-PLASMA Device?

Turning “Off” BIO-PLASMA Device

Cleaning Your BIO-PLASMA Device

Air Travel

Theory of Operation

BIO-PLASMA Devices Architecture

How Do BIO-PLASMA Devices Work?

Why Are Our PEMF Devices Better than Other PEMF Devices”

Can You See BIO-PLASMA’s Energy?

PART II – Programming with BIO-PLASMA Devices

Programming BIO-PLASMA Devices for Energy Balancing

Programming Control

Getting Started with Programming

Quartz Crystal Programming

Ring Frequency Programming

Table of Contents

Getting Started with Programming (cont.)

Vector Angle Programming

Word Programming

Symbolic Programming

Homeopathic Remedy Programming

Bach Flower Remedy Programming

Cell Salt Remedy Programming

Solfeggio Frequency Programming

Hormone Remedy Programming

Healing Hands Energy Ladder

Meridian-Ring Frequencies on Chinese Energy Wheel

Meridian Biofield Analysis


Method 1: Using the Meridian Tester or Accupoint ZEB

Method 2: Using the IR PEMF Saber /IR BIO-PLASMA Saber

Rejuvenation Frequency “396”

Chronic Conditions

Divining is Not a Science but an Art

Self-Validation Method

Meridian-Ring Frequency Analysis Table

Quick Biofield Energy Balancing with Quartz Crystal

Conception Vessel Acupuncture Points

Governing Vessel Acupuncture Points

Cranial Nerves

Crystal Energy Wand

Chakras and Crystals

Accu-Point ZEB

Reflexology Chart

Appendix of EMF Protection Devices

Recommended Reading



No physical health or healing claims of any kind are made regarding the use of the BIO-PLASMA Devices. These units are strictly investigative/experimental devices and they must be purchased with this intent and understanding.

Any noted physical conditions must be properly diagnosed and treated by an appropriate physician and/or health provider. In the case of a properly diagnosed illness, Zero Energy Balancing of the subtle energy bodies may be beneficial using BIO-PLASMA Devices as a wellness adjunctive therapy with your physicians and/or your health provider’s acknowledgment. Energy-Healingarts will not be responsible for any misuse of the BIO-PLASMA Devices unit by any persons using it.


The BIO-PLASMA Device unit is warranted against any material or workmanship defects for one (1) year. Should a problem occur, simply return it for a no-cost repair. If you are not satisfied with your Biofield Device's performance during the first 30 days of usage, the Biofield Devices unit may be returned for a full refund minus a $75.00 restocking charge.


The BIO-PLASMA Device units are a new concept of Zero Energy Balancing and it requires proper training to obtain its full benefits. Periodically, BIO-PLASMA Devices User Seminars are held in various locations. These training classes are held for a moderate fee. Previous classes can be purchased on DVD from the website energy-. Contact us or check the website for any forthcoming seminars.


The IR BIO-PLASMA Saber is programmable with frequencies from 0Hz – 30,000 KHz. In addition to plasma, scalar-wave energies, the Saber also has EMF and IR energies. This most advanced 21st century technology tackles muscular-skeletal therapy, pain and inflammation symptoms, and pathogen bioresonance therapies. It is ideal for balancing meridians, chakras and the biofield. It comes with a 6 volt adapter, manual & case. $625.00

The Infrared PEMF Saber performs exactly like the IR BIO-PLASMA Saber with 0Hz – 30,000KHz frequencies. The IR PEMF BIO-PLASMA has the ability to work with all types of muscular-skeletal injuries and chronic health issues. This device carries the infrared energy into EVERY cell of the body and utilizes 21st century technology making it one of the most advanced therapy tools on the market today. It comes complete with a 6 volt adapter, a BIO-plasma Manual & a Rate Book. $475.00

The Crystal Energy BIO-PLASMA is specially designed to hold crystals and amplify crystal energy. It comes with a Chakra Kit of 7 crystals. It is ideal for treating and balancing the body’s chakras, auric fields and pathogen biofields. Cranial Sacral therapy is automatically facilitated and BIO-PLASMA zero energy balancing will start the cranial sacral rhythm, move lymph and enhance musculo-skeletal therapy. It comes with an owner’s manual, 7 crystals and a case. $250.00

The Mini Acu-Point ZEB is designed to clear and balance the acupuncture points and trigger points. It breaks up energy blockages along the meridians too. Like all our other biofield therapy products, this one is automatically programmed to turn your water into Vortex Helix water. This water facilitates the integration of your biofield into your physical body for quick immune response and EMF shielding. Acupuncture books make use very easy. $50.00

The Magnetic Water BIO-PLASMA has a threefold function. One is to produce structure Vortex Helix water. The second is to magnetize the water throughout ones entire house and the third is to zero energy balance vibratory pollutants from cell phones, microwave, radio, television etc. This water heals and enhances your biofield. The Magnetic Water BIO-PLASMA produces crystal-like structured water free from EMF pollutants. $200.00

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

| Meridian Tester | BIO-PLASMA Training DVDs | EMF Protection Plug |

|Price $80.00 |P Price $25.00 each |Price $25.00 |

| | | |

| | | |

|[pic] |[pic] |[pic] |

|Amethyst EMF Pendant |Rose Quartz EMF Pendant |Tiger Eye EMF Pendant |

|Price $40.00 |Price $40.00 |Price $40.00 |

| | | |

|[pic] | [pic] |[pic] |

|EMF Cell Phone Patch |Vortex Helix Water Chip |Keychain EMF Protector |

|Price $40.00 |Price $25.00 |Price $40.00 |

See Appendix for Crystal Chakra Wand, Acupoint ZEB & EMF Protection.

The EMF Protection Devices prevent your Aura from being affected by man-made electronically produced EMF waves. Our Protection Devices emit spinning scalar-waves which cancel out the electronically induced frozen scalar-waves. 

The Vortex Helix Water re-programs your water to be the best Scalar-Wave Water available, which is Natures Water.  Other water in your body has limited electrical connection with your Aura.  Our Water makes the integration between your Aura and your Physical Body seamless.

DVD’s of BIO-PLASMA Balancing Courses

DVD: BIO-PLASMA Energy Balancing I $25.00

General Energy Work, Cranial Sacred Rhythm Balancing, Meridian Analysis, How BIO-PLASMA Works, Common BIO-PLASMA Programming, Chronic Problems

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

DVD: BIO-PLASMA Energy Balancing II $25.00

Divining Preparation, Clearing Chakras and Meridians, Animal Meridian Testing, Meridian Testing, Product Review

DVD: BIO-PLASMA Energy Balancing III $25.00

Energy Wheel, Energy Ladder, Food Detection, Virus Energies, Distance Healing, Meridian Detection

DVD: Understanding Plasma Energy (ZPE) $25.00

Holographic Universe, Scalar-wave Technology, Ladder of Consciousness, Plasma Energy Cell States, Meridian-Ring Frequency Analysis

Top of Form

Bottom of Form

DVD: Animal BIO-PLASMA Energy Healing $25.00

Dog Healing, Horse Healing I, Horse Healing II, Cat Healing, Meridian Analysis

DVD: Esoteric Healing $25.00

Soul Body I, How BIO-PLASMA Works, Soul Body II, Using Your Soul Body

DVD: Blackholes, Chakras and BIO-PLASMA Healing $25.00

Plasma Energy, Blackholes-Torroids, Holographic Intelligence, Healing the Human Aura, How BIO-PLASMA Works

|PRODUCT |Infrared BIO-PLASMA |PEMF |Crystal Energy |Mini |Magnetic Water |


|Static Left-Hand Frequencies |0-30,000kHz |0-30,000kHz |_________ |0-27Hz |0-10Hz |

|Static Right-Hand frequencies|0-30,000kHz |0-30,000kHz |0-1350KHz |0-64Hz |0-30,000KHz |

|Plasma EMF Capabilities |Yes |Yes |No |NA |Yes |

|Infrared LED |Yes , Chronic Disease |No |No |No |No |

|Capabilities |& | | | | |

| |Muscular-Skeletal | | | | |

|Intelligent Mode |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |Yes |

|Violet-Ray Delta |Yes |Yes |2 |NA |NA |

|Emitter-Module | | | | | |

|Avg. Plasma Intensity |10 Feet Radius |10 Feet Radius |20 Feet Radius |6 Feet Radius |10 Feet Radius |

|Material Dimensions |1/8” in thickness |1/8” in thickness |1/16” in thickness |1/16” in thicknes |1/8” in thickness |

| |5cmx28cm |5cmx28cm |5cmx28cm |1.5x27c |5x28cm |

|Output Waveform |Opposing Sine Waves |Opposing Sine Waves |Opposing Sawtooth |Opposing Sine Waves |Opposing Sine Waves |

| |Inner Aura |Inner Aura |Outer Aura |Meridians |Inner Aura |

Table 1 – BIO-PLASMA Products Specification Comparison

Provisions: BIO-PLASMA Devices come complete with an owner’s manual, operating instructions and related accessories. The Infrared BIO-PLASMA Saber also includes a 6volt transformer power supply.

All BIO-PLASMA units are portable, like a flashlight and approximately 11in x 1.5in.

BIO-PLASMA’s biofield energy properties conform to alternative therapy methods as published in “U.S. Gov. Pub. of Alternative Medicine,” ISBN0-16-145479-4, 1994 edition.


BIO-PLASMA Devices are laying-on-hands simulators.

BIO-PLASMA Devices are generally used for:

1. Balancing chakras and acupuncture meridians

2. Breaking up energy blockages and energy cysts,

3. Balancing the human biofield energy system,

4. Performing biofield resonance therapy for experimental purposes,

5. Cellular regeneration and TMP,

6. Biofield coupled low-level infrared (IR) energy work,

7. A wellness adjunct to other therapy modalities,

8. A homeopathy or radionics device,

9. Stress reduction,

10. Animals as well as humans.

Principles of Operation and Purpose:

1. BIO-PLASMA Devices harness and processes plasma energy which is compatible with the bodies’ bio-plasma energy make-up. BIO-PLASMA Devices effectiveness is realized through manipulating biofield plasma energy vibratory intelligence. This process is much more effective and works much faster than electronic produced energy intelligence. This type of controlled intelligence is often referred to as scalar-wave technology.

2. BIO-PLASMA Devices are completely programmable to perform biofield energy work on a long list of imbalances such as back and neck pain, musculoskeletal pain, joint and arthritis pain, fibromyalgia tension, tendonitis, stiffness, bursitis pain, headaches, sprain swelling and pain, carpal tunnel stiffness and pain, TMJ tension and many other musculoskeletal symptoms. A long list of pathogen biofield frequencies can be programmed into the BIO-PLASMA Device as well for performing energy work on the pathogen biofields.

3. BIO-PLASMA Devices can transmit up to 6 programmable scalar-wave frequencies at a time. Other units with this technology are much more costly.

4. The BIO-PLASMA Devices are combinations of low-level I.R., scalar-wave technology and PEMF and is state-of-the-art 21st century technology.

5. BIO-PLASMA Devices are an ideal practice-builder. Patients will be so pleased by relief from long standing pain and un-wellness, they will surely tell friends, relatives, colleagues and neighbors.

Low-level Infrared Light:

Low-level IR light is a natural noninvasive geothermal energy frequency. Combining low-level IR with scalar-wave stimulation is one of the most sophisticated biofield energy delivery systems available on today’s market. Changes to musculoskeletal or pathogen biofield related imbalances should be noticed within one to three sessions.



Figure 1 – Bio-Plasma Energy Flow

BIO-PLASMA forms a Holographic Intelligent 10th Dimensional “Window” located centrally on its main shaft which we refer to as "Windows". See Figure 1. BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window is like a computer and can be programmed by charged crystals, numbers, words or symbols. This window or 10th Dimensional computer, gives one the ability to control the output frequencies of BIO-PLASMA’s vibratory bio-plasmic energy. In other words, by placing words, symbols or charged crystals on your BIO-PLASMA Device’s window, BIO-PLASMA’s frequency energies can be manually programmed.


