Calculator soup fractions to percents


Calculator soup fractions to percents

To convert a fraction to a percentage, change the fraction so that the denominator is 100. Multiply the numerator with the number that when multiplied with the original denominator gives 100. Annotate the numerator with a percentage mark. Change the original fractionWrite the original fraction with an equal sign on the right. Create a short horizontal line to the right of the equal sign. Write 100 below the line and leave the numerator space blank. Multiply the original denominator with an x number that gives you 100. Write this number slightly under the equal sign. Find the new numeratorMore the original numerator with the number x used to multiply the denominator. Write the result on the horizontal line as the new numerator. Write the numerator as a percentageThe numerator is the right answer, but you need to write a percentage sign next to it. There is no need to divide the numerator by 100. If fraction 2/3 is given, make it equal to a new fraction with an empty numerator greater than 100. Multiply 3 with 33.33 to get 100, then multiply 2 and 33.33 to get 66.66. Write 66.66% as a response or round to 66.7%. xiaoke ma/E+/Getty Images 20% can be written as a fraction 1/5. It can also be written as a decimal 0.2. Percentages, fractions, and decimals are different ways of expressing the same numeric value. To convert from a percentage to a fraction, the percentage must first be divided by 100, to convert it to decimal. For example, 20 divided by 100 is 0.2. Next, the decimal is written above the number 1, such as 0.2/1. This fraction is then converted to remove the decimal by multiplying up and down by 10, which translates to 2/10. Since 2 and 10 are even numbers, this can be simplified by dividing each number by 2, which translates to 1/5. Percentages are found in many contexts beyond practical problems in math textbooks. One of the best examples is selling prices, which are often advertised as a particular discount percentage on a price. Suggestions on a restaurant invoice are also usually calculated as a percentage of the total invoice. Knowing how to calculate percentages is a useful skill; sometimes you'll need to know the exact percentage of a number, while others only require an estimate. You can perform these calculations in your head or using a calculator. To start calculating a percentage, you must convert it to a decimal format by moving the decimal point two spaces to the right. For example: 72% equals 0.72 300% equal to 3 4% equal to 0.04 Once you have the decimal place, multiply it by the number for which you try to calculate the percentage; that is, if you need to know 30% of 100, convert 30% to a decimal (0.30) and multiply it by 100 (0.30 x 100, which is to 30). For example, if you are told that 72% of all students have mobile phones and there are 30 students in the classroom, you can understand how many students will have mobile phones by multiplying 0.72 by 30 to 30 get 21.6 students. In this example, you might need to round the response, as you can't have 21.6 people. If you're calculating a percentage of people or animals or other things that can't be represented by fractions, you need to round to the nearest integer. In the example, it would be 22 students will have mobile phones. Another example is that when calculating VAT, the answer should be rounded to the nearest hundredth. If you are in a store and need to quickly understand the price of an item for sale, you may need to learn how to calculate the percentages in your head. For example, if you find an item that costs $45 but is for sale at a 20% discount, you'll need to figure out how much you'll have to pay. The first thing to do is to convert the percentage to a fraction or a sum of fractions. Percentage or percent means percent, so 20 percent means 20 percent, or 20 out of 100. You can write it as a fraction like this: 20/100. Then you can reduce the fraction by dividing both the top and bottom by the largest common factor. In the preceding example, divide the numerator (20, the top number) and the denominator (100, the lower number) by 20 to get 1/5. Once the fraction is reduced to a minimum, divide the number for which the percentage is located by the denominator of the fraction. In the example, it would divide the normal price of $45 by five, which is equal to nine. Then multiply nine by the numerator of the fraction (one), which is equal to nine. Therefore, the item is $9 off and will cost $36. If the