CONSIDERING Law May 9th 1989 no. 168;

CONSIDERING Statuto of Università degli Studi di Milano, issued by Rector’s Decree on May 28th 1996 and following modifications;

CONSIDERING art. 51, paragraph 6 of Law December 27th 1997 no. 449 that establishes the institution of fellowships for collaboration to research activities;

CONSIDERING Decreto Ministeriale February 11th 1998 that establishes the amount of the fellowship and the criteria of assessment;

CONSIDERING Decreto Ministeriale February 26th 2004 no. 45 which establishes the minimum and maximum amount of the fellowships;

CONSIDERING Regulations concerning fellowships for a collaboration to research activities issued by Rector’s decree n. 261587 on April 1st 2009 as from art. 51 paragraph 6 of Law no. 449/97, in particular art. 2 of the Regulations which rules the institution of fellowships to be charged to University budget;

AS 90 new fellowships have been financed in 2009 within approval of the University budget on November 24th 2008;

AS Senato Accademico on April 21st 2009 divided 90 Fellowships for collaboration to research activity among the scientific areas established in University and decided the criteria of assessment of research projects, qualifications and scientific-professional curriculum of the candidate;

AS on June 3rd 2009 a Rector’s Decree established the Commissione di Garanzia approved by Senato Accademico on May 12th 2009;

CONSIDERING on June 4th 2009 CARSTT established the scientific areas concerning which the candidates must sit for an interview, according to what established by art. 2, paragraph 7 of the Regulations mentioned above;

CONSIDERING candidates resident abroad for at least one year do not have to sit for the interview, if placed in the ranking in useful position;


Art. 1 - As from Decreto del Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica on February 11th 1998 issued in enforcement of art. 51, paragraph 6, Law 449/1997 and of art. 2 of Regulations concerning fellowships for a collaboration to research activities issued by Rector’s Decree no. 261587 on April 1st 2009, University of Milan has launched a competition by qualifications and interview to award 90 fellowships for a collaboration to research activities restricted to doctorate graduates or graduated in medicine and surgery, holding a diploma in the specialty area of medicine (medical), with appropriate scientific production, lasting two years and divided among the scientific areas established at the University of Milan, as follows:


| | | |PROJECT |

| 1. Mathematics |3 |NO |English; in case, Italian |

| 2. Physics |4 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 3. Chemistry |5 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 4. Geology |2 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 5. Biology |11 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 6. Information Sciences |4 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 7. Medicine |19 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 8. Agricultural Sciences |6 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

| 9. Veterinary Sciences |5 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

|10. Pharmaceutical and pharmacological Sciences |5 |YES |English; in case, Italian |

|11. Law |9 |NO |Italian; in case, English |

|12. Humanities (ancient history, philology, letters, |6 |YES |Italian and English |

|art history) | | | |

|13. History, Philosophy, Pedagogy, Psychology |5 |YES |Italian; in case, English |

|14. Economics and statistics |3 |NO |English; in case, Italian |

|15. Political Sciences and Sociology |3 |YES |Italian and English |



All those who have achieved a PhD and graduated in medicine and surgery, holding a diploma in the specialty area of medicine (medical), together with an appropriate scientific production and a scientific and professional curriculum vitae suitable for research activity can take part in this competition.

Candidates must send the application form and the description of a research project to be developed with reference to only one subject among those established in Enclosure 1), in one or both languages specified in the chart.

Absence of criminal prosecution is required.

Those who have been already awarded fellowships within the limits established by the laws in force (eight years or four if the fellow has been awarded a PhD grant) cannot participate in the selection. If the fellow has been awarded a PhD grant for less than four years, the fellowship can be awarded up to a total duration of eight years between fellowship and PhD grant.

Staff employed in Universities and in the other bodies as from art. 51, paragraph 6, Law 449/97 can participate in the selection: in case of awarding the fellowship, the fellow must resign.

Fellows awarded other grants can participate but must renounce other grants in case of winning the fellowship.

Civil Servants can be awarded the fellowship but must be put on leave without salary in the administration they work for, according to the laws in force.

The qualifications must be held within the deadline established for the presentation of the application form, except for what established for the PhD degree, according to art. 2 paragraph 5 of Regulations, which can be achieved within the date of stipulation of the individual contract.


The candidates must fill in the application form available on-line at . Candidates having already the access to the Unimi e-mail will have to connect to this web-site:

This does not substitute the paper form which must be sent to the University. After filling in the application form candidates will print a file containing the main personal information and will send it to Magnifico Rettore dell’Università degli Studi di Milano. The applicant must bring it directly to Ufficio Archivio e Protocollo of Università degli Studi di Milano – Via Festa del Perdono, 7, 20122 Milano- Italy, or send it by registered letter with return coupon attached ( in this case the stamp and date of the post office will be considered) within 16/07/2009: otherwise he/she will be excluded from the competition.

The Administration is not responsible if communications get lost because the address written by the candidate is not correct or a change of address has been communicated lately or not communicated by the candidate or because of mistakes in delivery due to third parties, chance or force majeure.

Application forms without signature or incomplete or sent after the deadline established will not be accepted.

Forms on-line must contain the following information:








The Administration could ask the candidates to bring or send the whole documentation of the publications specified in the list.


Application forms will be assessed by Commissione di Garanzia, made up of five members selected among professors in this University, which will take advantage of at least two external experts (for each application or for applications concerning the same subject). The list of examiners is established by CARSTT and approved by Rector’s decree.

Each examiner can use up to 12 points, to be divided as follows:

- assessment of the candidate up to 6 points

- assessment of the project up to 6 points

The evaluation criteria for candidates’ scientific qualifications and scientific-professional curriculum are the following:

1. - degree mark ;

2. - PhD thesis;

3. - specialization degrees and marks;

4. - attendance of post-graduate courses;

5. - research activity in Italy;

6. - research activity abroad;

7. - fellowships, scientific-professional contracts and appointments;

8. - participation in scientific congresses;

9. - scientific publications and qualification;

10. - monographic publications and chapters in books;

11. - patents.

Evaluation criteria for research projects are the following:

1. - relevance of the project to the subject suggested by the Department;

2. - originality of the research suggested;

3. - updating of the project with reference to knowledge acquired;

4. - appropriate bibliographic reference;

5. - potential achievement of the project in the space and time available;

6. - relevance of results potentially achievable.

In case of incomplete or insubstantial evaluation and in case of discrepancy between two evaluations, superior of equal to 6 points, Commissione di Garanzia will ask for a third assessment.

Commissione di Garanzia forms a ranking for each area related to the posts, with reference to marks given by the examiners.

The result of the assessment of the project and of the scientific qualifications of each candidate will be posted up and published on the University web-site.

Candidates who have not earned at least 7 points from at least two examiners are excluded from the ranking.

Candidates living abroad for at least one year (to prove with proper certification) who occupy a useful position in the ranking within posts available can be directly appointed among winners.

Candidates in the ranking and placed in position equal to the number of fellowships available for the area concerned increased of 50%, to round up to the next integer, can take part in the interview, if established by this competition.

The interview, which takes place with a Commission established by the Rector and suggested by Commissione di garanzia and made up of a member of Commissione di garanzia, who is the president, of the president or other member of Comitato d’area and, as third member, of Director of the Department concerned or of a delegate, will take place according to the schedule enclosed.

The Commission in charge of the interview can use up to 3 points for each candidate.

The candidates who have to sit for the interview will be called by e-mail at the address communicated by the candidate in the application form; in case of absence, candidates will be automatically excluded from the final ranking.

Commissione di garanzia, at the end of the assessment of the candidate, the research project and the interview, will publish the result of the assessment for each candidate and will form a ranking for each area, with reference to the marks earned. Assessment must end within six months since the transmission, to the referees, of the themes and the related projects.

The results of the assessment will be formalized by Rector’s Decree and published in University web-site.

If marks, gained in the same scientific area, end in a tie, the fellowship will be assigned to the younger candidate.


The Rector will communicate, by registered letter at the address in the application form, the awarding of the fellowship to the winners.

Within the deadline mentioned in the communication, the winner must send to the Rector the acceptance declaration required by the Administration, otherwise he/she will loose the post; afterwards he/she will be called to stipulate a contract.

The contract conditions are ruled by Regulations concerning fellowships for collaboration to research activity of University of Milan.

The fellowship implies the achievement of the research project suggested by the candidate, under the supervision of the Scientist-in-charge and at the related structure. The Scientist-in-charge and the candidate will agree on the activities related to the research project which will be carried out during the fellowship and that will be verified periodically, according to modes established by the individual contract.

The awarding of the fellowship does not imply employed work and does not give rights to employment by Universities.

Fellows can participate in the University in commissions for examinations as experts in a specific subject and collaborate to tutoring activities.

The fellowship cannot be added to grants or other types of aid, except for those established for integration of stays abroad, neither with other contracts of collaboration nor with income coming from free lance activities performed with continuity. Extra-university activities as speaker in seminars, conferences or publishing activities and a limited activity of self-employed work are compatible with the fellowship, upon written communication and in agreement with the scientist-in-charge and upon the condition that such activity is declared compatible by the Structure where the fellow performs research activity and does not imply interest conflicts with the research activity performed for the University. Self-employed work cannot exceed the income limits established by Consiglio di Amministrazione equal to a gross yearly amount of 15.000 Euros, with exclusion of remuneration coming from copyright.


The yearly gross amount of the fellowship is of 16.138,00 Euros. The amount does not include expenses for industrial accident insurance and public liability insurance which are charged to the University. The amount is tax free (Irpef exempt) according to art. 4 of Law August 13th 1984 no. 476 and subjected, for what concerns social insurance, to rules as from art. 2, paragraph 26 and following of Law August 8th 1995 no. 335. The amount is paid in monthly postponed instalments.


Declarations and certifications of acceptance sent by registered letter with reply coupon attached within fifteen days (the stamp and date of the post office will be considered) since the communication by the Rector or brought directly to the appropriate office will be taken into account.

Personal facts and qualities self-attested by the winner of the competition will be checked properly by the University, also by sample, in order to verify their truth.

The winners will be called to stipulate the contract of collaboration to research activity, which will start from the first day of the month following the signature.

For non-EC subjects the fellowship will start after having obtained the visa for self-employed work and the actual beginning of the research activity.


If the contract is not signed within the deadline mentioned by the appropriate office or if the candidate does not achieve the PhD within the stipulation date, the winner will loose every right to the fellowship.

In case of loss of the right to the fellowship or of renounce by the winners, the fellowships are made available to candidates placed usefully in the ranking. The ranking is valid for 180 days since its approval.

The winners of the fellowships who do not attain themselves to what established by this competition notice and to the Regulations mentioned above will loose every right to the fellowship by means of a Rector’s Act upon written notification.

During collaboration activity, if the Fellow does not carry out regularly research activity, without justified reason, or is responsible of serious and continuous malpractice, the procedure of cancellation of the contract will be started, on request of the Scientist-in-charge.


For what is not established by this competition notice please refer to the Regulations concerning fellowships for research activity issued by Rector’s Decree on April 1st 2009 no. 261587 and the rules in force about the subject.


According to D.L. 196/03 University will commit itself to respect all confidential information provided by the candidate: “all information provided will be handled only for aims connected to the selection and to the stipulation and management of relationship with University”.


According to Law August 7th 1990 no. 241, the Head of Office in charge of the competition is Dr. Anna Tavano – Ufficio Contratti di Formazione e Ricerca at Divisione Stipendi e Carriere del Personale – Via S. Antonio n. 12, Milano.