There are 4 main ways to use BIO-PLASMA Devices:

1. BIO-PLASMA Device Stationary, NO Programming - Use Device as is with no window programming. You can place your BIO-PLASMA Device between your ankles while sitting. You can also place your device between ankles or knees while lying down. See Fig.’s 2 and 3.

2. BIO-PLASMA Device Moving - Hold your device and aim it at the desired location on the body such as painful area, chakra or acupuncture meridian. A figure eight or circular pattern over the area of concern is the normal motion. Figure eight patterns create balance and circular ccw patterns break up energy blockages. A combination of sweeping patterns and holding the unit stationary may be performed. See Figure 4.

3. Crystal Programming – Aim your device at your quartz crystal to clear it; program it by placing it between your thumb and index finger, and then place it on your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window. See Figure 5. Use between ankles or knees while sitting or lying down.

4. Other Programming – Your BIO-PLASMA Devicecan be programmed with additional frequencies, symbols and words by placing a post-it note on the backside of your BIO-PLASMA Device’s window. See the “Programming BIO-PLASMA Devices” section.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 2 – Treatment Sitting Figure 3 – Treatment Lying Down

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Figure 4 – Point & Move Figure 5 – Holographic Window


BIO-PLASMA’s Devices energy balancing cookbook is a compilation of suggested methods for biofield energy balancing associated with various un-wellness & health symptoms. Our customers have provided the feedback incorporated into this cookbook. These biofield healing methods are meant to complement your physician’s medical treatment and it should in no way replace treatment by your physician. General good self-care through exercise, diet, massage, healthy relationships and positive life-style choices are also essential for your well-being.


Figure 6 – The Human Biofield, Aura Layers & Chakras


Figure 7 – A Dogs’ Biofield with Chakra Zones.

Purchase at


Chakra 1 – Located at the base of the spine

Organs: Physical body support, base of spine legs, bones, feet, rectum, immune system

Mental Emotional Issues: Physical family and group safety and security; ability to provide for life’s necessities; ability to stand up for self; feeling at home; social and familial law and order

Physical Ailments: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, varicose veins, rectal tumors or cancer, depression, immune related disorders

Chakra 2 – Located above the pubic bone on front and low-back

Organs: Sexual organs, large intestine, lower vertebra, pelvis, appendix, bladder, hip area

Mental Emotional Issues: Blame and guilt; money and sex; power and control; creativity; ethics and honor in relationships

Physical Ailments: Chronic lower back pain, sciatica, ob/gyn problems, pelvic or lower back pain, sexual potency, urinary problems

Chakra 3 – Located below the solar plexus on front and around T12

Organs: Abdomen, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidneys, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine

Mental Emotional Issues: Trust; fear and intimidation; self-esteem, self-confidence, and self-respect; care of oneself and others; responsibility for making decisions; sensitivity to criticism; personal honor

Physical Ailments: Arthritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, colon or intestinal problems, pancreatitis or diabetes, chronic or acute indigestion, anorexia or bulimia, liver issues, hepatitis, adrenal issues

Chakra 4 – Located on the sternum and near T3 on the back

Organs: Heart and circulatory system, lungs, shoulders and arms, ribs and breasts, diaphragm, thymus gland

Mental Emotional Issues: Love and hatred; resentment and bitterness; grief and anger; self-centeredness; loneliness and commitment; forgiveness and compassion, hope and trust

Physical Ailments: Congestive heart failure, heart attack, mitral valve prolapse, cardiomegaly, asthma or allergies, lung cancer, bronchial pneumonia, upper back, shoulders, breast cancer

Chakra 5 – Located at C7 on front and back of neck

Organs: Throat, thyroid, trachea, neck vertebrae, mouth, teeth and gums, esophagus, parathyroid, hypothalamus

Mental Emotional Issues: Choice and strength of will; personal expression; following one’s dream; using personal power to create; addiction; judgment and criticism; faith and knowledge; capacity to make decisions

Physical Ailments: Raspy throat, chronic sore throat, mouth ulcers, gum difficulties, temporal-mandibular joint problems, scoliosis, laryngitis, swollen glands, thyroid issues

Chakra 6 – Located at the third eye on forehead and occiput on back

Organs: Brain, nervous system, eyes, ears, nose, pineal gland, pituitary gland

Mental Emotional Issues: Self-evaluation; truth; intellectual abilities; feelings of inadequacy; openness to the ideas of others; ability to learn from experience; emotional intelligence

Physical Ailments: Brain tumor, hemorrhage, stroke, neurological disturbances, blindness or deafness, full spinal difficulties, learning disabilities, seizures

Chakra 7 – Located at the top of the head

Organs: Muscular system, skeletal system, skin

Mental Emotional Issues: Ability to trust life; values, ethics and courage; humanitarianism; selflessness; ability to see the larger pattern; faith and inspiration; spirituality and devotion

Physical Ailments: Energetic disorders; mystical depression; chronic exhaustion (not a physical disorder), extreme sensitivities to light, sound and other environmental factors


For the devices with two ends, both ends are recommended. The right-handed energy end or “Violet” end works the biofield, outer aura better, chakras and meridians better and is the higher-frequency end. The left-handed energy end, the Infrared end on the IR BIO-PLASMA Saber and IR PEMF Saber works better with the physical body, lower three chakras, inner aura and is the low frequency end with infrared biofield frequencies.


General rules of thumb are 30sec – 2min. for a particular biofield area or 5-20minutes when using it between your ankles or knees. For more advanced users, the best way to know for sure is by using your BIO-PLASMA Device with a divining rod. When one holds a divining rod in one hand and the BIO-PLASMA Device in the other, the divining rod will swing one way when the BIO-PLASMA Device is working on an area and swing the other way when it is done working on an area. The “Divining” section below and the BIO-PLASMA Balancing II DVD explain this process in more detail. See “Divining” and “Divining Preparation” for more details. Also for very confident diviners see the “Meridian & Biofield Analysis” section.

AILMENT ANY LOCATION – Biofield treatment for 30 seconds is normally sufficient, however, on more difficult biofield areas, longer counts may be used, not to exceed 3-5 minutes for sensitives. Treat acupuncture meridians and chakras near area. Areas that have been injured will normally require the longer biofield treatment count. Frequency 2009 (energy cysts) should be used in conjunction at any anatomical site that has had an injury, surgery or accident. “Figure 3” shows BIO-PLASMA Balancing of the stomach or solar plexus location but the device can be aimed at any area of the body. See the “Chronic Un-Wellness” section for more acute and chronic conditions.

ANIMAL AGILITY – To treat an animal for agility, place the BIO-PLASMA Device beside the animal with the white end toward the head or place the device behind the animal. You can also turn the device around and have the left-handed end (IR LED face the dog. For better results add the animal’s programmed quartz crystal to BIO-PLASMA’s Device’s Holographic Window.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 8 – Animal Treatment Figure 9 – Animal Treatment Backside

ANIMAL FIELD RECOVERY – BIO-PLASMA Devices works great for speeding the recovery of animals after veterinarian procedures. Aim the device at body area of ailment for 10 sec. to 5 min. depending on severity of issue. Aim at the chakra areas (Figure 7) of the animal to clear these. Start with the device about 1 – 2 feet above the backbone of each chakra area and move the BIO-PLASMA Device down close to the back to clear chakra layers. Also clear your animals’ core energy channel as in shown in Figure 9. For better results add the animal’s programmed quartz crystal to BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window.

ANTI-AGING – All newer model BIO-PLASMA Devices are already programmed for anti-aging. Re-program one of your soul body’s age by placing a post-it note with the codes 27, 396 and “144E10.” All ages are recommended to exercise some everyday. Get plenty of rest and sleep with the device and this program if you are over 35. It is important to have BIO-PLASMA Device focus along the spine or at the naval area. You can also purchase a Magnetic Water BIO-PLASMA Device and with this code already in it to treat your water and ingest the life-giving waters. There are foods that you can eat that have this code in them as well. Anti-aging foods include aloe, coconut, dates, grapefruit, green tea, oat products, olive oil, olive leaf, flax oil, orange, spirulina, cabbage, asparagus, yams, apples, sugar. There are other of nature’s creations with this code such as sheep wool and goat shins and fur.

ANTI-ANXIETY - Using your BIO-PLASMA Device systemically can increase wellness by dissipating anxiety held in the biofield. You can use the Mayan 12 frequency to by placing a post-it note on the backside of BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window. Use your BIO-PLASMA Device as described in “Use Your BIO-PLASMA Device Right Away.” Also see “Biofield and Chakra Balancing.” The bladder meridian and kidney meridians are most related to anxiety. See the “Meridians” section and clear all your meridians. For better results add your programmed quartz crystal to your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window.

ARTERIAL PLAQUE - The Magnetic Water ZEB will help decrease your plaque by changing your water from unstructured chaotic water to Vortex Helix water. It does this by magnetizing the water and neutralizing EMF pollution in the water. Structured water carries away much of your arterial plaque. One must eat a low-carbohydrate diet and eliminate hydrogenated oils (fried foods) and replace these poisons with unsaturated fatty acids as well. Oatmeal and red yeast are two plant products that may help.

BIOFIELD & CHAKRA BALANCING – While lying on your back, place the BIO-PLASMA Device between your knees with the Violet end pointing toward your head. Refer to Figure 6 for the chakra locations and below, “Figures 10-25” for hand and chakra positions.

1. Position hands behind your head as shown below for at least 3 minutes.

2. Position one hand behind your head while the other hand is used to balance each chakra. Count to 10 on each chakra, starting with the root chakra, the one by your pubic bone.

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3. Then reverse hands and repeat the process.

[pic] [pic] [pic] [pic]

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Figures 10 – 25: Balancing the Entire Biofield or Aura

4. Position your hands on the two lowest chakras to start. Alternate hands, progressing up the chakras, ending at the crown as illustrated. Use the 10 count on each chakra.

CARDIAC OUTPUT – Clearing your heart chakra and heart meridian and small intestine meridian will assist your heart as well. See the sections “Biofield and Chakra Balancing,” “Chakra Layers Clearing” and “Meridian Clearing.”A healthy diet, trim figure, cardiovascular exercise, stress-free living and compassionate relationships are critical components for a healthy heart. “Dr. Dean Ornish’s Program” for reversing heart disease and the South Beach Diet are two popular and successful programs for improving your diet and body fat index. See also the “Arterial Plaque” section of this manual for improving your arteries.

CHAKRA LAYERS CLEARING - Clearing the aura layers of a problem area or a chakra is best accomplished by starting in the outer bioplasmic fields first, approximately 2-3 feet out. Then move the BIO-PLASMA Device in through each energy body in stages until within close range of the field, which is 1" - 3" from the surface of the body. Use the divining rod to determine where each chakra is blocked and hold that spot until cleared. Work your way through each chakra to the crown chakra. If you do not use a divining rod, place the BIO-PLASMA Device on the chakra close to the body and slowly move out and then back to body. Repeat for each chakra. See Figure 6 and Figure 7 for the chakra and chakra layer locations for humans and animals. Figure 26 shows the heart chakra being cleared.


Figure 26 – Clearing Heart Chakra with BIO-PLASMA Device

CHRONIC UN-WELLNESS – “Chronic Un-Wellness” can be defined as any long-term malaise or undefined illness or an undefined low-energy state, where something doesn’t feel right or normal. Chronic Un-Wellness: Use an infrared source or the Infrared BIO-PLASMA Saber. Try utilizing the “Meridian-Biofield Analysis” section to determine the out-of-balance Meridians and more importantly Pathogen-Biofield frequencies. When pathogen-energies are involved, infrared, Frequency 27 and Frequency 2009 need to be used. The infrared source calls the pathogen-biofield energies out of hiding where the BIO-PLASMA can then balance their energies. This is why using infrared is so important. As long as the infrared is aimed somewhere at the body, usually feet or head, the infrared light will phase the entire biofield to that frequency and uncover the pathogen-energies from their infrared biofield hiding places.

