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 After Conquering The Aztec’s After his victory over the Aztecs, Cortés faced challenges to his authority and position. He traveled to Honduras in 1524 to stop a rebellion against him in the area. Back in Mexico, Cortés found himself remove from power. He travelled to Spain to plead his case to the king, but he was not reappointed to his governorship. In 1540, Cortés retired to Spain. He spent much of his later years seeking recognition for his achievements and support from the Spanish royal court. Cortés died in Spain in 1547. Fun Fact:Hernan Cortés Monory Pizarro Altamirano died in Castillejia de la Cuesta, Spain, on Dec 2nd 1547. Although he was buried in the local church, for over 400 years the remains of the spanish conqueror wandered between Spain and Mexico, being buried and exhumed nine times.Why Cortés was successful conquering the AztecsCortés only had 508 men, yet he was able to conquer millions of Aztecs on their own land. One of the reasons for this was the diseases smallpox, measles, mumps, and typhus. This killed natives very fast because they had no immunity to the illnesses. Cortés also had help from natives because he was disgusted with the way they sacrificed humans as were the natives. Translators were also very important, mainly Marina who was a gift from the Tabascans after a short warring period. She knew tons of different languages from all of the local areas and was extremely helpful. The Aztecs thought that Cortes was their god Quetzalcoatl, which made the people confused which gave Cortés time to act. Also, the Spaniards weapons were better than the natives because they had guns and armor.AccomplishmentsConquered the AztecsAttended University of Salamanca in Spain which was a well known and respected school at the time at age 14 and received the best education of the time.Conquered Tenochtitlán.Created mines and farms for more exports.Discovers Peninsula of California. Was govenor of Mexico after the Aztecs were conquered.Hernán Cortés and the AztecsBy: Tatum, Jaden, Sydney, and Claire 3143250Early LifeHernándo Cortés Pizarro, more commonly known as Hernán Cortés, was born in 1485 in the Kingdom of Castile, in the city of Medellín. He was born to an upper class family, and was a somewhat sickly child. When he was fourteen, his parents sent him off to the University of Salamanca to study law. Hernán though very smart did not enjoy school. After two years (at which he was failing his course) he returned home, but was not satisfied there either. Stories began to spread about a mysterious place called the “New World”, Hernán wanted to be a part of it. After a long period of not doing much, he decided to become a soldier, and joined an expedition to the New World, but he never made it on board. The reason for this, is he was involved with a local girl, and one night he was climbing to get to her apartment, and the wall gave way, he broke many bones and was stuck in bed for many months. This tragedy might have been the best thing to happen, for if he could have went on that ship, he might not would have been one of the greatest explorers of all time. -4762444958001114425657225 Hernan Lands in Mexico In 1518, Cortés’ expedition to Mexico began. Spanish conquistador, Diego Velásquez tried to cancel this trip, but Hernán Cortés set sail with 500 men and 11 ships anyway. Almost a year later in February 1519, he reached the Mexican coast at Yucatan. Cortés Overpowers Natives 409575133350Cortés overpowered natives’ territory right away in Tabasco. There, the natives gave them food, supplies, and 20 women. One of these women was an interpreter named Malintzin that became Cortés’ mistress, giving birth to his son named Martin.6477001095375Cortés Prepares To Conquer Aztecs -38099752475A few months after being in Tabasco, he set sail for the west, finding Veracruz. He disciplined his men and trained them to be like soldiers. Cortés Conquers the AztecsHernán found out that the Aztecs are a key source in Mexico. Because of this, Hernán sets out to rule them. On his way to dictate, he find the Tlaxcalans, enemies of the Aztecs. These natives became allies to Cortés and his men when Cortés blockades Tenochtitlán militarily. Cortés acted friendly to the Aztecs, as their leader, Montezuma ll meets the conquistador. While Cortés took Montezuma hostage, the Spanish soldiers and the Tlaxcalans sacked Tenochtitlán. Cortés started to ruled through Montezuma. A spanish force from Cuba, eventually arrived on the Mexican coast led by Diego Velásquez himself. Cortés went to these men and conquered them. But, when they got back to the Aztecs, The had a full rebellion. Luckily for Cortés, a man from Cuba brought the smallpox to one of Cortés’ men. The disease was spread like wildfire to the Aztecs and the city fell. 10763253114675 ................

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