Tallassee High School - PC\|MAC

Tallassee High School

| |[pic] |

|Bands | |

|and | |

|Auxiliary | |

|Handbook | |

2018-2019 Passion





Robert Glasscock, Director of Bands

Follow the band on Facebook @prideoftallassee

on Twitter @prideotallassee

on Instagram @prideoftallassee




Table of Contents

Important Phone Numbers……………………………………………………..………Inside Cover


PRIDE ……………………………………………………………………………………….…….4

How to Demonstrate PRIDE……………………………………………………………….………4

Academic Eligibility……………………………………………………………………….………5

Overview of Expectations……………………………………………………………….…………5

Basic Rules…………………………………………………………………………………………5

Grading Policy……………………………………………………………………………………..5

Point System for Winds/Percussion…………………………………………………………….….6

Individual Activities……………………………………………………….……………………….7

Band Camps………………………………………………………………………………………..7

Band Organizations…………………………………………………………………………….......8

Student Officer Duties.……………………………………………………….……………………9

Rehearsal Procedures……………………………………………………………………………..10


Football Game Procedures…………………………………………………………………….….12

Travel/Signing Out Procedures…………………………………………………………………..13

Overnight Trips………………………………………………………….……………………….14



School Instruments………………………………………………………………………………..15

Instrument Maintenance…………………………………………………………………………..15

Expenses/Payment plan……………………………………………………………………….16-17

Majorette/Color Guard Rules…………………………………………………………………….17

Majorette/Color Guard Point System…………………………………………………………….18

Chaperone Guidelines…………………………………………………………………………….20



To make any organization successful, much planning and effort are required. This handbook was written for the members of the Tallassee High School Band and their families. Knowledge of its contents will provide each student with an understanding of how he/she may best contribute to the productivity and overall success of the program, resulting in the optimum individual and group experience.


Passion Excitement, Enthusiasm, Desire, Self-Motivation

Responsibility In regard to: Attendance Punctuality

Care of equipment Practicing

Use of the band facility


Paperwork – information/letters sent home

Integrity Demonstrating good conduct

Discipline Self-control, Concentration, Dedication, Commitment

Excellence Having the desire to excel in performance

How to Demonstrate PRIDE

➢ Put the Good of the group above your personal wants.

➢ Be the first, never the last, to rehearsals.

➢ Always have the needed and required rehearsal items.

➢ Wear appropriate rehearsal attire – proper shoes, shorts, etc.

➢ Demonstrate desire, spirit and enthusiasm for learning, working, and contributing.

➢ Be one of those students who is always “there”; a person who can be counted on.

➢ Prepare and master your part in advance – only your best is good enough.

➢ Refrain from making comments or carrying on a conversation during a rehearsal.

➢ Maintain silence and eye contact with Director or Instructor in charge.

➢ Use “High-Intensity Listening.” (Listen and Silent are spelled with the same letters.)

➢ Stop and listen immediately when cut-off is given or move is completed.

➢ Exhibit enthusiasm and patience for practice – understand the need for repetition.

➢ If you experience failure, analyze it, make a plan to improve and succeed next time.

➢ Turn work into fun. Enjoy rehearsing – hot, cold, or rainy.

➢ Try to learn something new and improve every day. Remember: “The Band will only be as good as my attitude and my contribution.”

➢ Do your best to make those around you look and sound better.

➢ Be humble in your success. Demonstrate class in all situations.

Academic Eligibility / Commitment to Band Program

Any student whose band points drop below 70 may be suspended from BAND ACTIVITIES. A student must be in attendance at school at least ½ day on the day of, or the last day of school before a performance. A student must take part in the last rehearsal before a performance in order to be eligible to perform.

Overview of Expectations

Each band member is expected to do at least the following:

• Attend all rehearsals and performances

• Be prepared for rehearsals and performances.

• Be on time for all classes, rehearsals, and performances.

• Keep instrument and equipment in performance condition.

• Understand the duties of the Officers, work with them and not against them.

• Practice regularly at home (30 minutes per day min.) and study privately if at all possible.

• Keep the band facility neat, clean, and free of litter.

• Keep up with and be responsible for music and equipment issued to him/her.

• Demonstrate “PRIDE.”

• Take part in fundraising activities.

Basic Rules

▪ Students must abide by the Tallassee City Schools Code of Conduct, Tallassee High School Rules, and the THS Band Handbook.

