Staff Rules


Staff Handbook

Version XXX – XXXX 2010

Welcome to XXXXX!

Welcome to your new position at XXXXXX. We hope that you will enjoy your job here and that we can provide an environment that will not only earn you money but which will provide you with challenge, stimulation and enjoyment. We firmly believe in opportunity for our staff, and will take every opportunity for you to learn and to develop yourself if you show the willingness to do so.

At XXXXXX our key goals for staff are to be professional, friendly (to customers and each other) and to enjoy their work. If at any time you feel that you have something to say about the way things are done, or are unhappy with anything please do speak to your supervisor. We consider ourselves to be an organisation that is continually learning and striving to improve – and you are an integral part of this process. You have a voice, let it be heard!


Before you start work there are two forms that you will be required to complete. These are as follows:

1. Tax file Number Declaration (will be supplied by your supervisor – located in operations manual)

2. Staff details form (found in the appendix of this handbook)

Details of XXXXXX





Contact Telephone Numbers




E- Mail



Trading Hours

Monday – Fri: XXXXXX

Saturday & Sunday XXXXXX

Credit Card Facilities

We accept XXXXXX.

There is a $XXXXXX minimum for all of the above.


Description of Business


Product – Interior

Product - Menu

Product – Service

Product – Eat-in / Take Away



1. Our staff should always be smart, well presented and be dressed in an approved uniform. We encourage individuality, but within the boundaries of what we deem to be an acceptable standard of presentation.

2. Our main target market XXXXXX.


Our vision is to be recognised by our customers and critics as XXXXXX. We aim to exceed expectations in all respects. However an emphasis will be placed on our core values:


At all times it will be to remember why we are in business, and that reason is to make money. All staff should be aware of this fact and encouraged to increase the efficiency of the business.

However, we do not measure our success purely based on financial aspects. We believe that a business is not a success without happy staff and happy customers – and that this should be maintained as an ongoing goal of the business.

Background and History



XXXXXX is owned by XXXXXX



Toilets are located XXXXXX


There is parking XXXXXX

Job Descriptions


The Kitchenhand is responsible for the following tasks, but in gereral the main responsibilities of the kitchenhand are to wash dishes, clean and to assist the chef with general food preparation.

|Clean All Dishes |

|Keep Walls Clean |

|Keep Shelves Clean |

|Tidy Shelves |

|Prepare Food for Chef |

|Flatten Cardboard Boxes & Put beside Bin |

|Sweep Kitchen Floor |

|Clean Bin (Inside & Out) |

|Clean Outside of Dishwasher |

|Put Dishes & Cups away |

|Polish Cutlery |

|Polish Wine Glasses |

|Clean Steel Kitchen Area |

|Clean Windows (Spray & Wipe) |

|Sweep Floor |

|Keep Bin Area Tidy |

|Clear Tables (if busy) |


The Chef is required:

|To prepare all food ordered at XXXXXX, with the exception of pre-made XXXXXX |

|To prepare adequate stocks to enable food preparation |

|To advise supervisor of quantities required for stock ordering |

|To keep all kitchen areas clean |

|To supervise and provide tasks for Kitchenhand |

|To provide advice on menu development |

|To provide advice on kitchen costs and suppliers |


The main tasks of the waitperson are to serve customers, but the waitperson will also be required to use the cash register, re-stock items and, on occasion, wash dishes, clean the café and other tasks in general (as requested by the Supervisor).

The following are also tasks required of the waitperson:

|Check that Tables are all wiped & Clean |

|Check that all outside tables have Ashtrays |

|Straighten tables up |

|Check that no tables are wobbly |

|Top Up Salt & Pepper Shakers |

|Polish Cutlery |

|Polish Mineral Water Glasses |

|Top Up Pepper Grinders |

|Clean Fridge Doors |

|Clean shelves |

|Clean marks off of windows |

|Check Floor for Sugar Sachets / Rubbish |

|Top Up Chocolate Sprinkle Tub |

|Top Up Sugar Sachets Bowl |

|Top Up Straws |

|Fold Small Cake Napkins |

|Fold Take away trays |

|Top Up Soft Drinks |

|Top Up Mineral Water |

|Chop Strawberries |

|Chop Lemons |


The supervisor must be competent in all areas of café operation prior to being promoted to the position. The Supervisor’s main responsibilities are to oversee the smooth running of the café, to open & close the café, and to cash up.

