Resource Pack

[Pages:27]A Beautiful Garden

Resource Pack

A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack


Thank you again to all our presenters who shared their time, expertise, and resources. We also extend thanks to everyone who attended and contributed their practice knowledge and experience, making the sessions rich and valuable opportunities for shared learning.

We also extend our thanks to The Dementia Learning and Development Group who have supported this work and resource. The Dementia Learning and Development Group is the national group for health and social care learning and development across Wales. The group meets quarterly to help shape approaches to dementia learning and development in line with the Good Work Framework. You can find out more here DLDG or contact for more information.


A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack

Resource pack


This pack brings together the information and resources shared during the beautiful garden series. This series, which ran between September and December 2021, gave bite-sized tasters of different caring approaches to using evidence in learning and development in dementia care homes.

Preparing the ground

Collecting and preparing the seeds

Growing the seeds

The series was based around the idea of growing a beautiful garden.

All the methods shared in the seminar series are consistent with the Developing Evidence Enriched Practice (DEEP) approach. The aim of DEEP is to improve the lives of social care practitioners, people accessing social care and their families through promoting the use of multiple types of evidence in research and practice.

The DEEP approach starts with what matters and co-produces bespoke solutions to meet this. Solutions draw on key elements, that map onto the idea of growing a garden:

Growing a garden

DEEP elements

Preparing the ground Creating an enriched environment of care and learning

Collecting and

Gathering and presenting evidence in meaningful formats

preparing the seeds

Growing the seeds Effectively talking and thinking together


A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack

Orientation to the Resource Pack

This pack collates the resources shared during the series. The sessions were grouped into three sets representing the steps involved in growing a beautiful garden. We present the materials in session order and we provide a bit of background to each group of sessions.

For each session we include:

? The session title and presenter(s) ? A session summary and the key learning points ? Links to the resources shared in the session. When relevant, these will be

grouped into: ? Guidance and information ? Networking opportunities ? Physical materials

All session recordings and PowerPoint slides can be accessed via this link: research-and-publications?id=42 We hope you find this resource pack useful. We welcome suggestions on how it can be improved. If you have feedback, please get in touch with us at: info@


A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack




Resource pack


Orientation to the Resource Pack


Session 1


An introduction to Developing Evidence Enriched Practice and the policy context for dementia learning and development

Session 2


How to create an enriched environment of learning in care homes that brings out the best in everyone

Session 3


How to use a storytelling approach to nurture and support the wellbeing of staff

Session 4


Practical and fun ways to build relationships and mutual understanding in care homes

Session 5


Gathering and sharing evidence from residents about their experiences of care during the coronavirus pandemic

Session 6


Staff, residents, and families doing their own research in care homes

Session 7


Examples of dementia research evidence that can be used in the care home

Session 8


A caring and values-based approach to ongoing learning in care homes

Session 9:


Using cartoons and fun ways of talking together to explore risk and dementia

Session 10:


How to take a personal outcomes approach to learning and development in care homes

Session 11


Reviewing the course

Final words





All session recordings and PowerPoint slides can be accessed via this link

A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack

Session 1

An introduction to Developing Evidence Enriched Practice and the policy context for dementia learning and development

This introduction session details the aims of the series and the wider context within which the series was situated.

Nick Andrews Swansea University

Rebecca Cicero Social Care Wales

Michaela Morris Improvement Cymru

Learning points include:

? Key principles for effective learning and development in dementia care


Guidance and information

The All Wales Dementia Care Pathway of Standards describe what good dementia care looks like for Wales.

If you want to know more about the standards, please contact Michaela Morris or Rebecca Hanmer using email address PHW.

The Good Work Dementia Learning Development Framework covers all you need to know when working with people living with dementia.

Again, if you want to know more, you can contact:

The DEEP approach looks at how we can use evidence to inform practice.

One method used in the DEEP approach is to collect Magic Moment stories from people

accessing social care and staff members. You can find an example of these stories here.

This guide provides advice and examples about how you can use stories from residents as part of your learning.

Find out more about the `One in a Million' free training package to help people work with individuals living with dementia here.

Advice and information about supporting people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemic are also available. Here are two suggested resources:

A quick guide to care and support of people with Dementia

Social Care Wales ? Dementia and Covid19

Networking opportunities

The Dementia Learning Network includes over 100 people across Wales who support the workforce with learning around dementia. You don't need to be a trainer to join. We share workshops, training, and resources. You can

ask the network for ideas too. To join, email:

You can also join the Dementia Learning Network Facebook Group


All session recordings and PowerPoint slides can be accessed via this link

A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack

Preparing the ground

The first three sessions focus on how to create the best environment for people to grow and learn together. These sessions consider ways to support the wellbeing of residents, families, and staff and how to lead a caring culture of learning.

Session 2

How to create an enriched environment of learning in care homes that brings out the best in everyone

Tasmin MacBride University of West of Scotland

This session introduces the concept of enriched environments of care and learning, within which everyone achieves a sense of security, belonging, continuity, purpose, achievement, and significance. In enriched environments of learning, relational and collective opportunities for learning become an everyday activity, not something confined to training workshops.

Learning points include:

? Understanding the concept of enriched environments of care and learning ? The SENSES framework


Guidance and information:

The Senses Framework can be used to reflect on and nurture enriched environments of care and learning.

Physical materials:

A downloadable poster about the Senses framework.


All session recordings and PowerPoint slides can be accessed via this link

A Beautiful Garden Resource Pack

Session 3

How to use a storytelling approach to nurture and support the wellbeing of staff

Kath MacDonald Queen Margaret University

In this session Kath MacDonald talks about her work exploring the emotional world of practitioners during the Coronavirus pandemic using a range of creative resources. The session shares a moving poem, which was composed by practitioners during their work with Kath.

Learning points include:

? Using creative resources to explore emotions


Guidance and information: You can visit the SEEDs project website.

Physical materials:

The CAKE toolkit will become available (either to purchase or as a download) during 2022.

For further information contact:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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