Calculate the molar mass of sulphuric acid (h2so4) and ...


Calculate the molar mass of sulphuric acid (h2so4) and glucose (c6h12o6)

PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{1}\) What is the total mass (amu) of carbon in each of the following molecules? (a) CH4 (b) CHCl3 (c) C12H10O6 (d) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 Answer a 12.01 amu Answer b 12.01 amu Answer c 144.12 amu Answer d 60.05 amu Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{2}\) What is the total mass of

hydrogen in each of the molecules? (a) CH4 (b) CHCl3 (c) C12H10O6 (d) CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 Answer a 4.032 amu Answer b 1.008 amu Answer c 10.08 amu Answer d 12.096 amu

PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{3}\) Calculate the molecular or formula mass of each of the following: (a) P4 (b) H2O (c) Ca(NO3)2 (d) CH3CO2H (acetic acid) (e) C12H22O11

(sucrose, cane sugar). Answer a 123.896 amu Answer b 18.015 amu Answer c 164.086 amu Answer d 60.052 amu Answer e 342.297 amu Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{4}\) Determine the molecular mass of the following compounds: (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer a 98.906 amu Answer b 26.018 amu Answer c 185.818 amu

Answer d 98.072 amu PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{5}\) Determine the molecular mass of the following compounds: (a) (b) (c) (d) Answer a 56.107 amu Answer b 54.091 amu Answer c 199.9976 amu Answer d 97.9950 amu Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{6}\) Compare 1 mole of H2, 1 mole of O2, and 1 mole of F2. (a)

Which has the largest number of molecules? Explain why. (b) Which has the greatest mass? Explain why. Answer a 1 mole is always 6.022 x 1023 molecules. They have the same number of molecules. Answer b F2; it has the highest molar mass PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{7}\) Which contains the greatest mass of oxygen: 0.75 mol of ethanol (C2H5OH),

0.60 mol of formic acid (HCO2H), or 1.0 mol of water (H2O)? Explain why. Answer Formic acid. Its formula has twice as many oxygen atoms as the other two compounds (one each). Therefore, 0.60 mol of formic acid would be equivalent to 1.20 mol of a compound containing a single oxygen atom. PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{8}\) Calculate the molar

mass of each of the following: (a) S8 (b) C5H12 (c) Sc2(SO4)3 (d) CH3COCH3 (acetone) (e) C6H12O6 (glucose) Answer a 256.528 g/mol Answer b 72.150 g/mol Answer c 378.103 g/mol Answer d 58.080 g/mol Answer e 180.158 g/mol PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{9}\) Calculate the molar mass of each of the following: (a) the anesthetic halothane,

C2HBrClF3 (b) the herbicide paraquat, C12H14N2Cl2 (c) caffeine, C8H10N4O2 (d) urea, CO(NH2)2 (e) a typical soap, C17H35CO2Na Answer a 197.382 g/mol Answer b 257.163 g/mol Answer c 194.193 g/mol Answer d 60.056 g/mol Answer e 306.464 g/mol Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{10}\) Determine the

number of moles of compound and the number of moles of each type of atom in each of the following: (a) 25.0 g of propylene, C3H6 (b) 3.06 ¡Á 10?3 g of the amino acid glycine, C2H5NO2 (c) 25 lb of the herbicide Treflan, C13H16N2O4F (1 lb = 454 g) (d) 0.125 kg of the insecticide Paris Green, Cu4(AsO3)2(CH3CO2)2 (e) 325 mg of aspirin,

C6H4(CO2H)(CO2CH3) Answer a 0.595 mol C3H6 1.78 mol C 3.57 mol H Answer b 4.08 ¡Á 10-5 mol C2H5NO2 8.16 ¡Á 10-5 mol C 2.04 ¡Á 10-4 mol H 4.08 ¡Á 10-5 mol N 8.16 ¡Á 10-5 mol O Answer c 40.106 mol C13H16N2O4F 521.37 mol C 641.70 mol H 80.212 mol N 160.42 mol O 40.106 mol F Answer d 0.202 mol Cu4(AsO3)2(CH3CO2)2 0.808 mol