Prior to being promoted to Supervisor, the staff member must have gained competance in the following areas

|Task |

| |

|Table Waiting |

|Coffee Making |

|Grinder Adjustment |

|3pm Closedown Procedure |

|Daily Stockup |

|Cold Drinks Making |

|Table Setup |

|Kitchenhand tasks |

|Opening Procedure |

|Closing Procedure |

|Cash Register |

|Cleaning Products |

|Storage Areas |

|Stock Ordering |

|Disaster Recovery |

Supervisors are empowered to make decisions, but must be aware that they will be held accountable for any café property lost or unnecessarily used by themselves or the staff they are supervising at the time.

Repeated examples may lead to the removal of the supervisor status of the employee concerned.


The Barista is responsible for the provision of all drinks, as well as cleaning and re-stocking of all items within the bar area. The Barista must have excellent coffee making ability in terms of both speed and quality of coffee. The Barista will also be required to gain basic waiting skills and knowledge of the floor operations.

Barista Tasks

|Coffee Making |

|Cold Drinks Making |

|Cleaning of Coffee Machine |

|Polish Mineral Water Glasses |

|Clean Fridge Doors |

|Clean shelves |

|Top Up Chocolate Sprinkle Tub |

|Make Chocolate Mix |

|Top Up Sugar Sachets Bowl |

|Top Up Straws |

|Fold Take away trays |

|Top Up Soft Drinks |

|Stock Up Coffee Cups / Lids |

|Chop Strawberries |

|Chop Lemons |

Staff Rules

Shifts – Kitchenhand

Kitchenhands are rostered from XXXXXX each day and from XXXXXX in the evenings. A half hour break and food is provided during the day. A half hour break is provided during the evening shift.

Shifts – Floor Staff

You will be sent an SMS or given a phone call on XXXXXX in relation to your shifts for the week. You must confirm your shifts the same day either by telephone, SMS or e-mail.

You will be given a half hour break and a meal (but only if you work 5 hours or more consecutively).

If the café is too quiet, you may be sent home earlier than scheduled. However, you will not be sent home having worked less than 3 hours.

When all shifts have been confiirmed, the rota will be sent to all staff via e-mail.

The café’s opening hours are as follows:

Friday – XXXXXX

Saturday - XXXXXX

Sunday - XXXXXX


First impressions are lasting impressions. You are the first impression of XXXXXX, consequently your appearance must be neat at all times.

All clothing must be clean, tidy and ironed

Only Black is permitted (top & trousers or skirt)

Use common sense – do not wear inappropriate clothing for the job you have to do

Your Apron is your responsibility. It must be kept clean and ironed for each shift.

No Jeans

No Shorts

We don't want to take away your personality so we ask that you use your common sense in keeping your uniform presentable and the amount of jewellery you wear.

You must wear Black, Non slip shoes.

No Runners


Keep the place looking like it is clean and hygienic enough to serve great fresh food.

This is achieved by following these simple guidelines:

1. Clean-shaven or well-kept facial hair

1. Hair must be clean and brushed. Shoulder length hair must be tied back.

1. Clear or natural nail polish only, nails to be trimmed and clean. No false nails please.

1. Light make up only.

1. A mild deodorant must be used

1. No strong perfumes

2. No visible facial piercings (except ears!)


1. Employees are expected to notify the supervisor if they have a contagious disease.

1. Employees may not work with an acute respiratory infection or an open infected wound, or boil in an area that is likely to contaminate food.

