Title: The Living Civilizations

Grade Focus: Grade 5-9

Subject: History/ Social Studies/ ICT/ Computer

Technology Integration Activities: Web Search, creating and editing digital images, creating and editing videos, online interactive posters, online mapping/tours, Digital photography.

Recommended Time to Completion: 24 weeks (2 semesters/ 1 school year) [1 hour per week + outdoor activities]


In the past allot of civilizations flourished one after the other and sometimes together. These civilizations contributed to the technological and cultural development of our modern life. The students will research and live the life that the citizens of these civilizations lived.

Prerequisite Experience:

▪ Internet search (Tutorial)

▪ Web search (Tutorial)

▪ Web browser (IE tutorial/ Firefox tutorial()

▪ Imaging (Tutorial)

▪ Online picture editing (Tutorial) (Picnik)

▪ Video production (Tutorial)

▪ Windows Video Maker (Tutorials: 1, 2)

▪ Audacity usage (Tutorial: 1/2/3) (Download)

▪ Youtube, Vimeo usage (YouTube tutorial/Vimeo tutorial)

▪ Online interactive poster (Tutorial) (Glogster)

▪ Google Maps (Tutorial)

▪ Social Networking (Tutorial) (Facebook)

Teacher Prep Time: Extensive. However, the time spent in learning these skills will put teacher ahead of his fellow teachers and will bring him closer to technologies that students already use. In other words, each hour you spend learning and practicing these technologies will make you much faster and more productive not just in teaching but in using technology in every part of your life.


Students will have to choose between two projects. The first is to create a video about their chosen civilization that shows some of its characteristics such as cloths, traditions, religion, entertainment, food, history, and important locations. The second is to show the same characteristics through using digital photographs. Then students from all groups will create a Google Maps tour for their videos/photos. And finally, they will create a Glogster interactive poster that displays their projects.


Engage (4 weeks)

1. Teacher will start by asking students about their favorite civilization, and why the like it?

2. Then after getting their feedback, the teacher will ask them to watch the BBC series “What the Ancients Did for Us” which describes the achievements and culture of the following civilizations: Islamic, Greek, Roman, Mesopotamian, Indian, Aztecs, Mayan, Briton, Egyptians, and Chinese.

Explore (4 weeks)

1. Create Groups according to the number of students. However, each group should consist of 2-5 students. And each group will choose a name.

2. Each group will choose a civilization and will start researching the following: cloths, traditions, religion, entertainment, food, history, and important locations. The groups will use the following resources (Additional resources discovered by the group will be shared through a Facebook group for the whole class):

• What the Tudors Did for Us

• What the Stuarts Did for Us

2 What the Victorians Did for Us

3 What the Industrial Revolution Did for Us

4 What the Ancients Did for Us

5 Open University: What the Ancients Did for Us

6 Cooking in ancient civilizations

7 Empires: history, culture and recipes.

8 Ancient fashion

9 Ancient civilizations

10 List of links about ancient civilizations

11 List of links about ancient civilizations for kids

12 Ancient civilizations for kids

13 The British Museum: Interactive civilizations

14 Antique Roman Dishes - Collection

15 Ancient cooking recipes

16 1001 Muslim inventions

17 What the Ancients Did for Us (Videos)

Teacher should request a written permission from parents regarding the online activities of their children, in addition to requiring their supervision for home online activities.

Explain (4 weeks)

Students will use the forum in their Facebook group to answer the following questions:

• What are the most important events that your civilization experienced?

• What kind of clothes your civilization had for: Men, Women, children, soldiers, and religious leaders?

• What are the favorite games played by the citizens of your civilization?

• What kinds of entertainment your citizens practiced?

• What kind of food your citizens liked?

• What are the main cultural and religious ideas your citizens embraced? And what are their main God/Gods (If applicable)?

• Who are the famous persons in your civilization?

• What inventions or achievements your civilization had?

• What are the famous cities of your civilization?

• What are the main traditions of your civilization?

Elaborate (12 weeks)

1. Project 1: Choose one of the following:

▪ Video: “This is My Civilization.” Create a video about your civilization. Then it will be uploaded to an online video service like YouTube or to Facebook group Videos.

▪ Photos: “This is My Civilization.” Create photos about your civilization. Edit the photos using , and then upload it to Facebook group photo album.

2. Project 2: Create a Google Maps tour for your civilization project that shows locations of important cities, events, and sites.

3. Project 3: Create an interactive online poster (Glog) on Glogster to display pictures, videos and information about your civilization.

▪ Make sure you look at the rubric for each project guidelines.

▪ Students could wear the cloths of their civilization during this phase if they wish.

▪ Please abide by copyright laws while creating your project.

