Purpose and Application

1. To establish a process for monitoring and measuring the key characteristics of the university that can have a significant impact on the environment. This procedure applies to the monitoring and measuring of:

A. A. relevant operational controls B. performance to established objectives and target C. future objective and target data D. compliance with relevant environmental legislation and regulation

Definitions and Scope

1. It is the university's policy to monitor and measure key characteristics that can have a significant impact on the environment and to meet goals and objectives of the Environmental Management System (EMS).

Roles and Responsibility

1. Responsibility is defined in the Monitoring and Measuring Matrix and supporting documents

2. Department using monitoring and measuring equipment will ensure that all equipment is calibrated at prescribed intervals and will keep records of calibration


1. Monitoring and measuring of legal and other requirements will be carried out as defined in the Monitoring and Measuring Matrix

2. Equipment used to perform these activities will be calibrated at defined frequencies and records maintained by the department

3. Auburn University departments shall routinely monitor their areas for compliance to environmental regulations and to university policies. Departments may use compliance tools, provided by RMS, and/or work directly with RMS if they need assistance.

4. EHS shall, at an interval outlined on the RMS Compliance Inspection Schedule, assist the departments with environmental compliance during routine inspections of the campus.

5. If a department identifies a non-compliance, they may correct the noncompliance themselves, or contact RMS for assistance. If the non-compliance cannot be easily corrected, the department may request a corrective action using the Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure.

6. If a non-compliance is identified by RMS during a routine inspection, RMS may work with the department to immediately correct the non-compliance. If a non-

compliance cannot be easily corrected, or the appropriate departmental personnel are not readily available, the Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure will be followed. 7. Regulatory reporting requirements are outlined on all applicable permits. 8. If a release above the regulatory reportable quantity (RQ) occurs, Auburn University shall contact the appropriate regulatory agency, as required. 9. Internal and external communication procedures pertaining to the above described process are outlined in the Communication Procedure and Corrective & Preventive Action Procedure

Objective Evidence


Monitoring and measuring records

Monitoring and measuring equipment calibration records

Location Applicable Departments

Applicable Departments

Retention Time

As specified on Monitoring & Measuring Matrix


As specified on Monitoring & Measuring Matrix

As specified on Monitoring & Measuring Matrix

As specified on Monitoring & Measuring Matrix


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