1. Employees should wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water before starting work, and as often as necessary to keep clean ( i.e. After smoking, eating, using the toilet, sneezing, coughing or handling money)

1. Employees should not touch their hair, face or mouth during service. If you do, you must wash your hands immediately

Tip Policy

Tips are a reward for a pleasurable dining experience. Ensure each customer receives his or her change promptly.

The tips will be divided at the end of the shift between the floor staff equally. If one staff member leaves earlier then the tips will be divided at that point with the leaving staff member taking away their share. The remaining tips will be put back into the bowl for calculation at the end of the shift.

$2 is placed in the bowl each day – this money belongs to XXXXXX – do not take it home with you! There should always be $2 left in the bowl at the end of each day.

Tips at XXXXXX are a reward for your exemplary service. The better you perform and the happier you keep the customers the greater your reward will be.

When tips are counted they will be confirmed by the supervisor and exchanged for notes (by the supervisor only). Under no circumstances must an employee remove money from the till in exchange for tip money.

Staff Meals

Staff meals are only provided on a designated break and are limited to 1 per day.

Please do not order XXXXXX, time consuming or expensive items etc unless the chef has too many of these items.

When you wish to put in your order please ask the chef what he / she has available rather than ordering from the menu.

Do not ask for extra portions

You must work a shift of 5 hours or more to receive a break and food

Do not to eat meals next to customers

Staff Drinks

Staff Drinks are limited to one soft drink per shift

Do not drink any drinks that we have low stock of

No Bottled soft drinks

You may also have two coffees per day

Do not drink in sight of the customer


If you sustain an injury at work please notify a supervisor immediately. All injuries must be reported immediately, so they can be noted in the supervisors diary and signed by the supervisor and yourself. The cafe can not take any responsibility for any injuries not promptly reported.


You may only smoke on your designated break

Smoking is not permitted within the cafe or directly outside the cafe


Get a real watch. Buy a good reliable, noisy alarm clock! Your job depends on it!

If you are going to be late please call

You are required to be at work 5 minutes before your shift commences. This is your time to prepare yourself to be ready to serve customers (Apron, docket pads, pens, etc)

Toilet Breaks

When you need to take a toilet break, please ensure that you inform the supervisor


As we are a team all working together, all members of staff are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times, and to respect the rights of other team members.

Do not run at any time

Do not use loud or abusive language

Always be friendly with customers when in conversation treat them as if they were guests in your own home.

Do not hide behind the bar!!!



Floor Service

Only the Manager & Barista are allowed behind the Bar Area. On Weekends, only the manager is to use the till unless you are requested to do so.

On weekends staff are not allowed to stand at the bar area and talk. If you wish to talk, do so with a customer!

During “quiet periods” One staff member may remain at the bar to watch the inside floor. This staff member must face the customers at all times. The other staff member must stand in the entrance area to greet customers and to service the outside area.


Payday will be on XXXXXX

You will be e-mailed a timesheet

If you do not have e-mail, please request a print out of your timesheets (if required)


Please sound enthusiastic when answering the phone, and be as helpful as possible with customers.

We would like you to answer the phone, "Good Afternoon, Evening, XXXXXX, XXXXX speaking"

Staff may not take personal phone calls during service times unless an urgent situation arises.

Please use your commonsense we do not want to become phone police so use the phone only when it is really important and remember it is a business phone.

Mobile Phones

Mobile Phones must be switched off and put away whilst you are at work.

You may only use your mobile phone whilst on a designated break.

Sick Policy

If you are going to be off sick, please call the day before

It is not acceptable to call on the day of your shift


Please try to give two weeks notice of any weekday holidays, events etc so that we can plan the rota accordingly.



|Name | |

|Position | |

|Address | |

|Home Telephone | |

|Mobile | |

|E-Mail | |

|Date of Birth | |

|Next of Kin | |

|Next of Kin Contact Tel | |

|Superannuation Fund Name | |

|Superannuation Fund Number | |

|Details of Workers Compensation Claims (if Any) | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Bank Details | |

|BSB | |

|Account Number | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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