Enrico Decleva

REG. AL N. 262632 DEL 12.06.2009

| | | |Enclosure 1 |

|ID subject |Research project |Description |Scientific Area |

|1 |Motivic Homotopy and Motives |Motivic cohomology, mixed motives, n-motives and triangulated motives with respect to |1 |

|BARBIERI VIALE LUCA | |problems and conjectures in algebraic K-theory and arithmetic geometry such as Deligne |Mathematics |

|Dipartimento di Matematica | |conjectures, Bloch-Beilinson conjectures and Tate's conjecture. | |

|2 |Elliptic curves, modular forms, L-functions |1. Construction of rational points on elliptic curves, abelian varieties, algebraic |1 |

|BERTOLINI MASSIMO | |varieties. |Mathematics |

|Dipartimento di Matematica | |2. Iwasawa theory and p-adic L-functions. | |

| | |3. Arithmetic theory of modular forms. | |

|3 |Internal categorical methods in homotopical, |Subject: internal structures and internal constructions (such as internal crossed modules |1 |

|MANTOVANI SANDRA |(non-abelian) homological, universal algebra. |and internal actions) for homotopy, (non-abelian) homology and categorical aspects of |Mathematics |

|Dipartimento di Matematica | |universal algebra in homological and semiabelian categories. | |

|4 |Nonlinear analysis and partial differential equations |Nonlinear elliptic and degenerate elliptic quations: |1 |

|RUF BERNHARD | |- existence, non-existence and multiplicity of solutions |Mathematics |

|Dipartimento di Matematica | |- variational methods; non-compactness and concentration fenomena | |

| | |- qualitative properties of solutions; symmetrisation methods | |

|5 |Infinite-dimensional convexity |Convex sets and support properties. Infinite-dimensional polytopes in Banach spaces. Best |1 |

|VESELY LIBOR | |approximation and Chebyshev centers in Banach spaces. |Mathematics |

|Dipartimento di Matematica | | | |

|6 |Experimental study of biological soft matter, complex |The research focuses on the study of supramolecular organization. The study could combine |2 |

|BELLINI TOMMASO |fluids and systems of biomedical relevance |different techniques: scattering of light, neutrons or x-rays; microscopy; calorimetry; |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Chimica, Biochimica e | |fluorescence; magnetic resonance; numerical simulation. | |

|Biotecnologie Per La Medicina | | | |

|7 |Experimental Cosmology: Data analysis of the PLANCK |Possibilities: |2 |

|BERSANELLI MARCO RINALDO FEDELE |mission and new technological developments |A) Analysis of data from the PLANCK satellite and future CMB experiments |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |B) Study of possible commercial applications of microwave technologies we developed for | |

|Sezione Fisica dei Plasmi e Astrofisica | |CMB observations | |

| | |See | |

|8 |Nuclear structure and reaction studies of exotic nuclei |The nuclear physics is within experiments or theory. Experiments are on nuclear structure|2 |

|BRACCO ANGELA |and their astrophysical applications |far from stability or astrophysics nuclear reactions . Theoretical Developments use |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |many-body techniques. | |

|Sezione Fisica del Nucleo | |See | |

|9 |Physics of Biological Systems |Study of protein folding with simplified models; |2 |

|BROGLIA RICARDO AMERICO | |Study of physical models for genetic expression and of hydrodynamics in colloids to |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |describe the motion of cilia and flagella in microorganisms. | |

|Sezione Fisica del Nucleo | | | |

|10 |Field theory and strings: fundamental interactions and |String and field theory are essential tools both in theoretical high-energy physics to |2 |

|CARACCIOLO SERGIO |critical phenomena |describe fundamental interaction as in the description of lower energy collective |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |phenomena, to understand critical behaviour. | |

|Sezione Fisica Teorica | | | |

|11 |Ionizing radiation: study and development of methods of |Development of innovative methods involving ionizing radiation (photon, neutrons, ions) |2 |

|GAMBARINI GRAZIA |interest for dosimetry and radiobiology |aimed at issues in the fields of radiotherapy, radioprotection and cellular damage. The |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |activity is both experimental and computational. | |

|Sezione Fisica Medica | | | |

|12 |Study of spin dynamics and quantum effects in magnetic |We will investigate the local spin dynamics and quantum effects at low temperature in |2 |

|LASCIALFARI ALESSANDRO |nanostructures |magnetic nanostructures, by means of magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and Magnetic |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari | |Resonance experimental techniques. | |

|Applicate ai Biosistemi | | | |

|13 |Experimental physics of Particle, Astroparticle and Solar |Data Analysis: ATLAS: Higgs physics, Supersymmetry, top; BaBar: bottomonium spectroscopy, |2 |

|MERONI EMANUELA |Neutrino |new physics at Y(3S); Borexino: solar neutrinos with 200 keV energy threshold; Auger: |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |ultra-high energy cosmic rays | |

|Sezione Fisica delle Particelle Elementari| | | |

|14 |Collective phenomena in complex plasmas or in ultracold |- Turbulence and coherent structures in complex and non-neutral plasmas: experiments and |2 |

|POZZOLI ROBERTO |atoms |theory. |Physics |

|Dipartimento di Fisica | |- Superradiance and subradiance generation in ultracold atoms. | |

|Sezione Fisica dei Plasmi e Astrofisica | |See | |

|15 |TRP bioactive compounds from foodplants |Compounds active on TRP receptors involved in chemical sensing and gustation from food |3 |

|BASSOLI ANGELA | |plants. Synthesis, SARs, modelling, bioactivity assays with cloned receptors, sensory |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari | |evaluation; agrifood, gastronomy and pharmaceutical applications. | |

|Agroalimentari | | | |

|16 |Design and synthesis of oligosaccharide mimics |The field of glycomimetics has been reviewed recently. See for instance: Imberty et al. |3 |

|BERNARDI ANNA | |Chem. Eur. J. 2008, 7490 and Murphy P. V. Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2007, 4177 |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e | | | |

|Industriale | | | |

|17 |Discovery of new enantioselective catalysts using |The field of combinatorial catalysis has been recently reviewed by M. T. Reetz in Angew. |3 |

|GENNARI CESARE MARIO ARTURO |combinatorial strategies |Chem. Int. Ed. 2008, 47, 2556-2588. On this subject, an EC Marie Curie contract is |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Organica e | |presently active | |

|Industriale | | | |

|18 |Molecular electrochemistry and electrocatalysis: |Electron transfers in complex systems, involving catalytic electrodes and/or complex |3 |

|MUSSINI PATRIZIA ROMANA |mechanisms, materials, applications |molecular structures (conjugation, multiple redox centers...); mechanisms and applications|Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed | |to electroanalysis and development of functional materials | |

|Elettrochimica | | | |

|19 |Renewable valorisation by catalytic processes |Synthesis and use of catalytic systems in renewable transformation for fine and bulk |3 |

|PRATI LAURA | |chemicals. Evaluation of catalytic tests and long-term use of catalytic systems |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, | | | |

|Metallorganica e Analitica | | | |

|20 |Synthesis of new organometallic photosensitizers for |Design, synthesis and characterization of |3 |

|ROBERTO DOMINIQUE MARIE |application in photovoltaic solar cells |- new ruthenium complexes as efficient photosensitizers for Graetzel cells. |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Inorganica, | |- novel organometallic complexes and/or polymers as active components for bulk | |

|Metallorganica e Analitica | |heterojunction solar cells. | |

|21 |Novel synthetic methodologies for the synthesis of |Foremost targets: reduced synthetic steps, low production of waste products, high |3 |

|ROSSI ELISABETTA |heterocyclic and hetero(poly)cyclic systems. |structural flexibility. |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari | |Theoretical and practical development of: domino reactions, multicomponent reactions, | |

|Applicate ai Biosistemi | |click reactions, cycloadditions, and catalysis. | |

|22 |structural behaviour of porous MOF as a function of |We plan to study, by high pressure (1-100 Bars) XRPD, the structural modifications of |3 |

|SIRONI ANGELO AGOSTINO DANIELE |pressure, temperature and different guests |porous Metal Organic Frameworks induced by the absorption of small molecules (H2O, CO2, |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Strutturale e | |CH4, C2H2, H2, CO, Xe ?) at different temperatures and pressures | |

|Stereochimica Inorganica | | | |

|23 |Theoretical Studies of Interactions and Reactions at |The molecule-solid surface interactions are investigated by means of ab initio and Fisrt |3 |

|TANTARDINI GIAN FRANCO |Gas-Surface Interfaces |Principles methods, and the dynamics of physi- and chemi-sorption, diffiusion, reaction |Chemistry |

|Dipartimento di Chimica Fisica ed | |and desorption are classically and quantum mechanically simulated. | |

|Elettrochimica | | | |

|24 |Environmental problems in areas contaminated by metals: |Feasible researches according to academic grant and scientific instruments of Department |4 |

|DE CAPITANI LUISA |prevention, risk mitigation and remediation |are here proposed as: geochemical hazard maps acquisition, quantitative approach to hazard|Geology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra | |evaluation, definition of areas responsible for contamination | |

|"Ardito Desio" | | | |



|Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra | |pCO2 AS WELL AS OCEAN FERTILITY, CHEMISTRY AND STRUCTURE. | |

|"Ardito Desio" | | | |

|26 |Multidisciplinary characterization of alluvial aquifers at|From hydrostratigraphy to numerical models of water flow in the aquifer groups of the |4 |

|GIUDICI MAURO |different scales |Quaternary Lombardy alluvial plain: integrating geophysical and geological methods for |Geology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra | |efficient mathematical modelling | |

|Sezione di Geofisica | | | |

|27 |Changes in climate related geomorphological processes and |Analysing climate change effects on high mountain environments since the LIA. Studying |4 |

|PELFINI MANUELA |climatic trend in glacialized environments |changes in magnitude and rates of glacial and slope processes by dendro- climate and |Geology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra | |geomorphological methods on Alpine and extra Alpine environments | |

|"Ardito Desio" | | | |

|28 |Fossil Vertebrate Faunas: systematic, paleoecology and |The candidate should consider the use of mostly newly collected material from fossil |4 |

|TINTORI ANDREA |paleobiogeography. |vertebrate levels in order to describe the taxa and to use the assemblages for |Geology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra | |paleoenvironmental and paleogeographic restorations as well as for biostratigraphy | |

|"Ardito Desio" | | | |

|29 |Expression of Toll-like receptors during the development |The nervous system and the immune system share a common repertoire of molecules. The |5 |

|BARAJON ISABELLA |of the peripheral nervous system |project aims at characterizing the expression of innate immunity receptors of the |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze| |Toll-like family during the development of the murine peripheral nervous system. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|Citta' Studi | | | |

|30 |Zebrafish as a model for vertebrate development & human |SOX proteins play key roles in embryonic development and in human diseases, such as the |5 |

|BELTRAME MONICA DANIELA |disease: roles of SOX transcription factors |HLT syndrome linked to mutations in SOX18. Using zebrafish as a model system, we study |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |SoxF genes (Sox7, 17, 18) in cardiovascular/lymphatic development. | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|31 |Molecular mechanisms and intracellular trafficking events |The research is addressed to mechanisms of signal transduction mediated by small |5 |

|BERRUTI GIOVANNA |in male germ cell differentiation |G-proteins (organization of cell architecture, junctional dynamic, cytokinesis) and to |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |vesicular sorting, ubiquitin-dependent, of proteins during cell differentiation | |

|32 |Structural Biology Discovery Methods in "Reverse |X-ray crystallography, biochem and biophysical methods are applied to the study of |5 |

|BOLOGNESI MARTINO |Vaccinology" |selected cell-surface protein domains from bacterial pathogens, to relate 3D protein |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |structures with their antigenic properties in the context of vaccine development. | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|33 |Autotomy and regeneration: key-role of dynamic connective |Autotomy and regeneration phenomena of tissues and organs are explored in appropriate |5 |

|CANDIA MARIA DANIELA |tissues in animal models |animal models in the light of the dynamic properties of connective tissues, with a wide |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |applied potential for biomaterial science. | |

