LITURGY, THE PRAYER OF THE PEOPLE1st Sunday of LentSaturday: 4.30 pmSaint Mary(+Ermene Gilda Cervi, Kath & Peter Armstrong)5.30 pmSaint David Lewis(+John Kiely, Burns Family, +Derek Martin)6.00 pmSaint Basil & Saint Gwladys (Deceased members of Cotterell family, +O’Neill & Welsh Family.)Sunday: 9.00 amSaint Anne(+Betty & Con Mahoney, +Harry McGrogan, Kitty Hayes) 9.30 amSaint Mary(+Elaine Wilson, +Nick Jordan)10.30 amSaint Michael(Maureen Ramm)11.00 amSaint David(Donal Barry & Deceased members of Barry family.)6.00 pmSaint Mary (+Patrick Turner)Monday9.30 amSaint MichaelMorning Prayer Service10.00 amSaint Mary(Plathottom Family. Int – Thanksgiving for a safe recovery for Billy Love)10.00 amSaint MichaelFuneral Service for Patrick A’HerneTuesday Ss. Perpetua & FelicityBereaved or Lonely?All Saints Parish Bereavement Support Group is holding weekly Drop-in Sessions at Saint Michael’s Church HallEvery Wednesday 2pm to 4pmIf you are grieving, feeling lonely or would simply appreciate a cup of tea and a friendly chat please feel free to drop in or for more information call Marcella Curran on 07516 92149710.00 amSaint AnneDevotions10.00 amSaint Mary(+Harry McGrogan, +Patrick McNulty, +Patrick Turner)WednesdaySt. John of God7.30 amSaint Mary (+Linda Chambers)10.00 amSaint MaryRequiem Mass for Mary Derrick 7.00 pm Saint Michael AdorationThursday St. Francis of Rome10.00 amSaint Mary(+Margo Ryanm Thanksgiving for Alex Joseph George, Birthday intention for Felix Manuel George,Wedding Anniversary Intention for George & Annamma)IN HOSPITAL?If you know of anyone who is in hospital or about to go into hospital and would like to receive holy communion while they are there, please ring the parish office leaving the persons’ name and if possible the name of the ward.11.30 amSaint David LewisFuneral Service for Mary Williams.5.00 pmSaint MichaelHoly Hour Friday10.00 amSaint Mary(Anne Busson)10.00 amSaint DavidRequiem Mass for Carrie Ann Jones The All Saints Parish bereavement support group provide advice, support and help in times of grief - please see the poster in your church or the Parish website for contact details.Saturday10.00 amSaint Mary ()Next Sunday’s Intentions – 2nd Sunday of Lent Saint Anne: +Tony, David, Brian Williams. Intention of Maureen & Bob Graham (Diamond Wedding)Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys: Intention of Peggy & Derek (Golden Wedding), +Margaret O’NeillSaint David : +Saint David Lewis : +John Kiely, +Morgan family, +Mary WilliamsSAINT MARY’S BROWNIES AND GUIDESAre collecting Sainsbury’s Active Kids Vouchers. If you collect any and would like to donate them please put them in the box in church or drop them into the Parish Office. Many thanks.Saint Mary : +Sr. Perpetua (Zimbabwe) : +Patrick Turner : William & FamilySaint Michael : Bella James SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATIONSaturday 10.45 – 11.45 amSaint Mary Saturday 3.30 – 4.15 pm Saint Mary A1 Mouse TrapA2 Because it takes them so long to swallow their pride. CAFODStill looking for that special Christmas gift?World Gifts are CAFOD's charity gift range of virtual and ethical presents that will delight the people you give them to and help transform the lives of poor communities and families in developing countries.Search for World gifts Cafod for more detailsYou must serve God alone.ALL SAINTS PARISHSaints Anne, Basil + Gwladys, David, David Lewis, Mary & Michael“ALIVE AND ACTIVE”The Year of Saint Matthew1st Sunday of Lent05.03.17. (Sunday Readings: of year A : Breviary: Week i) A policeman pulled a car over and told the man driving that he was going 50 mph in a 30 mph zone. ‘I was only going 30!’ the driver protested. ‘Not according to my radar,’ the policeman said. ‘Yes, I was!’ the man shouted back. ‘No you weren’t!’ the policeman said. With that, the man’s wife leaned towards the window and said, ‘Officer, I should warn you not to argue with my husband when he’s been drinking.’^^^^^^^^^^^^^^While making rounds, a doctor points out an X-ray to a group of medical students.‘As you can see,’ she says, ‘the patient limps because his left fibula and tibia are radically arched. Mr. Jones, what would you do in a case like this?’ ‘Well,’ ponders the student, ‘I suppose I’d limp too.’^^^^^^^^^^^^^^A man went to see his doctor to see if he could prescribe something for a heavy cold. The doctor gave him some tablets, but they didn’t work. On his next visit, the doctor gave him an injection, but that didn’t work either.On his third visit, the doctor told the man: ‘Go home and take a hot bath. As soon as you finish, open all the windows and stand in the draught.’‘ut doctor if I do that, I’ll catch pneumonia.’‘I know,’ said the doctor, ‘But I can cure pneumonia.’THIS SUNDAY’S MASSScriptureGenesis2, 7-9, 3, 1-7Psalm50, 3-6, 12-14, 17 R.v.3R: /Have mercy on us, O Lord, for we have sinned.1.Have mercy on me, God, in your kindnessIn your compassion blot out my offence.O wash me more and more from my guiltand cleanse me from my sin. (R).2.My offences truly I know them;my sin is always before me.Against you, you alone, have I sinned;what is evil in your sight I have done. (R)3.A pure heart create for me, O God,put a steadfast spirit within me.Do not cast me away from your presence.nor deprive me of your holy Spirit. (R)HOPE FOR THE FUTUREThursday night’s Lenten Mass reminded me of Paul’s letter to the Romans when he said “We are no longer for Paul or Timothy or Titus, but are united around Christ”I wish to thank our four Primary Schools for accepting the invitation of attending this Mass with our young children who will be making their First Holy Communion this year. These children do not see the past but look with hope to the future recognising the one Parish centred around Jesus Christ.It was a delight to see them there with their parents and teachers, along with a great number of adults from within the Parish of All Saints, all are our hope for the future. As we start our Lenten journey let us look with hope towards the Resurrection at Easter.4.Give me again the joy of your help;with a spirit of fervour sustain me,O Lord, open my lipsand my mouth shall declare your praise. (R)Paul to the Romans5:12-19Matthew 4: 1-11Intercession : Lord hear usResponse :Lord, graciously hear us..PARISH PASTORAL TEAMPARISH OFFICECanon Michael EvansRevd. Joseph MensahDeacon Pasquale CinottiDeacon Rigo LogierSister Brigid CantwellSister Paul Gerard Chidgey Sister Justina MorrinSister Visitation O’Donoghue 9 Stow Hill, NP20 1TP 01633 265533 Mon.-Fri. 9am-3pm E.Mail Website : .uk HOSPITAL TEAMRoyal Gwent + St. Woolos Hospitals 234234 Sick Calls (Emergency)07805 696474 Hospital RotaToday : David & MaryNext Sunday : Pasquale BAPTISM COURSEIf you have not received a letter or email regarding the next Baptism Course can you please contact the Parish Office on 01633 265533 before Wednesday 8th March.CollectionsSaint Anne :?265.31(Gift Aided :?)75Saint Basil & Saint Gwladys?229.41(Gift Aided :?143.00)38Saint David?293.70(Gift Aided :?81.00)128Saint David Lewis?141.10(Gift Aided :?75.00)58Saint Mary?2118.00(Gift Aided :?862.00)432(two weeks)Saint Michael?381.00(Gift Aided :?50.00)143Q.1.What is a cat’s favourite game?Q.2.Why are Giraffes slow to apologise?Where is Spot hiding this week?Archdiocese of CardiffST. JOSEPH’S R.C. PRIMARY SCHOOLFairoak Avenue, Newport NP19 8FWTel: 01633 258801 God through our love of learning and our love for one another.Deputy Head TeacherNOR: 207Salary: L5-9 (?43,023-?47,492)Required for September 2017Applications must be made using the CES application which is available from the CES website .uk Application packs can be downloaded from the Newport City Council website. Completed CES application forms should be returned by post or email to: The Headteacher, St. Joseph’s RC Primary School, Fairoak Ave, Newport, NP19 8FW/ jospri@.ukLesson observations for shortlisted candidates will take place between 21st and 24th March 2017.Closing Date: Midday 17th March 2017 Shortlisting: 20th March 2017 Interviews: 27th March 2017FOR FULL DETAILS PLEASE SEE SCHOOL WEBSITE FOR FULL ADVERTISMENTLENTEN TALKSA Lenten talk will take place Each Wednesday of Lent led by one of our Priests or Deacons with Exposition and Benediction8th March Sts. Basil & Gwladys 7pm – Pillars of Lent - Fr. Joseph15th March St. David Lewis 7pm – Canon