Pathogen-energies can be bacteria-biofield, virus-biofield, fungus-biofield and mycoplasma-biofield types. The Frequency 27 (number of a white blood cell, 26 is red blood cell) in particular is used anytime you use a Virus Ring Frequency.  When a Virus is threatened, it runs and hides in a white blood cell.  Using Frequency 27 with the Virus Ring Frequency tells the energy field to look in the white blood cell for the Virus, the hiding spot of the Virus. 

The Energy Cysts Frequency 2009 is another hiding place for pathogens and by using 2009 with chronic issues you balance out another pathogen hiding place. Energy cysts are also infrared regions of the biofield and are created anytime there is an injury, surgery or accident to body area.

With chronic un-wellness, biofield polarizations are most likely the culprit along with pathogen energies. Figure 27 shows red, gray, black and depleted areas of a human biofield. These areas are the result of negative emotional-thought experiences and are polarized, infrared biofield regions. See also the “Psyhological Un-Wellness,” of this manual. Pathogen energies hide and cloak themselves in 1) polarized, infrared biofield regions and in 2) energy cysts.

To address the first main issue, biofield clearing see “Biofield and Chakra Balancing,” “Chakras Layers Clearing,” and “Meridian Clearing.” To address the second main issue, energy cysts clearing, see “Cysts” in this section of the manual. See the “Meridian & Biofield Analysis” section to verify pathogen biofield imbalances.

Refer to your physician when you need to treat the human body or receive a diagnosis. Other healthy lifestyle choices such as herbs, nutrition, emotional therapy and a positive attitude will also play a role one’s overall healing process.

CLEANSING AURA FOR DUMMIES – In sitting position, put your BIO-PLASMA Device between feet with IR LED end toward heels and Violet end toward the toes. See Figure 2. Easy to do while watching TV! To maintain health, use for 10 minutes a day, for health issues balance for 20-30 minutes or more a day. You will obtain better results if program a quartz crystal by placing it between your thumb and index finger, and then place it on BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window. See “Figure 1” for BIO-PLASMA Device’s window location. You can use the device while resting. See “Figure 3.”


Figure 27 – Polarized Biofield/Aura Energy in Red, Grey, Black

Picture from “Hands of Light” by Barbara Brennan


Figure 28 – Infrared Lamp Located over Polarized Biofield Area

CLINICAL RECOVERY – BIO-PLASMA Devices work great to enhance your biofield during recovery from hospitalization and out-patient procedures. Place a programmed quartz crystal on your BIO-PLASMA Devices’s Windowand place the device between the patient’s ankles as in Figure 3. Do this for 5min. – 60min. or a little bit every day, until full recovery is made. You can also aim the device at the body area affected during hospital treatment depending on the severity of the issue; one time or every day until full recovery is made.

CLOAKED ENERGIES - Uncloaking cloaked pathogen energies is one of the most important aspects to biofield balancing related to chronic un-wellness. To balance cloaked energies, use the Infrared BIO-PLASMA Saber or an infrared bulb. See “Figure 27.” This will phase the person’s biofield to infrared and draw the pathogen energies out of hiding from the infrared regions of the body. The pathogen energies will think they can hide in the whole “infrared” body and will expose themselves to one’s immune system. Figure 28 shows an example of infrared regions in a person’s biofield. When divining for cloaked energies, place this sequence: “-1-2-3-4” on the lower portion of BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window. This programming tells the holographic window to check for cloaked energies in the 4 infra-red layers. See a diagram of the “Hands on Healing Energy Ladder” with the 4 infrared energy layers in the “Meridian & Biofield” section.

CRANIAL SACRAL – Very easy with your BIO-PLASMA Device. Just place the device between the ankles or knees while sitting or lying down. If sitting the black or left-handed end of the device is towards the ankle and diode or right-handed end towards the toes. BIO-PLASMA Devices start up the cranial sacral rhythm that easily. The cranial sacral rhythm is critical to one’s health. It keeps the lymph moving, nervous system functioning and biofield-physical exchange strong. If you are assisting one’s cranial sacral rhythm, placing your hands on the recipients’ head and spine will facilitate additional balancing. See the cookbook description under “Biofield and Chakra Balancing” for suggested handhold positions.

CRYSTAL ENERGY BALANCING – Crystals can hold the energies transmitted into them as memory. In other words they can be programmed to transmit specific energies that a person might benefit from. To do this, first program BIO-PLASMA Device to the energies a person needs, either with the quartz crystal or specific frequencies from the Meridian Analysis Method or symbols or words. Then aim the programmed device at the chosen crystal to program it. The person can now wear the crystal, carry it in their pocket or put it near their bed to receive ongoing benefits from the crystal. Crystals smaller than an orange are recommended initially as they can be fairly strong. The programming will last a week or more.

CYSTS OF ENERGY - It is important to rid the human biofield of energy cysts. Energy cysts are created as a protection mechanism when an injury or surgery occurs. If an injury or surgery has occurred on the subject, your BIO-PLASMA Device should be programmed to frequency 2009 with a post-it note and aimed in and around the injured area to break up the energy cyst. This frequency is important for the fibroid biofields and tumor biofields as well. In general if there is an energy cyst or injury area on a person, it is an infrared energy area of the biofield where pathogens will likely hide and cloak themselves from ones immune systems. Important: It is often best to write the 2009 frequency just above BIO-PLASMA’s Window with a Post-it Note on a regular basis and especially with pathogens.

DEPRESSED EMOTIONS - Using your device consistently when faced with depressed emotional energies can improve your overall wellness. Use your BIO-PLASMA Deviceas described in “Use Your BIO-PLASMA Device Right Away.” Also see “Biofield and Chakra Balancing.” The lung meridian, heart meridian and small intestine meridian are related to depression. See the “Meridian Clearing” section and balance and unblock all meridians. You can use Mayan 12 frequency for psychological wellness. Expressing your emotions to your family, friends and other personally supportive people or pets can help you as well.

DIVINING - You can scan the entire body for “blocked” areas by using the divining rod. The divining rod will indicate how long to hold the BIO-PLASMA at each area. The divining rod will move to the neutral position, “yes” when an area has finished clearing. It will tell you when the device is finished working on a particular programmed crystal or particular Ring Frequency as well. The following technique is easy to learn and is the easiest way to use divining rods. To hold a divining rod, hold as in Figure 26. This is the neutral position for most people. This is the position the divining rod will naturally balance at when the biofield is clear. Make sure to hold the rod loosely so it will move freely. Also you must hold it balanced so that it will not move when you are not scanning and will only move when you hit an energy blockage. Figure 33 shows how the divining rod will move when your BIO-PLASMA Device is pointing at a biofield blockage. To determine if your neutral position is the same as the pictures, ask the rod to show you a “yes” and a “no”. Ask the rod to show you an “energy block” and “energy cleared.” Most people are as shown in the pictures but some people are actually the opposite of the pictures.

To scan, aim the BIO-PLASMA Device slowly across the body from foot to head or vice versa. While holding the BIO-PLASMA Device in one hand and a divining rod in the other hand, feel for a pulling response from the divining rod. If the divining rod starts to rotate then keep the BIO-PLASMA Device pointed at that location until the divining rod returns to the neutral position. The torque produced by the spinning energy coming through your hands to move the divining rods is very small.  So when divining, often your hands will feel the torque and assist the divining rods to move, otherwise the divining rods move very slowly.  So your hands help to get the rhythm of the rods moving and also to stick.  The more you do it, the more you will feel which way the energy is moving the rods.  An added technique when divining is to cut a straw the length of the short arm of the divining rod. Place the short arm of the divining rod in the straw and hold the straw rather than the divining rod. The rod spins more easily now and it becomes more obvious that the energy is moving the rod rather than ones hand. Read “Divining Preparation” if one or both of the rods are not moving.

If you can’t easily use a divining rod, notice what you feel with your BIO-PLASMA Device, when the device comes to an energy blockage, you may feel the BIO-PLASMA Device vibrate, pull a little or get heavier, much like two magnets repelling. Once the blockage has cleared, the BIO-PLASMA Device may feel lighter and without any vibration. Sometimes the recipient may feel coolness and on rare occasions, warmth. Read “Scanning the Body” too.

DIVINING PREPARATION - If the divining rod doesn’t work for you, then you need to clear your crown chakra, triple warmer and pericardium meridians. See Figures 31 and 32 to see where these arm meridians are. Aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at these meridians to clear them. Also aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at the top center of your head to clear your crown chakra and at your solar plexus to clear static. Try the divining technique above again.

DOUBLE HELIX WATER – See Vortex Helix Water.

ENTITIES – BIO-PLASMA Devices can be used to remove entities from someone using only a picture of the person if the person isn’t present. Divine the picture or the actual person to determine where the bioplasma divines black. The bioplasma divines black if when using a divining rod in each hand, the diving rods are horizontally parallel and facing each other. Hold your BIO-PLASMA Device over that area. Set your intention to remove the entity and return it to the Light. Another type of entity is the “Energetic Implants”. See “Implants.”

FATIGUE & LOW ENERGY - Read the “Chronic Un-Wellness” section in addition. Use and infrared source at one’s feet. To better determine the biofield frequencies that are out of balance, you may want to experiment with using the “Meridian-Ring Frequency Analysis.” Diet, exercise and life-style choices are part of the healing process as well.

FENG SHUI – To Feng Shui a room or house, aim BIO-PLASMA Device all around the room. If you can use a divining rod, the rod will indicate when the BIO-PLASMA Device is clearing negative energies. Otherwise you can feel your BIO-PLASMA Device slightly vibrate or become slightly heavier.

GROUNDING – Put your BIO-PLASMA Device in between one’s ankles while sitting or legs while lying down. Place one hand on the head and one at the pubic bone. Relax, breath and feel the energy pulses move, synchronize and become still. Do this for about 10minutes if you have trouble feeling the energy pulses. Going outside barefoot and connecting with the energy of a tree is also good.

GULF WAR SYNDROME - See the “Chronic Un-Wellness” section of this manual. For detailed energy analysis and BIO-PLASMA Device program options the “Meridian & Biofield Analysis” section will be helpful.

HOMEOPATHIC OR OTHER REMEDY - A homeopathic substance, nutritional substance, herbal substance or pharmaceutical can be programmed in the holographic window to make a homeopathic remedy. Just write the name and potencies of the remedies on a post-it-note and place the note on the Window of the BIO-PLASMA Device. The key acupoint for homeopathic remedies is located at the navel, CV8. You can also add 56.1-66.6 which is the homeopathic vector. The following will help you to make a homeopathic remedy for someone to take home. First neutralize some water with the BIO-PLASMA Device by aiming an un-programmed BIO-PLASMA Device at your water. Distilled water in a glass container is the best water to use. Next best is distilled water from a plastic container put in glass. Next best is filtered water in glass and last tap water. Next, you can place the vibrational frequency or name of the desired substance or a sample of the actual substance on BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window and aim the device at the water to imprint the water. To amplify a remedy’s effect. Place the substance on your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window and aim the device at the person’s navel for quick results. When using with a divining rod, the divining rod will tell you when the remedy from the BIO-PLASMA Device is done working on the person. See names and frequencies for various remedies later in manual.

IMPLANTS – Sometimes people will have energetic implants. We have found these in the thymus area of the energy body. To remove these, program BIO-PLASMA with the words “neutralize energy implants” and the frequencies 49 and 2009. Use with your BIO-PLASMA Device and divining rods to locate.

INFERTILITY MERIDIANS – Balance the first and second chakras as well as the Pericardium meridian. See Figure 31. This meridian is also called the Circulation/Sex meridian and can be represented on the BIO-PLASMA Device with the number 11 on a post-it note.

