Ashton Quadrangle - 44111a Montana Public Land ...

[Pages:1]Ashton Q uadrangle - 44111a Montana Public Land & Management Map


Cen ten n ia lMo un ta in sW S A





Custer Gallatin



National Forest

TIN County

Yellow s tone National Park










P ub lic O wn ershipo n thisMa p

US Fo rest S ervice US Depto f Agriculture

Na tio n a lP a rk S ervice


Ma n a gem en tArea so n thisMa p

BLM -W ildern ess S tudy Area US FS Na tio n a lFo rest

Scale 1:100,000

1in ch equa ls1.57m iles

0 0.5 1







K ilo m eters 0 0.5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Notice: This map is not intended as a legal depiction of public or

private land boundaries.


Montana Public Ownership and Management Types, not necessarily present on this map

US Burea u o f La n d Ma n a gem en t US Fish a n d W ildlife S ervice US Fo rest S ervice US Depto f Agriculture Na tio n a lP a rk S ervice US Arm y Co rps o fEn gin eers US Burea u o f R ecla m a tio n US Depto f Defen se

MTFish W ildlife &P a rks MTS ta te TrustLa n ds MTDepto f Co rrectio n s MTDepto f Tra n spo rta tio n MTDeptNa tura l R eso urces Mo n ta n a Un iversity S ystem O therS ta te o f Mo n ta n a

Lo ca lGo vern m en t

Co n serva tio n Ea sem en t Mo n ta n a Fish W ildlife &P a rks,S ta te P a rk Mo n ta n a Fish W ildlife &P a rks,W ildlife Ma n a gem en tArea Mo n ta n a S ta te Fo rest US FW S Fish Tech.Cen ter Na tio n a lFish H a tchery US FW S Na tio n a lW ildlife R efuge US FW S W ildlife Ma n a gem en tArea US FW S W ildern ess

BLM W ild & S cen ic R iver BLM W ildern ess Area BLM -W ildern ess S tudyArea US FS Na tio n a lFo rest US FS Na tura lArea US FS ,W ild a n d S cen ic R iver US FS W ildern ess


US GS ,NGA,NAS A,CGIAR ,NR o b in so n ,NCEAS ,NLS ,O S ,NMA,Geo da ta styrelsen a n d the GIS UserCo m m un ity 111?0'0"W

CAUTIO N!: ? No ta lllegen d item sm a y a ppea ro n thism a p. ? S o m e P ub lic La n d da ta typeswere sym b o lized to getherb y b ro a d go vern m en tca tego riesfo rdispla y o n thism a p. ? La n d m a n a gem en tfea turessho wn o n thism a pa re n o tin ten ded a sa lega ldepictio n o fpub lic o rpriva te surfa ce a n d o wn ershipb o un da riesa n d sho uld n o tb e used in pla ce o fa survey co n ducted b y a licen sed la n d surveyo r. ? P ub lic o wn ershipo fla n d do esn o tim ply pub lic a ccess.No ta llpub lic pa rcelso rro a dssho wn o n thism a pa re o pen to the pub lic.In quire lo ca lly to lea rn ifyo u ca n en tercerta in la n d pa rcelso rdrive o n certa in ro a d.Ask first! ? Ma pfea turessho wn ,in cludin g co n serva tio n ea sem en tsANDR O ADS ,do n o tim ply pub lic a ccessto a n y la n ds. MAP DIS CLAIMER : The Mo n ta n a S ta te Lib ra ry Geo gra phic In fo rm a tio n S ervicespro videsthispro duct/service fo rin fo rm a tio n a lpurpo seso n ly. The Lib ra ry did n o tpro duce itfo r,n o risitsuita b le fo rlega l,en gin eerin g,o rsurveyin g purpo ses.Co n sum erso fthis in fo rm a tio n sho uld review o rco n sultthe prim a ry da ta a n d in fo rm a tio n so urcesto a scerta in the via b ility o fthe in fo rm a tio n fo rtheirpurpo ses.The Lib ra ry pro videsthese da ta in go o d fa ith b utdo esn o trepresen to rwa rra n titsa ccura cy,a dequa cy, o rco m pleten ess.In n o even tsha llthe Lib ra ry b e lia b le fo ra n y in co rrectresultso ra n a lysis;a n y direct,in direct,specia l,o r co n sequen tia lda m a gesto a n y pa rty;o ra n y lo stpro fitsa risin g o uto fo rin co n n ectio n with the use o rthe in a b ility to use the da ta o rthe servicespro vided.The Lib ra ry m a kesthese da ta a n d servicesa va ila b le a sa co n ven ien ce to the pub lic,a n d fo r n o o therpurpo se.The Lib ra ry reservesthe rightto cha n ge o rrevise pub lished da ta a n d/o rservicesa ta n y tim e. Fo rquestio n sa b o utthe da ta displa yed here o rto repo rterro rs,plea se co n ta ctthe Mo n ta n a S ta te Lib ra ry a t: 406-444-5354o rgeo in fo @m t.go v.

Mo n ta n a P ub lic La n d Ma pS eriesIn dex

48116b 48115b 48114b 48113b 48112b 48111b 48110b 48109b 48108b 48107b 48106b 48105b 48104b 48116a 48115a 48114a 48113a 48112a 48111a 48110a 48109a 48108a 48107a 48106a 48105a 48104a 47116b 47115b 47114b 47113b 47112b 47111b 47110b 47109b 47108b 47107b 47106b 47105b 47104b

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44113b 44112b 44111b

44113a 44112a 44111a

S O UR CEINFO R MATIO N: P ub lic La n d da ta :Mo n ta n a S ta te Lib ra ry La n d Ma n a gem en tda ta :Mo n ta n a S ta te Lib ra ry,U.S .Fo restS ervice,U.S .Fish a n d W ildlife S ervice,Burea u o fLa n d Ma n a gem en t,Mo n ta n a Fish,W ildlife &P a rks Ba se m a pda ta :Mo n ta n a S pa tia lDa ta In fra structure (MS DI),in cludin g Tra n spo rta tio n ,Eleva tio n ,H ydro gra phy,P ub lic La n d S urvey S ystem ,Adm in istra tive Bo un da ries, Geo gra phic Na m es,a n d Ca da stra lda ta sets

Da te:8/26/2016

V isitthe Geo gra phic In fo rm a tio n P ro gra m web site a t: in fo .m sl.m t.go v/

Do cum en tNa m e:100K pub 2016 Autho r:Dua n e FLun d


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