Mike22nd March St. David 7pm – Pick up your Cross and follow me –Deacon Rigo29th March St. Mary 7pm – Deacon Pasquale – Lenten Season, A Kairos Time, a time of opportunity.5th April St. Anne 7pm – Deacon Pasquale – You cannot take God as your Father, if you do not take the Church as your Mother.12th April St. Michael 7pm – Fr. JosephYouth 2000 will host their fifth annual retreat in the Archdiocese this March 17-19 at St David’s Catholic Sixth Form College.?The emphasis on building a relationship with Jesus is central to a weekend timetable that focusses on helping young people to pray from the heart, through the Mass, 24/7 Eucharistic Adoration, the Rosary, Sacred Scripture, praise and worship and many other forms of prayer. Fantastic talks and workshops by visiting speakers and a Saturday evening of reconciliation and healing, offer an opportunity to find faith for the first time, or dive deeper than ever before.?This is a donation-only event and booking forms can be found at?. You’re are so welcome to join us for all, or any of the weekend, please do extend this invitation to young people you know and meet.?“At the Youth 2000 retreat in Cardiff, during the healing service I felt God telling me that I was His child. That I am loved by Him - the Creator of the universe. And my life has genuinely changed. I love myself - flaws included.”“I went to Cardiff with a lot of weight on my shoulders and that night it was all lifted. It was AMAZING. I feel free and strong to go out and not fear anything the Lord sets for me.”ROUND AND ABOUT IN OUR CHURCHESSaturday :Sunday :12.30Baptism of Celys Rooney at Saint Mary’s Church.5.00Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.If you run or belong to a club or organisation in All Saints Parish and would like to encourage new members, or just tell fellow parishioners about what you do please email the Parish Office with your information for inclusion in the newsletter. Please email subject as : CLUB INFO. We will continue shortly before Easter with an article on the HCPT groups within the Parish.Tuesday10.30Saint Anne’s Tuesday Club talk on “Collecting Collectables”Saint David Lewis Community Committee meeting5.00St. David’s S.V.P. meet.Wednesday :2.00Sugar n’ Spice meet in Saint Mary’s Institute.6.15Saint Anne’s Community Committee meeting in the Sacristy.7.00Lenten Talk at Sts. Basil & Gwladys – Pillars of Lent - Fr. JosephThursday :8.00Quiz Night in Saint Mary’s Institute.Friday:10.30 Coffee Morning in Saint Mary’s Institute all are welcome. 10.30 Way of the Cross in Saint Anne’s Church6.00Way of the Cross in Saint Basil &Saint Gwladys Church.7.00Way of the Cross in Saint David’s Church7.00Way of the Cross in Saint David Lewis7.00Way of the Cross in Saint Mary’s7.00Way of the Cross in Saint Michael’sSaturday :Next Sunday : 12.30Baptism of Carter Clifford in Saint Mary’s Church.5.00Folk Choir practise in St Mary’s. New members always welcome.DIARY DATES14.03.17.Saint Anne’s trip to the Mint in Llantrisant. PRAYERS PLEASEPlease pray for the Repose of the souls of Shirley Jones and Mavis Holdaway and all who have died recently. Please remember also in your prayers, Ray Coldrick, Fr. Kevin Payne, Canon Pat O’Gorman, Fr. Eric Willet, Danielle Charmary, Nina Ali, Christine Bennett, Marilyn Boddy, Pat Bowen, Chloe Bowker, Liz Breen, Danielle Charmary, Mel Davies, Dave, Elizabeth Duran, Raymond Emms, Albert Evans, Sheila Evans, John Fox, Catherine George, Shelia Gill, Mike Halford, Casey Hard, Rose Hackwood, Amanda Harkin, Blanche Hawker, Jim Hart, Marian Hart, Glenys Harvey, Kitty Hayes, Janet Gillian Jones, Ron Kelly, Tom Kelly, Margaret Kroger, Penny Lake, Callum Lewis, Avil McDonald, Anne Monahan, Andrew Moulder, Marie Murphy, Paul O’Brien, Lil O’Hagen, Win O’Sullivan, David Oates, Mary Park, Simon Park, Monica Pugsley, Colin Richards, Jim Roche, Margaret Rowe, Michael Savage, Idris Skillern, Lolith Sauksciuviene, Mary Savini, Lillian Skillern, Linda Smith, Joyce Stewart, Lucy Stoneman, Alan Strong, Avril Taylor, Gerald Walker, Tom Ware, Pat Webb, Biddy Williams and all in the Family of our Parish who are sick or housebound, and all who care for them.Someone