Appendix 5


|Standing Financial Instructions Practice Guidance Note |

|Ex-Gratia Payments – V02 |

|Date Issued |Planned Review |PGN No: |

|Issue 1 – March 2019 |March 2022 |SFI-PGN-14-02 |

|Issue 2 – Nov 2019 | |Part of CNTW (O)51-Standard Financial Instructions |

| | |Policy |

|Author / Designation |Shaun Dixon- Transactional Services Manager - Finance |

|Responsible Officer / Designation |James Duncan, Deputy Chief Executive / Executive Director of Finance |

|Contents |

|Section |Description |Page No. |

|1 |Introduction |2 |

|2 |What are Ex-Gratia Payments |2 |

|3 |Conditions relating to Claims made by Staff |3 |

|4 |Conditions relating to Claims made by Patients, Visitors and Members of the Public |3 |

|5 |Procedure for Staff making a Claim |3 |

|6 |Procedure for Patients, Visitors and members of the Public making a Claim |5 |

|7 |Processing of the Claim |5 |

|8 |Steps to minimise Liability |9 |

|9 |Additional Relevant Policies |9 |

|Appendices – attached to Practice Guidance Note |

|Appendix 1 |Ex-Gratia Claim Form |

|Appendix 2 |Optician’s Report in respect of an Ex-Gratia Payment |

|Appendix 3 |Notification of an Offer of an Ex-Gratia Payment |

|Appendix 4 |Extract from Chapter 6 (Losses and Special Payments) of the NHS Foundation Trusts – Annual Reporting Manual |

|Appendix 5 |Maximum Payments Considered for Ex-Gratia Payment |

1 Introduction

1.1 The purpose of this Practice Guidance Note for Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (The Trust) is to set out the process for the submission, processing and monitoring of claims for ex-gratia payments which can be submitted by staff, patients, visitors and members of the public.

1.2 Ex-gratia payments are also covered in the Procedure for Managing Claims - CNTW(O)06, but in a more summarised form.

1.3 Please note the following with regard to Equality and Diversity.

• If a version of this procedure or an individual form used in the procedure is required in a larger font-size, please contact the Author (see front sheet) to request.

• If any part or all of this procedure is required in a language other than English, please contact the Author to discuss your requirement.

2 What are Ex-Gratia Payments

2.1 Conditions relating to ex-gratia payments are detailed in Chapter 6 (Losses and Special Payments) of the “NHS Foundation Trusts Annual Reporting Manual.” Paragraph 6.9 defines the reporting requirements required in the annual accounts. Paragraph 6.10 refers to guidance on ‘special payments’ found in annex 4.13 of HM Treasury’s ‘Managing Public Money,’ which is available on the HM Treasury Website. This Guidance applies to Foundation Trusts in full.

2.2 Ex gratia payments are described in 4.13 of HM Treasury’s ‘Managing Public Money’ as payments which go beyond statutory cover, legal liability, or administrative rules, including:

• Payments made to meet hardship caused by official failure or delay

• Out of court settlements to avoid legal action on grounds of official inadequacy

• Payments to contractors outside a binding contract, e.g. on grounds of hardship.

2.3 Ex-gratia payments cannot include payments to compensate for personal injury, nor can they include extra-statutory or extra-regulatory payments (i.e. payments not clearly related to nor arising from the services which the Trust is authorised or required to provide).

2.4 The procedure for making a claim is covered in the following sections. Where a member of staff has any doubts about the procedure to be followed, they should seek the advice of the Incidents and Claims Manager, Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust, St Nicholas Hospital.

3 Conditions relating to Claims made by Staff

3.1 The Trust advises its staff when taking up appointment (via Staff Contract of Employment) that it accepts no responsibility for personal property lost or damaged on its premises. It is the responsibility of staff to cover themselves by insurance against all risks including the loss and damage of their personal possessions. It is, however, recognised that clothing worn for work will not be included in the household insurance. In making a claim for clothing and other items damaged through the course of work, there will be a maximum payment considered for each item, e.g. shirt, trousers, spectacles etc. (See Appendix 5). Maximum payments have been introduced to minimise the liability to the Trust in the event of a member of staff choosing to wear, for example, an expensive fur coat or an expensive watch for work.

3.2 Ex-gratia payments to staff for the loss or damage to their personal property may be made only where all of the following criteria apply:

• The incident occurs during the course of their employment

• The articles lost or damaged are such as might reasonably be carried during the course of their employment

• The articles are sufficiently robust for the treatment they might reasonably be expected to bear

• The loss or damage is not due to the employee’s own negligence

• The loss or damage is not covered by insurance or by any provision for free replacement

3.3 Where the article can be repaired the payment should cover the actual cost of repair. However, where it is lost or damaged beyond repair the value of the property immediately before the incident may be paid (the cost of replacement less the estimated amount by which the property had depreciated since purchase).