item was a 40% discount, the fraction would be 40/100, reduced to 2/5. It would then split the price, $45, by the denominator, which is five, at par nine. So I would multi-complicate nine by two and you'll get 18, which means the item is $18 off. You can repeat these steps with multiple calculations for problems with percentages that are not simple fractions. For example, when you tip on an invoice in a restaurant, you might try to find 15 percent of $27. Instead of converting 15% to 15/100 or 3/20, you can think of it as 10/100 or 1/10 and then add half of it, because it's much easier to find 1/10 than 3/20. So I would calculate 1/10 of $27, which is $2.70, plus half of that, or $1.35, to get a tip of $3.05. Calculating percentage is a fundamental mathematical skill, whether you're taking a lesson or just living life! Percentages are used to make car and home payments, calculate tips, and pay taxes on goods. Percentage calculations are crucial for many classes, particularly science courses. Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to calculate the percentage. Percentage or percentage is percent and expresses the fraction of one in 100 percent number or the total amount. A percentage sign (%) or the abbreviation pct used to indicate the percentage. Determine the total or total amount. Divide the number to be expressed as a percentage by the total. In most cases, you will divide the smallest number by the largest number. Multiples the resulting value for for Let's say you have 30 marbles. If 12 of them are blue, what percentage of marbles are blue? What percentage is not blue? Use the total number of marbles. This is 30.Divide the number of blue marbles in the total: 12/30 = 0.4Multipli this value per 100 to get the percentage: 0.4 x 100 = 40% are blueYou have two ways to determine which percentage is not blue. The easiest is to take the total percentage minus the blue percentage: 100% - 40% = 60% non-blue. You could calculate, just like you did the initial blue marble problem. You know the total number of marbles. The number that is not blue is the total minus the blue marbles: 30 - 12 = 18 non-blue marbles. The percentage that is not blue is 18/30 x 100 = 60%As a check, you can make sure that the total of blue and non-blue lights adds up to 100%: 40% + 60% = 100% Now that you understand the basic principle, explore the practical applications of calculating the percentage: the gross percentage margin for a company is an indicator of how efficient a company is in generating profit. The percentage represents the amount per dollar of revenue that the company maintains as profit after the cost of production and sales have been included. As an investor, percentage margin can help you compare companies of unequal size. For example, two companies may have $10 million in revenue, but if one has $8 million in costs and the only one has $6 million, there will be a significant difference in the percentage margin. To calculate the gross percentage margin, you need to know the total revenue and cost of the goods sold. Look for gross revenues and the cost of goods sold for the company by searching the company's annual report or by contacting the company's investor relations group. Subtract the cost of goods sold from total revenue. For example, if a company had $20 million in revenue but the costs of the goods sold were $15 million, the result would be $5 million. Split the result from step 3 by total revenue. Continuing the example, I would split $5 million by $20 million to get 0.25. Multiply the result of step 3 by 100 to convert it to a percentage. Finalizing the example would multiply 0.25 by 100 to find that the percentage margin for the company is 25%. Good percentage margin suggestions vary from industry to industry, so it can be difficult to compare the percentage margins of companies working in two different sectors. Percentage means per 100 or every hundred. In other words, a percentage is a value divided by 100 or a ratio out of 100. There are many real-life uses to find the percentage. Real estate agents, car dealers, and pharmaceutical sales representatives earn commissions that are a percentage, or part, of sales. For example, a real estate agent could earn a part of the sale price of a house that a customer to buy or sell. A car salesman earns a share of the sale price of a car he sells. Working percentage problems in real life can help you better understand the process. Noel, a real agent, aims to earn at least $150,000 this year. Earn a 3% commission