INFLAMMATION BIOFIELD- Use the BIO-PLASMA Device on the biofield area of inflammation for 30 sec. to 5 minutes. Aim each end of BIO-PLASMA Device alternately at the area for best results. Use an infrared source and the “Meridian & Biofield Analysis” section of the manual if the un-wellness is chronic and pathogen biofield energies might be involved.

INJURIES – BIO-PLASMA Device is best used in combination with infrared energy for improving wellness with injuries, wounds and other acute conditions. Use your BIO-PLASMA Device twice a day for 5min. or more to accelerate wellness. Use both ends, especially the end with the left-handed IR energies.

JOINT PAIN - The easiest way to improve the biofield at joint pain locations is to aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at the joint and the meridians that run through that area, whether the joint is the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee or ankle. See “Figures 29 and 30.” Use your BIO-PLASMA Device as is or add a programmed quartz crystal. An infrared source and the Meridian-Frequency Analysis will help improve the specific biofield frequencies for acute onset and long-term pain.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 29 – Knee Pain Figure 30 – Shoulder Pain

LAMENESS – Treat the acupuncture meridians of the animals’ limb involved with your BIO-PLASMA Device. Use both ends of BIO-PLASMA Device and treat for 1 to 20 minutes as needed until animal is consistently better.

LIBIDO – Balance the first and second chakras as well as the Pericardium meridian. See Figure 31. The Pericardium meridian is also called the Circulation/Sex meridian and can be represented on the BIO-PLASMA Device with number 11 on a post-it note.

LOCATING ITEMS with your BIO-PLASMA Device – Using a divining rod, one can locate items with BIO-PLASMA much like diviners locate water deep within the earth. First place the hidden object’s name on the BIO-PLASMA Device’s window. Then aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at various locations until the divining rod responds.

LONG DISTANCE HEALING – Aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at a picture of the person you are healing or place their birth name on a post it note and place the post-it note on’ BIO-PLASMA Device’s window. Prayer can be given at the same time, asking for healing help from Beings of Light and focusing your intent on the healing of that person.

MOOD SWINGS - See “Depressed Emotions.”

MERIDIAN CLEARING – Aim your BIO-PLASMA Device along the meridian lines as shown in the following diagrams. It is that fast. Best used with a divining rod to find blockages along the pathways. The divining rod will indicate blocked and then cleared as your move along the meridian acupuncture points with your BIO-PLASMA Device.


Figure 31 - From “Touch for Health” by John F. Thie


Figure 32 - From “Touch for Health” by John F. Thie


Figure 33 - Clearing the Heart Meridian with a BIO-PLASMA Device

MULTILINGUAL BIO-PLASMA Devices– BIO-PLASMA Devices Window is multi-lingual and operates best with clear intent. Energy work follows one’s intent which is higher-dimensional than the 4 dimensions of the physical. Any language will work in your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window as the Window works with the Language of Light. The Language of Light is the Universal Language of the Cosmos that all other language has originated from.

PAIN & STIFFNESS – Pain and stiffness can be reversed, especially if you haven’t had it very long. A 10 second count is normally sufficient, however, on more difficult areas, longer counts up to about 10 minutes should be adequate. Place a programmed quartz crystal on BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window grid as well. Aim the BIO-PLASMA Device at the area of pain and stiffness and move your BIO-PLASMA Device counter-clockwise or in figure 8 patterns. Treat the acupuncture meridians near the area as well. For an injury, do this every day or as often as possible until the area is fully functional. If the pain is long-term see the “Chronic Un-Wellness” section of the manual. Creating increased blood circulation is a must. A combination of exercise, stretching and massage-bodywork is best for increasing circulation. See also Mayan number 11.

PRAYER - Hold your BIO-PLASMA Device while you pray to increase the power of your prayer. Know that you are assisted by other Beings of Light.

SCANNING THE BODY- You can scan the entire body for “blocked” areas by using the divining rod. The divining rod will also indicate how long to hold the BIO-PLASMA Device at each area. To hold a divining rod, hold as in “Figure 26.” This is the neutral position for most people. This is the position the divining rod will naturally balance at when the biofield is clear. Make sure you hold the rod loosely so it will move freely. Also you must hold it balanced so that it will not move when you are not scanning and will only move when you hit an energy blockage. “Figure 33” shows how the divining rod will move when the BIO-PLASMA Device is pointing at a biofield blockage. To scan, aim the BIO-PLASMA Device slowly across the body from foot to head. While holding the BIO-PLASMA Device in one hand and a divining rod in the other hand, feel for a pulling response from the divining rod. If the divining rod starts to rotate then keep the BIO-PLASMA Device pointed at that location until the divining rod returns to the neutral position. Read “Divining” if you are having trouble divining.

SLEEP – Your BIO-PLASMA Device can be programmed to help you sleep by programming your BIO-PLASMA Device with a description of “Restful Sleep and REM” on the post-it note. Other examples could include, “Neutralize anxiety,” “Quiet the mind,” “Calm Heart Shen,” etc. Also one can balance one’s biofield first as described in this section under “Biofield & Chakra Balancing.” This works best by placing a programmed crystal on your BIO-PLASMA Device first.

SPRAIN – See Injury section.

STRESS - Using your BIO-PLASMA Device systemically can help with stress reduction and improve your sense of well-being. Also, 12 is the frequency to help reduce stress. Use your BIO-PLASMA Device as described in “Use Your BIO-PLASMA Device Right Away.” See the sections “Biofield and Chakra Balancing,” “Chakra Layers Clearing,” and “Meridians Clearing.”

TEETH PLAQUE – The Magnetic Water ZEB can reduce the amount of your plaque by changing your water from unstructured chaotic water to structured and neutralized water that carries away your plaque. See the website description of the Magnetic Water ZEB for more details, energy-.

TMJ – Refer to an acupuncture meridian chart of the face and neck. Treat facial and neck acupuncture points with your BIO-PLASMA Device. Using the BIO-PLASMA Device between the ankles will be beneficial as well. The Mini-Acupoint ZEB works well too.

VETERBRA FIXATION – For best results, use your BIO-PLASMA Device in combination with an infrared source. Aim your BIO-PLASMA Device over each vertebra for 5-10 seconds.

VORTEX HELIX WATER - This type of water is very special and includes organic balance energies, Reiki energies, longevity energies and EMF protection energies and others. The results of these energies create water that is superior to any water for the health of one’s biofield. We have found this water to be more stable than “Double Helix” water. To make this water just aim one of our therapy BIO-PLASMA Devices (IR BIO-PLASMA Saber, IR PEMF Saber , Crystal Chakra Wand) or our Magnetic Water ZEB at some water for about 10minutes. The homeopathic percussion strengths of this water are as follows: 3 for tap water, 10 for filtered water , 20 for reverse osmosis water and 30 for distilled water .

WOUND THERAPY – See Injury section.

WORKSHOP ENHANCEMENT – Write each workshop participants’ specific energy balancing needs on a paper, shrink it and place on BIO-PLASMA Device’s Holographic Window. The results may surprise you.

EYELIGHT HEALER FREQUENCIES – These frequencies should only be used once you have learned the basics of using your BIO-PLASMA Device and have worked on yourself and others. These are the Eyelight Frequencies 24.368, 24.583 and 24.689. Use chakra balancing methods to integrate these energies into your biofield. Notice how you feel.


You can put a hand over each chakra in a sequence while having the BIO-PLASMA pointed at your spine’s tailbone and parallel to your spine.  If you close your eyes and you might see colors. Green is a good color and will often be seen when a chakra has cleared. Reds are usually energy de-tox and other colors are energizing or relaxing.  You can also scan the BIO-PLASMA Device slowly over your body and notice what you feel.  If an area is normally achy or congested in feeling, it may decrease in pain and feel lighter.  Energy work in general is very subtle and requires a sensitivity to detect.  Often you will feel a coolness coming from the BIO-PLASMA Device and on rare occasions, warmth. For injuries or major energy blockages, you might sometimes feel your muscles twitch and warmth as the blockage is released. If you had chronic fatigue or something debilitating you might feel more energetic afterwards.  If you were overly emotional about something, you would feel more relaxed and at peace.  Sometimes when BIO-PLASMA Device is clearing a major energy blockage you will feel something similar to a magnetic or gravity pull and then it will dissipate. If you had a huge energy shift you might feel a release of emotions or pulsations of energy.


BIO-PLASMA Devcies can be used for as long or as little as you like. If new to using your BIO-PLASMA Device, it is best to use for smaller amounts of time, say 5min. to 30min. Some people are more sensitive to others and will know they have had enough. Animals are very sensitive and always seem to know when they have had enough. They also know when and where they need it. Many BIO-PLASMA Device owners sleep with their BIO-PLASMA Device. There are no known negative side affects except for too much de-tox too fast, such as diarrhea. De-toxification processes may be stimulated from serious illnesses. This rarely happens but can happen to very toxic, sick humans or animals. Individuals should adjust BIO-PLASMA’s usage according to their sensitivity and toxicity. If you become to “spacey” or ungrounded, go for a walk or do something physical to get back into your physical body. You can also connect with someone else whose presence can support you and ground you.

TURNING “OFF” BIO-PLASMA – In order to turn off the BIO-PLASMA Device, place it in a plastic bag or container. Also, standing it upright on a flat surface will decrease it sufficiently for most people.

CLEANING YOUR BIO-PLASMA DEVICE- Clean your BIO-PLASMA Device with alcohol once a week or whenever it looks dirty.

AIR TRAVEL – The earlier IR PEMF ZEB and PEMF ZEB models travel best in cargo to be safe. Carrying it on the plane is not recommended. To customs people these BIO-PLASMA Devices can look similar to a pipe bomb on the outside and is opaque on the inside. The best way to travel with it is to secure the owner’s manual around it with a rubber band and put it in luggage that won’t be checked. Our current BIO-PLASMA Device models the IR BIO-PLASMA Saber, IR PEMF Saber and Crystal Chakra Wand do not look like pipe bombs but it is still unclear how customs will perceive them. Again you may want to put them in your check-in baggage.


Your BIO-PLASMA Device has a bioplasma radiation field around it comparable to a magnet. It perpetuates itself by circulating plasma energy around itself from the output back to its input in one continuous process. The BIO-PLASMA unit is shown in Figure 36 with its input/output energy patterns. Figure 35 shows the dual vortexes emanating from the center of a galaxy. BIO-PLASMA’s energy is emitted as dual vortex energy as well. Chakras, acupuncture points and all of matter from the electron to galaxies, all have these energy vortexes. A healthy human biofield consist of flowing, unpolarized bioplasmic cells. A healthy human biofield can also be said to have flowing, colorful, chi, prana and aura energy. When the human biofield is blocked, negative, polarized bioplasmic cells exist. The BIO-PLASMA Device’s energy beam network attracts the negative bioplasmic cells from the subject’s biofield and accelerates these through the BIO-PLASMA unit via its tuned cavity ring-down processor. Here, the negative, polarized bioplasmic cells are zero beaten down, depolarized and discharged out of the unit, thus creating a zero balance. BIO-PLASMA has a ring-down process which is a slow vibratory spin down to zero at BIO-PLASMA Device’s center. As it continues to vibrate, it speeds up until it becomes zero balanced.

In addition to healing and balancing out the human biofield, the BIO-PLASMA Device is able to energize the transmembrane potential, TMP of every cell in the body. The TMP is the battery for each cell and is usually about 70milli-volts for healthy cells and 50milli-volts or below for all unhealthy cells. See Figure 34 below. The plasma-biofield is the natural energy source of the TMP, so by aiming your BIO-PLASMA Device at unhealthy tissues, the device adds more plasma-biofield energy and re-charges unhealthy cells to become healthy cells.


Figure 34 - Transmembrane Potential for Healthy & Unhealthy Cells


Your BIO-PLASMA Device’s unique geometries make it an effective tuned cavity that works with the body's biofield (also called aura, prana, chi or subtle energy fields). The BIO-PLASMA Devices’s tuned cavity can be compared to sound resonating within a flute or to radiation moving in the waveguide of a linear accelerator. The BIO-PLASMA Device is cavity tuned to the wave length of sunlight and corresponds to the key of C # on the piano. By design, your BIO-PLASMA Device reproduces and simulates laying-on-hands as well as achieving zero energy balancing.