3.4 The Trust will not be liable for any thefts. However, if personal possessions have been secured in an appropriate locked facility and the theft was the result of a break-in, then the Trust may consider reimbursement.

3.5 However, a member of staff has not taken proper care of their belongings and is shown to be negligent (e.g. not keeping a handbag in a lockable facility) then no payment will be considered.

3.6 The conditions detailed in this section also apply to personal property belonging to voluntary workers.

4 Conditions relating to Claims made by Patients, Visitors and Members of the Public

4.1 Patients should be advised on admission, and by disclaimer notices, that the Trust accepts no responsibility for personal property not handed over for safe-keeping. However, claims will be considered for loss or damage to a patient’s property, which would not normally be expected to be handed over for safekeeping, or where the Trust’s Policies and Procedures with regard to Patient’s Monies and Property has not been followed.

4.2 Claims can be made for loss of or damage to personal effects if the loss or damage has occurred as a direct result of Trust services and provided that the Trust Policies and Procedures have been followed.

4.3 The Trust will not be liable for any thefts. However, if a patient’s personal possessions have been stolen as a result of a break-in and all necessary steps detailed in the appropriate Trust’s Financial Procedure Note on Patients Monies and Property have been taken to secure such property, then the Trust may consider re-imbursement.

5 Procedure for Staff making a Claim

5.1 Reporting the Incident

5.1.1 Staff must report the incident immediately after its occurrence. This is accomplished by fulfilling the requirements of the appropriate Incident Reporting System.

5.1.2 Furthermore, in the case of theft, vandalism or damage to Trust property, the Ward / Departmental Manager or their nominated deputy must also inform the Police and obtain a Crime Reference Report. This must be attached to the ‘Incident Reporting Form’.

5.1.3 It must be noted that a photocopy of the Incident Reporting Form and the Crime Reference Report (if appropriate) must also be obtained to accompany the other documentation when ‘Making a Claim’ – see ‘Making a Claim’ at point 5.2.

5.1.4 Depending upon the severity of the incident the Serious Untoward Incident (SUI) process may additionally have to be followed (in line with Executive Policy Number 8).

5.1.5 Ex-gratia claims from staff must be submitted within three months of the incident date.

5.2 Making a Claim

5.2.1 Where a member of staff makes an application for an ex-gratia payment, the following procedure must be followed:

1. A claim must be submitted using an ‘Ex-gratia Claim Form (see Appendix 1) which must include the date of purchase of the item and the cost

2. If the item can be repaired, an estimate for the necessary work must be submitted

3. Where the item cannot be repaired, the original receipt should be produced. If this is not available, the damaged item should be retained for inspection

4. Any witness to the incident should be denoted on the Claim Form and if possible a statement from them should be attached

5. A photocopy of the Incident Reporting Form and the Crime Reference Report (if appropriate) must be submitted

5.2.2 Claims for broken spectacles as a result of an incident will be considered through the ex-gratia procedure. If spectacles can be repaired, the Trust will only consider the repair costs. In all cases a receipt must be produced. If, however, the spectacles cannot be repaired and the member of staff requires immediate replacement, he / she should ensure that an Optician’s Report in respect of Ex-gratia Claims (see Appendix 2) is completed by his / her Optician and enclosed with the Claim Form. Failure to ensure that this form has been completed fully by the Optician may result in the Trust declining the claim.

5.2.3 Note: If the Optician has not appended his / her official stamp to the completed form, then he / she will be contacted to establish the validity of the form.

5.2.4 All of the above documentation must be forwarded to:

• The Incidents and Claims Manager

Cumbria Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust

St Nicholas Hospital

Jubilee Road,


Newcastle upon Tyne


Telephone Number: 0191 2456678

6 Procedure for Patients, Visitors and Members of the Public Making a Claim

6.1 The procedure for making a claim is the same as that described in Section 5 above. The following additions should, however, be noted:

• An appropriate member of staff must ensure that an Incident Reporting Form is completed

• An appropriate member of staff should provide assistance if required with the completion of the Ex-gratia Claim Form

6.2 Ex-gratia claims from patients, relatives and visitors must be submitted within six months of the incident date.

7 Processing of the Claim

7.1 Examination of the Claim

7.1.1 Upon receipt of an Ex-gratia Claim Form, the Incidents and Claims Manager will ensure an appropriate investigation takes place in conjunction with the relevant Ward / Department Manager (see 7.2). An ex-gratia payment will only be authorised after careful appraisal of the facts. The Trust will ensure that there is no feasible alternative to making an ex-gratia payment. Furthermore, in dealing with individual cases, the Trust will always consider the soundness of its control systems, the efficiency with which they have been operated and take steps to put any failings right.

