The Garrison City Council met on Monday, January 4, 2010 ...

The Garrison City Council met Monday January 3, 2022, at 7:00 PM in the city council room. Present: Mayor Stuart Merry, Paul Schlichting, Maria Olson, David Reinarts, David Jeffrey, and Billee Jo Iglehart. Absent: Curt Olson. Others present: City Supervisor Alan Beyreis, City Employee Greg Boucher, Chief of Police Travis Tesch, City Attorney Jim Wilson. Guests present: Gerald Erck and unknown visitor. Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

Moved by Schlichting, seconded by M. Olson to approve the city council minutes with spelling corrections. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Gerlad Erck was present concerning snow from the city street filling up his driveways. He requested the city direct the snow to the other side of the street which is Wilderness Park. This matter will be referred to the city maintenance personnel.

Old Business: Moved by Iglehart, seconded by Schlichting to table the Planning and Zoning Ordinance second and final reading. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Chief Tesch provided a monthly Calls for Service and Citation Report. The mobile radios have arrived and will be installed this month. The department held a Toy Drive and Santa Day at the elementary school. Tesch spoke with Richard Johnson of McLean County Sheriff’s Department concerning the dispatch contract. The sheriff’s department will take the local police department phone number back and provide dispatching for Garrison. A local city police department phone number will be established in the future. Tesch continues to look for a pickup for the department.

City Supervisor Alan Beyreis’ monthly report was provided. Beyreis reported a leak was repairs at the State Park. A water main break occurred on Third Street NE. Snow removal was assisted by Nygard Construction. The city received a favorable inspection of the city inert site. The metal pile at the inert site will be cleaned up in the near future.

Moved by Jeffrey seconded by M. Olson to approve the city auditor’s monthly report. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

The municipal court report for December was presented.

City Auditor Diane Affeldt gave her monthly report. Submitted 221 building permits to McLean County Assessor. Submitted a burn permit to ND Dept. of Environmental Quality. New 2022 pet tags are available.

Moved by Schlichting, seconded by Jeffrey to approve bills submitted for payment. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