Cu 0.404 mol As 2.02 mol O 0.808 mol C 1.212 mol H Answer e 0.00181 mol C6H4(CO2H)(CO2CH3) 0.01625 mol C 0.0144 mol H 0.0072 mol O PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{11}\) Determine the mass of each of the following: (a) 0.0146 mol KOH (b) 10.2 mol ethane, C2H6 (c) 1.6 ¡Á 10?3 mol Na2 SO4 (d) 6.854 ¡Á 103 mol glucose, C6 H12 O6 (e) 2.86 mol

Co(NH3)6Cl3 Answer a 0.819 g Answer b 307 g Answer c 0.23 g Answer d 1.235 ¡Á 106 g (1235 kg) Answer e 765 g Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{12}\) Determine the number of moles of the compound and determine the number of moles of each type of atom in each of the following: (a) 2.12 g of potassium bromide,

KBr (b) 0.1488 g of phosphoric acid, H3PO4 (c) 23 kg of calcium carbonate, CaCO3 (d) 78.452 g of aluminum sulfate, Al2(SO4)3 (e) 0.1250 mg of caffeine, C8H10N4O2 Answer a 0.0178 mol KBr 0.0178 mol K 0.0178 mol Br Answer b 0.00152 mol H3PO4 0.00455 mol H 0.00152 mol P 0.00607 mol O Answer c 230 mol CaCO3 230 mol Ca 230 mol C 690

mol O Answer d 0.229 mol Al2(SO4)3 0.459 mol Al 0.688 mol S 2.75 mol O Answer e 6.44 ¡Á 10-7 mol C8H10N4O2 5.15 ¡Á 10-6 mol C 6.44 ¡Á 10-6 mol H 2.58 ¡Á 10-6 mol N 1.29 ¡Á 10-6 mol O PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{13}\) The approximate minimum daily dietary requirement of the amino acid leucine, C6H13NO2, is 1.1 g. What is this requirement in

moles? Answer 0.0084 mol C6H13NO2 Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{14}\) Determine the mass in grams of each of the following: (a) 0.600 mol of oxygen atoms (b) 0.600 mol of oxygen molecules, O2 (c) 0.600 mol of ozone molecules, O3 Answer a 9.60 g Answer b 19.2 g Answer c 28.2 g PROBLEM \

(\PageIndex{15}\) A 55-kg woman has 7.5 ¡Á 10?3 mol of hemoglobin (molar mass = 64,456 g/mol) in her blood. How many hemoglobin molecules is this? What is this quantity in grams? Answer 4.52 ¡Á 1021 molecules of hemoglobin 483.42 g of hemoglobin Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{16}\) One 55-gram serving

of a particular cereal supplies 270 mg of sodium, 11% of the recommended daily allowance. How many moles and atoms of sodium are in the recommended daily allowance? Answer 0.107 mol Na; 6.45 ¡Á 1022 atoms Na PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{17}\) A tube of toothpaste contains 0.76 g of sodium monofluorophosphate (Na2PO3F) in 100 mL. What

mass of fluorine atoms in mg was present? How many fluorine atoms were present? Answer a 100.27 mg F Answer b 3.18 ¡Á 1021 atoms F Click here to see a video of the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{18}\) Which of the following represents the least number of molecules? 20.0 g of H2O (18.02 g/mol) 77.0 g of CH4 (16.06 g/mol) 68.0 g of CaH2

(42.09 g/mol) 100.0 g of N2O (44.02 g/mol) 84.0 g of HF (20.01 g/mol) Answer 20.0 g of H2O represents the smallest number of moles, meaning the least number of molecules present. Since 1 mole = 6.022 ¡Á 1023 molecules (or atoms) regardless of identity, the least number of moles will equal the least number of molecules PROBLEM \

(\PageIndex{19}\) Calculate the following: (a) the percent composition of ammonia, NH3 (b) the percent composition of photographic ¡°hypo,¡± Na2S2O3 (c) the percent of calcium ion in Ca3(PO4)2 Answer a % N = 82.24% % H = 17.76% Answer b % Na = 29.08% % S = 40.56% % O = 30.36% Answer c % Ca2+ = 38.76% Click here to see a video of

the solution PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{20}\) A compound of carbon and hydrogen contains 92.3% C and has a molar mass of 78.1 g/mol. What is its molecular formula? Answer C6H6 PROBLEM \(\PageIndex{21}\) Dichloroethane, a compound that is often used for dry cleaning, contains carbon, hydrogen, and chlorine. It has a molar mass of 99 g/mol.