7.1.2 Discussions regarding the claim will take place between the Ward Manager and the Incidents and Claims Officer and a decision made on whether to support a payment or not.

7.2 Where an Ex-Gratia Payment is to be made

7.2.1 Where it is agreed that an ex-gratia payment should be made, the following must be done:

• The Claim Form must be signed by the relevant Ward / Department Manager to confirm that all Trust Policies and Procedures have been followed and that he / she supports the claim (alternatively, the Ward / Department Manager can supply the relevant confirmation and support in an E-mail). The Incidents and Claims Officer will also sign the form;

• The Ward / Department Manager will provide the Incidents and Claims Officer with details of the relevant budget holder from whose budget the claim will be paid - it is possible that the Ward / Department Manager may be the budget holder;

• Where the Ward / Department Manager is not the budget holder, the Incidents and Claims Officer will E-mail the budget holder informing him/her of the intention to make the payment and asking for details of the relevant financial coding to be sent as soon as possible;

• When details of the financial coding are received, this is entered on the Claim Form by the Incidents and Claims Officer.

7.3 Where an Ex-Gratia Payment is not to be made

7.3.1 Where it is agreed that an ex-gratia payment should not be made, the claimant is informed by the Incidents and Claims Officer of the reasons for non-payment in writing. The claimant can appeal against the decision by writing to:

Head of Safety and Patient Experience

St Nicholas Hospital

Jubilee Road,


Newcastle upon Tyne


7.3.2 The Head of Safety will then re-examine the circumstances of the claim and liaise with the Incidents and Claims Officer and the appropriate Ward / Departmental Manager in an attempt to resolve the matter. Once the Head of Safety has reached a decision, the claimant is informed in writing of the decision and the reasons behind it. The decision of the Head of Safety and Patient Experience is final.

7.4 Completion of the Department of Health Checklist

7.4.1 The Incidents and Claims Manager need not complete the Checklist for ex-gratia payments below £1,000 but should apply the principles embodied in the Checklist before making any payments.

7.5 Notification of Offer to the Claimant

7.5.1 Where it is agreed that there are grounds for making an ex-gratia payment, this will be made without prejudice and sent to the claimant by the Incidents & Claims Officer using the form entitled ‘Notification of Offer of an Ex-Gratia Payment’ (see Appendix 3). The claimant will be asked to complete the form appropriately to indicate their acceptance/refusal of the offer. They must then sign and return the form prior to any monies being authorised.

7.5.2 If the offer is not acceptable to the claimant, he / she must give a reason on the form. The Incidents and Claims Officer will then liaise with relevant personnel in an attempt to resolve the issue.

7.6 Authorisation Requirements

7.6.1 Depending upon the value of the claim, the authorisation requirements for the payment to be made are as follows:

• For payments less than £1,000:

o Incidents and Claims Officer + Incidents and Claims Manager

Note: If either of these two officers are unavailable, the Deputy Director – Clinical Governance will authorise

• For payments £1,000 and over:

o Incidents and Claims Manager + Director of Finance

Note: If the Incidents and Claims Manager is unavailable, the Deputy Director – Clinical Governance will authorise. If the Director of Finance is unavailable, the Deputy Director of Finance will authorise

7.6.2 In certain cases (see point 7.4) it may also be necessary to obtain the approval of the Department of Health in order to make a payment.

7.7 Payment of Claim

7.7.1 Where the offer of an ex-gratia payment has been accepted by the claimant, then the following action takes place:

7.7.2 Where the claimant is a member of staff:

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will make a request to Payroll for the payment to be made. The request must be made via a memo signed by the appropriate authorised officers (see point 7.6);

• Payment to the claimant will then be made by Payroll;

• A copy of the memo requesting the payment must be attached by the Incidents and Claims Officer to the original copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and a copy of the checklist (if appropriate). The documentation is then filed in a ‘completed’ file held in the Incidents and Claims Department;

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will also send a copy of the memo requesting payment, a copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and a copy of the checklist (if completed) to the Financial Accounting Section where it is filed in a ‘Losses and Special Payments’ file;

7.7.3 Where the claimant is a Patient with a Patients’ Bank Account operated by the Trust:

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will make a request to the Patients’ Bureau for the payment to be made. The request must be made via a memo signed by the appropriate authorised officers (see point 7.6).