|34 |Endocannabinoids and related acylethanolamides: a role in |The goal of this research is to set up an analytical method to identify and quantify |5 |

|CIUFFREDA PIERANGELA |metabolic diseases |acylethanolamides in biological samples from healthy subjects and patie with metabolic |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Precliniche Lita | |diseases. | |

|Vialba | | | |

|35 |ALTERATIONS OF THE LYSOSOME-AUTOPHAGOSOME PATHWAY IN |Aim of the project is to localize at cellular and subcellular level alterations in the |5 |

|DE BIASI SILVIA |MODELS OF MOTONEURON DISEASE |expression of molecular markers of the intracellular lysosome-autophagosome proteolytic |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |pathway in models of motor neuron disease | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|36 |Arbovirus retargeting as an alternative strategy eradicate|HIV causes AIDS by permanently integrate its proviral DNA into the host genome. To |5 |

|DE GIULI MORGHEN CARLO |latent cellular HIV reservoirs |eradicate these viral reservoir we will engineer a chimeric Arbovirus able to selectively |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Farmacologia, | |penetrate and kill cells expressing gp120 HIV env latently-infected by HIV. | |

|Chemioterapia e Tossicologia Medica | | | |

|37 |Novel molecular targets for the devolpment of new |Novel molecular targets essential for bacterial cell survival, pathogenicity or biofilm |5 |

|DEHO' GIOVANNI |antibacterial drugs |formation will be characterized in different model bacteria. Inhibitory molecules will be |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |designed or screened for as new drug leads | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|38 |Morphological analysis of chronic cigarette smoke effects |A morphological analysis of the cigarette smoke effects on human oral mucosa will be |5 |

|DONETTI ELENA BIANCA |on human oral mucosa. |performed on bioptic fragments obtained from young chronic smoker and non smoker |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze| |volunteers. Epithelial proliferation, adhesion, and differentiation will be studied. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|Citta' Studi | | | |

|39 |Virus-host interaction mechanisms during HIV-1 and |Specific research aims are defining: the virological and immunological parameters |5 |

|GALLINA ANDREA |cytomegalovirus infection |predictive of HIV patient response to HAART; the role of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-encoded |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |virokines in CMV entry and sedation of the innate immune response. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|40 |INTERACTOMICS STUDIES ON COFACTOR-SINTHESIZING |Use of proteins immobilized on magnetic nanoparticles for assessing the role of |5 |

|IAMETTI STEFANIA |MULTIPROTEIN MACHINERIES |protein-protein interactions in activity and regulation of cofactor-assembling machineries|Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari | | | |

|Agroalimentari | | | |

|41 |Physiology and Biomechanics of Locomotion with Human |Human powered vehicles and other passive tools overcome evolutionary determined |5 |

|MINETTI ALBERTO ENRICO |Powered Vehicles |musculo-skeletal limits, by linking the biological engine (muscles) to actuators (gears |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Fisiologia Umana | |and mechanisms) suitable to different environments (ground, water, air, gravity) | |

|42 |Engineering transport protein functions |The focus is on applying protein-engineering protocols to transmembrane transport systems.|5 |

|MORONI ANNA | |We alter protein function for the purposes of changing protein interaction specificities |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |and catalytic function and the goal is the production of biosensors. | |

|43 |Analysis of the mechanisms responsible for neuronal death |We will investigate the neurodegenerative mechanisms in two motor neuron diseases: the |5 |

|POLETTI ANGELO |in motor neuron diseases |amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and the spinobulbar muscular atrophy (SBMA). In |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Endocrinologia, | |particular, we will analyse possible alteration of axonal functions | |

|Fisiopatologia e Biologia Applicata | | | |

|44 |EFFECTS OF LONG CHAIN PUFAS OMEGA-3 INCORPORATION IN CELL |The aim of the study is the evaluation of cell growth after treatment with PUFA omega-3 |5 |

|RIZZO ANGELA MARIA |MEMBRANE MICRODOMAINS OF HUMAN BREAST CAN |in two cell lines of human adenocarcinoma with different expression of ER receptor, and to|Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Molecolari | |analyze the alteration of composition and function of lipids rafts. | |

|Applicate ai Biosistemi | | | |

|45 |Study of mucosal immunity and its modulation via |We aim to evaluate the use of glucose transporters as novel pharmacological targets to |5 |

|RUMIO CRISTIANO |interaction with glucose transporters |induce antinflammatory effects in inflammation-based pathologies involving the gut and the|Biology |

|Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze| |lung, based on recent studies showing the immuneregulatory role of SGLT1 | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|Citta' Studi | | | |

|46 |Reproductive adaptations in vertebrates: the evolutionary |Consequences of maternal effects mediated by breeding habitat, egg quality (concentration |5 |

|SAINO NICOLA |ecology of 'maternal effects' |of hormones, antioxidants) and post-natal environment for offspring development, |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |physiology and socio-sexual behaviour in birds. Sex-related maternal effects | |

|47 |Role of hypoxia and microcirculation in tumorigenesis in |Development of experimental murine models for the study of the molecular mechanisms that |5 |

|SAMAJA MICHELE |vivo |control the growth of solid tumors, with particular concern to those related to tissue |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |hypoxia and microcirculatory factors | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|48 |Design of compounds for in vivo imaging of the |The research is concerned with the design of new compounds for monitoring the gene |5 |

|SANTANIELLO ENZO |expression of reporter genes in animal models |reporter expression in transgenic animals by means of imaging techniques based on |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |bioluminescence, magnetic resonance, gamma ray or positron emission (PET, SPECT). | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|49 |Construction of rMVA expressing membrane IgE adjuvant in |The interaction between IgE and FceRI receptors favours anti-tumor vaccination in murine |5 |

|SICCARDI ANTONIO |vaccines against tumors and pathogens |and "humanized" models 1)Construction of rMVA expressing membrane IgE 2)Analisys of |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia e Genetica Per Le| |IgE-driven immune response 3)Extension to infectivological models | |

|Scienze Mediche | | | |

|50 |Sphingolipids in the regulation of signal transduction |The theme address the study of signal transduction regulated by sphingolipids in its |5 |

|SONNINO SANDRO | |biochemical, metabolic, molecular and cellular aspects. |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Chimica, Biochimica e | | | |

|Biotecnologie Per La Medicina | | | |

|51 |Biodiversity and its variations by human activity |Studiare attraverso marcatori molecolari: 1) la variabilita genetica delle sottospecie |5 |

|SPADA ALBERTO | |domestica e selvatica di Vitis vinifera 2) loro demografia 3) origini e periodo di |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |domesticazione 4) relazioni genetiche tra le specie selvatiche del genere Vitis | |

|52 |Identification and analysis of guard cell specific genes |Aim of the proposed of the research is the identification through molecular and generic |5 |

|TONELLI CHIARA |to modulate plant response to drought |screening in model plant system, of genes involved in the regulation of stomatal movemnet |Biology |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |to enhance drought tolerance and water use efficiency in crops | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|53 |Muscle stretching in sport and rehabilitation: Basic |The aim of the study is dual: a) to study the stretching-induced changes in the single |5 |

|VEICSTEINAS ARSENIO |mechanisms and functional implications |muscle fibre and muscle-tendon unit; and b) to assess the effects of stretching on |Biology |

|Sezione del Dipartimento di Scienze Dello | |physical performance in sport and rehabilitation. | |

|Sport, Nutrizione e Salute | | | |

|54 |Computational models of cognitive processes |Development of connectionist models of Human cognitive functions (e.g. reading, memory, |6 |

|BORGHESE NUNZIO ALBERTO | |motor control, ...), to test hypotheses on the processes involved and to generate |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Informazione | |predictions to be verified through ad-hoc behavioral experiments. | |

|55 |Development of automatic image analysis techniques |Applications requiring automatic image analysis techniques are becoming more and more |6 |

|CAMPADELLI PAOLA | |demanding. Therefore, development of innovative and efficient methods for classification, |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Informazione | |clustering, pattern recognition, and statistical inference are required. | |

|56 |Information technologies and methodologies for |The activity will address cross-cutting concerns permeating service-oriented computing. |6 |

|DAMIANI ERNESTO |service-oriented applications |(i) Semantics-aware service design/composition. (ii) Compliance/QoS, encompassing |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Tecnologie | |functional/non-functional attributes and the service's business sustainability. | |

|Dell'Informazione | | | |

|57 |Multi-granular representation of moving objects |Specification and prototyping of a data model for the representation of moving objects |6 |

|DAMIANI MARIA LUISA |trajectories |trajectories at multiple semantic, spatial and temporal granularities. |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Informatica e | | | |

|Comunicazione | | | |

|58 |Models, methods and tools for participation in web-based |The research aims at conceptualizing online social interaction environments (virtual |6 |

|DE CINDIO FIORELLA |social machines |communities,blogs, ocial networks) and the ICT tools that support them, for developing an|Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Informatica e | |online environment that integrates them with online deliberation features | |

|Comunicazione | | | |

|59 |Color appearance algorithms and models, and advanced |The research will deal with the perceptive non-linearities within digital imaging or CG |6 |

|MARINI DANIELE |application in digital imaging and CG |pipeline, through the examination of different color appearance algorithms and models, |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Informatica e | |proposed by the CIE or based on spatial color models. | |

|Comunicazione | | | |

|60 |Logical techniques in formal specification and |Logical methods for the specification and validation of (Object Oriented) systems |6 |

|ORNAGHI MARIO |verification |1. Automated reasoning/model checking |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Informazione | |2. Specification languages and lightweight formal techniques based on model generation | |

| | |from specifications | |

|61 |Development and Application of Bioinformatic Tools for the|The researcher will be in charge of the analysis of ChIP-Seq and RIP-Seq data, produced in|6 |

|PAVESI GIULIO |Analysis of ChIP-Seq and RIP-Seq Data |cooperation with other groups. Also, he/she will be involved in basic research on the |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Biomolecolari e | |development and testing of novel bioinformatic tools for these tasks. | |

|Biotecnologie | | | |

|62 |Information technologies and methodologies for industrial |Innovation in modelling, monitoring, control, signal/image processing, electronic design, |6 |

|PIURI VINCENZO |applications |and optimization, with information technologies for industrial, environmental, medical, |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Tecnologie | |bioinformatic, logistic, decision-support, and electronic applications | |

|Dell'Informazione | | | |

|63 |A workbench for the integrated study of manuscripts |The workbench shall support the integrated study of different manuscripted copies of the |6 |

|PRINI GIANFRANCO | |same opus, aimed at the production of critical editions, with integrated annotations and |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Informatica e | |apparatus info, and with the automatic generation of the stemma codicum. | |

|Comunicazione | | | |

|64 |Technologies and methodologies for security and privacy in|Techniques and methodologies for security, privacy, and data protection; access control |6 |

|SAMARATI PIERANGELA |computer systems and networks |policies, models and systems; network and information system security; formal models and |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Tecnologie | |methods for security. | |

|Dell'Informazione | | | |

|65 |Machine learning methods for the integration of |1. Development of ensemble and kernel based methods for the integration of multiple |6 |

|VALENTINI GIORGIO |heterogeneous biomolecular data sources |sources of data. |Information Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Informazione | |2. Application to relevant problems in bioinformatics and biomedicine: gene function | |

| | |prediction and biomolecular characterization of diseases. | |

|66 |CVI TREATMENT PERFORMED ON AN OUTPATIENT BASIS. TRENDS |Patients with bilateral saphenous varicose veins (duplex marking for haemodinamic |7 |

|AGUS GIOVANNI BATTISTA |FROM DIFFERENT MODELS OF ENDOVENOUS LASER-ELT |patterns) treated with ELT diode 980 and 1470 in two session in different legs (1-12 |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche | |mounth interval) and setting (day-surgery/office) with standard procedure (IEWG) | |

