The World of Man Study Guide - Forest Hills High School

Who is your god/goddess? What is the Roman name of your god? What do they represent? What is their animal form(s), and symbol(s)? What explanation or answers did this god/myth provide for the Ancient Greeks? What logical/scientific reasoning explains this phenomenon today?What did the myth or god teach the Ancient Greeks? What is the lesson to be learned?What ideas expressed in the myth are relevant today? What universal themes are expressed? Compare examples from the myth to everyday life to illustrate your point of view.Provide a modern day allusion that references the Greek (or Roman god). Which character(s) from literature most resembles a character (mortal or immortal) depicted in the myth? You may NOT use Percy Jackson but can look for examples in advertisements, commercials, sitcoms, t.v. shows, etc.. Include 2-3 vocabulary words from the list below that appear in your myths. Explain the definition and context to the class. Olympian Family Vocabulary, pp 41-94 & World of Man Vocabulary, pp. 97-191AbatedAbdicatingAbhorrentAdamant AffrontAppeasedBelligerentCapricious ChasmChiselCommerceCulpritCultivateDisheveledElationForge (n) Forge (v) FranticImplacableInsolenceInstigatedIrateLameLibationsMaenadsOraclePatronPlaguePrecociousProfusionPropensityProphecyRefugeRelentRenouncedRevulsionRighteousScamperingScoffSeethed ShroudSpontaneousThyrsusTruceUnobstructedVengeanceWilyAbideAbstainingAbundantlyAccentuatedAnatomyArrogantAvengedBarrenBereavedBondageBrimCatastropheCompelledConcedeCondemnedConsentedCorruptCunningDecapitateDeceitfulDecreeDefiantDeprivedDesolateDespisedDetestDignityDismalDismemberedDispersedDisproportionateDissolvedDissuadeDivertedDivulgeErredEvadeFeebleFerociouslyFranticGaspedGorgeHoveredImploredImpotentInedibleInevitabilityIngeniousInquisitiveInsolentIntertwinedIntimidateInvincibleIrrevocableLenientLyreMarvelMeritsMinstrelMisanthropeModerateMonogamousOminousParchedPerilPessimismPlectrumPostponePredatoryPresumptuousPromiscuityPyreRavenousRegenerateRenownedRepentantRetaliatedRetributionReverenceSatyrsScaldingScornScowlingSubterraneanTapestryThrongUnconquerableUnhamperedUsurpedVagabondVainVindictiveVoraciousOlympian FamilyMetis and Athena, pp 43-44Who is Metis? What does her name mean?How does Zeus trick Metis?Why does Zeus trick Metis?How was Athena born?What characteristics did Athena possess?If Athena was Zeus’ favorite daughter, what does this reveal about his values? What does it reveal about the values of the Greeks?Themis and the Fates, Mnemosyne and the Muses, Eurynome and the Graces, pp 45-47How many children did Themis bear for Zeus? What function did the Fates serve and what did their tasks explain about the Greek view of death?How many Muses were there in total?What did the Muses create?How many Graces were there?What did they represent?What did the existence of the Muses and the Graces explain about the Greeks who created them?Dione, Aphrodite, and Eros, pp 48-49What was Aphrodite the goddess of?What do some people still believe about eating seafood?What did Eros represent?Why did the gods fear Eros?What did the existence of Eros explain about the Greeks who created them?Hera, Hephaestus, and Ares, pp50-55What practice did men of the Bronze Age participate in? Why?With whom did Hephaestus share a shrine?What unpopular characteristics did Ares represent?How many children did Hera bear for Zeus?Why was Hera embarrassed by Hephaestus? What does she do as a result?Who rescues Hephaestus?What positive characteristics does Hephaestus acquire?Why did the gods on Mount Olympus invite Hephaestus to join them?How does Hephaestus punish Hera? Why does he forgive her?What sibling rivalry arises between Ares and Hephaestus?Leto and Apollo, pp 56-60As an Olympian god what abilities did Apollo posses?Where does Apollo establish himself?What principle ideal did Apollo advocate? In your own words, what does this mean?How would mortals achieve the golden mean?Who were Leto’s parents?Who were Leto’s two enemies?How does Python torment Leto?Who helps Leto? How?What does Apollo do after he kills Phytho?What animal did Apollo change himself into? Why?What second disguise did Apollo use aboard the ship?What did Apollo become the god of? What are some of his nicknames?Leto and Artemis, pp61-63What did Artemis ask her father to make for her?Who made these things for her? What does Artemis offer him in return?How did Artemis avenge a slight to her honor?What did Artemis’ association with hunting reveal about the Greeks who worshipped her?Maia and Hermes, pp64-70What qualities did Hermes possess?Whom (and what) was he the god of?Who was Maia the daughter of?What did Hermes make out of a tortoise shell?What did Hermes steal from Apollo? How do they become friends?What oath does Apollo make Hermes swear?What gift does Apollo deny Hermes? Why?What other things does Hermes become the god of?Demeter and Persephone, pp 71-82 What would happen to the farmers if they did not have a good crop?What does the myth of Demeter and Persephone confirm?What did the people do to help the cycle of life and birth?What else does the myth confirm?What does Hades do after a volcanic eruption?What does Eros do with his bow and arrow?What emerged from the chasm?What did Abas do to anger Demeter? What does Demeter do to Abas?What did Demeter do after she found out what happened to