• Payment to the claimant will be made (via Journal entries) into the patient’s Bank Account operated by the Trust.

• A copy of the memo requesting the payment must be attached by the Incidents and Claims Officer to the original copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and to a copy of the checklist (if appropriate). The documentation is then filed in a ‘completed’ file held in the Incidents and Claims Department.

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will also send a copy of the memo requesting payment, a copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and a copy of the checklist (if completed) to the Financial Accounting Section where it is filed in a ‘Losses and Special Payments’ file.

7.7.4 All other cases (i.e. agency staff, a contractor, a member of the public, a visitor or a Patient without a Patients’ Bank Account operated by the Trust):

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will make a request to the Financial Accounting Section for the payment to be made by the cashiers department. The request must be made via a memo signed by the appropriate authorised officers (see point 7.6).

• Payment to the claimant will be made into his / her external Bank Account.

• A copy of the memo requesting the payment must be attached by the Incidents and Claims Officer to the original copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and a copy of the checklist (if appropriate). The documentation is then filed in a ‘completed’ file held in the Incidents and Claims Department.

• The Incidents and Claims Officer will also send a copy of the memo requesting payment, a copy of the correspondence relevant to the claim (as detailed in Section 4 above) and a copy of the checklist (if completed) to the Financial Accounting Section where it is filed in a ‘Losses and Special Payments’ file.

8 Steps to minimise Liability

8.1 Staff, Agency Staff and Volunteer Workers

8.1.1 The Trust warns its staff, both by public notice and individually when taking up appointment that it accepts no responsibility for articles lost or damaged on its premises.

8.1.2 These arrangements also apply to volunteer workers and Agency Staff

8.2 Patients, Visitors, Members of the Public and Contractors

8.2.1 The Trust should have processes in place to make patients, visitors, members of the public and contractors aware that it accepts no responsibility for articles lost or damaged on its premises. However, it is recognised that cases may arise which justify an ex-gratia payment being considered.

8.2.2 With regard to patients, no ex-gratia payment will be considered where a patient has chosen not to hand over money, jewellery or other small valuables for safe custody.

8.2.3 The Trust should arrange for the safekeeping of valuables on the person of unaccompanied patients who are admitted to hospital in an unconscious or not fully conscious state or patients who are deemed to lack capacity (see the appropriate Patients Monies and Property Manual).

8.2.4 The following should be noted with specific reference to contractors:

• Contractors carrying out work as part of a contract with the Trust are responsible for their own security and are covered by their own employer’s insurance;

• If a contractor is involved in an incident on site which is not associated with their contracted work, they are classed as a member of the public/visitor.

9 Additional Relevant Policies

This PGN was preceded by CNTW(F)26-03 Ex-Gratia Payments.


Appendix 1

Ex-Gratia Claim Form



|The Trust accepts no responsibility for personal property which is lost or damaged on its premises. However in certain circumstances, a claim may be |

|considered (please refer to Trust Policy on Claims, CNTW(O)06 for eligibility). |

| |

|Name of claimant: ……..…………………………………………….……… Telephone number: ……………………... |

| |

|Contact address: …….……………………………………………………………………………………………………….. |

| |

|…………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………..….. |

|Please √ as appropriate: Patient Staff Other (e.g. relative/carer, please specify) .................... |

|Trust area where loss/damage occurred: ……………………………………………………..……………………………. |

|Details of Claim (please give details of loss/damage including time/date and circumstances that loss or damage occurred and who it was reported to) |

| |

|……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……….…. |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|Witnesses to incident: …………………………………………………………..………………………………..…..……… |

|If possible, a witness statement should be sought and enclosed with your claim (unless previously supplied when incident report submitted) |

|CHECKLIST FOR ALL CLAIMS – where applicable the following documents must be attached |

|(please note this section must be completed in full or this will delay the process) |

| |YES |NO |

|Incident form attached | | |

|Were the Police informed? | | |

|If yes |Crime reference no: |Police Officer no: |Date reported: |

|Can the item be repaired? | | |

|If yes, please attach estimate |

|If item cannot be repaired, has it been retained for inspection? (as per policy) | | |

|If no, please give reason why |

|If claiming for new spectacles, have you attached signed form from Optician (as per policy)? | | |

|If no, please give reason why |

|Do you have a receipt for the damaged/missing item (not the replacement) showing cost and date of purchase (as per policy)? If so, please | | |

|attach. | | |

|If you do not have a receipt is there any other proof of purchase? If so, please attach. If not, please provide details of when and where | | |

