Definition of an ISA Instructional Framework:

Definition of an ISA Instructional Framework:

Version: December 20, 2006

• An instructional framework is a shared and coherent belief system, mission, and understanding of a set of instructional principles, based on inquiry, and their visible implementation within and across classrooms to which all members of the school community are committed and accountable.

• The instructional framework is reflected in:

o shared goals and expectations for students that results in the achievement of all students

o a clearly defined set of common outcomes for students,

o a common professional language,

o instructional practice including:

▪ explicit models of and approaches to teaching, learning, curriculum, and assessment,

▪ habits of learning, mind, work, and heart that the school community believes students should possess by the time they leave high school,

▪ multiple experiences that engage students in the application of higher order thinking skills and knowledge to different situations, and

▪ the alignment and coordination or resources (i.e. technology, field trips, texts, and community).

• The instructional framework is a planning tool for promoting and sustaining a common language and set of inquiry practices and models of instruction that results in the achievement of all students,

• Professional development, supervision, and school organization are aligned with and in support of the instructional framework.

• The school community continually reflects on the instructional framework.


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