Your BIO-PLASMA Device is a multidimensional energy device. The 10th Dimensional Holographic Intelligence Window is on every BIO-PLASMA Device's main shaft at the center. See Figure 36. Your BIO-PLASMA Device‘s inner grids phase the input/output to yellow-green bioplasma energy which opposes all biofield dysfunctions and/or disorders. The Violet end simulates the right hand energies while the IR end simulates the left hand energies. The violet-love ray is good for common pathogen biofields. It is best to use both ends over a problem area but the Violet end is better at the upper chakras and the outer aura, while the IR end is better at the lower chakras, inner aura and physical body.

The bioplasmic cells ring-down can be compared to spinning a fifty cent piece on a flat surface as it spins down. It starts out slow and then picks up speed, then slows down again until it stops. Your BIO-PLASMA Device's ring-down processor includes the Schumann earth frequency of 7.8 Hertz at the IR(infrared LED end) and is accelerated up to 30,000 kHz out the Violet colored end (first prana level). Since each end wraps into the other end, both ends actually have all frequencies yet they are different.

The “Holographic Window” for programming your BIO-PLASMA Device is always connected to Source, the 10th Dimension and Higher. Without any external programming, this window is designed to emit the Reiki energies, longevity energies, EMF protection energies, Earth energies, organic balance and others. Newer BIO-PLASMA Device’s have an Auto-Intelligence which is a remarkable feature that automatically senses the frequencies needed and outputs them. No other PEMF or Scalar-wave wand devices have this capability. This new feature is called the Eye-Light.

How Does Your BIO-PLASMA Device Work?

How does the Sun work?  Before any matter existed, all there was in the universe was plasma energy (for healing often called plasma-biofield, bio-plasma).  Now in the universe there is 3% matter and 97% plasma energy.  All of this matter (just 3% of the universe) was created from condensed plasma energy, just like the sun.  Besides stars, the only time we on earth see this Sea of Plasma Energy all around us is when we are near the North or South poles.  This is where we can see the Northern and Southern lights or the Aurora Borealis.  See electric- for more about the Plasma Universe. So your BIO-PLASMA Device is powered by focusing the plasma energy all around us.  If you read the BIO-PLASMA Architecture section above it explains the resonant and focusing mechanics of how BIO-PLASMA focuses, resonates and emits specific Bio-Plasma energies that are natural and conducive to the health of the human bio-plasma & human body.

We are in a Sea of Plasma energy 24/7, even at night, so BIO-PLASMA is always working, always on.  The only way to turn BIO-PLASMA off is to put it in a plastic bag which will mute most of the energies of the Sea.

What is the difference between Plasma and Electricity?

Man-made electricity is electrons that move in a sine-wave, which is up and down while going forward for AC and for DC electricity is just electrons that go forward without going up and down.  Plasma energy, the natural energy of the universe is structured as dual-vortex scalar-waves which spin both clock-wise and counter-clockwise. Because this energy is not polarized into positive and negative, it measures zero volts by electronic measuring devices. Plasma is half photon-light and half energy (magnetism/gravity-waves).  From a plasma and quantum physics standpoint 2 photons can be condensed or structured to produce the smallest unit of matter which is 1 electron and 1positron.  So plasma is often mixed with ions of the air but out in space, intergalactic plasma is just 50% light and 50% energy, with an average very low, ion density of one H+ per cubic meter.  Plasma or scalar-wave energy is spinning, non-measureable and dark at low densities but seen as light at high densities.  On earth and in BIO-PLASMA, plasma is mixed with the ions of the atmosphere.  In addition, BIO-PLASMA contains electromagnetic (EM) components and diode crystal configurations.  EM fields are the fields of electrons and magnetism, not just the photons and magnetism of Space Plasma. Together, the plasma energies and EMF energies pulse a huge range of holographic frequency energies that are natural and healing to the human being. For further scientific reading about scalar-waves and plasma energies, read Dr. Konstantin Meyl’s book or Hassim Nassein’s website.

Why are BIO-PLASMA PEMF devices better than other PEMF devices?

1. BIO-PLASMA does not use man-made electricity which actually has harmful effects to the human body as shown by cell phone usage studies, showing cell phones can cause brain cancer and create heart arrhythmias. BIO-PLASMA uses natures Plasma Electromagnetic Energies which are more conducive and more natural to the body’s own healing system (biofield and immune system) and are physically structured as scalar-waves.

2. BIO-PLASMA Device’s natural, plasma scalar-wave energy always generates the energies that create Vortex Helix Water. This water has been shown to cool the body from inflammation and accelerate the immune system response. No other PEMF devices have this ability.

3. When you start working with your BIO-PLASMA Device, you will learn through our BIO-PLASMA Devices Manual, DVD’s, YouTube Videos and Courses a whole metaphysical science. No other PEMF device has the knowledge that integrates science, spirituality and health.

4. BIO-PLASMA Device’s work with human and animal biofields, chakras and meridians.

5. BIO-PLASMA Device’s are infinitely programmable. We provide several options for programming your BIO-PLASMA Device, Meridian-Ring frequencies, symbols, words and more. Other devices provide very limited programming if any.

6. Newer BIO-PLASMA Devices have an Auto-Resonating capability which is a remarkable feature that automatically senses the frequencies needed or in imbalance and outputs them. No other PEMF devices or Scalar-wave wands have this higher-dimensional capability. This feature is called the EYE-Light.

7. BIO-PLASMA Devices, in addition to being a cutting edge Plasma Physics technology is also a Spiritual technology.  The 10th dimensional Holographic Window (Eye) of BIO-PLASMA is directly connected to Source, the Higher Creation Information Field.  As a result your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Source connection directly downloads information to the “Inner Physician” or Soul control of the person or animal.

Can you see your BIO-PLASMA Device’s energy when it is unplugged?

Some people can see the energy coming out of the BIO-PLASMA Device but they are often clairvoyant, just as clairvoyants can often see the human aura.  The best way for the average person to see the energy coming out of their BIO-PLASMA Device is to look at it in a completely dark room.  Hold the BIO-PLASMA Device vertical and place one's hand a centimeter or two below BIO-PLASMA s output at one end.  Look closely at the surface of the hand and you are likely to see a very light pulse come out every second or two and then darkness or shadow.


Part II

Programming with BIO-PLASMA Devices

Programming with BIO-PLASMA for Energy Balancing

Some typical conditions that can cause biofield-meridian imbalances are body injuries, mental-emotional states, job and career related stress, physical illness, shock, thought patterns, etc. The BIO-PLASMA device is the ideal tool to help resolve biofield-meridian energy imbalances. While BIO-PLASMA has a program of its’ own without any programming, more specific energies can be balanced when using programming and energy analysis.


Figure 36 – BIO-PLASMA Holographic Window & Scalar-Wave Flows

Programming Control – Your BIO-PLASMA Device’s programming capabilities include frequencies, words, symbols, homeopathic remedies, crystals etc. The programming control is located at your BIO-PLASMA Device’s barrel center and called the 10th Dimensional Holographic Window. The Window permits a programming command (intent) to be programmed with a post-it note. The post-it note includes electromagnetic intensity levels that are read by the higher-dimensional holographic window. This is similar to the method used at the grocery store check-out counter where the infrared reader reads the grocery barcodes.

It should be understood that your BIO-PLASMA Device’s internal 10th dimensional scalar-wave window has the ability to understand and read symbols, letters, numbers and many other items. The Device’s Window reads the electromagnetic intelligence from the post-it note and converts it to corresponding scalar-wave frequencies. The programming is then responsible for controlling the specific scalar-waves that are projected from your BIO-PLASMA Device for zero energy balancing.

Various materials such as crystals, homeopathics, herbs and pharmaceuticals can be attached to the BIO-PLASMA Device Window with rubber bands. The BIO-PLASMA Device then projects this programmed scalar-wave field to perform specific zero energy balancing.

Additional programming frequencies and suggestions are provided in the included tables and lists. Also some of these references can help you to understand the general make-up and structure of the body’s biofield system.

Getting Started with Programming

Quartz Crystal Programming - The easiest and fastest way to achieve a quick biofield energy balance is to program BIO-PLASMA with an imprinted quartz crystal. Have the person or animal (for animals you can also use a cotton swab with some of the animals saliva) to be balanced hold the crystal for about 20 seconds and then place the programmed crystal on your BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window. See Figure 36 for your units Window location. Your BIO-PLASMA Device Window will then read the energy recorded in the crystal and adjust its’ energy output to the subjects’ personal energy system. This is the most common way to use your BIO-PLASMA Device for home use and use by holistic professionals for their patients and clients. This will balance all meridians as well as non-chronic pathogen biofield imbalances. One can use it along with the techniques described in the beginning of the BIO-PLASMA Device Manual called “BIO-PLASMA Device, By Itself, No Programming.” Quartz crystal programming should always be combined with any mode of programming to achieve the best possible results. When one is dealing with chronic un-wellness it is better to update the quartz crystal three times during the initial zapping phase to completely balance unwanted negative energies related to the un-wellness. You can also program crystals for people to carry by aiming BIO-PLASMA Device at the crystal. You would first need to program your BIO-PLASMA Device with a specific frequency, word, symbol or imprinted crystal.

Ring Frequency Programming - Your BIO-PLASMA Device’s output can be regulated with frequencies, vector angle rates or ring frequencies. The “Meridian & Biofield Analysis” section later in the manual shows a system of practical frequencies (see Table 1). Rates and frequencies can be found from many sources in addition to the “Rate Book” sold on the Energy Healing Arts website. Ring Frequency Programming is accomplished by writing frequencies on a post-it-note and placing the note on BIO-PLASMA's units holographic window. Writing the frequencies on the post-it-note changes the electromagnetic energy of the note. One Ring frequency may be used on the BIO-PLASMA’s window at a time as these contain many sub-frequencies. These may also be used in combination with a programmed crystal on the grid side of the window. An example is Ring frequency 2.000 or 15.000 or 27.000 or 40.000, all placed on a post-it note one, then the next one on a post-it-note and so forth to balance the all aura levels of the small intestine meridian.

Vector Angle Programming – Vector angle rates are found in the Ratebook sold on the website and many other sources as well. Only one rate may be used in order to prevent vector addition. If more than one vector angle is used at time, an unknown and unwanted rate could summate. Vector angles include a range of frequencies. An example of a vector angle 26-33 for sinusitis energy balancing.


1. Usage Examples:

Look these up in Table 2 to see what the frequencies represent.

2. Common Carrier Pathogen Biofield Frequencies:

Frequencies 7.368 and 7.683. These are also good to use regularly.

Word Programming – Write the word or words onto a post-it note in any language and place it on BIO-PLASMA Device’s window along with a crystal on the opposite side on the grid. An example might be to write “Release Pain”. Adding the programmed crystal directs BIO-PLASMA energy to balance the pain.

Symbolic Programming – This programming parallels autonomic programming in the respect that each procedure controls your BIO-PLASMA Device’s output mode of operation. AUM is an example of a good symbol to use. The 22 Hebrew names for God are other symbols to experiment with.

The symbolic programming can be used in conjunction with a programmed crystal on the grid side of the window but is not necessary.

