MLA Format Page Setup - Fig Tree of Knowledge

MLA Format ? Page Setup

Margins: Margins for the entire paper should be 1 inch (except for the header). Toset margins follow

steps below.

Step 1: Select Page Layout on

the top toolbar

Step 2: Select Margins

Step 3: Select Normal (1 inch margins for top, bottom, left and right.

Created March 2013 by Jessica Schnall Based on MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition

Text Formatting: Type face should be readable (i.e. Times New Roman) and 12 pt. font. Lines should NOT be justified to the right margin. Paper should be doubled spaced including quotations, notes and works cited page.

Follow the steps below to double space the document. Step 1: Begin at the Home tab at the top


Step 2: Click the small box and arrow at

the bottom right in the paragraph


Step 3: Line spacing should be `Double' Step 4: Spacing before and after should be 0 pt.

Step 5: Select OK Created March 2013 by Jessica Schnall

Based on MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition

Heading and Title: There should be no title page on the research paper. Follow example below. If the settings are done properly, it should be duplicated easily.

1 inch margins

Double Space: Name Teachers Name Class Name Date

Center Paper Title

Indent ?"

1 inch margins

Header: All pages should be numbered consecutively starting on the second page (*If it is your instructor's preference to have page number and name on all pages skip Step 3.) To inset page number follow these steps. Step 1: Double click on the top of the page to open up the Header

Step 3: Select Different First Page

Step 2: Select Header & Footer Tools on the top toolbar

Created March 2013 by Jessica Schnall Based on MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition

Step 4: Scroll to second page, if header is not open, double click at the top of the page to open

Step 5: Make sure position is 0.5' from top and bottom

Step 6: Click Page Number

Step 7: Click Top of Page

Step 8: Select 3rd option, Plain Number 3 (Top Right)

Created March 2013 by Jessica Schnall Based on MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition

Step 9: Type your last name next to the number.

Other Helpful Tips

Under the Home tab at the top you can:

Change type face and font size

Center your title by selecting the center text icon

Created March 2013 by Jessica Schnall Based on MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers 7th Edition


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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