to Pray for? Please tell your ‘Community Correspondent’ or ring the Newsletter Secretary on 265533AN INVITATION TOA LENTEN RETREATAn opportunity to stop and listen to God’s voice within us. A retreat day of prayer run according to Ignatian Spirituality. During the course of the day, there will be two talks, imaginative contemplation, time for silent prayer in front of the Blessed Sacrament and time for group sharing.The day is open to people of all faiths and no faith and is free of charge. Lunch will be provided.1 April 201710.30 am – 3.00 pm atSt. David’s Catholic College, Cardiff CF23 5QD.To make a booking please contact Christian Mahoney on07764515864 or email christianmahoney2@Retreat givers : Christian and Esther MahoneyPlease see main advert in Catholic People.Thursday 9th MarchLENTEN REFLECTION DAYLed by the Ty Croeso team.10.00 = 3.30 pm. ?10.Tea and Coffee provided. (Download a booking form from the of Prayer & Awareness for Dementia: 12th March to 19th MarchThe ANNUAL ARCHDIOCESAN MASS WITH THE SACRAMENT OF THE SICKwill be celebrated on Saturday 18th March at 2:30pm in Llantarnam Abbey, Cwmbran, Torfaen, NP44 3YJ for people with dementia and their carers. Please consider bringing your loved one or come simply as a relative, carer, or friend of people with dementia, to pray for them. We also especially remember those who have died as a result of dementia over the past year. Following Mass, refreshments will be served. St. Anne4th/5th March11th/12th March ReadersMike GlennonPat TempestMartin KurzikBernard TysonCeri HobbsHelen ShannonCommunionMike GlennonPat TempestSr. VisitationC.L.O.W.Beryl WilliamsBethan MannersPat BurgessVanessa SherwoodCountersBernard & Janet TysonMary & Hugh NicholCleanersMarta WilliamsTrevor WilliamsSr. VisitationEileenWay of the Cross each?Friday morning?during Lent in St. Anne's?at 10:30am?(not?7:00pm)The Tuesday club has booked Mr Young to present a talk on "Collecting Collectables"?on Tuesday 7th March at 10:30am. All are welcome to this event.?On Tuesday 14th there is a trip arranged to "The Mint in Llantrisant". There are a few places available.? If you are interested please contact Carol Bracchi on?857569? as soon as munity Committee meet in the sacristy?at 6.15 pm on Wednesday?next?March 8thSt. Basil &St. Gwladys4th/5th March11th/12th MarchThe WordAnne EdgeSr. PaulHillary LeadbetterJulie OatesCommunionAnne EdgeSue ThomasC.L.O.W.No C.L.o.W.No C.L.o.W.CountersKerry HayRobert HayJune & Margaret BrooksCleanersThe HogesonsThe Quinn FamilyTime for reflection - With effect from 8th March throughout lent we will be starting an open hour in the church from 2-3. pm every Wednesday.Stations of the Cross beginning this Friday at 6pm.If you have recently been unwell and were put on the sick list but are now back in church, please let Joy or one of the committee know and we will arrange for your name to be removed from the sick list.This month we are thinking about the Sisters, Priests and Deacons who do their best for the parish of All Saints. ?They work hard in circumstances which are not always easy. ?Thank you Folks. Way of the Cross in St. David's Church on Friday 3rd. March at 7.00p.m.?? and every Friday during Lent.Cleaning Group: LotteryThere are some lucky winning numbers available! Please help with raising some much needed funds. Numbers available: See Ros Gould or Sister BridgetWednesday: 4, 5, 17, 19, 20, 29, 42, 47Saturday: 1, 5, 17, 25, 29, 34, 41, 46, 49St. David4th/5th MarchReadersJais Kevin Ann DCommunionCeriMolly John HSAINT DAVID LEWISCommunity CommitteeChair: Mary Burke07506614580Correspondent: Esther Gomes07724248996 St. David Lewis4th/5th March11th/12th MarchReadersAnnette RoseHelen GriffithsEsther GomesMichelle BarrettCommunionPam McLoughlinRita ConwayMary BurkeMaura DineenSean BarrettMartin BarrettC.L.o.W.Daniella GomesMo CrowleyBeth BurkeMo CrowleyFUNERAL ARRANGEMENTS: The funeral of the Late Mary Williams will be held at St David Lewis Church. Service will be on Thursday 9th March 2017 at 11:30 am. The 05:30 pm Mass on Saturday 11th March 2017 will be offered for the repose of the soul of Mary Williams. May she ‘Rest in Peace’.STATIONS OF THE CROSS: Stations of the Cross will be every Friday at 07:00 pm during Lent.CHILDREN’S COLLAGE: The children’s Liturgy Group would like to raise money for St David’s Hospice and would like to ask the parishioners if they have any spare coins that they would like to donate to help them fill in their collage of a dove. When the collage is completed over the Easter period the money will be donated to St David’s hospice. All donations much appreciatedPIETY SHOP: Easter Cards are now available from our Piety ShopFriday 17th March 2017: St. Michael4th/5th March11th/12th March The WordRosemary AndersonJoseph CurranAnne PollardCatherine FisherRosemary AndersonGerald Anderson CommunionMyfanwy AndersonSergio CinottiTeresa CinottiSheila WigmoreCome join us raise a glass or two and enjoy the craic as we celebrate St David and St Patrick . We are organising a Coffee Morning on Friday 17th March, 2017 at 10:30 am. Venue: St David Lewis Church Hall. Gaelic Coffee will be served along with a variety of delicious Homemade Irish and Welsh food treats!!! Plenty for all. “Céad?Míle?Fáilte”DATE TO Remember: The next Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday? 7th? March 2017 at 6.30 pm in the St. David Lewis Church Hall. All Welcome. TUESDAY PRAYER GROUP:Wales and the Marches Catholic History SocietyOur next talk will be:at -?St. David's Catholic Sixth Form Collegeon -?Sunday March 5th?2017 at 3?pmtitle - ?“Historic Churches in Gwent”speaker -?Dr. Edith Evans,?the Heritage and Outreach Manager for the Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological Trust.?This is a free event, All are welcome.For Further information please contact Tricia Coulthard at: ?Phone:02920 595 899?? ? ? ? ? ? email?triciacoulthard@Every Tuesday the prayer group meets at 10:00 am in the church to pray together, followed by a sharing of their talents. Should you wish to join the group, please come along on Tuesday.LINE DANCING:Why not combine getting fitter with fun and join our LINE DANCERS.Sessions are held on Monday and Thursday 10:30 am – 12:30 pm And Wednesday 07:30 pm- 09:30 pm ALL WELCOME!!!SIVIGULIVEDJHWQXSQBREJTNEEEJSLXWEOSJLETIKJWWMJHUNEIVPQFGURODJEXARRMXMAXAURJUFEIUETSPESNHSUHNVKTEDPXQTGRHMGGKXPKELOAVESIFURSAIAIEIJALIPATARCRMENRWMSORHQAMECDLDGVEIEBPPBDISTCOQDGALRQUMJESUSUPPORTUTMUBQWWKRETPMETYBDGTYUMRRFQISOHWORD SEARCHBelow are fifteen words taken from one of this Sunday’s readings, but which one? See if you can find them. Words can go in the following directions: Ministering to the AssemblySt. Mary4th/5th March11th/12th MarchReadersTony CortenHilary CameronSuzan GlennonDuncan Collie4.309.30Kitty McHughAnna LloydSuzan GlennonAllan FearHelen Walmsley6.00Tony TurnerVincent CharmaryMargaret KrogerMary RichardsonCommunionAs per separate listAs per separate listCleanersGroup 2Group 3C.L.o.W.EmmaAlison The Legion of Mary candle this week is offered for the Children of the Parish.200 Club 26.02.17.No. 195S ClarkTHIS WEEKS WORDSEARCH WORDSANGELSMOUNTAINTEMPTEDWORSHIPJESUSDEVILWILDERNESSAPPEAREDLOAVESSPLENDOURKINGDOMTEMPTERSUPPORTPARAPETSCRIPTURES Church Restoration Fund: Don’t forget your extra pound for the second collection or other donations at : Well done! Last week’s collection was ?380.00 (two weeks)Total currently stands at ?12,501.60 Remember our new target is ?15,000 by Easter (which is coming fast!). If you have any fundraising ideas, or know anyone who would like to sponsor the funding, please let the Parish office know, or one of the Community Council members.God so loved the world.SAINT MICHAELCommunity CommitteeChair : Catherine Fisher 263358Secretary : Michael Coombes. (07802) 855515Correspondent: Way of the Cross?this week will be held at Saint Michael's at 7pm on Friday. Everyone is welcome.If you run or belong to a club or organisation in All Saints Parish and would like to encourage new members, or just tell fellow parishioners about what you do please email the Parish Office with your information for inclusion in the newsletter. Please email subject as : CLUB INFO. We will continue shortly before Easter with an article on the HCPT groups.. ................

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