University of Florida

UF Mobile ApplicationsCreation and Deployment ProceduresHave an Idea for a Mobile Application?If you plan to develop a mobile application for iOS or Android and would like to include it under the official University of Florida account you are in the right place. The benefits of publishing under the official UF accounts include:Brand recognition – Your app is associated with the University of Florida brand.Search – Your app is easier to find when someone searches for UF specific terms.Publishing Assistance – UFIT will assist you with the publishing process.The process for publishing a mobile application under the official University of Florida account(s) involves several steps, and UFIT Development Services is the office that facilitates mobile application publishing. You are ready to start, what next?The first thing you should do is contact UFIT Development. We can provide you with an overview of how mobile application development is handled at UF and the required tasks to be completed before the application can be submitted to the Apple iTunes App Store and/or Google Play. Additionally, this provides us with advanced notice so we can plan time for your publishing process. After choosing how to develop your application, it is important to consider the specific needs of your app and to keep some of the following questions in mind throughout the process:Will your application be free or monetized? Monetized applications require compliance with additional University of Florida policies, and the creation of the app must be disclosed to the Office of Technology Licensing.Will your application utilize push notifications?How will you handle versioning and updating your application? Will the developer of the application provide you with access to the source code? Do you have any update/patch agreement with the developer when new features are needed or new operating system versions are released?Have you read through the Apple and/or Android guidelines for mobile application development to ensure that your application is in compliance? Apps will be rejected if they do not meet the standards and policies outlined by each store.After completing development, the next steps require UFIT Development Services assistance:Obtain checklist of information from required for application submission(s).Acquire proper certificates, signing authorities, and provisioning profiles for successful plete Security and Compliance ReviewPerform Quality Assurance (QA) TestingApp Store and/or Google Play submissionPLEASE NOTE: UFIT offers 10 hours of time at no cost for the publishing of each app. This is based on our prior experiences with the publishing process for typical apps. Excess hours spent on the publishing process will be billed at a rate of $75 per hour. Frequently Asked QuestionsI have already completed my app. That makes things easier, right?On the contrary, in our experience with publishing other apps, important aspects of the application often need to be re-worked to meet the standards of an official UF mobile app. These include, for example, issues with branding, accessibility, monetization schemes, and UX (user experience).If I have any of the above problems with my application, can you fix them for me?Probably, but not very easily. As noted above, UFIT offers 10 hours of time at no cost for activities related to publishing. However, in our experience, applications that are out of compliance when we receive them frequently require much more time than this. UFIT charges at a rate of $80 per hour for work of this nature. Further, the availability of UFIT resources and staff to assist you may be limited beyond the initial 10 hours.I had an outside vendor create my application, and my agreement with them doesn’t give me access to the source code. Can you give the vendor the UF account credentials so they can publish it for me?No. Applications published using the official UF accounts must be published by UFIT Development Services staff. It is possible for us to work with you and your vendor to publish without access to source code, but it is additional effort for us that will be billed to you, as it will likely go beyond 10 hours. Please consider this when costing your vendor bids for outside work, and when planning your release date for your app.Can’t I just create a new account and publish it there?There is nothing preventing you from doing this, however you will not receive the brand recognition and search benefits associated with the official UF account(s).In addition, not using the UF official account(s) does not free you or the University of Florida from any legal or policy obligations that may exist, particularly with regards to privacy concerns, information gathering and storage, and accessibility. We recommend that you work with us from the beginning to ensure that you are meeting these obligations.Contact InformationMobile Development Team,UFIT Development ................

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