Evaluate (Ongoing)

The evaluation of the lesson projects and tasks will be done using rubrics that keeps students focused on their project results and the skills they acquire and not on grades. And because evaluation is an ongoing process that helps students in staying on the right track, they should check the rubrics frequently while working on the projects and tasks.

|Web Search (Explore section, 2) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Relevance of Links |Links found are strongly |Links found are mildly |Links found are poorly |Links found are not |

| |relevant to the research |relevant to the research |relevant to the research |relevant to the research |

| |topic. |topic. |topic. |topic. |

|Amount of Sources |Four or more new sources |Three new sources |Two new sources |One new source discovered.|

|Discovered |discovered. |discovered. |discovered. | |

|Time Taken to |Less than 6 hours. |Less than 12 hours. |Less than 24 hours. |More than 24 hours. |

|Accomplish Search | | | | |

|Facebook forum debate (Explain section) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Use of |Every major point was well |Every major point was |Every major point was |Every point was not |

|Facts/Statistics |supported with several |adequately supported with|supported with facts, |supported. |

| |relevant facts, statistics |relevant facts, |statistics and/or | |

| |and/or examples. |statistics and/or |examples, but the | |

| | |examples. |relevance of some was | |

| | | |questionable. | |

|Organization |All arguments were clearly |Most arguments were |All arguments were clearly|Arguments were not clearly|

| |tied to an idea (premise) and |clearly tied to an idea |tied to an idea (premise) |tied to an idea (premise).|

| |organized in a tight, logical |(premise) and organized |but the organization was | |

| |fashion. |in a tight, logical |sometimes not clear or | |

| | |fashion. |logical. | |

|Understanding of Topic|The team clearly understood |The team clearly |The team seemed to |The team did not show an |

| |the topic in-depth and |understood the topic |understand the main points|adequate understanding of |

| |presented their information |in-depth and presented |of the topic and presented|the topic. |

| |forcefully and convincingly. |their information with |those with ease. | |

| | |ease. | | |

|Time |1-2 Weeks |3 Weeks |4 Weeks |More than 4 Weeks |

|Percentage of |100% |75% |50% |Less than 50% |

|Questions Answered | | | | |

|Video Documentary (Elaborate section, 1, choice 1) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Video Quality |Video was original, creative,|Video was completed, and |Video was made but |Video was not completed. |

| |and unique. |contained all required |contained little evidence| |

| | |items. Editing was not |of a theme, had little | |

| | |done as well as it should|editing, and did not | |

| | |have been. Idea was not |engage the audience. Too | |

| | |engaging or unique. Some |much zooming, panning, | |

| | |poor camera work. |shakiness. | |

|Camera angles/ |The variety of camera angles,|With a bit more editing |Video was nothing more |There was no video. |

|lighting/transitions |lighting, transitions, and |and better clips |than a series of clips | |

| |additional elements |selection, use of |joined together. Could | |

| |contribute to the style. The |transition, etc. video |have been created by | |

| |video flowed smoothly |would be excellent. |turning the camera off | |

| | | |and on. | |

|Time |1 week |2 weeks |3 weeks |More than 3 weeks |

|Facebook Photo Pool (Elaborate section, 1, choice 2) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Number of Photos |More than 100. |75-100. |51-74. |50 or less. |

|uploaded and shared | | | | |

|Photos quality |Excellent |Good |Low |Poor |

|Tagging |All photos have tags. |Most photos have tags. |Half of the photos have |Less than half of the |

| | | |tags. |photos have tags. |

|Description |All photos have description. |Most photos have |Half of the photos have |Less than half of the |

| | |description. |description. |photos have description. |

|Time |1 week |2 weeks |3 weeks |More than 3 weeks |

|Google Maps tour (Elaborate section, 2) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Relevancy |All items are relevant. |Most items are relevant. |Half of the items are |Less than half of the |

| | | |relevant. |items are relevant. |

|Number of Videos on |7 or more. |4-6 |1-3 |None |

|The Tour | | | | |

|Number of Photos on |7 or more. |4-6 |1-3 |None |

|The Tour | | | | |

|Description |All items have description. |Most items have |Half of the items have |Less than half of the |

| | |description. |description. |items have description. |

|Time |1 week |2 weeks |3 weeks |More than 3 weeks |

|Glogster poster (Elaborate section, 3) |

|[pic] |

|Teacher Name: ________________________________________ |

| |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ |

| |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Multimedia Usage |Excellent |Very Good |Good |Basic or N/A |

|Quality of Information |Excellent |Very Good |Good |Basic |

|Spelling & Grammar |No mistakes |1-2 mistakes |3-4 mistakes |More than 4 mistakes |

Extend (Ongoing)

1. Students will use Facebook group to share their information, videos, pictures, and experiences with their friends under the parent’s supervision (At home).

2. Students will Show their civilizations in a school exhibition. They will wear the cloths of their civilization and might provide samples of its food, songs, or games during the exhibition.

3. Students will exhibit their projects at district exhibition in order to inspire other students from different types of schools within the district.


• The lessons are matched with State, Provincial and/or national standards. It is primarily for the information of the teacher and should provide the information necessary to incorporate the lesson into the local board, district or school curriculum.

❖ NETS for Students 2007: 1a, 1b, 1c, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, 3a, 3b, 3c, 3d, 4b, 4c, 5a, 5b, 5c, 5d, 6a, 6b, 6d.

❖ Alberta ICT curriculum:

o ICT: C1, C2, C3, C4, C5, C6, C7.

❖ Egyptian national curriculum:

o Computer: Primary 6: Units 1 & 2, Preparatory 2: Chapter 2, 3, 4, and 5

o Social Studies: Primary 4: 1st semester-Unit 4, 2nd semester-Unit 1 & 4, Primary 5: 1st semester-Unit 2. Preparatory 2: 1st semester-Units 4, 5, and 6, 2nd semester- Unit 2. Secondary 1: Units 1, 2, and 3. Secondary 3: Unit 1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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