Analysis of a sample shows that it contains 24.3% carbon and 4.1% hydrogen. What is its molecular formula? Answer C2H4Cl2 Click here to see a video of the solution In the second edition, this problem was moved. The number in the title of the video may be incorrect, but the solution is correct. Contributors 123456789101112131415 A15 B15 C15

D16 A16 B16 C17 A17 B17 C1819202122Try our Mini CourseMaster Important Topics in 7 DaysLearn from IITians, NITians, Doctors & Academic ExpertsDedicated counsellor for each studentDetailed Performance Evaluationview all courses Need to know the atomic mass of a glucose molecule? Our molar mass calculator uses the periodic table and

the chemical formula to solve for the molar mass of a chemical compound based on the compound's empirical formula. The calculator takes the elemental composition of the compound and weighs the elements to get an empirical formula mass. Note that the calculator assumes a pure substance - if you're aware of dilution or impurities, make

appropriate adjustments for the molarity of a given substance.This project started with as a molar mass calculator for chemical reactions. You can use our calculator to solve for the theoretical yield of an experiment. We also have a percent yield calculator which can help you apply this to actual experiments. Use the mole ratio and empirical formula

to understand the limits of the reactants.Other terms: atomic mass of glucose, molar mass of glucose, molecular mass,How Does The Molar Mass Calculator Work?We take the formula you provide (NaCl - common table salt - in our default example) and unpack it into the component elements. Then we compare each atom against a table of the

standard atomic weights for that element. We present the results in a table at the bottom of the molar mass calculator - it will show the count of atoms, the atomic weight of each element, and the molecular weight for the molecule. It solves for total mass of a molecular formula (average molecular weight).From there we break the formula for glucose

into parts - a Carbon atom, a Hydrogen atom, a Oxygen atom, etc.We don't have brackets implemented (yet), so you will need to unpack any bracketed expressions. They don't affect the weight anyhow. Simply take each element and multiple it by the number of times the bracketed structure occurs. For example: (C6H5)3PCCO =>

C18H15PCCOFinding Molar Mass for Other Chemical CompoundsOur molar mass calculator has this for a variety of other compounds: sodium chloride, carbon dioxide, sulfuric acid, glucose...Bookmarking, Save, and Share ResultsThe tool is designed so you can flip between different parts of a problem set. We recommend you bookmark it so you can

refer back to it. You can also share results with a study partner or tutor by hitting calculate and copying the URL for this page. When your study partner opens up the URL, they will see your calculations. It's easy share & save results via email. (Be sure to hit calculate first, however)You also have the option of saving links to the calculations in your

research notes files, so you can quickly re-open or check them later. Again - hit calculate first so the URL is updated with your most recent changes. Then copy and save the url.FAQ - Molar Mass CalculatorWhat is Molar Mass in Chemistry?Molar mass is an important concept in adapting chemical formulas to real world conditions. We may be able to

balance a chemical equation and determine that one molecule of hydrogen combines with two of oxygen to make water (or the compound of your choice). But how would you set up the materials in the laboratory? Or if you were, for example, buying oxygen for a process, how would you determine how much to use to make a given quantity of water?

Molar mass allows us to convert a chemical reaction into specific amounts of reagents required for the process. By converting the atomic interaction into grams, we can measure and use an appropriate amount of the necessary reagents. Formula mass helps us solve for this.What Is Relative Atomic Mass / Relative Molecular Mass / Average Molecular

Weight?The relative atomic mass of a compound is the ratio of the average mass of the elements in a chemical compound to the atomic mass constant, which is defined as 1/12 the mass of a carbon 12 atom. For a single sample, the relative atomic mass of the sample is the weighted arithmetic mean of the masses of the individual atoms present in the

sample (also known as the average atomic mass). This will vary by isotope of the element (carbon-12 vs. carbon-13, for example, since the two isotopes have a different atomic mass due to additional neutrons). In the real world, this can vary based on where the sample was collected - due to variances in the specific isotopes of the elements present

(driven by differences in radioactive decay and how the material was aggregated to begin with).How to find Molar MassTake a standard chemistry formula for a molecule, split it up into the component atoms, and look up the molar weight of each atom. Add the weight of the atoms in the molecule and you have the molar mass for the

molecule.Content: theoretical yield calculator


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