Course Outcomes Worksheet

Course Outcomes Worksheet

4:013 Principles of Chemistry I

Norbert J. Pienta, 2/13/01

|Course Goals |Supports ABET Outcomes |Course Activity |Basis for Goal Assessment |

|1. Classification of matter (states & properties); |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|measurements; handling numbers | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|2. Atomic theory; structure of the atom; atomic |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|number, mass; chemical formulas & names | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|3. Molar mass; molecular mass; percent composition; |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|limiting reagents and yields | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|4. Reactions: precipitation, acid-base, redox; |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|titrations; gravimetric analysis | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|5. Properties of gases; the gas laws; ideal gas |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|behavior; kinetic molecular theory | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|6. Energy types; calorimetry; enthalpy; enthalpies of|A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|formation, reaction, solution, dilution; First Law of| |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|Thermo | | | |

|7. Quantum theory; photoelectric effect; Bohr model; |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|quantum numbers; atomic orbitals; electron | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|configuration | | | |

|8. Periodic classification of elements; physical |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|properties; chemical properties | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|9. Bonding concepts: Lewis structures; ionic bond; |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|covalent bond; formal charge; resonance; octet rule; | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|bond dissociation energy | | | |

|10. Bonding: molecular geometry; valence bond theory;|A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|molecular orbital theory | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|11. Equilibrium and equilibrium constants; factors |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|that effect equilibrium | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|12. Acid & bases: Bronsted acidity, pH, strength, |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|ionization constants; Lewis acidity | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

|13. Solution acid-base equilibria: common ions, |A, D, E, G |Homework allows practice of skills; discussion allows|EASY survey assessment by students and instructor; |

|buffers, titration, indicators; solubility | |group work & TA intervention; exams assess abilities |graded copies of exam questions |

EASY Assessment Questions

4:013 Principles of Chemistry I

Norbert J. Pienta, 2/13/01

|Question # |EASY Assessment Statement |

|1a |I understand the concepts of: classification of matter (states & properties); measurements; handling numbers |

|1b |I can perform numerical problems involving scientific notation and unit converstions. |

|2a |I understand the concepts of: atomic theory; structure of the atom; atomic number, mass; chemical formulas & names |

|2b |I can perform numerical problems involving atomic number and mass. I can name chemical structures. |

|3a |I understand the concepts of: molar mass; molecular mass; percent composition; limiting reagents and yields |

|3b |I can perform numerical problems involving molar and molecular mass, percent composition and limiting reagents and yields. |

|4 |I understand the concepts of: precipitation, acid-base, & redox reactions; titrations; gravimetric analysis |

|5a |I understand the concepts of: Properties of gases; the gas laws; ideal gas behavior; kinetic molecular theory |

|5b |I can perform numerical problems involving the gas laws and kinetic molecular theory. |

|6a |I understand the concepts of: energy types; calorimetry; enthalpy; enthalpies of formation, reaction, solution, & dilution; First Law of Thermo |

|6b |I can perform numerical problems involving enthalpies. |

|7 |I understand the concepts of: quantum theory; photoelectric effect; Bohr model; quantum numbers; atomic orbitals; electron configuration |

|8 |I understand the concepts of: periodic classification of elements; physical & chemical properties of elements |

|9a |I understand the concepts of: Lewis structures; ionic & covalent bond; formal charge; resonance; octet rule; bond dissociation energy |

|9b |I can perform numerical problems involving formal charge and bond dissociation energies. |

|10 |I understand the concepts of: molecular geometry; valence bond theory; molecular orbital theory |

|11a |I understand the concepts of: equilibrium and equilibrium constants; factors that effect equilibrium |

|11b |I can perform numerical problems involving equilibrium. |

|12a |I understand the concepts of: Bronsted acidity, pH, acid & base strength, ionization constants; Lewis acidity |

|12b |I can perform numerical problems involving acidity, acid and base concentrations, and ionization constants. |

|13a |I understand the concepts of: solution acid-base equilibria (common ions, buffers, titration, indicators; solubility) |

|13b |I can perform numerical problems involving acid-base equilibria including titrations. |


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