on every house he sells. What is the total amount of dollars of homes you need to sell to achieve your goal? Start the problem by defining what you know and what you're trying to determine: Noel will earn $3 for $100 in sales. Will he earn $150,000 for (what dollar amount) in sales? Express the problem as follows, where s stands for total sales: 3/100 = $150,000/s To fix the problem, cross multiply. First, write the fractions vertically. Take the numerator of the first fraction (higher number) and multiply it by the denominator of the second fraction (lower number). So take the numerator of the second fraction and multiply it by the denominator of the first fraction, as follows: 3 x s = $150,000 x 1003 x s = $15,000,000 Divide both sides of equation by 3 to solve by s: 3s/3 = $15,000,000/3s = $5,000,000 So, to make $150,000 in annual commission, Noel is expected to sell homes totaling $5 million. Ericka, another real estate agent, specializes in leasing apartments. His commission is 150% of his client's monthly rent. Last week, he earned $850 in commission for an apartment that he helped his client rent. How much does the monthly rent cost? Start by defining what you know and what you're trying to determine: $150 for $100 of the monthly rent is paid to Ericka as a commission.$850 for (what amount) of the monthly rent is paid to Ericka as a commission? Express the problem as follows, where r stands for monthly rent: 150/100 = $850/r Cross multiply time: $150 x r = $850 x 100$150r = $150r = $150r = $150r 150r = $85,000 Divide both sides of the equation by 150 to solve by r: 150r/150 = 85,000/150r = $566.67 So, the monthly rent (for Jessica to earn $850 in commission) is $556.67. Pierre, an art dealer, earns 25% of the dollar value of the art he sells. Pierre earned $10,800 this month. What was the total dollar value of the art he sold? Start by defining what you know and what you're trying to determine: $25 for $100 of Pierre's art sales are paid to him as a commission.$ 10,800 for (what amount in dollars) of Pierre's art sales is paid to him as a commission? Write the problem as follows, where s stands for sales: 25/100 = $10,800/s Prime, cross multiply: 25 x s = $10,800 x 10025s = $1,080,000 Divide both sides of the equation by 25 to solve by s: 25s/25 = $1,080,000/25s = $43,200 So, the total dollar value of the art Pierre sold is $43,200. Alexandria, a salesman at a car dealership, earns 40% of its luxury vehicle sales. Last year, his commission was $480,000. What was the total dollar amount of your sales last year? Define what you know and what you're trying to $40 for $100 of car sales are paid to Ericka as a commission.$ 480,000 for (what amount in dollars) of car sales is paid to Ericka as a commission? Write the problem as follows, where s stands for car sales: 40/100 = $480,000/s Next, cross multiply: 40 x s = $480,000 x 10040s = $48,000,000 Divide Divide sides of equation for 40 to solve by s. 40s/40 = $48,000,000/40s = $1,200,000 So, the total dollar amount of Alexandria car sales last year was $1.2 million. Henry's an entertainer agent. He earns 10% of his clients' salaries. If you earned $72,000 last year, how much did your customers earn? Define what you know and what you're trying to determine: $10 for $100 of animators' salaries are paid to Henry as a commission.$ 72,000 for (what amount in dollars) of animators' salaries is paid to Henry as a commission? Write the problem as follows, where s stands for salaries: 10/100 = $72,000/s Then, cross multiply: 10 x s = $72,000 x 10010s = $7,200,000 Divide both sides of equation by 10 to solve by s: 10s/10 = $7,200,000/10s = $720,000 In total, Henry's clients earned $720,000 last year. Alejandro, a representative of pharmaceutical sales, sells statins for a pharmacologist. He earns a 12% commission of the total sales of statins he sells to hospitals. If he earned $60,000 in commissions, what was the total dollar value of the drugs he sold? Define what you know and what you try to determine: $12 for $100 of the value of the drugs are paid to Alejandro as a commission.$ 60,000 for (what value in dollars) of the drugs is paid to Alejandro as a commission? Write the problem as follows, where d stands for dollar value: 12/100 = $60,000/d Then, cross multiply: 12 x d = $60,000 x 10012d = $6,000,000 Divide both sides of equation by 12 to solve by d: 12 d/12 = $6,000,000/12d = $500,000 The total dollar value of the drugs Alejandro sold was $500,000. $500,000.

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