Commack Schools

The Impact of New Technology on WWIInventionDescriptionUse in WWIModern UsesAutomatic Machine GunMounted gun that fires a rapid, continuous stream of bulletsMade it possible for a few soldiers to shoot down waves of soldiers. This helped lead to a stalemate by making it difficult to advance across “no man’s land.”Machine guns helped make the cavalry (soldiers on horse-back) obsolete and reduce the importance of infantry charges.TankArmored vehicle that travels on a track allowing it to cross many kinds of landProtected advancing troops as they broke through enemy defenses. Early tanks were not used often due to their slow speed.Tanks replaced the cavalry as the primary means of ground advance. Some nations have used tanks to stop civilian unrest.SubmarineUnderwater ship that can launch torpedoes, or guided underwater bombsUsed by Germany (U-boats) to destroy Allied ships. U-boat attacks led to the U.S. declaring war.Modern nuclear submarines can carry long-range atomic weapons.AirplaneOne or two seat propeller planes equipped with machine gunsAt first, planes were used for observation. Later in the war flying “aces” engaged in individual combat, known as “dogfights” – planes will have little effect in WWIAirplanes can carry troops and supplies. Planes can bomb targets in enemy territory and support efforts on the ground.Poison Gas/Gas MasksVarious gases that cause choking, blindness, or severe skin blisters. Gas masks protect soldiers from poison gasLaunched into enemy trenches to kill or disable troops. Gas masks decreased the impact of poison gas.Poisonous gas has been banned through international agreement – but has still been used by terrorists and in places like SyriaHow do you think new technology changed the way that war was fought?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think that advances in war technology were a good or bad thing for the soldiers fighting in WWI? ______Explain___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What do you think the attitude of European soldiers was like at the very beginning of the War? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Do you think that the attitudes of the soldiers changed as time went on? __________Explain ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Based on the chart on the previous page, if you were a WWI soldier, what new war technology would you have feared the most? ___________________ Explain why? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________0-190500Inside a trench ................

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