|Specialistiche | | | |

|67 |New diagnostic-therapeutic approaches in the mitral valve |This research aims at the clinical application of new methods for the support to mitral |7 |

|ALAMANNI FRANCESCO |prolapse |valve repair surgery, based on the utilization of advanced technologies in trans-thoracic |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari | |and trans-esophageal real-time 3D ecocardiographic imaging. | |

|68 |Integrated treatment of Panic disorder: long term outcome |Aim of the research will be structured and use an evaluation model to study the efficacy |7 |

|BA GABRIELLA |evaluation model |of integrated treatment for panic disorder, with psychopharmacological and psychotheratic |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche "Luigi | |approaches, which could analyzes the long term outcome variables. | |

|Sacco" | | | |

|69 |EVOLUTION OF RESISTANCE IN HIV-1 INFECTED PATIENTS TREATED|The evaluation of virological and clinical efficacy of new antiretroviral regimens, either|7 |

|BALOTTA CLAUDIA |WITH SECOND GENERATION HAART |in first line or salvage regimens, requires the development of resistance assays for new |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche "Luigi | |viral targets (HIV-1 env gene and integrase region). | |

|Sacco" | | | |

|70 |Functional and molecular mechanisms of environmental |The aim of this study is to identify the associations between environmental exposures and |7 |

|BERTAZZI PIETRO ALBERTO |toxicants and human health interactions |epigenetic changes (eg. DNA methylation and histones), through multidisciplinary |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro | |approaches that include clinical, biochemical, molecular and cellular studies. | |

|"Clinica del Lavoro L.Devoto" | | | |



|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche "Luigi | |WITH NON-EROSIVE REFLUX DISEASE (NERD) DURING FOLLOW-UP OF 12 MONTHS | |

|Sacco" | | | |

|72 |CLINICAL FAILURE AND CARDIOVASCULAR EVENTS IN PATIENTS |Clinical failure is one of the most relevant outcomes in patients with community-acquired |7 |

|BLASI FRANCESCO BRUNO ARTURO |WITH COMMUNITY-ACQUIRED PNEUMONIA |pneumonia. Cardiac events were identified as triggers of clinical failures. |Medicine |

|Dipartimento Toraco Polmonare e | | | |

|Cardiocircolatorio | | | |

|73 |PROGNOSTIC FACTORS IN RECURRENT OVARY TUMOR: GENE AND |Study of the expression of the genes involved in recurrent ovary tumor using microarray, |7 |

|BOLIS GIORGIO |PROTEIC EXPRESSION, IN PARTICULAR OF GHRELIN |real-time PCR detection and immunohistochemistry. In particular, the possible prognostic |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Materno-Infantili | |role of ghrelin and its pathway, will be evaluated. | |

|74 |Development of tissue cultures for pre-clinical assessment|Novel technologies for the establishment of tissue and/or organotypic cultures. |7 |

|BOSARI SILVANO |of pharmacological agents |Application of tissue cultures as a pre-clinical platform for the evaluation of |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |pharmacological agents. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|75 | | |7 |

|BRANCACCIO DIEGO | | |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | | | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|76 |Molecular basis of the interaction between oxygen |Both O2 and iron control Hypoxia-inducible factor1 (HIF1), the regulator of O2 |7 |

|CAIRO GAETANO |homeostasis and iron metabolism |homeostasis. In turn, HIF-1 regulates several genes of iron metabolism. Our aim is to |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze| |characterize this interaction and its pathological relevance at the molecular level | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|Citta' Studi | | | |

|77 |The social danger of the foreigner and the choices of |Overview of law interventions regarding immigration in the last 10 years. Statistic |7 |

|CALVANESE ERNESTO |criminal policy in the present society. |Analysis of crimes committed by immigrants. Media representation of the phenomenon. |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche | |Relation between perceived and real social danger of the foreigner | |

|Ecclesiasticistiche, | | | |

|Filosofico-Sociologiche e Penalistiche | | | |

|"Cesare Beccaria" | | | |

|78 |Neurophysiology of motor patterns in epilepsy and sleep. |Investigation of neural pathwyas underlying complex |7 |

|CANEVINI MARIA PAOLA | |stereotyped motor actions: comparison of neural patterns in physiological and pathological|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |paroxystic activity. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|79 |Cognitive, relational and behavioural aspects of dementing|The study of dementia should take into account cognitive aspects and social |7 |

|CAPITANI ERMINIO GIUSEPPE |diseases |interrelations. We aim at proposing a new evaluation tool devoted to this dimension. |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | | | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|80 |ROLE OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN THE PERIPHERAL SENSITIVITY TO|Physical exercise probably is capable of modulating peripheral sensitivity to cortisol, |7 |

|CARANDENTE FRANCA |GLUCOCORTICOIDS |determining the activation of the enzymatic processes implicated, on the level of tissue,|Medicine |

|Sezione del Dipartimento di Scienze Dello | |in the conversion of cortisol into cortisone and vice-versa. | |

|Sport, Nutrizione e Salute | | | |

|81 |Local treatments of oral inflammatory diseases: absorption|Our aim is to investigate absorption and cinetic of some drus, particularry of steroids |7 |

|CARRASSI ANTONIO MICHELE |and systemic effects |used for chronic inflammatory mucosal conditions. The results could emprove prescriptions |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |of such drugs. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|82 |Variability in the response to antiplatelet agents in |Aim of the study is to investigate gentic and environmental factors that may influence the|7 |

|CATTANEO MARCO NATALE |paztients with coronary artery disease |response to antiplatelet agents in patients with coronary artery disease, using highly |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |specific tests for these drugs. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|83 |Epigenetic effects of endocrine disruptors (ED) on the |The ed effects on the DNA methylation status, on the hystonic modification and on the |7 |

|CELOTTI FABIO MARIA |development of reproductive pathologies |enzymes involved in these processes will be studied to assess the epigenetic mechanisms |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Endocrinologia, | |involved in the reproductive system development and diseases | |

|Fisiopatologia e Biologia Applicata | | | |

|84 |Placental oxygenation and transport in normal and |Placental amino acid and iron transporters will be studied in fetal and maternal diseases.|7 |

|CETIN IRENE |intrauterine growth restricted (IUGR) pregnancies |Gene and protein expression and regulation will be related to oxygen, iron and transferrin|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche "Luigi | |levels, mitochondrial content and function in fetus and placenta | |

|Sacco" | | | |

|85 |Study of cancer-related signaling pathways addressed to |Investigation into the role that signaling pathways deregulated in cancer play in |7 |

|COMI PAOLA PIERA MARIA |improving therapy and prognosis. |tumorigenesis, neoplastic progression and associated clinical problems in order to |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |identify potential therapeutic targets and prognostic markers. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|86 |Molecular basis, ethiopatogenesis and new therapeutic |Analysis of the pathogenetic molecular mechanisms (from a genomic, ribonomic, proteomic |7 |

|COMI GIACOMO PIETRO |approaches for neurodegenerative diseases. |perspective) of neurodegenerative diseases for the development of new therapeutic |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche | |strategies for these diseases for which no effective therapy is available. | |

|87 |TNF alfa inhibition in the modulation of mucosal immunity |Evaluation of mucosal cytokine levels in intestinal biopsies from patients with IBD |7 |

|CONTE DARIO |in IBD |undergoing treatment with anti-TNF alfa antibodies. Evaluation of colonic lamina propria |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche | |lymphocyte and dendritic cell functional polarization | |

|88 |Sleepiness at work and safety: electrophysiological and |In the 24-hours Society sleep deficit and sleepiness are more and more common with |7 |

|COSTA GIOVANNI |clinical study in shiftworkers and drivers |consequent impairment of performance efficiency and safety. The aim of the project is to |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina del Lavoro | |study sleepiness at work on shift/night workers and professional drivers | |

|"Clinica del Lavoro L.Devoto" | | | |

|89 |Activation of blood coagulation in autoimmune skin |Study of local and systemic coagulation in patients with autoimmune skin diseases, using |7 |

|CUGNO MASSIMO |disorders: local and systemic implications |immunoenzymatic and immunohistochemical methods as well as molecular biology techniques |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina Interna | |(reverse transcriptase-PCR and in situ hybridization). | |

|90 |Genetics of complex diseases |Identification of genes involved in complex cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric diseases |7 |

|CUSI DANIELE MARIA | |with microarray genome wide analyses (SNPs, CNVs, gene expression e methylation) and 'next|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |generation sequencing', with a translation in the clinical practice. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|91 |Dendritic cells and B lymphocytes in the development of |Characterization of the responses of human dendritic cells and B lymphocytes upon in vitro|7 |

|DELLA BELLA SILVIA ANGELA MARIA |new-generation anti-infective vaccines |stimulation with bacterial antigens involved in immune escape, for the development of |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |new-generation vaccines. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|92 |STUDY OF GENETIC POLYMORPHISMS WITH THE AIM OF IDENTIFYING|To evaluate whether the severity of influenza and the immunogenicity of influenza |7 |

|ESPOSITO SUSANNA |NEW PREVENTIVE STRATEGIES OF INFLUENZA |vaccination are related to polymorphisms of toll-like receptors, the genes located on the |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Materno-Infantili | |axis of the response to infections, and class II histocompatibility antigen. | |

|93 |Mechanisms involved in neovasculature development and in |Therapeutic approaches, aiming at modulating vessel formation, based on: studies of |7 |

|FERRERO MARIA ELENA |vasculature normalization |mechanisms involved in the "angiogenic switch" and their regulation in vitro; histological|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Morfologia Umana e Scienze| |analysis of vascular architecture in selected pathologies in vivo. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|Citta' Studi | | | |

|94 |Genomic architecture and predisposition to complex |The genomes can differ with respect to the copy number of thousands of loci, implying a |7 |

|FINELLI PALMA |diseases |different inter individual gene expression. By genomic architecture study it may be |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Biologia e Genetica Per Le| |possible to identify numeric variants, often common, which could be involved in the | |

|Scienze Mediche | |development of complex diseases. | |

|95 |3D echocardiography study of the right ventricle. |This study is aimed at the assessment of both feasibility and reproducibility of the new |7 |

|FIORENTINI CESARE | |3D system in the evaluation of volume and function of the right ventricle in normal and |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiovascolari | |pathological patients | |

|96 |Nutraceuticals. From foods to nutrients: biochemical |The present study aims to establish potential application of food derive d peptides, able |7 |

|FIORILLI AMELIA |characterization, mechanism and biological role |to complex metals such calcium and zinc, in bone repair and remodeling defects, leading to|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Chimica, Biochimica e | |the comprehension of their biomolecular mechanisms and potential uses | |

|Biotecnologie Per La Medicina | | | |

|97 |EFFICACY OF NEW ANTIVIRAL REGIMENS IN HIV-1/HBV COINFECTED|To optimize the treatment of HIV-1/HBV coinfection, based upon the availability of new |7 |

|GALLI MASSIMO |PATIENTS |active drugs, an accurate monitoring of viral replication and the detection of mutations |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche "Luigi | |associated to resistance in polymerase genes of both viruses are required. | |

|Sacco" | | | |

|98 |Epigenetic alterations in rare genetic diseases |A few genes responsible for malformation syndromes exert a role in the epigenetic |7 |

|LARIZZA LIDIA | |regulation of gene expression. Dysregulated effects primed by mutations of these master |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |genes can be highlighted by targeted analysis of imprinted regions. | |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|99 |IN VIVO MULTIMODAL MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR IMAGING |Development of methods for in vivo assessment of cellular and sub-cellular molecular |7 |

|LUCIGNANI GIOVANNI | |processes, function and trafficking of cell populations in animal models by nuclear-based,|Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |optical and magnetic resonance imaging methods. | |

|Biomediche | | | |

|100 |The 24h R-R interval and blood pressure relation in |The distribution on the Cartesian space of the variables obtained by 24h blood pressure |7 |