Examples Using Mayan Symbols:

. = 1

_ = 5


6 Total

A typical treatment procedure using Mayan symbols with a programmed crystal. Common ones to use are the Mayan numbers 7, 6, 12 and 11 which mean:

7. zap 6. organic 12. mental 11. release

balance emotional pain



1.Unity 2. Polarity 3. Rhythm 4. Measure 5. Center 6. Organic Balance

7. Mystic Power 8. Harmonic Resonance 9. Cyclic Periodicity

10. Manifestation 11. Dissonant Structure 12. Complex Stability

13. Universal Movement. Referenced from “The Mayan Factor” book.

Homeopathic Remedy Programming – A homeopathic substance, nutritional substance, herbal substance or pharmaceutical can be programmed in the holographic window to make a homeopathic remedy. Just put the name and potencies of the remedies written on a post-it-note on the Window of the BIO-PLASMA unit, between the 4 dots. The key acupoint for homeopathic remedies is always the navel, CV8. You can also add 56.1-66.6 which is the homeopathic vector. The following will help you to make a homeopathic remedy for someone to take home. First neutralize some water with BIO-PLASMA. Just aim an un-programmed BIO-PLASMA Device at the water or use water that has been neutralized through the Magnetic Water ZEB. Next, you can place the vibrational frequency of the desired substance or a sample of the actual substance on the Device’s Window and aim your Device at the water to imprint the water. To amplify a remedy’s effect. Place the substance on your BIO-PLASMA Device’s window and aim the BIO-PLASMA at the person’s navel for quick results.

Bach Flower Remdy Programming:

Agrimony 778 kHz Aspen 769 kHz Beech 747 kHz

Centaury 759 kHz Cerato 739 kHz Cherry Plum 764 kHz

Chest. Bud 776 kHz Chicory 779 kHz Clematis 726 kHz

Crab Apple 744 kHz Elm 796 kHz Gentian 758 kHz

Gorse 783 kHz Heather 664 kHz Holly 782 kHz Honey Sckle 763 kHz Hornbeam 789 kHz Impatiens 729 kHz Larch 794 kHz Minulus 797 kHz Mustard 777 kHz Oak 718 kHz Olive 745 kHz Pine 768 kHz Red Chestnut 788 kHz Rock Rose 757 kHz Rock Water 787 kHz Scleranthus 736 kHz Star- Bethlhm 780 kHz Swt. Chestnut 760 kHz Vervain 799 kHz Vine 792kHz Walnut 749 kHz Water Violet 790 kHz White Chestnt 738 kHz Wild Oat 750kHz

Willow 795 kHz Rescue Remedy 56.768

Cell Salt Remedy Programming:

Calc Fluor Calc Phos Cal Sulph

45.579 / 388Hz 45.367 / 368Hz 45.784 / 389Hz

CV8 – GV1 T.P. CV8 – GV21 T.P. CV8 – GV27 T.P.

Ferrum Phos Kali Mur Kali Phos

45.689 / 376Hz 45.879 / 387Hz 45.287 / 349Hz

CV8 – GV24 T.P. CV8 – GV26 CV8 – GV3 T.P.

Kali Sulph Mag Phos Natrum Mur

45.835 / 397Hz 45.647 / 377Hz 45.587 / 388Hz

CV8 – GV28 T.P. CV8 – GV27 T.P. CV8 – GV3 T.P.

Natrum Phos Natrum Sulph Silica

45.596 / 357Hz 45.669 / 396Hz 45.797 / 398Hz

CV8 – GV27 T.P. CV8 – GV25 T.P. CV8 – GV2 T.P.

45 – Ring Frequency, Lung Meridian too. T.P. = Treatment Points

Solfeggio Frequency Programming:

Red UT 396 – Liberating, Guilt and Fear, 99

Orange RE 417 - Undoing situations, Facilitating change 104.25

Gold MI 528 – Transformation and Miracles (DNA repair), 132

Green FA 639 – Connecting, Relationships, 159.75

Blue SOL 741 – Awakening Intuition, 185.25

Purple LA 852 - Returning to Spiritual Order, 213

Hormone Remedy Programming:

These are words which can be written on post-it notes one at a time and will only take a few seconds typically to shift ones biofield. Use with a divining rod to indicate if needed and for how long.

Angiotension II, Calcitonin, Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide, Cholecystokinin, Cortisol, Corticotropin, Corticotropin-Releasing Factor, DHEA, Estriol, Estrone, Epinephrine, Estradiol, Follicle-Stimulating Hormone, Gastric Inhibiting Peptide, Gastrin, Glucocorticoids, Glucagon, Gonadotropin-Releasing Factor, Growth Hormone, Growth Hormone Releasing Factor, Insulin, Lipotropin, Luteinizing Hormone, Melanocyte-Stimulating, Mineralocorticords, Motilin, Norepinephrine, Parathyroid Hormone, Pancreatic Polypeptide, Progesterone, Prolactin, Prolactin-Releasing Factor, Prolactin-Release Inhibiting Factor, Oxytacin, Secretin, Somatostatin, Testosterone, Thyroglobulin, Thyrotropin, Thyrotropin-Releasing Factor, Thyroxine and Triiodothyronine, Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide, Vasopressin

Usage Note: For any specific programming, write these one at a time on your BIO-PLASMA Device and if your body benefits, it will only take 10-30sec. Use your divining rod to determine if your body is responding to each individual remedy and how long to treat. The Meridian Tester can be used to test for energetic balancing needs as well. For prolonged symptomatic conditions, always consult with your primary healthcare provider.


Figure 37 – Meridian-Ring Frequencies on Chinese Energy Wheel


This test may be useful to practicing holistic professionals who may want to know what their patients energy and body dysfunctions are. For non professionals this test is usually not necessary. The average person can balance their energy with a quartz crystal on their BIO-PLASMA Device. Until you become confident with your technique, you should always “self-validate” your test as described below. Also it is a good idea to check yourself daily until you become proficient. If you are overly emotional or out-of-sorts in some way your readings for that particular day may be off or inconsistent. These are days it is important to test yourself first and balance your own energy first.


If you can use the Divining Rod as an indicator, you can detect the Meridian Ring frequencies in Table 1 that follows. When the rod points toward you, this means the BIO-PLASMA Device is reacting to an energy imbalance. When the rod swings around 180 degrees, pointing away from you, this means the problem has cleared. For some people divining works just the opposite. See the BIO-PLASMA Device Manual and BIO-PLASMA Balancing II DVD for on divining.

METHOD 1: Use the Meridian Tester or Acupoint ZEB

1. Clear the provided quartz crystal by aiming your Device at it.

2. The person to be treated by your Device should then program the crystal by touching it with their thumb and index finger and then placing on the 3 dots on the Meridian Tester. This works much better than the Acupoint ZEB.

3. Use a single divining rod and Table 1 below.

4. Focus your attention on (a) the Meridian Tester tip and (b) sequentially, each line item in Table 1, column1 of the Meridian-Ring Frequency chart.

5. For every Meridian-Ring frequency that is out of balance, the divining rod should swing 180 degrees, usually backwards towards the diviner’s chest. For Meridian-Ring frequencies that are not out of balance the divining rod should stay stationary, usually pointed forward, away from the chest.

6. Write the Meridian-Ring frequencies down where an out of balance occurred. There may be pathogen biofield imbalances as well.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 38 Figure 39

METHOD 2: Using Your BIO-PLASMA Device to Divine With

1. Clear the provided quartz crystal by aiming your Device at it.

2. The person to be treated by your BIO-PLASMA Device should then program the crystal by touching it with their thumb and index finger while it is already on the Holographic Window, held by a rubber-band.

3. Use 2 divining rods as shown in Figures 40 and 41.

4. With your attention focused on (a) the divining rods and (b) the Violet end of your BIO-PLASMA Device’s output at the same time, count the Meridian-Ring frequencies 0-50. Allow for the divining rods to slightly swing in and out from each other with each count.

5. For every Meridian-Ring frequency that is out of balance, the divining rods should stick rather than slightly swing. A stick will look much like Figure 5.

6. Write the Meridian-Ring frequencies down where a stick occurred as these are the imbalanced meridians. There may be pathogen biofield imbalances as well.

7. Check for which meridians are related to the sticks by looking the Meridian-Ring frequencies in either Figure 2 or Table 1.

8. To determine if there are pathogen biofield Meridian-Ring frequencies, check Table 1 and refer to the Meridian-Ring frequency where a stick occurred. If there are pathogen Meridian-Ring frequencies with that meridian then count the single whole number frequency along with the decimal places of the associated pathogen frequencies.

[pic] [pic]

Figure 40 Figure 41


1. Upon counting 1-50 Meridian-Ring frequencies, there was only one stick at number 8.

2. Check Table 1 or Figure 37 and see that Meridian-Ring frequency 8 is associated with the liver meridian.

3. In Table 1 there are also three pathogen Meridian-Ring frequencies associated with Meridian-Ring frequency 8. These are 8.869, 8.953 and 8.968.

4. To determine if the related pathogens are present, count 8.869 with the divining rods swinging at the diode end BIO-PLASMA output and see if there is a stick. Do the same for 8.953 and 8.969.

5. For all frequencies where there is a stick, the BIO-PLASMA can be programmed by placing a post-it note with both the Meridian-Ring frequencies written and the KHz frequencies written.

Rejuvenation Frequency “396”

Using 2 divining rods, as in Method 2 you can count from 390 – 410 to see where the Rejuvenation frequency of the person is. For chronic conditions, it will not be 396. If your own (the diviners) Rejuvenation frequency is not 396, your divining precision could be affected. You would need to test yourself and then balance your own energy first for consistent, accurate results.

Chronic Conditions

For chronic conditions an infrared source will be needed for treatment. For uncloaking cloaked pathogen energies you will need to write with a permanent marker -1-2-3-4 on the Meridian Tester or Acupoint ZEB for Method 1 and on the Infrared PEMF Saber or IR BIO-PLASMA Saber or Method 2. These numbers should be written in the window just below where the quartz crystal is placed. These numbers tell the BIO-PLASMA Device’s to check the infrared region of the persons’ biofield. Often once you have cleared a layer of biofield imbalances, you may divine again and see if another layer of biofield imbalances have become uncloaked and ready for balancing. There could be several layers of imbalance before the patient is completely clear.

Divining Is Not a Science but an Art

Electronic measurement can be considered a science as it is repeatable. Unfortunately, divining is not quite as precise. Divining methods can vary from person to person. One person’s divining rod swings forward when the other person’s swings backwards. Some people are unable to divine because their crown chakra, pericardium meridian or triple warmer meridian’s are blocked in some way. Some people just don’t practice and aren’t able to develop their confidence with the art of divining. To become a good diviner, use the BIO-PLASMA Device to clear your crown chakra and the meridians down your arms. In an earlier section of this manual this procedure is described in more detail as well as the DVD titled “BIO-PLASMA Use II.”

Self-Validation Method

1. First divine Ring Frequencies using Method 1 or 2 above.

2. As an example, you divined Ring Frequencies 4.869 and 5.899. One at a time, take a post-it note with the number 4.869 and place it on the BIO-PLASMA Device’s Window without the quartz crystal.

3. Aim the BIO-PLASMA Device with the single Ring Frequency at the person and see if the BIO-PLASMA Device starts working on them by the response of your divining rod. If your divining rod does not pull the opposite phase, 180 degrees then you may not have done it right. Try your Meridian-Ring Frequency Test again or balance your own energies first, then try again.

4. After you have tested 4.869 with a post-it note then do the same with the other Ring Frequencies you divined. In this example it would be 5.899.

5. If you have the Meridian Tester or Acupoint ZEB and used Method 1, you can also self-validate by using Method 2. Vice versa, if Method 2 was first and you have and Meridian Tester or Acupoint ZEB, you can validate using Method 1.