▪ A serious disciplinary infraction may result in subsequent suspension from the Band activities or removal from the program.

▪ Any instrument or equipment not belonging to or specifically assigned to you is strictly off limits. If it is not yours, DO NOT touch it.

▪ No gum, food or drink is allowed in the band facility.

▪ No gum is allowed at any performance or rehearsal, while in uniform.

▪ For security reasons, the band room is off limits to non-band students.

Grading Policy

The 9-week grade will be determined by the student’s point total. (See Point System)

A = 90+ points

B = 80-89 points

C = 70-79 points

D = 60-69 points

F = 59 or less points

Additional playing and/or written tests will be averaged in accordingly.

Point System for Winds/Percussion

Each student will start the grading period with 100 Points.

Bonus points will not carry over from one nine-week period to the next.

Points will be deducted as follows:

1. Failure to appear for a performance……………………………………………...……..30-

2. Missed performance (with prior notice given)……………………………………...…..10-

3. Missing a rehearsal……………………………………………………………………...10-

4. Not dressed for rehearsal………………………………………………………………....5-

5. No flip folder……………………………………………………………………………..5-

6. Not knowing music/routine/drill………………………………………………………....5-

7. Not having music or pencil for rehearsal………………………………………………....2-

8. No instrument/equipment for rehearsal………………………………………..…………5-

9. No instrument/equipment for performance……………………………….…………….15-

10. Instrument dirty, tarnished or poorly maintained……………………………….………..2-

11. Forgetting Band Hat…………………………………………………………….………..5-

12. No gloves for performance……………………………………………………….………2-

13. Improper under-uniform (Band Shirt, Black shorts)…………………….……………….5-

14. Wrong socks……………………………………………………………….……………..5-

15. Hair not up/wrong scrunchie or barrette…………………………….……………………2-

16. Fingernail polish (must be removed)……………………………….…………………….2-

17. Jewelry (must be removed)………………………………………………………………2-

18. Uniform worn improperly………………………………………….………………..2 to 5-

19. Dirty shoes………………………………………………………….…………………….2-

20. Tardy………………………………………………………………..………………5 to 15-

21. Gum, food or drink in band facility or stands.……………………………………………2-

22. Poor attitude/lack of effort…………………………………..……………………….2 to 5-

23. Handling equipment not belonging to or assigned to you………………….…………….2-

24. Leaving folder/instrument/equipment out of place………………………………………2-

25. Not playing in stands as directed…………………………………………………………2-

Students must submit request to Director for Bonus Points.

Bonus Points will be added as follows:

1. Attending a summer band camp………………………………………………………..10+

2. Private lessons (minimum of 5 per 9-weeks, submitted by the 9-weeks)……………...10+

3. Private lessons (submitted by the individual lesson)……………………………………2+

4. Audition for All-State Band……………………………………………………………..5+

5. Making and participating in All-State Band (includes audition points)………………..15+

6. Audition for Montgomery Youth Orchestra……………………………………………..5+

7. Making and participating in Montgomery Youth Orchestra…………………………...10+

8. Audition for Elmore All-County Band…………………………………………………..5+

Bonus Points Cont.

9. Making and participating in Elmore All-County Band (includes audition points)…….10+

10. Solo and Ensemble participation……………………………………………………...…5+

11. Superior rating (per event) at Solo and Ensemble…………………………………….....5+

12. Attending a musical performance/concert…………………………………………….....5+

13. Instrumental performance in public………………………………………………….…10+

14. Parent representation at Music Booster meeting………………………………….……..2+

15. Parent chaperoning………………………………………………………………………2+

16. Exceptional fundraising effort……………………………………………….……….varies

17. Outstanding effort noted by Director…………………………………...……………varies

18. Outstanding improvement noted by Director………………………………….……..varies

19. Miscellaneous (as approved by Director)……………………………………...……..varies

▪ Researching and submitting a written report on a music topic

▪ Service to the band

▪ Copying music

▪ Duplicating demo CD’s

▪ Filing Music

▪ Cleaning the band room

▪ Performing for public service

▪ Volunteering with our middle school band program (lessons, sectionals, etc.)

Note: If it is evident that a student has not done adequate preparation for above- mentioned auditions or Solo and Ensemble, the student will not be awarded all of the applicable bonus points.

Individual Activities

▪ Private lessons are strongly encouraged. The value of one-on-one instruction with a professional on a student’s instrument cannot be overstated. Private instruction is key to the advancement of individual skills and integral in achieving students’ highest potential.