|MAGRINI FABIO |ambulatory monitoring in hypertensive subjects |monitoring gives information about individual autonomic control, thus may help classifying|Medicine |

|Dipartimento Toraco Polmonare e | |untreated hypertensive patients and choosing pharmacological treatment | |

|Cardiocircolatorio | | | |

|101 |Role of the microenvironment in gastroenterologic tumor |The project must be focused on the role of the inflammatory milieu and leukocyte |7 |

|MANTOVANI ALBERTO |progression |infiltrate in tumor biology (immune response deviation, tumor angiogenesis, |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina Traslazionale | |metastatization), and must be characterized by an innovatively and translational approach | |

|102 |MicroRNA PROFILES AND FUNCTIONS IN VASCULOPATHIES |MicroRNAs (miRNAs) controll gene expression at a post-transcriptional level in a |7 |

|MERONI PIERLUIGI | |redundant/pleiotropic manner. The project will evaluate miRNA profile/function in |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina Interna | |vasculopathies mediated by pathogenic effectors of the innate and adaptive immunity. | |

|Sezione Granelli | | | |

|103 |Biomolecular and pharmacological studies of |Analysis of gene expression, biomolecular identification and functional assays to study |7 |

|MORACE GIULIA |pathogen-pathogen and pathogen-host interactions |the surface proteins involved in the interactions of microbial pathogens with other |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Sanita' Pubblica | |microbes or host cells | |

|Microbiologia | | | |

|Virologia | | | |

|104 |Identification novel clinical and molecular markers in the|In an era of increasing treatment options and improved biologic understanding of |7 |

|NERI ANTONINO |diagnosis and prognosis of lymphoprolifer |pathophysiology of lymphoproliferative disorders determining therapy for patients has |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche | |become increasingly complex and confusing | |

|105 |Biological effects of the therapy with monoclonal |Evaluation of ADAMTS13 activity, titer of the anti-ADAMTS13 autoantibodies, lymphocytes B |7 |

|PAYVANDI FLORA |antibodies in patients affected by TTP |depletion and regeneration with the clinical response after monoclonal antibodies |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina Interna | |treatment of patients with autoimmune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura. | |

|106 |Study of autoantigen changes leading to the loss of |Identification of post-translational and post-apoptotic changes of autoantigens in cells |7 |

|PODDA MAURO |tolerance in autoimmune disease |targeted by the autoimmune injury in humans and animal models: cross-talk with |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Medicina Traslazionale | |autoreactive immune cells and autoantibodies | |

|107 |Ocular surface inflammation and autoimmune diseases: |Ocular surface inflammation is a common finding in several autoimmune diseases. |7 |

|RATIGLIA ROBERTO |pathogenesis, clinic and therapy. |Nowadays some pathogenetic aspects are still unknown and their comprehension may have |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche | |relevant implications in treatments. | |

|Specialistiche | | | |

|108 | | |7 |

|ROVIARO GIAN CARLO | | |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche | | | |

|109 |Human stem cells as a model for neurodegeneration |The project will explore how human stem cells can be used as in vitro models of |7 |

|SILANI VINCENZO | |neurodegenerative diseases and how they can be used to develop theraputic approaches for |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Neurologiche | |these diseases. | |

|110 | |Study of the relationship between chronic inflammation, autoimmunity and tumorigenesis; |7 |

|SPADA ANNAMARIA | |consequences and effects of fetal cell microchimerism; study of specific microRNA; |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche | |correlation between genetic alterations and clinical features of the tumors | |

|111 |EPIDEMIOLOGICAL SURVEILLANCE OF HEALTHCARE-ASSOCIATED |Active prospective survey of invasive fungal infections to assess the burden and secular |7 |

|TORTORANO ANNA MARIA |INFECTIONS |trends to identify potential changes in new at risk patient groups and emerging pathogens |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Sanita' Pubblica | |Implementation of HELICS protocol in ICUs | |

|Microbiologia | | | |

|Virologia | | | |

|112 |Surveillance and control of viral infections seriously |The following research areas will be investigated: molecular evolution of potentially |7 |

|ZANETTI ALESSANDRO REMO |impacting on Public Health |pandemic influenza viruses; virological monitoring of human anti-papillomavirus |Medicine |

|Dipartimento di Sanita' Pubblica | |vaccination; strategies for preventing congenital cytomegalovirus infection | |

|Microbiologia | | | |

|Virologia | | | |

|113 |Monitoring and optimisation of nutrient management in |Particularly in livestock farms, nitrogen management is complicated, because predicting |8 |

|ACUTIS MARCO |arable crops |and measuring its dynamics in the soil-crop system is difficult. Reliable diagnostic |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale | |methods are needed for on-farm application in real time. | |

|114 |Organic matter recalcitrance: a "nano-scale" approach. |The project aims to describe from a mechanistic point of view, processes leading to the |8 |

|ADANI FABRIZIO | |organic matter conservation in soil. |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale | | | |

|115 |Relationships among resources, strategies and performances|The research aims to analyse the resources of agri-food SMEs which are relevant to improve|8 |

|BANTERLE ALESSANDRO |of agri-food small and medium enterprises |competitiveness and intends to assess through empirical analysis the effect of the |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Economia e Politica | |entrepreneurial choices on performance. | |

|Agraria Agro-Alimentare e Ambientale | | | |

|116 |Innovative strategies for the control of phytoplasmal |In silico and in vivo analyses for identifying phytoplasmal proteins involved in the |8 |

|BIANCO PIERO ATTILIO |diseases of grapevine |plants-insect interaction. Use of viral vectors for the expression of bacteriocines in |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale | |plants. Development of innovative strategies for phytoplasmal disease control | |

|117 |Application of innovative methods for food quality |Innovative methods (NIR and MIR spectroscopy, NIR hyperspectral imaging, image analysis |8 |

|CASIRAGHI ERNESTINA |prediction and for studying food modifications du |and e-nose), combined with chemometric strategies for food quality prediction and for |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |studying food modifications during food processing and storage. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|118 |Biodiversity in rice-fields and in wetlands |The research activity will focus on rice-fields as agro-ecosystems with different degree |8 |

|COLOMBO MARIO | |of naturalness and a comparison with wetlands, to emphasize the relation between |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Protezione dei Sistemi | |rice-fields under different management practices and ecosystem biodiversity. | |

|Agroalimentare e Urbano e Valorizzazione | | | |

|delle Biodiversita' | | | |

|119 |Biology, epidemiology and control of emerging fungal plant|Among the emerging diseases causing bark cankers on trees, the research proposal will |8 |

|CORTESI PAOLO |pathogens inducing cankers on trees |focus on biology and epidemiology of a fungal pathogen with the aim to develop management |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Protezione dei Sistemi | |strategy, preferably biological control | |

|Agroalimentare e Urbano e Valorizzazione | | | |

|delle Biodiversita' | | | |

|120 |Understanding the mechanisms of microbial colonization of |Study of the dynamics of microbial communities pioneer of colonisation of stone |8 |

|DAFFONCHIO DANIELE GIUSEPPE |stone |substrates, processes that sustain the deterioration of cultural heritage stone surfaces, |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |and the mechanisms leading to soil fertility. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|121 |New analytical strategies for the evaluation of |The evaluation and design of the microbiological safety and quality in foods requires the |8 |

|FOSCHINO ROBERTO CARMINE |microbiological safety and quality in foods |development of new analytical strategies to rapidly and efficiently control bacterial |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |pathogens and/or hygienic indicators and/or quality markers. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|122 |Uncertainty sources in unsaturated zone models |Address one or more of the sources of uncertainty for the case of distributed models of |8 |

|GANDOLFI CLAUDIO | |the soil unsaturated zone: inaccuracy of the input timeseries; approximations in the |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria | |formulation and solution of model equations; parameters uncertainty | |

|123 |Food Bionanotechnology |The aim of the present research is to develop nanostructured materials to be used in the |8 |

|MANNINO SAVERIO | |food sector as packaging materials, process and product coadjuvants and as support for the|Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |design of nano-bio-sensors for quality control. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|124 |Development of crop monitoring technologies for farm |Development of proximal sensing tools (ground sensing), with integration of signals both |8 |

|MAZZETTO FABRIZIO |information systems |from optical and laser-scanner sensors, for evaluating and recording into farm databases |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria | |crop phyto-sanitary states. | |

|125 |CONFRONTING THE CLINICAL RELEVANCE OF BIOCIDE INDUCED |GRAS microorganisms commonly used in the food processes may represent a reservoir of |8 |

|MORA DIEGO |ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE IN FOOD BACTERIA |potential biocide and biocide/antibiotic resistances transferable by horizontal gene |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |transfer to spoilage and/or pathogenic microorganisms. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|126 |Innovative food packaging products and processes in the |After adequate chemical and enzymatic modification and in various combination, protein, |8 |

|PIERGIOVANNI LUCIANO |technological of bio-based materials |starch and cellulosic bio-polymers will be used to produce innovative, safe, inexpensive |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |and effective food packaging materials. | |

|Alimentari e Microbiologiche | | | |

|127 |The agricultural commodity markets: effects of recent |The candidate should focus his/her project analysing the causes and the nature of the high|8 |

|PRETOLANI ROBERTO |international economic scenarios |price volatility of agricultural commodities by the use of econometric tools in the |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Economia e Politica | |framework of price transmission theory and transport costs. | |

|Agraria Agro-Alimentare e Ambientale | | | |

|128 |Strategies and practical solutions to reduce pollution |Development of an expert system, based on databases and simulation models, for the |8 |

|PROVOLO GIORGIO MARIO |caused by nitrates from agricultural sources |identification of alternatives of animal manure management and processing, at farm and |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Ingegneria Agraria | |catchment level, to reduce the environmental impact of livestock farming. | |

|129 |Physiological responses and induction of resistance |Study of the mechanisms involved in the responses to water and saline stress in different |8 |

|SCIENZA ATTILIO |mechanisms to abiotic stresses in grape. |rootstocks selected for their resistance considering the relationships with the scion and |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale | |the effects on characteristics of the berries. | |

|130 |Bio-molecules from biomasses for technology applications |The project aims to obtain bio-macromolecules from biomasses for technology purpose, tanks|8 |

|TAMBONE FULVIA | |to surfactant and electron shuttle properties. |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale | | | |

|131 |Alternative protein sources in feeding of poultry, rabbit |Effect of inclusion in the diet of different protein alternative feedstuffs derived from |8 |

|TOSCHI IVAN |and aquaculture species |innovative engineering process on growth performance and meat quality in poultry, rabbit |Agricultural Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Animali | |and aquaculture species | |

|Sezione di Zootecnica Agraria | | | |

|132 |Arthropod vectors and vector-borne diseases |Research activities will include: genomics of vector-borne microrganisms; population |9 |

|BANDI CLAUDIO | |genetics of arthropod vectors; epidemiology of emerging pathogens; determination of the |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene | |risk of transmission among animals, and the risks for humans. | |

|e Sanita' Pubblica Veterinaria | | | |

|133 |Genomic and Proteomic analysis in bacteria involved in |An integrated (genomic and proteomic) approach to the study of virulence and drug |9 |

|BONIZZI LUIGI |animal pathology |resistance factors |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene | |in the most important bacteria involved in animal pathology | |

|e Sanita' Pubblica Veterinaria | | | |

|134 |Inspection, control and safety of seafood in a global |Zoonotic parasites; species identification; residues (veterinary drugs, additives, |9 |

|CATTANEO PATRIZIA |market |contaminants); non-conventional preservation and sanitation techniques; pathogenic, |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |spoilage, bioprotective microorganisms; biogenic amines, aquatic biotoxins | |

|Veterinarie Per La Sicurezza Alimentare | | | |

|135 |Molecular approaches to bovine innate immunity |The aim of this study is to go in depth through the molecular basis of bovine innate |9 |

