EPSY Foundations and Techniques of Group Counseling


EPSY 6335 Introduction to Group Counseling (Two Group Design)

Tuesday 5 – 8 pm

Spring, 2009

Farish 138

Instructor: M. Nicole Coleman, Ph.D.

472 Farish Hall

Voicemail: 713.743.8392

Email: mncoleman@uh.edu

Office Hours: Tuesdays 4 - 5 pm or by appointment

Course Description:

This course provides master’s students in counseling with an introductory study of group counseling theory and structured practice in group counseling interventions. This includes (a) becoming familiar with the basic concepts and tenets of group counseling (i.e., feedback, cohesion, group development), (b) review of various group counseling approaches, and (c) developing counseling techniques used in group treatment modes. The primary component of this course will be to facilitate the development and growth of group counseling leadership skills. In addition, students will be exposed to and engage in critical evaluation of relevant group counseling research.

Creating a Class Community:

In order to develop a classroom community of respect and cooperative learning, the following are a list of student expectations for this course.

1. Students are expected to be active agents in their learning process by participating in class discussions and mock group counseling sessions.

2. Students will be respectful of one another and the instructor by engaging in respectful and intellectual discussions with their peers on various topics in the area of group counseling.

3. Students are expected to be on time for all class meetings.

4. Students will be respectful of one another and the instructor by SILENCING all cell phones.

5. Students will be respectful of one another and the instructor by not using laptop computers during class unless permission has been granted by the instructor.

Course Objectives:

The following outcomes are expected as a result of completing this course:

1. Students will have a working knowledge of group counseling theory.

2. Students will develop foundational group counseling facilitation skills.

3. Students will be able to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of group counseling research.

Required Texts:

Yalom, I. D. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy. (5th edition) New York: Basic Books.

Additional readings will be made available to students on the WebCT site for this course.

Course Requirements and Grading:

1. Class Participation – 5% of final grade – Every student’s opportunity for learning in this course is contingent upon the participation of each student in the experiential component of the course. Therefore, attendance and participation are of particular significance in the grading for this course. Attendance will be taken in each class meeting. Reasonable explanations for absences or tardiness (e.g., illness, death, unavoidable accidents) will be considered in the assignment of your final grade. You are expected to be on time for class and participate in both class discussion and the experiential component of the course.

2. Mock Group Counseling Project – 45% of final grade – Each student is required to co-facilitate a series of sixty-minute mock group counseling sessions. The primary goal of this course component is to provide each student with a safe and structured environment in which to develop her/his skills as a group clinician. The group members are based on created “characters” in an effort to act ethically by avoiding dual relationships between colleagues and instructor. The instructor will intervene appropriately if at any point in the semester any student feels as if her/his personal boundaries are being violated. Each student will be randomly paired with another classmate to co-facilitate each mock group session such that every student will have the opportunity to co-facilitate a group at least twice and every student will have the opportunity to be a group member at least five times. In addition, each student will have the opportunity to act as a process observer at least twice.

Following each mock counseling session, the entire class will participate in a 30-minute debriefing facilitated by the instructor. This debriefing session includes feedback from your co-facilitator, process observer, and colleagues. The instructor will also provide feedback to the co-facilitators and process observer as well as discuss relevant group events to highlight practice incidents that demonstrate theoretical material.

3. Process Notes & Written Summaries - 25% of final grade – Each group co-facilitator is required to complete group process notes (as outlined in the text p. 468) for each session she/he co-facilitates. Each process observer is required to complete written summaries (as outlined in the text p. 456) after each group she/he observes. Each process note and written summary is due by the class meeting directly following the group session for which the narrative is completed. There is an assignment portal on WebCT for each of these assignments.

Your summaries and notes will be evaluated on the following criteria:

a. Thoroughness & complexity of the narrative

b. Attendance to relevant clinical issues

c. General writing style and presentation.

4. Self-Evaluation Paper – 25% of final grade - Each student is required to write an 8 – 10 page typed paper about her/his development as a group counselor over the course of the semester. This paper should be an integrative evaluation of your professional development as a group clinician over the course of the semester. You should integrate reflections upon your role as a group member and process observer throughout the semester in the discussion of your development as a group leader. In addition, include in your assessment a description of your current strengths and areas in need of improvement as a beginning group clinician. Your grade on this assignment will be determined by:

i. Depth and genuineness of reflection

ii. Accuracy of self-assessment as measured by congruency between instructor and peer observation and feedback

iii. Articulated evaluation of professional growth and

iv. Grammar and writing style.

Grading Scale:

The weighting of each assignment is noted in parenthesis above. Each assignment contributes to a total of 100%. Grades are assigned based upon the scale below.

94% - 100% - A

90% – 93% - A –

87% - 89% - B+

84% - 86% - B

80% - 83% - B –

77% - 79% - C+

74% - 76% - C

70% - 73% - C –

below 70% - F

Note: Any student who has a documented disability registered with the Center for Students with DisABILITIES (713-743-5400) and is in need of academic accommodations should notify the instructor of this course as soon as possible. When possible, and in accordance with 504/ADA guidelines, we will attempt to provide reasonable academic accommodations to students who request and require them. Please call the Center for Students with DisABILITIES (713-743-5400) for more assistance.

Note: Any assignments turned in later than the specified due date will be deducted 5 points each 24 hour period between the due date and the date I receive it.

Tentative Course Schedule*

*may be altered upon instructor’s discretion

|Week |Topic |Readings |Notes |

|1 |Course Introduction & Overview | | |

| |Introduction to Group Counseling | | |

|2 |Structuring Group Counseling |Ch. 10 | |

| |Experiences |Appendix | |

| |Ethics | | |

| |Starting, Running, & Ending a Group Session | | |

|3 |Group Leadership & Facilitation |Chp. 5 & 6 |Group A |

|4 |Therapeutic Factors |Ch. 1 |Group B |

|5 |Interpersonal Learning |Ch. 2 |Group A |

| |- Feedback | | |

|6 |Cohesion |Ch. 3 |Group B |

| |Group Climate | | |

|7 |Integrating Therapeutic Factors |Ch. 4 |Group A |

|8 |Group Development |Chp. 11 & 12 |Group B |

|9 |************Spring Break *************** |

|10 |Termination of Group Counseling |WebCT |Group A |

|11 |Group Leadership & Facilitation |Ch. 7 |Group B |

| | |WebCT | |

|12 |Client Variables |Chp. 8 & 9 |Group A |

| |Group Composition | | |

|13 |Client Variables |Ch. 13 |Group B |

|14 |Specialized Formats & Groups |Chp. 14 & 15 |Group A |

|15 |Course Wrap-Up & Termination | |Group B |

|Final Self-Reflection Paper Due May 8, 2009 |

|Group |Leadership Role |

|1A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|1B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|2A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|2B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|3A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|3B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|4A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|4B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|5A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|5B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|6A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|6B |F1 ___________________________ |

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|7A |F1 ___________________________ |

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|7B |F1 ___________________________ |

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