▪ All-State Bands – Auditions are held in January. Students who qualify will travel to the Alabama All-State Clinic in Auburn in mid April. They will rehearse with top students from across the state and present a concert at the end of the clinic.

▪ All-County Band – This group is selected by audition. Students chosen will rehearse with top students from Elmore County and present a concert in the Winter.

▪ Solo and Ensemble – Held in April. Students may prepare a music selection by themselves or in a group and perform for a rating at Trinity Presbyterian in Montgomery.

Pride of Tallassee Band Camp

Band Camp will be held toward the end of the summer approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the start of school. Participation is mandatory. The dates for camp will be set in April (as soon as the school calendar is published) so that vacations and doctor appointments may be planned accordingly.

PRIDE Rookie Camp

PRIDE Rookie Camp will be held prior to Full Band Camp. Participation is required for Section Leaders and all students new to the Band Program.

Band Organizations

Marching Band – Tallassee High School “Pride of Tallassee”

▪ Personnel All students enrolled in Band

▪ Activities Summer Music Rehearsals

PRIDE Rookie Camp

Band Camp – pre-season marching

Football game performances and pep rallies

THS Homecoming Parade, Christmas Parade

Marching Contests

Public service performances

▪ Units of Winds – Brass and Woodwinds Majorettes

Membership Percussion Color Guard

▪ Rehearsal Schedule Regular class meetings

After-school rehearsals (Tuesday and Thursday 6-9pm)

(Days may change due to weather.)

Symphonic Band – Concert Band

Students are divided between two bands by grade level.

▪ Personnel Symphonic Band – First band

Plays more difficult music

Concert Band – Second band

Plays less difficult music

▪ Activities Concerts as scheduled

State Assessment

Graduation performance – both groups

Special events

▪ Rehearsal Schedule Regular class meeting

After-school rehearsals (as needed)

The principle is competing against yourself. It’s about self – improvement. About being better than you were the day before.

Student Officer Duties

Student officers are selected on the basis of the following criteria: Leadership, setting a positive example, dependability, punctuality, musical achievement (All-County, All-State, Solo and Ensemble, etc.), conduct record, points record, and PRIDE – Passion, Responsibility, Integrity, Discipline, and Excellence. The officers assist the director in the duty areas designated below:

NOTE: All officers must set the example!

➢ Exhibit PRIDE.

➢ Maintain a positive , responsible attitude.

➢ Arrive at least 15 minutes early to all performances.

➢ Attend the scheduled officer meetings.

➢ Avoid school disciplinary action.

➢ Study privately, if possible.

Failure to meet any of the above requirements will result in a reprimand by the director. A reprimand will be called a “strike.” An officer receiving three strikes is subject to removal from the office.

Band Captain

▪ Supervise and assist other officers.

▪ Assist Director with rehearsal as needed.

▪ Monitor band room, instrument storage and band field.

▪ Assist Director with record-keeping:

absences, tardies, inspections and points

▪ Supervise sectionals.

▪ Check roll at each practice and performance.

▪ Attend Music Booster Meetings.

Drum Major

▪ Supervise and assist other officers.

▪ Assist Director with rehearsals as needed.

▪ Monitor band room, instrument storage and band field.

▪ Assist Director with record-keeping:

absences, tardies, inspections and points

▪ Conduct rehearsals when needed.

▪ Conduct all marching performances.

▪ Assist Director in teaching drill.

▪ Warm up band at practices.

▪ Attend Drum Major Camp

Section Leaders

▪ Be the role model in your section (playing, marching, attitude, etc.)

▪ Assist Band Captain in checking roll at each rehearsal and performance.

▪ Constantly monitor your section for following the rules of rehearsal (proper warm-up, posture, no talking, knowing music, no gum, etc.)

▪ Conduct inspection before performance and submit infractions to the Director.

Student Officer Duties (Continued)

Section Leaders Continued)

▪ Arrange and conduct sectionals in a mature and responsible manner.

▪ Make sure that your section follows all rules and procedures.

▪ Check instruments and equipment in/out as directed.

▪ Regularly conduct instrument accessory inspection (acceptable mouthpiece, at least 3 working reeds, pencil in folder, proper music, etc.)

▪ After each performance, check the band room for misplaced uniform parts, instruments, music, etc. Turn in a written report of points on/off to Director before you leave.