|CECILIANI FABRIZIO | |immunity. In detail, the role of microRNA and RNA interference will be investigated. |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene | |Experimental model will include the gene activation in white blood cells. | |

|e Sanita' Pubblica Veterinaria | | | |

|136 |Identification of dose-dependent chemical markers of |The European Union is obliged to carry out controls on food processing for the detection |9 |

|CHIESA LUCA MARIA |irradiation in products of animal origin |of irradiation treatments. The aim is to detect, by means of specific dose-dependent |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |chemical markers, products of animal origin subjected to irradiation | |

|Veterinarie Per La Sicurezza Alimentare | | | |

|137 |Nutraceutics in swine nutrition: welfare, meat and meat |Evaluation of substances with nutraceutical activities on welfare in piglets and |9 |

|CORINO CARLO |products quality |growing-finishing pigs and on nutritional and sensory properties of pork and pork |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |products, in order to improve food safety and dietetic properties of meat | |

|Veterinarie Per La Sicurezza Alimentare | | | |

|138 |DERIVATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS |The study is aimed at deriving and defining, by molecular biology and immunofenotyping, |9 |

|CREMONESI FAUSTO |FROM FETAL ANNEXES OF DIFFERENT ANIMAL |mesenchymal cells from umbilical cord and amnion on comparative basis in different animal |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche | |and addresses the use of stem cells for veterinary regenerative medicine | |

|Veterinarie | | | |

|139 |RUMINAL BIONSESORS FOR THE PREVENTION OF DAIRY AND BEEF |Carrying out of an ISFET rumen sensor matrix,for the detection of pH,lactic acid |9 |

|DELL'ORTO VITTORIO |CATTLE ACIDOSIS |concentration,total AGV concentration and AGV ratio in the ruminal fluid,in order to |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |obtain useful information to prevent acidosis. | |

|Veterinarie Per La Sicurezza Alimentare | | | |

|140 |SERUM LEVELS OF LEPTIN AND ADIPONECTIN IN HEALTHY CATS, |Serum proteomic analysis of leptin and adiponectin, associated with serum lipid profile in|9 |

|FAVERZANI STEFANO |OBESE CATS AND CATS WITH HEPATIC LIPIDOSIS |healthy and obese cats and in cats affected by hepatic lipidosis diagnosed by means of |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche | |liver cytology and histopathology. | |

|Veterinarie | | | |

|141 |Control of stress in livestock under organic method: |Management strategies to improve productivity and to reduce stress connected to organic |9 |

|FERRANTE VALENTINA |improvement of performance and welfare |farming. |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Animali | |Welfare assessment based on productive, behavioural and physiological indicators. | |

|Sezione di Zootecnica Veterinaria | | | |

|142 |Animal welfare in mountain husbandry systems |Evaluation of critical points as well as positive effects on animal welfare in mountain |9 |

|MATTIELLO SILVANA | |husbandry systems; |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Animali | |creation of a specific data base to support risk assessment evaluation in those husbandry | |

|Sezione di Zootecnica Veterinaria | |systems. | |

|143 |Study and improvement in the functional properties of |Study presence and concentration of bioactive and functional molecules |9 |

|ROSI FABIA |animal foods |Investigate their immunolocalization in gastrointestinal mucosa and verify the absorption |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Animali | |by animal models | |

|Sezione di Zootecnica Agraria | |Develop dietary strategies to modulate their levels in animal foods. | |

|144 |Veterinary pathology and development of animal models for |Research project focused on the morphological, biomolecular and pathogenetical |9 |

|SCANZIANI EUGENIO |human diseases |characterization of animal models for human diseases with particular interest for the |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene | |potential applications in the field of biomedical research | |

|e Sanita' Pubblica Veterinaria | | | |



|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche | |REGARDLESS OF HISTOLOGIC GRADE. | |

|Veterinarie | | | |

|146 |Detection of diagnostic and prognostic factors in equine |The costs of equine neonatal intensive care imply a thorough diagnosis and prognosis quoad|9 |

|VERONESI MARIA CRISTINA |neonatology |vitam and quoad functionem. Thus new and more accurate diagnostic and prognostic factors |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Cliniche | |are necessary for the correct management of newborn pathologic foals | |

|Veterinarie | | | |

|147 |KINETICS AND DYNAMICS OF THE DRUGS USED IN VETERINARY |Study of the kinetics and dynamics characteristics of the drugs extra-label used in the |9 |

|VILLA ROBERTO EDOARDO |MEDICINE |pain therapy of companion animals. The research made use of the chromatographic techniques|Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |(HPLC) and mass spectrometry (LC-MS). | |

|Veterinarie Per La Sicurezza Alimentare | | | |

|148 |Epidemiology and pathogenesis of intramammary infections |Research activities have the aim to investigate risk and virulence factors involved in |9 |

|ZECCONI ALFONSO |in domestic ruminants |intramammary infections in ruminants to improve diagnosis, to develop efficent preventive |Veterinary Sciences |

|Dipartimento di Patologia Animale, Igiene | |tools and to develop model for the pathogenesis of human diseases | |

|e Sanita' Pubblica Veterinaria | | | |

|149 |Mass spectrometry and biomarkers: post-translational |Development of high-resolution mass spectrometric approaches for detection and |10 |

|CARINI MARINA |oxidative modifications to target proteins |quantization of covalently- and non covalently-modified proteins as early biomarkers of |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche | |oxidative stress-based pathological conditions. |pharmacological Sciences |

|"Pietro Pratesi" | | | |

|150 |Pharmacological control of PCSK9 in the liver: a new |New approaches in the control of hypercholesterolemias via the inhibition of genes |10 |

|CATAPANO ALBERICO LUIGI |therapeutic option in hypercholesterolemias |expressed in the liver using si RNA. The case of proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche | |type 9 (PCSK9) |pharmacological Sciences |

|151 |Mitochondrial dynamics in muscle differentiation |Mitochondrial fission and fusion are crucial processes in cell differentiation. We are |10 |

|CLEMENTI EMILIO GIUSEPPE IGNAZIO | |interested in studying these phenomena in myogenesis and degenerative diseases of the |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Precliniche Lita | |muscle and the motorneuron. |pharmacological Sciences |

|Vialba | | | |

|152 |Neural stem cells in the damaged peripheral nerve repair: |Neural stem cells administered to both repair a damaged nerve and relieve the neuropathic |10 |

|COLLEONI MARIAPIA |relation with the neuropathic pain |pain in the peripheral mononeuropathy murine model following to sciatic nerve chronic |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Farmacologia, | |constriction: behavioural, biochemical and structural studies. |pharmacological Sciences |

|Chemioterapia e Tossicologia Medica | | | |

|153 |Design and synthesis of novel nicotinic ligands to treat |The project aims at designing and synthesizing novel heterocyclic compounds activating |10 |

|DE AMICI MARCO |central nervous system disorders |specific nicotinic acetylcholine receptor populations of the central nervous system, |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche | |involved in pathologies such as Alzheimer?s disease and schizophrenia |pharmacological Sciences |

|"Pietro Pratesi" | | | |

|154 |Effects of atmospheric pollution on the content of |Correlation between the tropospheric ozone concentration and the biosynthesis of secondary|10 |

|FICO GELSOMINA |phytochemicals in food and medicinal plants |metabolites in medicinal and food plants, with regard to nutritional traits (bioactive |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Biologia | |molecules), cytology and food safety (allergens and mycotoxins) |pharmacological Sciences |

|155 |Stem Cells and Residual Plasticity in Spinal Cord Injury |Stem cell homing and differentiation in spinal cord lesion, and recovery of function by |10 |

|GORIO ALFREDO | |behavioural tests. Morphometric and electrophysiological evaluation of the reconstruction |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Medicina, Chirurgia e | |of the lesioned cord and axonal regeneration across injury site |pharmacological Sciences |

|Odontoiatria | | | |

|156 |MOLECULAR DETERMINANTS OF NEURONAL EXCITABILITY: ROLE OF |Aim of the present proposal is to define the mechanisms by which variations in the |10 |

|MATTEOLI MICHELA |THE PROTEIN SNAP-25 IN EPILEPSY |expression of SNAP-25, a SNARE protein involved in vesicle fusion and calcium channel |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Farmacologia, | |regulation, alter neuronal excitability leading to epilepsy. |pharmacological Sciences |

|Chemioterapia e Tossicologia Medica | | | |

|157 |Drug therapy of obesity and metabolic syndrome |Calorie restriction extends life span with reduction of age-related disorders, including |10 |

|NISOLI ENZO | |obesity and metabolic syndrome. Aim of the research is to study the molecular mechanisms |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Farmacologia, | |of calorie restriction and to develop calorie restiction mimetic drugs |pharmacological Sciences |

|Chemioterapia e Tossicologia Medica | | | |

|158 |Role of glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission in |Study of changes induced by stress paradigms and psychotropic drugs on synaptic |10 |

|POPOLI MAURIZIO |neuropsychiatric disorders |transmission. Glutamate/GABA release from synaptic terminals; patch-clamp recordings; |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche | |molecular changes at pre-/postsynaptic machinery. Identification of new drug targets |pharmacological Sciences |

|159 |Stress, genetic vulnerability and neuronal plasticity in |Use of animal models for the investigation of gene-environment interaction in the etiology|10 |

|RIVA MARCO ANDREA |mood disorders |of depressive disorders, aimed at characterizing the contribution of neuroplastic |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche | |mechanisms and at identifying of novel drug targets |pharmacological Sciences |

|160 |Design, synthesis and study of the mechanism of action of |Design and synthesis of new antimalarial compounds characterized by a short synthesis (3-5|10 |

|ROMEO SERGIO |new non-quinolinic antimalarial compounds |steps), low costs and low molecular weight. Development of a method for the isolation of |Pharmaceutical and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche | |the intraerithrocytic target. |pharmacological Sciences |

|"Pietro Pratesi" | | | |

|161 |Beyond the COXIBs: A possible new twist in NSAIDs |Study different members of NSAID classes for their potential TP antagonism, synthesize and|10 |

|ROVATI GIANENRICO |pharmacology |pharmacologically characterize selected bifunctional molecules (COXIB/TP antagonist) in |Scienze Farmaceutiche e |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche | |proof-of-principle in vivo relevant animal models of thrombosis |Farmacologiche |

|162 |Oral Colon delivery: Formulation Strategies |The research domain involves the selection, design and evaluation of delivery strategies |10 |

|SANGALLI MARIA EDVIGE | |that may enable a selective delivery of drugs into the colon following oral |Scienze Farmaceutiche e |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmaceutiche | |administration. |Farmacologiche |

|"Pietro Pratesi" | | | |

|163 |New pharmacological approaches for the control of brain |The proposal has the objective to in vivo evaluate in animal models novel pharmacological |10 |

|TREMOLI ELENA |ischemia evaluated with MRI |approaches aimed at preventing tissue damage of brain ischemia using MRI imaging |Scienze Farmaceutiche e |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Farmacologiche | | |Farmacologiche |

|164 |Towards a new energy policy in an European and comparative|Research activity is aimed at analysing the legal matters underlying the new European |11 |

|AMMANNATI LAURA |perspective |energy policy and especially the new organization of the internal market and the |Law |

|Dipartimento Giuridico-Politico | |different energy sources (renewable and nuclear energies) | |

|165 |The role of the Government in Parliament: analysis and |The research regards the efficiency of the tools of the Government during the |11 |

|ANGIOLINI VITTORIO |ideas for the future |parliamentary procedure. The project aims to discover ways to increase the power of the |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico, | |Government and to reduce the misuse of outstanding tools | |

|Processuale Civile , Internazionale ed | | | |

|Europeo | | | |

|166 |Bilateral investment treaties and EC law |The research aims at assessing the development of EC law and practice concerning bilateral|11 |

