Research Paper Rubric

| |(A) |(B) |(C) |(D) |(F) |

|Supporting Research |thorough and relevant |less thorough but still |adequate; relevance made clear |insufficient; relevance not always |irrelevant, missing, or relies on |

| | |substantial and relevant | |made clear |assertion rather than research |

|Focus & Content |sharp, distinct focus; balanced, |Clear focus; specific, |adequate focus, but unbalanced content;|essay contains too much research |absence of focus and relevant |

| |substantial, specific, and/or |illustrative, and balanced content|more analysis needed |information without analysis or |content; content doesn’t “fit” thesis|

| |illustrative content; sophisticated, | | |commentary | |

| |mature ideas are particularly | | | | |

| |well-developed | | | | |

|Organization |obviously controlled and/or subtle |logical and appropriate |organization attempted, but unclear or |inconsistent organization |absence of planned organization |

| |organization; strong topic sentences |organization; clear topic |inappropriate | | |

| | |sentences |topic sentences | | |

|Style |writer’s voice is strong; precision |precision and variety in sentence |limited, but mostly correct, sentence |several awkward and/or unclear |no apparent control over sentence |

| |in tone, sentence structure, and word|structure and word choice |structure variety and word choice |sentences; problems with word choice |structure and word choice |

| |choice | | | | |

|Mechanics & Usage |free of mechanical and usage errors |few mechanical and usage errors |some mechanical and usage errors, but |mechanical and usage errors which |mechanical and usage errors that |

| | | |not severe enough to interfere |interfere with writer’s purpose |significantly interfere with the |

| | | |significantly with writer’s purpose | |writer’s purpose |

|MLA: In-Text Citations |all sources are accurately documented|all sources are documented, but a |most sources are documented, but many |several sources lack proper |sources are not accurately |

| |in the proper MLA format |few are not in the desired format |are not in the desired format |documentation |documented, and MLA format is not |

| | | | | |attempted or followed properly |

|MLA: Works Cited Page |all sources on Works Cited page | |few of the sources on Works Cited |none the sources on Works Cited page |

| |follow proper MLA format |most sources on Works Cited page follow proper MLA format |page follow proper MLA format |follow proper MLA format |


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