Reading Strategies & Activities Resource Book - The Meadows Center for ...

Reading Strategies & Activities Resource Book

For Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia

?2002 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency.

?2004, 2002 University of Texas System/Texas Education Agency These materials are copyrighted ? by and are the property of the Texas Education Agency and the University of Texas System and may not be reproduced or distributed without their written

permission. To obtain a license to reprint large quantities, contact info@.

3 Reading Strategies and Activities: A Resource Book for Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia




Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic Awareness trategy Set Outline I.) First Sound

Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Isolating First Sounds in Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Discriminating First Sounds Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Matching First Sounds and Letters in Words

II.) Blending Onset-Rime Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Blending Onset-Rimes Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Segmenting and Blending Onsets and Rimes Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Integrating Onset-Rime and First Letter Identification

III.) Blending Phoneme by Phoneme Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Blending Phonemes in Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Blending Phonemes Using Manipulatives Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Integrating Letter-Sound Correspondence and Blending

IV.) S egmenting Sound by Sound Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Segmenting Sound by Sound: Elkonin Boxes Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Segmenting Sound by Sound Using Fingers Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Segmenting Sound by Sound

V.) Deletion and Substitution Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Deletion and Substitution of Initial Sounds Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Deletion and Substitution of Final Sounds Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Deletion and Substitution of Medial Sounds


7 8-11

12 13-16 17-22 23-28

29-32 33-37 38-42

43-46 47-51 52-57

58-62 63-66 67-71

72-76 77-81 82-85

4 Reading Strategies and Activities: A Resource Book for Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia

Alphabetic Understanding

Alphabetic Understanding Strategy Set Outline: I.) Letter Sounds

Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Producing Letter Sounds Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Review a New Letter Sound with Previously Learned Letter Sounds Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Matching Letters and Sounds

II.) Decoding Regular Words Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Blending CVC Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Silently Sounding out Words and Reading Words Orally Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Manipulating Sounds in Words

III.) Spelling Regular Words Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Tracing and Writing a New Letter-Sound Correspondence Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Spelling Words Using Given Letter Sounds Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Segmenting Sounds and Spelling Words

IV.) Reading Irregular Words Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Introduction to Irregular Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Spelling and Reading Irregular Words Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Discriminating Between Irregular and Regular Words in Word Lists

V.) S entence Reading with Regular Words and One Irregular Word Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Reading Regular and Irregular Words in Word Lists Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Reading Sentences with Regular Words Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Reading Sentences with Regular Word and Irregular Words


Fluency Strategy Set Outline I.) Letter Sounds

Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Identifying Letter Sounds Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Increasing Accuracy and Rate Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Introducing New Letter Sounds

II.) Regular Word Reading Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Identifying Regular Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Increasing Accuracy and Rate Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Rapid Word Identification



87-90 91-93 94-96

97-99 100-102 103-106

107-110 111-114 115-118

119-121 122-124 125-127

128-131 132-136 137-141


143-152 153-159 160-166

167-170 171-174 175-178

5 Reading Strategies and Activities: A Resource Book for Students at Risk for Reading Difficulties, Including Dyslexia

III.) Irregular Word Reading Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Identifying Irregular Words Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Increasing Accuracy and Rate Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Rapid Word Identification

IV.) Fluenc y in Connec ted Tex t Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Partner Reading with Graphing Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Repeated Reading (Tape Assisted) with Graphing Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Repeated Reading with Hot Timing and Graphing

Vo c a b u l a r y

Vocabulary Strategy Set Outline I.) Examples

Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Examples Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Generalization Examples Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Examples in Sentences

II.) Synonyms Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Synonyms Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Using Synonyms to Complete Sentences Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Synonyms in Original Sentences

III.) Definitions Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Definitions Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Using Definitions to Answer Questions Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Definitions in Original Sentences

IV.) Elaboration Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Describing Vocabulary Through Elaboration Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Elaboration in Sentences Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Elaboration in Self-Generated Sentences

V.) Contex t Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Teaching Identified Vocabulary Through Context Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Teaching Unidentified Vocabulary Through Context Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Using Original Context to Explain Words


Comprehension Strategy Set Outline I.) Literal Comprehension

Lesson 1: Initial Instructional Strategy--Direct Questions Lesson 2: Review Strategy--Direct Questions In Intervals Lesson 3: Expansion Strategy--Direct Questions In Longer Passages

179-184 185-189 190-193

194-201 202-208 209-216


218-221 222-224 225-227

228-231 232-236 237-239

240-243 244-247 248-250

251-254 255-259 260-263

264-268 269-272 273-277


279-282 283-285 286-289



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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