|BARIATTI STEFANIA | |investment treaties concluded by Member States inter se and with third countries, within |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico, | |the framework of the EC external competence | |

|Processuale Civile , Internazionale ed | | | |

|Europeo | | | |

|167 |Third reformation of the public job between organization |Analysis and close examination of the novelties introduced by the law n. 15/2009 and from |11 |

|BOSCATI ALESSANDRO |and personnel |the following delegated decrees in subject of organization and management of the personnel|Law |

|Dipartimento di Economia, Diritto del | |in the public sector. | |

|Lavoro e Diritto Tributario | | | |

|168 |Access to Justice: private regulations. |The project aims to investigate what are the private law instruments to assure the access |11 |

|CANDIAN ALBINA | |to justice in Western legal tradition's systems, using comparative law's methods. |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | | | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|169 |Invalidity of the contract due to conflict with general |To verify if the material rules, which forbid a result independently from the type of |11 |

|DE NOVA GIORGIO |clauses and material rules |contract chosen by the parties, may be an effective instrument in order to perform a |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | |control on alien contracts | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|170 |Protection of forced heirs: actions of reduction and |Protection of the rights of injured forced heirs and protection of the assign by the |11 |

|DELFINI FRANCESCO |restitution of indirect and dissimulate gifts. |indirect and dissimulate donee, with speciale reference to the variation of art. 563 c.c. |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | |concerning the action of restitution and the opposition deed to the gift. | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|171 |Sociology of labour law, with special regard to the |Theorectical and empirical analysys on the legal position of workers in both the private |11 |

|FERRARI VINCENZO |weakening of workers' rights |and the public sector, with regard to national collective agreements and to normative |Law |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche | |practices, both institutional and non-institutional, adopted by employers. | |

|Ecclesiasticistiche, | | | |

|Filosofico-Sociologiche e Penalistiche | | | |

|"Cesare Beccaria" | | | |

|172 |New frontiers of international law of culture:from |New international legal tools;convention safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage, |11 |

|FRIGO MANLIO |intangible cultural heritage to cultural diversit |2003, convention protection and promotion of cultural diversity, 2005. Implications with |Law |

|Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali | |human rights, international trade system (WTO)intellectual property. | |

|173 |The patent protection of biotechnological inventions |The research aims at analyzing the relationship between the innovation in the field of |11 |

|GHIDINI GUSTAVO | |biotechnology, patent rights and protection of public interests as biodiversity |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | | | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|174 |Law and analysis of language; the semiotics of rules, |This research implies a semiotic approach to legal problems, concepts and the relation |11 |

|JORI MARIO |legal reasoning, legal concepts |between legal rules. The fruitfulness of this line of research is well proved. The work |Law |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche | |can go on by examining many important legal concepts and institutions | |

|Ecclesiasticistiche, | | | |

|Filosofico-Sociologiche e Penalistiche | | | |

|"Cesare Beccaria" | | | |

|175 |the boundaries of private property in common law and civil|Using the method of comparative law, the project aims to investigate the evolution and |11 |

|MARCHETTI CARLO |law |forms of private property analysing the boundaries and the influence of private will. |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | | | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|176 |Criminal liability between corporations and corporate |The subject refers to criminal liability, also corporate criminal liability, forms in |11 |

|PALIERO CARLO ENRICO |group. |multifaceted organizations with special regard in corporate group and its role as criminal|Law |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Giuridiche | |liability imputation factor or restraint for corporate crimes. | |

|Ecclesiasticistiche, | | | |

|Filosofico-Sociologiche e Penalistiche | | | |

|"Cesare Beccaria" | | | |

|177 |Transational M&A and corporate reorganization in fiscal |the research concern the fiscal discipline in international and community law, regarding |11 |

|RAGUCCI GAETANO |law |Mergers and Acquisitions and shares or other equities exchange, with particular regard to |Law |

|Dipartimento di Economia, Diritto del | |the abuse of law issues. | |

|Lavoro e Diritto Tributario | | | |

|178 |Collaborative divorce |Research activity will be devoted to a study of the foreign models of collaborative |11 |

|RIMINI CARLO PIRRO | |divorce finding out the possibilities to apply such a model in Italy. |Law |

|Dipartimento Giuridico-Politico | | | |

|179 |Corporate directors and judicial review |Judges? scrutiny on breaches of directors? duties and optimal risk-taking incentives: the |11 |

|SACCHI ROBERTO | |business judgment rule in the light of a comparison between U.S. solutions and the italian|Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | |corporate law reform. | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|180 |Legal professions in the XVII-XIX centuris: advocacy, |The aim is to enlarge the researches concerning history of legal professions in XVII-XIX |11 |

|STORTI CLAUDIA |organisation and professional activity |centuries, both on the side of the organisation of the category and legal activity in |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia | |order to delineate with more accuracy the social role of the lawyers | |

|del Diritto | | | |

|181 |Foreign investments and the protection of environment, |The research aims at analysing contrasts and synergies between host State obligations in |11 |

|TREVES TULLIO |human and cultural rights in the host State |the field of investment law, on the one hand, and in the field of environmental |Law |

|Dipartimento di Diritto Pubblico, | |protection, human and cultural rights, on the other. | |

|Processuale Civile , Internazionale ed | | | |

|Europeo | | | |

|182 |Contractual Welfare |We consider two main kinds of "Contractual Welfare" in Italy: 1) supplementary pensions; |11 |

|TURSI ARMANDO | |2) contractual benefits for unemployed or under-employed workers. |Law |

|Dipartimento di Studi del Lavoro e del | | | |

|Welfare | | | |

|183 |Literature and Science in the English Renaissance |The impact of scientific and pseudo-scientific treatises in Renaissance England will be |12 |

|ANZI ANNA | |investigated regarding its relation to literary and theatrical discourses, along with the |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e | |role of literature and theatre in the making of scientific discourses |philology, letters, art |

|Letterature Straniere Comparate | | |history) |

|184 |To be an actor. The history of an art throughout the ages |The research reconstructs the history of the acting profession between XVIII and XX |12 |

|BENTOGLIO ALBERTO |by means of treatises and biographies |centuries, in order to identify its evolution and to bring out through comparative |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti, della | |studies, foreign influence, on Italian outline, |philology, letters, art |

|Musica e Dello Spettacolo | | |history) |

|185 |Languages and Cultures in Contact in modern |Linguistic and cultural contacts in in modern Central-Eastern Europe. Puristic trends and |12 |

|BERNARDINI LUCA |Central-Eastern Europe. |hybridization. Intermediary role of some literatures between east and West. Migration of |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Studi | |cultural phenomena. |philology, letters, art |

|Linguistici,Letterari e Filologici(Europa | | |history) |

|Centro-Settentrionale e Orientale) | | | |

|186 |Genres and literary forms of fifteenth and sixteenth |The objects of the research are: the relations between tradition and innovation, with |12 |

|CABRINI ANNA MARIA |century treatises in Italy |regard to contents, style and structure, in 15th and 16th century treatises and an |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna | |in-depth study about their classical models and handwritten and printed sources |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|187 |Italian Literary System, publishing intermediation, |Italian Literary System's changes and the forms of publishing intermediation in the XIX-XX|12 |

|CADIOLI ALBERTO VALERIO |readership in the XIX-XX centuries |centuries, paying attention to relationships among writer's wills, reader's demands, |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna | |literary genders, publishing tasks. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|188 |Historical geography and historiography for the study of |Geo-historical traditions and related historical analysis for the study of the territories|12 |

|CANTARELLI FLORIANA |greek territories until IV century a.C. |of the ancient Greece (internal and port settlement, poleis) and of the main interregional|Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | |correlations from the II millennium to the first Byzantine phases. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|189 |Contacts and contaminations: linguistic and cultural |The relations between Italy and either France, Great Britain or Spain will be investigated|12 |

|COLOMBO MARIA |relations between Italy and Europe |in a synchronic or diachronic perspective, with special reference to linguistic, |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e | |sociolinguistic and cultural issues. |philology, letters, art |

|Letterature Straniere Comparate | | |history) |

|190 |Classical and Late-Ancient traditions in Medieval Italian |The research must culminate into a critical edition of a Medieval Italian work, which |12 |

|D'AGOSTINO ALFONSO |literature:an outline of possible editions |should either be the translation into vernacular of a Classical or Late-Ancient work, or |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna | |show plain connections with Greek or Latin literature of the relevant ages. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|191 |Italian cinema from the second postwar period to the 70s. |The research field we aim to study concerns the Italian cinema in the second postwar |12 |

|DAGRADA ELENA | |period and its relations with sociocultural development of our country, from the fall of |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti, della | |Fascism to the 70s. |philology, letters, art |

|Musica e Dello Spettacolo | | |history) |

|192 |Trade and contacts between Mediterranean and continental |Analysis of relationships between peoples and cultures from Protohistory to Antiquity in |12 |

|DE MARINIS RAFFAELE CARLO |Europe as regard to archaeological record |regard to archaeological contexts as evidence of ideologies, models, artefacts exchanges, |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | |comparing them, if possible, with the ancient sources. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|193 |Church Slavonic, its History and Functions in the Cultural|Church Slavonic and its linguistic and cultural aspects; its relation to spoken languages;|12 |

|DI SALVO MARIA GIOVANNA |tradition of Slavia Orthodoxa |recurrent backward attitudes; attempts at language codification and the introductions of |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Studi | |new genres as symptoms of new cultural attitudes. |philology, letters, art |

|Linguistici,Letterari e Filologici(Europa | | |history) |

|Centro-Settentrionale e Orientale) | | | |

|194 |globalization in India and rise of Hindi |the aim of the research is to analyze *the globalization in India (urban, rural, diaspora)|12 |

|DOLCINI DONATELLA | |*the role of Hindi language |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture | | |philology, letters, art |

|Contemporanee | | |history) |

|195 |Editions, studies and improvement of the papyri of the |The project aims at publishing the IX volume of the Papiri dell’Università degli Studi di |12 |

|GALLAZZI CLAUDIO |Milan University. |Milano (P.Mil.Vogliano) and preparing an on-line database with the high-resolution images |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | |and the descriptions of the already published papyri of the collection. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|196 | |The research investigates variation in legal English, looking at the varieties used in |12 |

|GARZONE GIULIANA ELENA | |English-speaking countries, which have developed partially independently over time, as |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Lingue e Culture | |well as in the E.U. context and in international law. |philology, letters, art |

|Contemporanee | | |history) |

|197 |Etymology and related topics: foundations, aims, |Projects have to relate to aspects of the etymological research concerning either with |12 |

|GIACOMELLI ROBERTO |procedures, and problems of etymological research. |semantics and/or other levels of analysis, or with historical, philological, hermeneutical|Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | |domains, in respect of ancient and modern languages and dialects. |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|198 |The texts of Greek literature: editions, interpretations, |Working at critical editions and commentaries; literary interpretations; intertextual |12 |

|LEHNUS LUIGI ANGELO |history of transmission and Fortleben |researches on themes and genres; researches on the transmission of texts and their |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | |Fortleben; researches on local traditions and their literary elaboration |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|199 |Space and Time in 20th-century U.S. culture: reality and |The ways will be explored in which issues of space and time developed in the 20th century,|12 |

|MAFFI MARIO |imagination, past and present |borrowing techniques and suggestions from other disciplines and giving rise to complex |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e | |literary forms, containing past and present, real and imaginary spaces |philology, letters, art |

|Letterature Straniere Comparate | | |history) |

|200 |Myth and its rewritings in French and Francophone |Continuing the research carried out with the "Balmas Seminars" and the publication of the|12 |

|NISSIM LIANA |literatures |journal Ponts / Ponti, mythical narrative and its rewritings in French and Francophone |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e | |literary production will be the object of a thorough investigation. |philology, letters, art |

