Contemporary Letter - St. Joseph School



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Letter From The Principal

November 2019


Dear Parents,

I send you my warmest greetings; as we are in this beautiful Fall Season and preparing soon for the Thanksgiving Holiday.

I thank all of our school families for their support with our fundraiser -World’s Finest Chocolate Candy Sale. So many of you sold extra boxes of candy and we are really grateful and appreciate it very much.

On Monday, November 18th from 6:00-7:30 PM, we will be having an Open House for New Families. Please help market our school and let your neighbors, friends and family members know about our great school. I thank our Teachers, Parent and Student Ambassadors for their hard work and planning for this special event.

Our Student Council will be sponsoring their Annual Food Drive for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Each Class is asked to donate certain food items or cash donations. If you cannot donate what your class is assigned, please feel free to donate whatever you can. It will be very much appreciated.

I thank our Student Ambassadors and Teachers for the beautiful Outdoor Rosary conducted on October 24th. The Rosary was recited by all of our students led by our Pastor Fr. James and Sr. Maryanne Rattigan and Mrs. Tina Zarejko. It was offered for all people who now have cancer or have had cancer in the past.

Please remember our 8th graders who will be taking the COOP High School Entrance Test on November 8th. We wish them much luck and know they will do their best.

The First Trimester will come to an end of November 27th. So once we return from Thanksgiving Recess, we will begin Trimester #2.

Report Card Conference Evening will be on Monday Evening, December 9th – time to be announced.

Please be sure you are registered with the Honeywell Instant Alert System; especially, with the winter months approaching and possible snow days. We also do many school reminders on the Honeywell Instant Alert System. If you have any questions, please call the school office.

We will have our Thanksgiving Prayer Service on Wednesday morning, November 27th at 11:00 AM. All parents and families are invited to attend.

I wish all of our families a very Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Day.

I wish an abundance of God’s Blessings on each of you.

I thank you for your continued support and cooperation.

God Bless you,

Mr. John Richards













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