Percy Priest Elementary

2020-2021 PPE PTO Executive Board Meeting Minutes, October 20, 2020A regular meeting of the PPE PTO Executive Board was held virtually on Tuesday, October 20, 2020.The meeting convened at 5:00 pm. Co-Presidents Kass Benchoff and Ginny Dolezal presided.??Attendees:?Russell Young, Principal; Brooke Temple, Assistant Principal; Kass Benchoff, Co-President; Ginny Dolezal, Co-President; Nahed Zehr, Vice President; Geoff Watson, Treasurer; John Markham, Assistant Treasurer; Marisa Adair, Vice President Communications; Christie Brumleve, Teacher Liaison; Emily Cary, Teacher Liaison; Katie Agnew, Secretary; Ashley Wade, Ex-Officio.I. Welcome and Call to Order:? ?Kass Benchoff called the meeting to order. She began by announcing that Geoff Watson would be fulfilling the role of Treasurer and that a search was still underway for a Co-Vice President. II. Approval of September 2020 Meeting Minutes:?A motion was made by Geoff Watson for approval of the September 2020 meeting minutes with John Markham seconding the motion. The motion passed.??III. Treasurer’s Report:?Matthew Gillmor officially rolled off as Treasurer and all bank paperwork is in place, giving Geoff Watson signatory authority.MNPS reduced the school’s budget by $119,000 for this school year. Dr. Young reduced allocations for technology, books and teacher supplies. The library assistant and two enrichment specialists were let go. Money was still needed to fund the two enrichment specialists. MNPS paid their salaries for the first quarter but the remaining three quarters will total $28,112. These funds will come out of the PTO’s accumulated funds.The Pinnacle bank account had approximately $326,000 in it as of the date of the meeting.Invest has so far brought in $73,500 of donations and pledges and is on par with the campaign at this point last year. Only 155 of 330 families have given.Tiger Cup generated a total of approximately $19,000, netting $10,000.IV.??Principal’s Report:?Enrollment is down to 415 students with 350 attending school in person.The school has had its first positive Covid case and has had to quarantine a group of students. Fans have arrived, Percy is doing safety chats with the kids, and plexiglass dividers are installed, in addition to the signage already posted around the school.V.?Assistant Principal’s Report:Mrs. Temple has been focused on back-to school Covid preparations and logistics. She reported that so far things are going smoothly.VI. Co-President’s Report:Old BusinessThe PTO has funded Covid safety materials including plexiglass dividers, thermometers, signage, a tent and more walkie talkies for the teachers.The Tye Dye Come Together events were well received. Over $3,000 in Tiger Store merchandise was sold during the events, too. MNPS has approved the Just Glass and Target fundraisers. Details will follow once the programs are established.New BusinessBylawsThe PTO’s bylaws need to be revised to give Mrs. Temple voting rights. Work will be done on this in the coming weeks.Budget ShortfallKass Benchoff explained again the MNPS budget cuts and that the approximately $28,000 needed to fund the two enrichment specialists would need to come from the PTO’s reserves. The PTO executive board agreed in a vote via email on September 30 to fund those positions using its reserve funds and reaffirmed its support of using PTO reserves for this purpose. Invest Communication PlanDr. Young will send out a communication which explains the MNPS budget cuts and reiterates the importance of Invest participation.The deadline to pay pledges is being moved back to January or February.Grandparents DayErin O’Brien and Marti Judy are working on a new format for this year. They are considering sending postcards home that students make and can send to their grandparents with Invest information. A video from each teacher is also being considered, but teachers will need to be sure to have photograph waivers from all parents to include students in the videos.PTO Meeting DaysThere is a potential candidate for the Co-Vice President role who cannot meet on Tuesdays. The Co-Presidents will send a separate communication to the executive board to determine if there is another day of the week that could work for the group to accommodate the potential candidate.Volunteer NeedsA number of roles have not been filled and the PTO is short on volunteers. Ginny Dolezal will send a communication out in hopes of finding more volunteers.PTO Meeting on October 27The full PTO meeting on October 27 will focus on updates from Dr. Young and Nurse Donna and provide a forum for parents to ask questions about health protocols. Parents will be asked to submit questions ahead of time to Katie Agnew.Website UpdatesWork is underway to provide pictures of the interventionist and enrichment teachers, as well as the supplies that PTO funds pay for.Room Parent QuestionsThe Board discussed how to handle the Harvest parties this year. Jessica Amden, head room parent, will tell all room parents that classes within each grade level should do the same thing, no homemade food should be brought in, and holiday toys are preferred over wrapped candy.Friday folders are still going home and PTO flyers may be included.VI. Announcements:October 27 – PTO Meeting at 6:00 pmNovember 17 – PTO Board Meeting at 5:00 pmVII. Adjournment:Nahed Zehr made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ginny Dolezal seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 6:00 pm.?Katie AgnewSecretary, PPE PTO Executive Board ................

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