MLA Documentation Practice Worksheet - AK's website

MLA Documentation Practice Worksheet

Part 1 (In-Text Citations): Using the information set below, write correct parenthetical citations/documentations for each example.

Information Set:

Donaldson, Sam. Bantering on Watergate. New York: Penguin Books, 1985.

Jennings, Peter. Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism. Washington: Greater Politics Press, 1994.

Smith, Charles. I Love Politics: A Guide To Discerning Reality. Chicago: Penn Press, 2001.

Xavier, Jason and Thomas Yater. Political Guide to the United States. New York: Ballantine, 2004.

Xavier, Jason. Somewhere in the Political Realm. New York: Ballantine, 2002.

Citation Questions:

1.) "He spoke to us in German and then left us behind" ( ).

-from Donaldson's Bantering on Watergate, page 45

2.) "I never thought of myself as proud", says Jennings in his book Pushing the Limits of Political Journalism ( ) .

--This source was located on page 107.

3.) "Politics is such an interesting field" ( ).

--From Charles Smith's book, page 451.

4.) "Enraged is how he felt after the episode" ( ).

--From Jason Xavier's book Somewhere in the Political Realm, page 233.

5.) In Political Guide to the United States, Xavier and Yater explore the idea that the U.S. is changing politically ( ).

--From page 544 of this book.

Embedded Questions:

Now, use the quotes given below and embed them into your own sentence. Don’t forget the parenthetical citation!

1. “Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream?” Edgar Allan Poe pg. 482, lines 23-24


2. “The day what belongs to the day—at night the party of young fellows, robust, friendly. Singing with open mouths their strong melodious songs.” Walt Whitman pg. 510, lines 10-12


3. “Then rattle quicker, heaveier drums—you bugles wilder blow. So strong you thump O terrible drums—so loud you bugles blow.” Walt Whitman pg. 517 lines 14 and 22


4. “We slowly drove—He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, for His Civility—“ Emily Dickinson pg. 526 lines 5-8


Part 2 (Source Citations): Using the information provided, create the source citations that would be incorporated into a Works Cited page.

Source 1:

• From the website

• Article is titled “NASA’s NuStar Helps Solve Riddle of Black Hole Spin”

• Dated February 27, 2013

• Authors: J.D. Harrington and Whitney Clavin

• You viewed the site on March 3, 2013


Source 2:

• from the website

• author is Tom O’Neill

• Published February 27, 2013

• You viewed the site on March 5, 2013

• Article is titled “Why African Rhinos are Facing a Crisis”

• Published by the National Geographic Society


taken and modified from


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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