Life of Christ Part I

Life of Christ Part I



Baptism of the Lord |

Presentation | | Mission begins

Geneologies Annunciation Birth of Jesus | Finding in Temple | | |


Mt 1:1-17 Mt 1:18-25 Lk 2:1-40 Lk 2:25-35 Lk 2:41-52 Mk 1:9-11 Mk 1:12-13 Mk 1:14-15

Lk 3:23-38 Lk 1:26-38 Mt 3:13-17 Mt 4:1-11 Mt 4:12-17

Lk 3:21-22 Lk 4:1-13 Lk 4:4-19

Jn 1:29-54

Central characters Key groups

Jesus Christ Apostles/disciples

Holy Spirit Pharisees

John the Baptist Saduccees

Mary, Mother of Jesus Romans

Joseph Samaritans

Satan Crowd

God the Father

Life of Christ Part II: Public Ministry

Kingdom in word (above) and deed (below)

Forming disciples Teaching on Law (Mt 5:17-20)

| |

Kingdom in Word Preaching | Teaching on Prayer


/ (Mk8:34-9:1) |Sermons (Mount, Plain) (Lk 11:3-12) \

/ (Mt 16:24-28) | (Mt 7:7-11) \ Warnings (Mt18:7-9)

/ (Lk 9:23-27) Parables \ | (Mk 9:42-48)

/ (Grace- Lost Sheep) \ | (Lk 17:1-12)

Call of / (Kingdom- Sower) \|

Disciples / (Judgment- Foolish virgins) \ Miracle of Loaves

____|___________/ \___________|________

Mk 1:16-20 \ Peter’s Confession (Mt 16:13-23) / (Mk 6:3-44)

Mt 4:18-22 \ (Lk 9: 18-22) / (Mt 14:13-21)

Lk 5:1-11 \ / (Lk 9:10-17)

Jn 1:35-42 \ / (Jn 6: 15-66)

\ Forgives sins Prays alone Associates with /

\ (Lk 5 17:26) at night sinners/tax collectors Miracles /


Healing (Lk 7:1-17)

Kingdom in Deed Exorcisms (Mk 5:1-20; Lk 8:26-39)

Mission Statements Nature Miracles (Mt 8:18, 23-27)

Save what was lost

Those who believe may not perish, but have eternal life First Prediction of Passion Second Prediction of Passion

The world must find salvation through him (Lk 9:22) (Lk 9:44-45)

Bear witness to the truth (Mk 8:31) (Mk 9:31-32)

Call sinners to repentance (Mt 16:21) (Mt 17:22-23)

Proclaim the kingdom of God

Give his life as a ransom for the many

That they may have life and have it abundantly

Life of Christ Part Three: Death and Resurrection

Third Passion Prediction Jesus weeps over Jerusalem Gethsemane

Lk: 18:31-34 Lk19:41-44 Jn18:1-11 ; Mt26:30-56

Mt 20: 17-19 Mt23:37-39 Lk22:39-53; Mk 14:26-52

Mk 10:33-34


Empty Tomb

Palm Sunday ________|________

Transfiguration | Vineyard / Mt. 28:1-8;Lk 24:1-12 \

Feeding| | Parable Last / Jn 20:1-10;Mk 16:1-8 \ Ascension

4000 | | | Supper Cross / \ |

_|__|_____|_____|_______|____|_ / \_____|__

| | Jn12:12-18 | | | \ / Lk:24: 50-53

| | Mt21:1-9 Lk20:9-19 | | \ / Mk 16:19-20

Mk11:1-10 Mt21:33-46 | |

Mt 15:32-39 Lk19:28-44 Mk12-1-12 | Lk 23:26-56 \ /

Mk 8:1-10 | | Mk 15:16-47 \__________|_______/

| | Mt 27:27-44 Appearances

Mt 17:1-8 | Jn 19:17-42 Jn 20: 11-31

Mk 9:2-8 | Lk 24: 13-34

Lk18:31-34 Lk22:7-38 Mk: 16:12-18

Mt26:20-29 Mt: 28:8-10


Jn 13:21-30


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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