US Postmaster Postage 116.00

Verizon Wireless Cell phones 404.64

Reservation Telephone Telephone 1,052.67

One Call Concepts Inc Fax calls 7.50

UNUM Life Insurance Premium 66.67

Circle Sanitation Service City garbage/landfill 426.00

Western Agency Inland Marine Ins. 1,676.00

H.A. Thompson Labor 69.00

Schock’s Safe & Lock Doors 1,330.00

Garrison Park Board State revenue 8,147.57

Verizon Connect Service 56.85

Lexipol LLC PD manual 2,475.69

Digital Office Centre Copier 57.47

BALCO Uniform Co. Uniforms 346.17

Axon Enterprise Body camera 2,151.20

JW Electric Heaters 975.24

O’Day Equipment Service 4.78

First District Health Testing 50.00

MDU Service 1,422.75

ND Dept. of Health Testing 434.30

McLean Electric Coop Power 1,913.43

Hawkins Inc Chemicals 422.88

Hach Company Chemicals 454.20

Core & Main LP Parts 2,474.48

Nygard Construction Repairs 975.00

ND Water Users Assoc. Registration 225.00

Ramkota Hotel Lodging 218.00

Powerplan OIB Parts 568.68

McLean Co. Treas. Assessments 9,004.91

Otter Tail Power Power 5,511.21

Digital Office Centre Library 59.19

SYNCB/Amazon Library 402.66

Micro Marketing Library 466.95

Gale/Cengage Learning Library 512.29

Alan Beyreis Insurance 215.64

Gerald Bousson Insurance 215.64

Waste Management Garbage 7,871.75

US Postmaster Presort fee 265.00

Digital Office Printer 227.99

Fire Extinguishing Inspection 239.90

BHG Inc. Printing 360.71

Cenex Fleetcard Gas 400.70

Garrison Fire Dept. 2021 expenses 13,813.20

Farmers Union Oil Gas 1,843.90

Wilson Law Firm Attorney 3,330.00

US Postmaster Postage 228.22

Moved by Schlichting, seconded by Reinarts to approve NDCC 21-04-13 designation of depositories of public funds to Tru Community Bank and BNC Bank. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Moved by Reinarts, seconded by Iglehart to approve contract for boarding City of Garrison’s inmates between Ward County and City of Garrison. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Moved by M. Olson, seconded by Schlichting to approve Joint Powers Agreement with McLean County to conduct elections. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Moved by Jeffrey, seconded by Reinarts to approve transferring $427,149.07 from Water Capital Fund to Utilities Fund for the Return Line Project. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

Moved by Jeffrey, seconded by Iglehart to approve Rath & Mehrer to conduct the 2021 city audit. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

City Attorney Wilson reported he has reviewed the Backflow Ordinance. He is suggesting a penalty of $500 per day. Moved by Schlichting, seconded by Jeffrey to approve first reading on Backflow Ordinance with a penalty of $500 per day. Roll Call: Jeffrey, Aye; Iglehart, Aye; Schlichting, Aye; M. Olson, Aye; Reinarts, Aye.

Mayor Merry’s monthly report was reviewed. He participated on the McLean County Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan. Chaired special executive session council meetings. Announced a snow emergency for the community. Established a few priorities: install generator at city hall, participate in National Flood Insurance Program and training for NFIP staff. Checked properties around the community and continues to give back to the community.

The Public Buildings Committee will research a generator for city hall.

Alderman Schlichting reported for the Police, Fire Dept. & Personnel Committee. The committee will hold a meeting Wednesday January 12, 2022, at 5pm in the city council room. Schlichting presented the McLean County Dispatch Services Agreement. The fee is $1,000 per month beginning January 1, 2022. Moved by Iglehart, seconded by Jeffrey to approve the McLean County Dispatch Services Agreement. Voting Yea: Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, and Iglehart. Nay: None.

The next item on the agenda is “Executive Session – Pursuant to 44-04-19.1 (2) & (9) NDCC – Attorney Consultation Negotiating Strategy.” This item will be discussed in executive session. The legal authority for closing this portion of the meeting is NDCC Section 44-04-19.1 (2) & (09). The topic or purpose of this executive session is for attorney consultation negotiating strategy on Garrison Rural Water Contract. At this time, a motion would be in order to discuss the next topic in executive session rather than in an open meeting. Is there such a motion? Moved by M. Olson, seconded by Jeffrey to enter executive session. There was no discussion on the motion? Roll call vote; Schlichting, Aye; M. Olson, Aye; Reinarts, Aye; Jeffrey, Aye; Iglehart, Aye,

The executive session will be recorded, and all members of the governing body are reminded to limit their discussion during the executive session to the announced topic. Any collective decision, collective commitment, or other final action by the governing body must occur after it reconvenes in an open meeting, unless final action is specifically required by law to be taken during executive session. The prohibition on taking final action during the executive session does not apply to providing guidance or instructions to our attorney. We will now ask the members of the public who are attending the meeting to leave the room. We anticipate adjourning the executive session and reconvening the open portion of the meeting as soon as possible. 

The minutes will show that the executive session began at 8:10 PM CT and was attended by City Council Members Schlichting, M. Olson, Reinarts, Jeffrey, Iglehart, Mayor Stuart Merry, Attorney James Wilson, City Supervisor Alan Beyreis and City Auditor Diane Affeldt.

The minutes will show that the executive session was adjourned at 8:44 PM CT. The public has been invited to return to the meeting room and we are now back in open meeting.

The next regular city council meeting will be February 7, 2022, at 7:00 pm.

The city council meeting adjourned at 8:45 pm.

_______________________________ ______________________________

Diane Affeldt, City Auditor Stuart Merry, Mayor


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