TABLE 1 – Meridian-Ring Frequency Analysis Table

|Meridian -Ring |Meridian or Pathogen |Chakras to Balance or Area of|ZEB |

|Frequency | |Un-Wellness |Treat |

| | | |Point |

|0.000 |Central or Conception Vessel |All Chakras |CV8 |

|Etheric | | |GV18 |

|1.000 |Bladder Meridian |Chakras 1&2 |CV10 |

|1.693 |Proteus |Lower Abdomen |GV6 |

|2.000 |Small Intestine Meridian |Chakras 2&3 |CV9 |

|Etheric | | | |

|2.678 |E.Coli |Lower Abdomen Pain |GV4 |

|2.869 |Shigella |Lower Abdomen Pain |GV4 |

|3.000 |Heart Meridian |Chakras 3, 4 & 7 |CV19 |

|Etheric | | | |

|4.000 |Spleen Meridian |Chakras 1, 2 & 3 |CV14 |

|Etheric | | | |

|4.869 |Diabetes Mellitus |Pancreas |GV9 |

|4.996 |Parkinson’s |Chakras 1,2 & 3 |GV16 |

|5.000 |Stomach |Chakras 1 & 3 |CV13 |

|Etheric | | | |

|5.389 |Strongyloides |Stomach Area, Gas and Pain |GV5 |

|5.678 |Gastrothylax Elongatus |Stomach Area, Gas and Pain |GV7 |

|5.857 |Bacillus Cereus |Stomach Area, Gas and Pain |GV7 |

|5.876 |Giardia Lambila |Stomach Area, Gas and Pain |GV7 |

|5.899 |Ulcers |Stomach Area, Gas and Pain |GV10 |

|6.000 |Large Intestine Meridian |Chakras 1, 3 & 7 |CV12 |

|Etheric | | | |

|6.789 |Samonella |Lower Abdomen Pain |GV8 |

|7.000 |Lung Meridian |Chakras 4 & 7 |CV22 |

|Etheric | | | |

|7.368 |Trichinella |Lungs & Connective Tissue |GV3 |

|7.683 |Ascaris |Lungs & Muscles |GV3 |

|7.689 |Streptococcus Pneumonae |Pneumonia & Inner Ear |GV3 |

|7.786 |Pneumocystis Carmil |Lungs & Cough |GV12 |

|7.938 |Klebsiella pneumoniae |Pneumonia |GV12 |

|7.968 |Emphysema |Chakra 4 & 7 |GV14 |

| | |Lungs | |

|8.000 |Liver Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV10 |

|Etheric | | | |

|8.869 |Histoplasma capsulatum |Hepatitus C |GV8 |

|8.899 |Asthma |Chakra 5 Lungs |GV8 |

|8.953 |Antigen B |Hepatitus B |GV8 |

|8.968 |Histomonas meleagridis |Hepatitus A |GV8 |

|9.000 |Gall Bladder Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV9 |

|Etheric | | | |

|9.588 |Gall Stones |Stomach, Chest & Shoulder |GV9 |

| | |Pain | |

|10.000 |Triple Warmer Meridian |Chakra 3 |CV7 |

|Etheric | | | |

|10.657 |Static Electricity |General Body, Over |GV13 |

| | |Stimulation | |

|10.699 |Candida |Genitals |GV2,3,7 |

|10.888 |West Nile Virus, Mites Carrier |Bladder Pain & Discomfort |GV2-3 |

| | | |GV2-7 |

|10.889 |Smart Attack Virus |Head-Neck |GV26 |

|10.969 |Sinusitis |Head |GV24-5 |

|11.000 |Circulation, Sex or Pericardium Meridian |Chakras 2, 3 & 4 |CV3 |

|Etheric | | | |

|11.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Low Back, Hip & Leg Pain |GV26 |

|11.389 |Arthritis |General Body |GV3 |

|11.693 |Aids |All Body Areas |GV3 |

|11.793 |Fibroids |Sex Organs & General Body |GV3 |

|11.899 |Mold, Mold Toxins |Head-Lungs |GV24-5 |

|11.883 |Endometriosis |Sex Organs |GV3 |

|12.000 |Kidney Meridian |Chakras 2, 3 & 6 |CV12 |

|Etheric | | | |

|13.000 |Governing Vessel |All Chakras |CV15 |

|Etheric | | | |

|14.000 |Bladder Meridian |Chakras 1 & 2 |CV22 |

|Meta | | | |

|15.000 |Small Intestine Meridian |Chakras 1 & 2 |CV16 |

|Meta | | | |

|16.000 |Heart Meridian |Chakras 3, 4 & 7 |CV20 |

|Meta | | | |

|17.000 |Spleen Meridian |Chakras 1, 2 & 3 |CV17 |

|Meta | | | |

|17.569 |Hypoglycemia |Pancreas |GV8 |

|18.000 |Stomach Meridian |Chakras 1 & 2 |CV12 |

|Meta | | | |

|18.968 |New Mold, Mold Toxins |Head-Lungs |GV2-7 |

|19.000 |Large Intestine Meridian |Chakras 1, 3 & 7 |CV6 |

|Meta | | | |

|20.000 |Lung Meridian |Chakras 4 & 7 |CV17 |

|Meta | | | |

|20.883 |Asthma |Breathing |GV11 |

|21.000 |Liver Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV10 |

|Meta | | | |

|21.693 |Liver Flukes & Fasciloa |Allergies, Body Functions & |GV5 |

| | |Cancer Staging | |

|22.000 |Gall Bladder Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV15 |

|Meta | | | |

|23.000 |Triple Warmer Meridian |Chakra 3 |GV3 |

|Meta | | | |

|23.863 |Enteron Virus |Related to Fibromyalgia |GV24 |

|24.000 |Circulation-Sex or Pericardium Meridian |Chakras 2, 3 & 4 |CV4 |

|Meta | | | |

|24.379 |Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |Weak-low energy & other |GV23 |

| | |symptoms | |

|25.000 |Kidney Meridian |Chakras 2, 3 & 6 |CV13 |

|Meta | | | |

|25.250 |Rejuvenation | |GV1 |

|26.000 |Bladder Meridian |Chakras 1 & 2 |CV6 |

|Prana | | | |

|26.679 |Ischemia |Muscle Pain, All Body Areas |GV14 |

|27.000 |Small Intestine Meridian |Chakras 2 & 3 |CV7 |

|Prana |Blood Polarization | | |

|28.000 |Heart Meridian |Chakras 3, 4 & 7 |CV20 |

|Prana | | | |

|28.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Head, Neck & Shoulder Pain |GV21 |

|29.000 |Spleen Meridian |Chakras 1, 2 & 3 |CV9 |

|Prana | | | |

|29.969 |Arthritis |All Body Areas |GV2-3 |

|30.000 |Stomach Meridian |Chakras 1 & 3 |CV11 |

|Prana | | | |

|30.963 |Super Staph/Strep |All Body Areas |GV26 |

|30.987 |Smart Attack Virus |All Body Areas |GV20 |

|31.000 |Large Intestine Meridian |Chakras 1, 3 & 7 |CV8 |

|Prana | | | |

|31.899 |New Super Staph/Strep |All Body Areas |GV19 |

|32.000 |Lung Meridian |Chakras 4 & 7 |CV16 |

|Prana | | | |

|32.893 |Smart Attack Virus |Head-Neck |GV22 |

|33.000 |Liver Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV6 |

|Prana | | | |

|33.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Neck, Jaw, Ear & Head |CV15 |

|34.000 |Gall Bladder Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV1 |

|Prana | | | |

|34.689 |Candida |Yeast in Blood, Bladder |GV25 |

|35.000 |Triple Warmer Meridian |Chakra 3 |CV10 |

|Prana | | | |

|36.000 |Circulation/Sex Meridian |2.1Mhz, RNA |CV5 |

|Prana | | | |

|36.873 |Cancer |General Body |GV3 |

|37.000 |Kidney |Chakras 2, 3 & 6 |CV11 |

|Prana | | | |

|37.883 |Smart Attack Virus |All Body Areas |GV2-3 |

|38.000 |Central & Governing Vessels |All Chakras |CV22 |

|Prana | | | |

|38.876 |Smart Attack Virus |Neck, Jaw, Ear & Head Pain & |GV16 |

| | |Discomfort | |

|39.000 |Bladder Meridian |Chakras 1 & 2 |CV6 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|39.659 |Fibromyalgia |General Body Pain |GV26 |

|40.000 |Small Intestine Meridian |Chakras 2 & 3 |CV19 |

|Alcyone | |2.3Mhz, DNA | |

|40.883 |Benign Tumor |General Body |GV20 |

|41.000 |Heart Meridian |Chakras 3, 4 & 7 |CV23 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|42.000 |Spleen Meridian |Chakras 1, 2 & 3 |CV15 |

|Alyone | | | |

|42.883 |Malignant Tumor |General Body |GV5 |

|43.000 |Stomach Meridian |Chakras 1 & 3 |CV20 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|44.000 |Large Intestine Meridian |Chakras 1, 3 & 7 |CV4 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|44.696 |Mycoplasma |Toxin Producing Bacteria, |GV17 |

| | |General Body | |

|45.000 |Lung Meridian |Chakras 4 & 7 |CV21 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|46.000 |Liver Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV14 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|46.683 |Obesity, Metabolic Anamolies |General Body Overweight |GV3 |

|46.798 |DNA Balance | | |

|47.056 |RNA Balance | | |

|47.000 |Gall Bladder Meridian |Chakra 5 |CV9 |

|Alcyone | | | |

|48.000 |Triple Warmer |Chakra 3 |CV20 |

|48.689 |Mental Disorders Caused by Brain Toxins |Memory Problems |GV23 |

|49.000 |Circulation/Sex |Chakras 2,3 & 4 |CV6 |

|49.997 |Stem Cell Rejuvenation | | |

|49.999 |Stem Cell | | |

|50.000 |Kidney |Chakras 2,3 & 6 |CV10 |

|50.865 |Flu Like Symptoms |Toxin Producing |CV18 |

| | |Virus-Brain | |

|72.777 |Life-Extension |Navel/8th Chakra | |

|144.777 |Life-Extension / Sun |Navel/8th Chakra | |

|396.777 |Life-Ext/ Milky Way Ctr. |Nave./8th Chakra | |


1. First clear the quartz crystal, program it with the recipients index finger and thumb and then placing it on your BIO-PLASMA.

2. Aim BIO-PLASMA at the Master Balancing Poing GV16 at the bottom of the skull, as well as GV 18 on the back of the head and CV 8 at the navel. See the figures in the following pages to determine point location.

3. Program the crystal again and repeat. You have just done two quick treatments.

4. The GV and CV points are the points along the Governing Vessel and the Conception Vessel in Chinese Medicine and are master control points in your Soul Body which receive holographic energy instruction and then carry out the associated biofield energy changes.

5. Note the relationships between the meridian frequency in the table above and the effective treatment points along the Governing and Conception Vessels.

For Animals: Use GV 20 located between the ears rather than GV 18. All other points are for the most part the same.






Crystal Chakra Wand – Crystal Amplifier & Aura Enhancer


Chakra Kit: Comes with 7 healing crystals, one for each chakra. Chakra 1 - obsidian, chakra 2 – carnelian, chakra 3 – yellow jasper, chakra 4 – fluorite, chakra 5 – blue quartz, chakra 6 – amethyst, chakra 7 – quartz


Outer-Aura & Chakras: This Wand works better than the other BIO-PLASMA s on the outer-aura and chakras. It also has less programming features than the other devices so that Pure Crystal Energy can be amplified and transmitted to peoples and animals auras. When the divining rods are used in conjunction with the Crystal Chakra Wand, the divining rods will indicate where to aim Wand; which chakras are benefitting, which layer of the aura and more.

Program Window: In the center of the your Wand cylinder where the Hexagon is the Crystal Chakra Wand’s Window. Here is where rubber-bands can be used to hold the programming post-it notes, charged and uncharged crystals and more.

Locater Use: Use the Crystal Chakra Wand as a locater by putting a post-it note of the item you would like to find. Aim the Wand while holding a divining rod. When you are aiming at your lost or unknown item, the divining rod will swing to let you know.

Chakras and Crystal

Chakra 1- Root Chakra

At the base of the spine, the color is red or brown/black. It’s about physical vitality, grounding, fight-or-flight responses (PTSD).

Obsidian – A very good grounding and protective stone. Being Volcanic glass, it can help one get in touch with earth energies and those deep emotions bubbling within us that need to be released before they explode.

Chakra 2 – Empowerment-Creativity Chakra

It is just above the sacrum and pelvis, the color is orange. It fires ones passions and instincts to create and pro-create. It is our wounded child.

