Office - Baylor University

WELCOME TOCOLLEGE READING AND STUDY SKILLS! EDC 1200Room 075 Sid Richardson BuildingDepartment of Academic Support ProgramsPaul L. Foster Success CenterInstructor: Regina Easley-Young (254) 710-6791Office Location- #006 Sid Richardson PLEASE COME AND VISIT ME!You may visit me by making an appointment (email is best), or you may drop in to see if I am available. Mrs. Jurek at the front desk of Academic Support Programs will help you.Welcome! I am thrilled to have the opportunity to accompany you and work with you at the start of your college journey. Believing in your ability to perform well, the course requirements will be academically and personally challenging, yet accomplishable. It is my expectation that you will grow as a learner this semester through increased knowledge and the ability to think critically, applying and integrating information you will learn. You will learn study strategies and tools that you then will apply to the other courses you are taking this semester. It is my hope that you will experience success now and in the future. You can expect this semester to be filled with lively discussions, activities, and self-reflection. It is important for you to know that support is available to you. To assist you in meeting with success, I am available through office visits, e-mail, and phone- please reach out to me and let me know how your semester is going! WHAT IS THIS COURSE ALL ABOUT? While completing this course, you will be…… applying study skills to daily practices as a college student…enhancing the academic skills and interpersonal abilities you already have…developing your critical-thinking and self-knowledge…growing in awareness that what you learn will be applicable to your futurePersonal student success factorsSetting Goals, Motivation, Power of a Positive Mindset, Effective Decision-Making, Self-Efficacy, Relationships, Career Exploration, Balancing Work and School, Stress Management, Time Management, Ethical Behavior Academic student success factorsAcademic Integrity, Study Strategies, Memory Skills, Note-Taking Strategies, Identifying and Evaluating Information, Writing Papers, Test-Taking Behaviors and Strategies, Presentation SkillsResources you will be using…… Professors……Library……Undergraduate Catalog…… MAP-Works Survey……Tutoring……Supplemental Instruction……Mentors…Textbook — Essential Study Skills, 8th edition; Wong, Linda.Classmates you can call to clarify an assignment:Name__________________________________________Phone__________________Name__________________________________________Phone__________________TO KEEP AT YOUR FINGERTIPS!*OALA (Office of Access and Learning Accommodations) Success Center, first floor. Information about accommodations due to learning or physical disabilities*Tutoring—Free! Here in the Success Center, just next door and in lower level study commons. Monday-Thursday--hours to be announced at a later date*Supplemental Instruction-Some of your larger classes will offer this. You will find information about this in your course syllabi and from your professor.*Libraries.*Writing Center Hours: Monday-Thursday: 9 am-7pm/Friday: 9 am-5pm. Located in Carroll Science Building, G-06.*Career and Professional Development Have questions about major or career? Want to find out more about your strengths and skills? Want to know more about internships, job shadowing, career fairs?*Health Center If you’re sick or injured, please visit the health center, located on the 2nd floor of the SLC. This is a fully staffed health clinic with physicians and nurses who work for your benefit.*Counseling Center If you want to talk with someone about a confidential matter; if you have suicidal thoughts; if you feel depressed or homesick, please contact the Counseling Center. Licensed psychologists will see you individually; there are also specific support groups of Spiritual Life. If you have questions about your faith; if you want to find a local church; if you have had an experience of grief; if want to be involved in local or international missions experiences, please contact this office. foster a productive learning environment, the University requires that all students adhere to the Honor Code which is published in the undergraduate catalog and website. (online in the University Student Policies and Procedures, Integrity Policy: All Students Are Expected To Engage In Academically Honest WorkAcademic dishonesty is any attempt by the student to gain academic advantage through dishonest means, to submit, as his or her own work that which has not been done by him or her, or to give improper aid to another student in the completion of an assignment. Such dishonesty would include, but is not limited to: submitting as his/her own a project, paper, report, test, or speech copied from, partially copied, or paraphrased from the work of another (whether the source is printed, under copyright, or in manuscript form). Credit must be given for words quoted or paraphrased. The rules apply to any academic dishonesty, whether the work is graded or ungraded, group or individual, written or oral. Engaging in academically dishonest acts can result in a failing grade on the assignment, failing course grade and/or an official code of conduct charge being filed. 502920280035Late Work PolicyAll Students are Expected to Complete Learning Tasks on ScheduleIt is important to stay on track with your assignments. You will need to complete all quizzes, exams, and assignments according to the schedule. If you have a personal situation that prevents you from doing so, you will need to discuss this with me prior to the due date. If an assignment is one calendar day late, it will receive half-credit. Otherwise, it will not be accepted and the grade of “0” will be given.00Late Work PolicyAll Students are Expected to Complete Learning Tasks on ScheduleIt is important to stay on track with your assignments. You will need to complete all quizzes, exams, and assignments according to the schedule. If you have a personal situation that prevents you from doing so, you will need to discuss this with me prior to the due date. If an assignment is one calendar day late, it will receive half-credit. Otherwise, it will not be accepted and the grade of “0” will be given. 98298029718000430530022098000ATTENDANCE POLICYYOU MUST ATTEND 75% OF OUR CLASS SESSIONS. THIS MEANS THAT, FOR OUR STUDY SKILLS CLASS, YOU MAY BE ABSENT 7 TIMES. UPON THE 8TH ABSENCE, YOU WILL RECEIVE THE GRADE OF ‘F,’ REGARDLESS OF YOUR GRADE.378714067945001287780698500MY LEARNING EXPERIENCE Thanks to Dr. Christine Harrington of Middlesex County College for notes regarding syllabus content and formatting.MY NOTES ................

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