|Letterature Straniere Comparate | | |history) |



|Dipartimento di Scienze Dell'Antichita' | | |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|202 |Literature and science between the 18th and the 19th |A study of the distinguishing traits of the italian scientific literature (sources, |12 |

|SPAGGIARI WILLIAM |centuries:italian tradition and european models |language, style, european influences), from the age of the Rationalism to the separation |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Filologia Moderna | |of the two cultures (Carlo Cattaneo?s ?fatal divorce?) decreed by Romanticism |philology, letters, art |

| | | |history) |

|203 |Synesthesia between literature and the arts: adaptations |The project concerns the forms of transcodification between literature and the arts in the|12 |

|VALLORANI NICOLETTA |in English- and Spanish-speaking contexts |XX century, with a particular focus on discourses of cultural, national and/or gender |Humanities (ancient history, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze del Linguaggio e | |identity articulated through different but connected textualities |philology, letters, art |

|Letterature Straniere Comparate | | |history) |

|204 |Thinking nature in a non-European culture. Anthropological|The aim is to investigate, in a non-European context, how local people elaborate ideas |13 |

|ALLOVIO STEFANO |analysis of a case-study |about their environment and how these ideas influence their relationship with it. The |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Geografia e Scienze Umane | |research will be carried out by using an anthropological approach. |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|Dell'Ambiente | | | |

|205 |Borders and the building of symbolic sites of the nation |On european boundaries national identities faced and contrasted through occupation and |13 |

|AUDENINO PATRIZIA |in the 19th and 20th centuries Europe |construction of symbolic sites. The research has to be conducted in a comparative scale, |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Storia della Societa' e | |finding its sources on archivial documents, literature and memories. |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|delle Istituzioni | | | |

|206 |Theory of Society and Theory of Novel in Contemporary |Relationship between structures of novel and of society.Modern novel as expression of |13 |

|BIGALLI DAVIDE |Europe |existential,political and social crisis. Ethical analysis of literary oeuvres (from Goethe|History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Filosofia | |to Mann).Keywords: Bourgeois society;alienation;utopia;naturalism/realism |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|207 |Phenomenological Aesthetics, Philosophy of Literature, |We propose researches moving from the phenomenological aesthetics tradition and focusing |13 |

|CARBONE MAURO |Philosophy of Images |on the present debate about the images status both in the visual and in the literary |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Filosofia | |domain, as well as referring to the notions of Memory and Time in XX century |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|208 |The War of Liberation in Italy. History and Memory |The project focuses on the main characters of the partisan war in Italy in WWII, and on |13 |

|CHIARINI ROBERTO | |the public and private memory of the war in the post-war period. The use of Italian and |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Storia della Societa' e | |foreign primary sources is required |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|delle Istituzioni | | | |

|209 |The ?crisis of foundations?: between positivism and |Scientific rationality and logic facing the crisis of foundations across 19th and 20th |13 |

|GIORELLO GIULIO |pragmatism |century regarding mathematics, physics and life sciences. |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Filosofia | | |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|210 |Migrations, economics and entrepreneurial initiatives, |Research on a space case to be situated in one of the following territorial areas: |13 |

|ISENBURG TERESA |social production of space. |foreigners in Italy, italians abroad, foreigners in third countries (with regard to the |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali | |third category, India, Pakistan, Southern Africa, Brazil have been selected). |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|211 |Power and People in the Everyday Life of the USSR after |The aspect of the Soviet history we want to analyze is the relation between the |13 |

|LAMI GIULIA MARIA ISABELLA |Stalin. Continuity and Change |State-Party and the people, as well as reflections this relation, caracterized by typical |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e | |communicative strategies, had on the everyday life of the Soviet citizens. |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|della Documentazione Storica (Medioevo, | | | |

|Eta' Moderna, Eta' Contemporanea) | | | |

|212 |Physical activity and training in water |The aim of this research is to assess the effects of aquatic training programmes on |13 |

|MICHIELON GIOVANNI | |visceral fat, body composition and muscle performance. |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Dello Sport, | | |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|Nutrizione e Salute | | | |

|213 |PARADIGM CHANGES IN LATE MEDIEVAL PHILOSOPHICAL THOUGHT |Between XIII and XIV century: discussions of Aristotelian and Aquinas theories, renewal |13 |

|PARODI MASSIMO | |of different traditions and translation of works from Arabic and Greek. Comparison between|History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Filosofia | |schools, transcription of manuscripts, use of digital technologies. |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|214 |Religious Dissidence and Repression in sixteenth-century |The propose is to analyse the followings religious aspects in XVIth century: |13 |

|PEYRONEL SUSANNA |Europe |-the thought and the practice of the religious dissent |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e | |-process and behaviours of imposition of the confessional orthodoxy |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|della Documentazione Storica (Medioevo, | |- the exercise of the confessional violence | |

|Eta' Moderna, Eta' Contemporanea) | | | |

|215 |Comparative Cognition and evolution of socio-cognitive |Study of the evolution of sociocognitive abilities based on comparisons between human |13 |

|PRATO PREVIDE ALBRISI COLOMBAN EMANUELA |capacities in different species |infants and other species that at present are considered good models for understanding the|History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie | |evolution of cognition (i.e. non human primates, domestic dog) |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|Biomediche | | | |

|216 |Post-War Italy: Internal reconstruction and International |We want to analyze the Italian post-war situation, to scritinize the problems of to the |13 |

|PUNZO MAURIZIO |Relations |political and economic reconstruction, regarding international problems of Italy during |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e | |the cold war period |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|della Documentazione Storica (Medioevo, | | | |

|Eta' Moderna, Eta' Contemporanea) | | | |

|217 |Discussions on trascendantalism in the 19th and 20th |Historical and theoretical developments of the trascendental method and analysis of the |13 |

|SPINICCI PAOLO |century.Debates of philosophers and scientists |debates about validity and limits of knowledge in science in XIX-XX century. Keywords: |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Filosofia | |trascendentalism, theory of knowledge, Limits of scientific knowledge |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|218 |Culture, education and publishing in new religious orders |Culture and religion in Early Modern Europe. Analytical studies on the publishing |13 |

|VISMARA PAOLA |16-17th: Humanism and Counter Reformation |strategies and on the development of education programs "for the defense and propagation |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e | |of the faith" in the new religious orders |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|della Documentazione Storica (Medioevo, | | | |

|Eta' Moderna, Eta' Contemporanea) | | | |

|219 |The Urban Landscape between Conservation and Enhancement |City Administrations recognise the need of management of historic centres such as |13 |

|ZERBI MARIA CHIARA | |"heritage" and therefore it would be useful to have insights on different European |History, Philosophy, |

|Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti, della | |experiences which have been able to synthesise culture and economic opportunities |Pedagogy, Psychology |

|Musica e Dello Spettacolo | | | |

|220 |The financial crisis, firms? internationalization and |Effects of the financial crisis on the internationalisation of production factors and |14 |

|BARBA NAVARETTI GIORGIO |factor mobility |firms activities. Theoretical and empirical analysis of these trends and their |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, | |implications for global economic policy. | |

|Aziendali e Statistiche | | | |

|221 |IP Brokers in the market of technology |We will: 1. specify the theoretical and conceptual framework of the current research |14 |

|BENASSI MARIO | |project 2. detail the methodological choices 3. perform empirical and survey research 4. |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, | |do a multiple case studies analysis 5. write the final report. | |

|Aziendali e Statistiche | | | |

|222 |Dynamics, innovation and human capital-based optimal |The proposed theme aims at stimulating research activity between economics and mathematics|14 |

|BUCCI ALBERTO |growth and demographic transition: theory and applications|(with a special focus on optimal growth and transitional dynamics). Possible topics would |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, | |include: transitional dynamics in growth models, both exogenous and endogenous; | |

|Aziendali e Statistiche | |mathematical modelling for economic demography; human capital, innovation and growth; | |

| | |technological progress and diffusion, and growth | |

|223 |Experimental economics: individual behaviour, market |We shall develop experiments aiming: 1. to control for subjects idiosyncratic |14 |

|DONZELLI FRANCO |equilibrium, social preferences. |characteristics; 2. to test convergence to market equilibrium under special assumptions |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, | |about preferences; 3. to check for the emergence of cooperation in social contexts. | |

|Aziendali e Statistiche | | | |

|224 |Economic effects of regulation in the industrial and |The research activity deepens the effects of regulation on the economic efficiency of |14 |

|ROSSIGNOLI BRUNO |service sector |firms. The focus on the Italian framework is due to the presence of multiple supervisory |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Economia, Diritto del | |authority and heterogeneous legislation. | |

|Lavoro e Diritto Tributario | | | |

|225 |New issues in Human resource management and compensation |To analyze the impact of flexible employment on human resource management and on |14 |

|SOLARI LUCA |policies |compensation policies |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Studi del Lavoro e del | | | |

|Welfare | | | |

|226 |Inference for continuous time stochastic models for |Inference for continuous time models from discrete data, including mutidimensional, markov|14 |

|TOMMASI CHIARA |financial time series from discrete observations |switching, jump and fractional models in the fields of: estimation, hypotheses testing, |Economics and statistics |

|Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, | |model selection, cluster and discriminant analysis | |

|Aziendali e Statistiche | | | |

|227 |Italian liberal constitutional thought in the XXth |Research activity will be devoted to an accurate and ground-breaking analysis of Italian |15 |

|BASSANI LUIGI MARCO |century: a comprehensive reappraisal |liberal constitutional thought in the twentieth century, in order to recover its diverse |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento Giuridico-Politico | |approaches and their original features. |Sociology |

|228 |Federalism and Associationism in Europe after the second |Federalism and Associationism in the theoretical-political European discussion in |15 |

|CICALESE MARIA LUISA |world war |relationship with principles considered in country with confederative or federative |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Scienze della Storia e | |institutions |Sociology |

|della Documentazione Storica (Medioevo, | | | |

|Eta' Moderna, Eta' Contemporanea) | | | |

|229 |International political systems, institutions and |Evolution of the fundamental principles of the international society; the role of great |15 |

|COLOMBO ALESSANDRO |legitimacy in international society |powers, international organizations and the international community in face of |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Internazionali | |fragmentation or failed states; shared sovereignty and new trusteeships |Sociology |

|230 |Actors, policy processes and multilevel governance |Study of how interactions among political actors, in particular groups, parties and |15 |

|FRANCHINO FABIO | |institutions, shape the decision-making of public policies, from formulation to |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici | |implementation. |Sociology |

|231 |Consumer cultures: new lifestyles and new social |Consumer cultures are key to contemporary cultural formations. Via a focus on consumer |15 |

|LEONINI LUISA MARIA |identities |practices and commercial material culture, we aim to delineate new forms of |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici | |stratification, distinction, identitification, and participation. |Sociology |

|232 |Democratization, political regimes and global politics |Transitional justice, human rights, democratization and secularization. Comparative |15 |

|MARTINELLI ALBERTO | |political systems, conflict and development. Actors, institutions and models of global |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici | |politics. Foreign policy of great powers. Technology and accountability. |Sociology |

|233 |Migrations and social transformations. Redefining |The research focus is on issues linked to: increasing migrations and the shaping of ethnic|15 |

|PROCACCI GIOVANNA |citizenship, cultural identities, ethnic relations |minorities. It explores the social, political, cultural and economic processes |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici | |transforming citizenship, identities, urban spaces, ethnic relations. |Sociology |

|234 |Political Institutions, Political culture, party |Comparative analysis of the change in mass attitudes towards political institutions , |15 |

|SEGATTI PAOLO |competition and electoral behaviour |social and religious cleavage, and electoral behaviour in the XX century second half. |Political Sciences and |

|Dipartimento di Studi Sociali e Politici | | |Sociology |


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