Carnelian – A great stone for increasing personal power, physical energy, creativity, compassion and emotional depth. Helps menstrual cramps go away. A gentle stone.

Chakra 3 – Ego-Personal Power

Located around the solar-plexus and/or navel area. We store stress, anger and shame in this area. (Just look at how many antacids are in use.) It also governs the digestive organs, liver, pancreas, kidneys, adrenal glands and spleen.

Citrine - Self confidence, self-discipline, abundance, prosperity, generosity, creativity, physical strength, stability, energy, comfort, career success, life enjoyment,  Mental and emotional clarity, problem-solving and willpower.

Chakra 4 – Heart

Located on the sternum between the chest, the color is green or pink. It’s all about unconditional love, empathy and compassion for self and others. It is the most important chakra to have open and balanced.

Fluorite – Activates, clears and protects the heart chakra. Helps one to release fears and anxiety. Calming and soothing. Helps one open their heart and helps you stay in your heart.

Chakra 5 – Throat

Located at the bottom of the neck. The color is sky blue. It’s all about communication, listening and talking, left and right; power and feelings, back and front. Speaking your truths and true feelings.

Blue Quartz – A stone of courage. Acts a a shield for the aura and subtle bodies. Helps one attune to more spiritual levels of awareness. Supports the throat chakra, helping with communicating ones true feelings.

Chakra 6 – Third Eye

Located between and slightly above the eyes on the forehead, wisdom and at the bottom of the skull on the backside, divine will, going with the flow or not. The color is violet or indigo blue. It’s all about intuition, inner knowledge and inner truths.

Amethyst – A stone of spirituality and contentment. Clears the aura. Provides a clear connection between the earth plane and other worlds. Transmutes any dysfunctional energy in one’s body. Promotes peacefulness. Protects against psychic attacks. Enhances cooperation, common sense and flexibility. Encourages sobriety. Helpul with headaches, insomnia and arthritis.

Chakra 7 – Crown-1000 Petal Lotus

The color is clear, white or violet. It can rotate to any color. It’s all about spirituality. Opening to universal energy and knowledge.

Quartz crystal – Supports all chakras. Amplifies, focuses, stores, transfers and transforms energy. Brings in universal energy. A wonderful all purpose stone. Aids with healing, releasing, allowing. Bring in the full sprectrum of light.

Acu-Point ZEB


Acu-Point ZEB is normally used to breakup energy blockages in the meridian system and then balance the energy to zero.

The Acu-Point ZEB is easy to use. Simply hold the plain end over an acu-point about 1 inch away, do a 10 count and then flip it to the black band end for another 10 count and your finished with that point. This is a standard procedure to stimulate and balance any acu-point. Also, if you know how to use a divining rod to paraphase the energy, it will indicate when this process is complete. For easy ways to learn more about the meridians and treating the meridians for various conditions, refer to our “Recommended Reading.”


Acupunture Points for Insomnia

Healing Example: Use Acu-point ZEB to treat each of the following points. The book “Simply a Safer Way” has many more treatment examples like this.

REFLEXOLOGY CHART- Acu-Point ZEB Works Great for Reflexology Areas!


Auricular Acupoint Chart - Acu-Point ZEB Works Great for the Ear Acupuncture Points!


EMF Protection ZEB $25.00


*Adds Violet-Ray emission to heating lamps

           * Microwave food taste like conventionally cooked food

                * Higher resistance to stress and illness

                * Less headaches and muscle tightness with computer use

                * Increased energy and endurance

                * More peacefulness and calm

                * Reduce auric energy field noise

                *Two units needed per household

How Does the EMF Protection ZEB Work?

When your aura or biofield becomes polarized or locked, energy flow is impaired. Studies have shown though acupuncture meridian test that the EMF Balancing will balance the meridians. Any man-made electrical energy has locked or polarized plasma cells (zero energy) which can then lock up parts of your biofield. The EMF Protection ZEB is able to unlock, de-polarize the plasma cells from electrical energy and free your biofield flow in the process.

EMF Waves: Figure 1 shows an EMF Vector wave and Figure 2 shows an EMF Vector wave with it’s plasma cells. Electrical energy from your outlets has energy which vibrates at 60Hertz or 60 times a second. These electrical vibrations create locked, polarized 2-D plasma cells as shown below in Figure 2.


Figure 1 - Maxwell's EM Vector. No Plasma Cell Shown


Figure 2 - EM Vector with Polarized 2-D Plasma Cell

A Plasma Cell is Normally an Un polarized 3-D Spherical Standing Wave, a Scalar


Figure 3 – Shows How unpolarized 3-D Scalars Become Polarized 2-D EM Vectors. Likewise unpolarized 3-D Plasma Cells become polarized 2-D Plasma Cells when generated with EM Vectors.


Figure 4 - Here B, C & D Represent Opposite Phased EM Vectors which Cancel and Leave Vibrating, Rotating 3-D Plasma Cells. Plasma Cells Not Shown.

This is how the EMF Protection ZEB works. The ZEB creates and joins opposite phased EM vectors to the EM vectors of your house or business. This causes the original 2-D plasma cell-EM vector to de-polarize and become a vibrating or rotating 3-D plasma cell.

Pathogen Ring Frequency versus Sinusoidal Frequency(s)

|Ring Frequency |Pathogen |Local |Sinusoidal Kilo-Hertz Freq. |

|1.693 |Proteus |Lower Abdomen |324,328,336,349,413 |

|2.678 |E.Coli |Lower Abdomen Pain |356,393 |

|2.869 |Shigella |Lower Abdomen Pain |318,390,394 |

|4.869 |Diabetes Mellitus |Pancreas |369,376,421 |

|4.996 |Parkinson’s |Chakras 1,2 & 3 |688 |

|5.389 |Strongyloides |Stomach, Gas & Pain |400 |

|5.678 |Gastrothylax Elongatus |Stomach, Gas & Pain |455 |

|5.857 |Bacillus Cereus |Stomach, Gas & Pain |374 |

|5.876 |Giardia Lambila |Stomach, Gas & Pain |424,426 |

|5.899 |Ulcers |Stomach, Gas & Pain |339,356 |

|6.789 |Samonella |Lower Abdomen |329,355,368,385,386, 390 |

|7.368 |Trichinella |Lungs & Connect. Tissue |404 |

|7.683 |Ascaris |Lungs & Muscles |408 |

|7.689 |Streptococcus Pneumonae |Pneumonia & Ear |368 |

|7.786 |Pneumocystis Carmil |Lungs & Cough |407 |

|7.938 |Klebsiella pneumoniae |Pneumonia |401,419 |

|7.968 |Emphysema |Chakra 4,7 Lungs |471, check for 404&408 |

|8.869 |Histoplasma capsulatum |Hepatitus C |302 |

|8.899 |Asthma |Chakra 5 Lungs |325,362,393,404,408 |

|8.953 |Antigen B |Hepatitus B |418 |

|8.968 |Histomonas meleagridis |Hepatitus A |377 |

|9.588 |Gall Stones |Stomach, Chest & Shoulder |497 |

| | |Pain | |

|10.657 |Static Electricity |General Body, Over |10,000 |

| | |Stimulation | |

|10.699 |Candida |Genitals |386 |

|10.888 |West Nile Virus, Mites |Bladder Pain & Discomfort |682,840,880,920,960 |

| |Carrier | | |

|10.889 |Smart Attack Virus |Head-Neck |682,840,880,920,960 |

|10.969 |Sinusitis |Head |388 |

|11.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Low Back, Hip & Leg Pain |447,467,487,507 |

|11.389 |Arthritis |General Body |404,408,476 |

|11.693 |Aids |All Body Areas |365,408 |

|11.793 |Fibroids |Sex Organs & General Body |2008 |

|11.883 |Endometriosis |Sex Organs |340,421,427 |

|11.899 |Mold, Mold Toxins |Head-Lungs |77,81,88,91,100,126,133,177,188,211,277,288 |

|17.569 |Hypoglycemia |Pancreas |354,355 |

|18.968 |New Mold, Mold Toxins |Head-Lungs |707-Dust Mite, 64, 264 |

|20.883 |Asthma |Breathing |325,362,393,404,408 |

|21.693 |Liver Flukes & Fasciloa |Allergies & Cancer Staging |421,423,425,427,432,434,442 |

|23.863 |Enteron Virus |Fibromyalgia |689 |

|24.379 |Chronic Fatigue Syndrome |Weak-low energy & symptoms |292,345,355,365,375,380 |

|25.250 |Rejuvenation | |396, 9999 |

|26.679 |Ischemia |All Body Areas |559 |

|28.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Head, Neck & Shoulder Pain |525,545,565,585 |

|29.969 |Arthritis |All Body Areas |404,408,476,863 |

|30.963 |Super Staph/Strep |All Body Areas |318,368,373,378,381,385 |

|30.987 |Smart Attack Virus |All Body Areas |318,368,373,378,381,386 |

|31.899 |New Super Staph/Strep |All Body Areas |318,368,373,381,385, 391,396 |

|32.893 |Smart Attack Virus |Head-Neck |697,699 |

|33.379 |Smart Attack Virus |Neck, Jaw, Ear & Head |625,645,665,685 |

|34.689 |Candida |Yeast in Blood, Bladder |386 |

|36.873 |Cancer |General Body |2008,2127 |

|37.883 |Smart Attack Virus |All Body Areas |487 |

|38.876 |Smart Attack Virus |Neck, Jaw, Ear & Head |420,440,460,480 |

| | |Discomfort | |

|39.659 |Fibromyalgia |General Body |404, 408, 479 |

|40.883 |Benign Tumor |General Body |2008 |

|42.883 |Malignant Tumor |General Body |2008, 2127 |

|44.696 |Mycoplasma |Toxin Bacteria, General Body |659 |

|46.683 |Obesity, Metabolic |General Body Overweight |500,527,547,567,18.999/18.689 |

| |Anamolies | | |

|48.689 |Brain Toxins |Head | |

|50.865 |Flu Like Symptoms |Toxin-Virus-Brain |463, 951 |


Hands of Light & Light Emerging, Barbara Brennan

The Healing Power of Your Aura, Barbara Y. Martin

Anatomy of the Spirit, Carolyn Myss

Intermediate & Advance Acupressure Course Booklet,

Acupressure Institute, Berkeley CA


Simply a Safer Way, China Healthways Institute, 115 N. El Camino Real, San Clemente, CA 92672, 800-743-5608

Touch for Health, John F. Thie

LFR Rate Books, Little Farm Research, Inc. 993 West 1800 North,

Pleasant Grove, UT, 84062, 801-785-7416

The Cure for All Diseases, Hulda R. Clark, Ph.D, N.D. (Khz frequencies)

USPA National Office,



Holographic Window

0-30,000 Khz

0-30,000 Khz

Right Hand Energies

0 – 30,000 KHz

Left Hand Energies

0 – 30,000 KHz

Holographic Window

Holographic Window - Eye- 10th Dimension

Figure 35 – BIO-PLASMA’s Dual-Vortex-Eye Field Mirrors Galaxies, Human Chakras, etc.

Right Hand Energies

0 – 30,000 KHz

Left Hand Energies

8 – 30,000 KHz

Holographic Window











Right Hand Energies


Figure 36 – Healing Hands Energy Ladder

Extremely Low Freq. ELF


Left Hand Energies

Meta, Visceral Organs

Ring Frequencies 14-25




“White Light”

Ultra Violet

Low X-Ray, High UV

Low-Grade Emotions & More Physical Energies

Inferno, Muscle (heat)

Etheric, Muscles

Ring Frequencies 0 -13





5 -18 - 30

6 -19 - 31

7 -20 - 32

8 - 21 - 33

9 – 22 - 34


12 -25 - 37

Red Blood Cells

1 -14 - 26


11 -24 - 36


10 -23 - 35


4 -17 - 29

White Blood Cells

2 -15 - 27


3 -16 - 28




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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