Persephone?What did Demeter (want to) do for Metaneira’s son?What did Demeter do that made life difficult for mortals?What did Zeus say about Persephone’s return from the Underworld? What had Persephone eaten?What did Persephone do to Ascalapus?What is the arrangement that allows Persephone to live above and below the earth?Semele and Dionysus, pp 83-92Who gave birth to Dionysus according to the first theory of his birth? According to the second theory of Dionysus’ birth, how was the sacred king often represented?How was Dionysus similar to Demeter?How was Dionysus different form Apollo?What happened to some of the people who participated in some of those orgies?What art form evolved as a result of the worship of Apollo and Dionysus?How did Hera get her revenge on Semele?Where did Zeus hide Dionysus after his first birth?How does Zeus try to protect his son?How does Hera get revenge on Dionysus?Who finally helps Dionysus break Hera’s curse?What did Dionysus teach people?What did he hope for in return?How did Dionysus punish King Lycurgus for not welcoming him?What did Teiresias prophesize?What story does the captured priest tell?What happened to the nineteen seamen who jumped overboard?What did the maenads do to Pentheus?What did Dionysus do to save his mother?The World of ManThe Ages of Man (97-101)What did the first mortals that Cronus created live without?Why did they not have courts?What was the first race of mortals known as?Who created the second race? What were they called?Why was the second race of mortals inferior to the first?What was the third age of man known as? How were they characterized?How is the fourth race (Iron Age) characterized?Under what circumstances will the last age of man come to an end?What is the purpose of this myth?Prometheus (102-111)What did Prometheus create?How did his brother feel?How does Prometheus include Epimetheus in his creation?What mistake does Epimetheus make? Why is this a problem?What plan does Prometheus come up with to help man?Of all the gods, why would Hephaestus and Athena be expected to help Prometheus?Why was fire considered special?How do humans thank the gods?How does Prometheus trick Zeus?Who does Zeus initially punish for Prometheus’ trickery?How does Zeus punish Prometheus for stealing from him a second time?Why will Zeus need Prometheus’ help in the future?How does Zeus intensify Prometheus’ punishment?How can Prometheus escape his agony?Pandora (112-116)What did Zeus ask Hephaestus to create? Why?Why was the creation named Pandora?What did Zeus give her?To whom did Hermes present her?Why did Pandora open the jar?What happened when she did this?Since the jar contains only evils, was Hope meant to be an evil or a comfort?In what ways is Pandora a stereotype?Why does the myth of Pandora always follows the myth of Prometheus?Arachne (127-130)What was Arachne’s claim to greatness?How is Arachne characterized?Into what does Athena disguise herself? Why?What advice does Athena (in disguise) give Arachne?How does Arachne react to this advice?Describe Athena’s tapestry.Describe Arachne’s tapestry.How does Athena punish Arachne for being disrespectful?Niobe (131-136)Who was Niobe?Why did Niobe not learn from Arachne’s mistakes?Who worried about Niobe?What did the prophetess instruct the people to do?Why does this upset Niobe?How does Niobe insult Leto and her children?How does Apollo get his revenge?What does Niobe’s husband do when he hears the news of the deaths of his sons?How long did it take the gods to execute their revenge?When does Artemis take her revenge?What happens to Niobe?Midas (141-146)Who is Dionysus? Who are his companions?What happened to Seilenus?What happened when Midas returned him to Dionysus?What does Midas wish for?What problems does Midas have with his wish?How is his problem resolved?What natural phenomenon is explained by this myth?How does Midas change as a result of this experience?According to the footnote in this myth, who is Pan?How does Midas prove that he is still foolish?How is he punished?What is the moral of this myth?Daedalus and Icarus (147-155)What was Daedalus known for?Who was Perdix? What myth surrounds his death?How was Daedalus punished for his envy?How does Daedalus upset King Minos? How is he punished?How does Daedalus plan to escape?What was Daedalus’ attitude toward his invention?What was Icarus’ attitude towards is father’s invention?What happens to Icarus?What is the implication of the partridge at the funeral?How did King Minos expect to find DDaedalus?Orpheus and Eurydice (171-175)What is Orpheus’ gift from the gods?How does Eurydice die?How does Orpheus appeal to Hades’ emotions?What will Orpheus do if his wish isn’t granted?Why was Orpheus’ trip to the underworld unusual?Under what condition does Hades say Eurydice can leave?Why doesn’t Eurydice blame Orpheus for her second death?How does Orpheus die?What lesson(s) does this myth teach?Atalanta (187-191)What did Atalanta’s father do to her when she was born?Where does Atalanta grow up? What does she become?What did the oracle tell her?What decision does she make?How does she prevent suitors from marrying her?How did Atalanta feel about Hippomenes?How does Aphrodite help Hippomenes? How does Hippomenes later anger Aphrodite?What does Aphrodite inspire the young couple to do?How are they punished? ................

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