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5MARC Records for eBooks.....................................................................................................................................................................5$.49 per title

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Automation Specifications

A. Software System: 5Athena 5Alexandria 5Dynix 5Follett 5Mandarin 5Sirsi 5Spectrum 5 Other_____________________

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Classification Options


Non-Fiction: *5 Abridged Dewey * 5 3 Letters

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Individual *5 92 * 5 3 Letters

Biography: 5 921 5 B 5 2 Letters

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5 Dewey Classification 5 No Letters

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Collective *5 920 * 5 3 Letters

Biography: 5 92 5 CB 5 2 Letters

5 BIO 5 Bio 5 1 Letter

5 Dewey Classification 5 No Letters

5 Leave Classification Blank 5 Other______________________

Fiction: 5 F * 5 3 Letters

5 Fic 5 Fiction 5 2 Letters

*5 FIC 5 FICTION 5 1 Letter

5 Dewey Classification 5 No Letters

5 Leave Classification Blank 5 Other______________________

Story *5 SC * 5 3 Letters

Collection: 5 808.8 5 2 Letters

5 808.83 5 1 Letter

5 Treat the same as Fiction 5 No Letters

5 Leave Classification Blank 5 Other______________________

Easy *5 E * 5 3 Letters

Non-Fiction: 5 Easy 5 EASY 5 2 Letters

5 Treat the same as Non-Fiction 5 1 Letters

5 Leave Classification Blank 5 No Letters

5 Other______________________

Easy *5 E * 5 3 Letters

Fiction: 5 Easy 5 EASY 5 2 Letters

5 Treat the same as Fiction 5 1 Letters

5 Leave Classification Blank 5 No Letters

5 Other______________________


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