North Carolina 6 Point Lesson Plan - Boston University

North Carolina 6-Point Lesson Plan

|Subject: Literacy Block |Topic: The Glory Field |

| |July 1753 – March 1864 |

| | |

| |Escaping from Slavery |

|Teacher: D. Mills |Date: |

| | |

|NC Standard Course of Study Objective: |

| |

|Goal 1: The learner will use language to express individual perspctives through analysis of personal, social, cultural, and historical |

|issues. |

|1.02-Analyze expressive materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by: |

|monitoring comprehension for understanding of what is read, heard and/or viewed. |

|reviewing the characteristics of expressive works. |

|determining the importance of literary effects on the reader/viewer/listener. |

|making connections between works, self and related topics |

|drawing inferences. |

|1.04 Reflect on learning experiences by: |

|evaluating how personal perspectives are influenced by society, cultural differences, and historical issues. |

|appraising changes in self throughout the learning process. |

|evaluating personal circumstances and background that shape interaction with text. |

| |

|Goal 2:The learner will use and evaluate information from a variety or resources. |

| |

|2.01 Analyze and evaluate informational materials that are read, heard, and/or viewed by:• monitoring comprehension for understanding of |

|what is read, heard and/or viewed. |

|• recognizing the characteristics of informational materials. |

|• summarizing information. |

|• determining the importance and accuracy of information. |

|• making connections to related topics/information. |

|• drawing inferences and/or conclusions. |

|• generating questions. |

|• extending ideas. |

|2.02 Use multiple sources of print and non-print information to explore and create research products in both written and presentational |

|forms by:• determining purpose, audience, and context. |

|• understanding the focus. |

|• recognizing and/or choosing a relevant topic. |

|• Recognizing and/or selecting presentational format (e.g., video, essay, interactive technology) appropriate to audience. |

|• evaluating information for extraneous detail, inconsistencies, relevant facts, and organization. |

|• researching and organizing information to achieve purpose. |

|• using notes and/or memory aids to structure information. |

|• supporting ideas with examples, definitions, analogies, and direct references to primary and secondary sources. |

|• noting and/or citing sources used. |

|• recognizing the use of and/or employing graphics such as charts, diagrams, and graphs to enhance the communication of information |

| |

|Activity |Description of Activities and Setting |Materials and Time |

|I. Focus and Review (Establish |Students will view photo of Ellen Craft (without being told that she |KWL Chart |

|prior knowledge) |is female). |Photo of Ellen Craft |

| | | |

| |Students will create KWL chart of what they already know and want to | |

| |know about slavery. |10 mins |

|II. Statement (Inform student of|Students will make compare and contrast the experiences of the slaves |5 mins |

|objectives) |in Massachusetts and the slaves on Curry Plantation. | |

| | | |

| |Students will make predictions about the fate of Lem, Lizzy and | |

| |Joshua. | |

| | | |

| |Students will analyze the differences between the escapes taken by the| |

| |characters in the book and William and Ellen Craft. | |

| | | |

| |Students will discuss the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. | |

|III. Teacher Input (Present |Students will read Chapter 1 (July 1753) and Chapter 2 (March 1864) of|Multiple class periods |

|tasks, information, and guidance)|The Glory Field. (We will use a variety of strategies, including | |

| |partner reading, individual silent reading, and teacher-led reading). | |

| | | |

|IV. Guided Practice (Elicit |Students will read Belinda’s petition with a partner and view a |30 mins |

|performance, provide assessment |powerpoint on life at the Isaac Royall house. Using these items as | |

|and feedback) |well as what they have read, they will create a petition for a | |

| |character in The Glory Field (Muhammad, Moses, Saran, Lem, Lizzy, or | |

| |Joshua) | |

| | | |

| |Students will listen to excerpts from Running a Thousand Miles for | |

| |Freedom; | |

| |or, the Escape of William and Ellen Craft from Slavery: |15 mins |

| |Electronic Edition on Audacity. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Partner groups will research the Massachusetts 54th Regiment. | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |45 mins |

|V. Independent Practice -- |Students will add facts to Dipity () |10 mins |

|Seatwork and Homework (Retention |timeline about The Glory Field as we continue through book. | |

|and transfer) | | |

| |Students will create a double bubble map comparing and contrasting the| |

| |escapes of the book characters to that of William and Ellen Craft. | |

| | | |

| |Each partner group will create a glog about what they have learned |20 mins |

| |about the Massachusetts 54th () | |

| | | |

| |Create an “I AM” poem from the viewpoint of one of the historical | |

| |figures (real or fictional) that we have discussed. |30 mins |

| | | |

| | | |

| | | |

| | |HW |

|VI. Closure (Plan for |Students will create a wiki page about the first portion of the book. | |

|maintenance) | | |


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