SOMALIA - United Nations

Federal Republic of Somalia





United Nations Population Fund, Somalia Country Office, Block P, Level 2, UN Complex, UN Avenue Gigiri, P.O. Box 28832 - 00200, Nairobi, Kenya. Tel: (+254) (0)207625742 Fax: (+254) (0)207625741

MAPS AND DESIGNATIONS The designations employed and the presentation of material in maps in this report do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of UNFPA concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. The survey covered regions as they were defined prior to 1986.

Copyright ?2014 UNFPA, Somalia Country office

Front cover photo: Copyright ? UNICEF/Dhayi

Design and layout by: Timothy Mwaura and Scadden Orina, Edited Expression

Printing by: UNON, Publishing Services Section, Nairobi, ISO 14001:2004-certified. D1 No: 14-02929/500 copies/October

The information contained in this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without prior permission but with acknowledgement of this publication as a source.


Many individuals helped to translate the idea of conducting the Population Estimation Survey into a reality. To begin with, on behalf of the UN, we would like to express our gratitude to the Somali authorities for steering the process in such a professional manner and building consensus at every stage.

Among several Somali partners who were instrumental to the different stages of the process, we would like to thank Hon. Said Abdullah, Hon. Mohammud H. Suleiman, Hon. Abdullahi Sheikh Ali, Hon. Dr. Saad Shire, Hon. Ali Ahmed Fatah, Hon. Aidiid Mohammud Haji, Hon. Daud Mohamed Omar, Abdi Dirshe, Ahmed Elmi Muhumad, Abdulahi Sheikh Mohamed, Abdirashid Guled, Mohammed Ali Ismail, Nur Ahmed Weheliye, Abdi Ali, Osman Warsame and their teams for their dedication to this monumental survey. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Hon. Faduma Abdullahi Mohamud, Hassan Abdillahi Jama, Abdinasir Ali Dahir, Awil Mohamed Farah, Mohamed Nur Ahmed, Hussein Elmi Gure, Mohamed Hussein Abdullahi, Professor Mohamed Samantar, Omar Ahmed Mohamed, and Yussuf Hussein Dahir for their pivotal roles in the Population Estimation Survey task force team. The "Father of Statistics for Somalia", Hussein Fahie Elabe, provided invaluable advice.

Likewise, we would like to acknowledge the support from donors who believed this initiative will make a difference to the lives of Somali communities. They include the African Development Bank (AfDB), Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA), the European Union (EU), the Government of Sweden, Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC), United Kingdom AID (UKAID) and the Government of the United States of America.

We pay special tribute to the survey team member, Mohamed Farole Mohamed, who lost his life while supervising the data collection efforts in Banadir, as well as the team members who were wounded in the line of duty.

It would not have been possible to carry out a survey of this scale without the interest of, and political guidance from, Nicholas Kay (Special Representative for the UN Secretary-General for Somalia), as well as the kind support of Mark Bowden (former UN Resident Coordinator for Somalia) and Philippe Lazzarini (UN Resident Coordinator for Somalia). Our gratitude also goes to Sikander Khan (former UNICEF Representative), Luca Alinovi (FAO) and Stefano Porretti (WFP)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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