|the item was purchased and the cost. | | |


|If you do not have a receipt or other proof of purchase for the damaged spectacles, please provide the following information so that we may contact the |

|provider directly |

|Name of Optician: |Full address: |

| |Approx date of purchase: |





|Was the article damaged/lost reasonable to be carried during the course of employment and |YES | |NO | |

|sufficiently robust? | | | | |

| | | | | |

|ALL CLAIMS (where applicable) |

|What was the condition of the article/property? |GOOD | |AVERAGE | |

|If yes, please attach a copy |

|Was a property disclaimer completed? |YES | |NO | |

|If yes, please attach a copy |




|I confirm that I support this claim. Please give reason(s) ………………………………………………………………… |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |


|I confirm that I do not support this claim. Please give reason(s) ………………………………………..………………. |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |


| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |

| |

|…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… |


|Please print name | |



|Date investigation concluded | |Signed |

|For authorisation by Incident and Claims Officer/Manager (codes supplied by Budget Holder) |

|Cost centre | |Account code: 746300 |

|Authorised (Inc Claims Officer/Manager) | |Date | |

|Date forwarded to finance for payment | |



|[pic] |

|Appendix 2 |

| |

|Form to be completed by Optician in the cases where staff are seeking new spectacles as a result of an incident at work and a repair to current spectacles is not |

|possible |

| |

|Name of Staff Member |

| |

| |

|Address |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|For Optician: |

| |

|I confirm that the above visited my premises on ……………………. and was supplied with new spectacles. I confirm that the broken spectacles which required replacing as a |

|result of an incident at work were unable to be repaired and the member of staff was unable to continue working without spectacles. |

| |

|Cost of replacement frames: ………………………………………….. |

| |

|Cost of replacement lenses:…………………………………………… |

| |

|These spectacles carry a guarantee of: ……………………………… |

| |

|Signed |

| |

| |

|Date |

| |

| |

|Name of Optician |

| |

| |

|Address |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

| |

|Telephone Number |

| |

| |

| |

|Official Stamp of Optician (if available) |


Appendix 3



|I, NAME, TITLE AT LOCATION accept in full and final settlement, the monies offered below in payment for ITEM, DESCRIPTION OF |



| | |OFFERED |

| | |£ |



|FOR STAFF CLAIMS (reimbursement will be made via payroll) |

|Please provide 8-digit ESR reference number | |

|FOR ALL OTHER CLAIMS - please indicate preferred method of payment (the Trust is unable to issue personal cheques) |

|Patient Bureau Account |YES | |NO | |

|Personal Bank Account |YES | |NO | |

|Name of Bank | |

|Address | |

|Sort Code | |

|Account Number | |

|Account Holder | |


|I, NAME, TITLE, LOCATION, do not accept in full and final settlement the monies offered above in payment for ITEM, DESCRIPTION OF |

|LOSS/DAMAGE for the following reasons: |

|……………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|……………………………………………………………………………………………… |

|……………………………………………………………………………………………… |


|Please return completed form to the Incident and Claims Administrator, |

|Incident and Claims Department, St Nicholas Hospital, Gosforth, |

|Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE3 3XT. Tel: (0191) 223 2364 |

Appendix 4




Losses and Special Payments

6.9 A note disclosing information on Losses and Special Payments should be included i the accounts. This note should disclose:

• The total number and value of Losses and Special Payment cases;

• The number and value of clinical negligence, fraud, personal injury, compensation under legal obligation and Fruitless Payment cases where the net payment for the individual case exceeds £100,000;

• A statement that these amounts are reported on an accruals basis but excluding provisions for future losses; and

• Any other explanation considered necessary.

6.10 Guidance on the definitions of Losses and Special Payments can be found in Annex 4.10 and 4.13 of HM Treasury’s ‘Managing Public Money’, which can be found on the HMT website here. This Guidance will apply to NHS Foundation Trusts in full and is detailed next within this Practice Guidance Note.




Appendix 5

Maximum Payments Considered for Ex-gratia Claims

Trousers £30.00

Suit jacket £50.00

Outdoor coats / jackets £70.00

Shirts / blouses £20.00

Jumpers £20.00

Footwear £40.00

Spectacle frames £80.00

Jewellery (wrist watch and wedding band only) £30.00

All payments (with the exception of spectacle lenses) will be subject to depreciation as outlined below.

With Proof of Purchase

|Age at time of incident |Offer |

|Less than three months |Full cost |

|Over three months less than one year |25% depreciation |

|Over one year |50% depreciation |

Without Proof of Purchase

Where no receipt / bank statement is available for proof of date and cost of purchase, any payment offered will be at the discretion of the Incident and Claims Manager.


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