Rehearsal Procedures

Storage of school books

You may use the shelves outside the band room while you are in band/choir only. The music facility will not serve as your school locker. If you need it for another class, don’t leave it.

Use of the Instrument area

▪ If your instrument is not stored in this area, do not enter at all.

▪ If your instrument is stored in this area, use the following procedure:

▪ Enter

▪ Pick up your instrument in the case.

▪ Exit

▪ Enter the band room before you remove the instrument from its case.

▪ Store the empty case (during rehearsal) at your seat or as directed.

▪ At the conclusion of rehearsal, return instrument to its case before you leave the band room.

▪ Return to the instrument storage room and enter.

▪ Place your case in its proper location.

▪ Exit immediately.

Rehearsals in the Band Room

▪ Required equipment – instrument in good working order, no less than 3 working reeds, necessary mutes, music in order, pencil, etc.

▪ Before rehearsal begins, you way warm up individually (long tones on low notes and scales) until the director steps onto the podium. At that moment, all playing and talking will stop.

▪ Correct posture is essential to proper breathing and will be required at all times. Sit on the edge of your chair with shoulders relaxed and head held high. Percussionists must stand when playing.

▪ If you need to ask a question during rehearsal, raise your hand and wait to be recognized. Otherwise, there will be no talking during rehearsal.

Marching Rehearsals

➢ During football season, full marching rehearsals are scheduled on Tuesday and Thursday from 6-9pm. Mondays – for Drum Line.

➢ Check board for any specified music and equipment needed. “Dressing out” (wearing appropriate clothing and sneakers) is required.

➢ Go directly to the practice field. The band room will be locked 5 minutes before the start of rehearsal. Be early!

➢ The Drum Major and Band Captain have authority until the Director reaches the field.

➢ There will be no playing to and from the practice field except for percussion under supervision of their Section Leader.

➢ Marching band shoes or sneakers must be worn at all times. No sandals, flats, pumps, boots, etc. are allowed.

➢ Alertness is required – one should react immediately to all commands and instructions.

➢ Marching rehearsals will be most efficient if all members are diligent in correcting mistakes quickly and thinking ahead to the next move. Above all, take PRIDE in every minute of rehearsal so that we can take pride in our final product – the performance.

“The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.”

~ Joe Paterno


• All members are expected to attend every engagement in which the band participates. If you are unable to attend a performance, you must inform the Director in advance. Sickness or death in the family are usually the only legitimate excuses for missing a performance.

• No band member is permitted to leave the organization in advance of the group dismissal at any time unless excused by the Director prior to the performance.

• Regulations regarding rehearsals are also in effect during all public performances.

• For out-of-town engagements, the band travels as a unit. Each band member is personally responsible for all of his own equipment, whether school or personally owned. For all out-of-town engagements, no band member may travel home in a private car without consent of the Director.

• Band members must report specifically as directed, in order to prepare for the performance. (See Procedures)

• Information regarding each performance will be posted in advance in the band room. It is the responsibility of individual members to be informed of all notices and scheduled events.

Football Game Procedures

Home Games

1. If you play tuba, mallets, or percussion, report to the band room at designated time to load your equipment onto the truck to be taken to the stadium. Be prepared to unload your equipment upon arrival at the stadium. It will also be your responsibility to load and unload your equipment at the conclusion of the football game.

2. If you play any other instrument, upon arriving at the stadium, in full uniform, take your case and personal belongings to the band section and place them in your assigned seat.

3. Report to the football practice field, located behind the concession stand, on time for roll call, wearing your band uniform.

Away Games

1. Report to band room on time for roll call, wearing your band shirt and solid black shorts. Check with your Section Leader to show that you have all of your uniform parts (coat, pants, black socks, black shoes, black gloves and hat in the hat box) as soon as you arrive.

2. Take instruments out to the loading area and return to band room for instructions.

3. Uniforms in garment bag, as well as hats in boxes, will be taken on the bus. Black socks and black shoes may be placed into zippered compartment in the garment bag after inspection. You will dress when we arrive at the stadium.

4. When directed to, board the buses for roll call. When roll is complete, the Director will give the signal to depart THS.

5. Arrive at the stadium and wait for the signal to get off the buses.

6. Get large instruments, assemble them and return the closed, empty cases to be reloaded.

7. Put on uniforms, line up for inspection block, conduct inspection, and march (carrying small instruments in cases, towels and flip folders) into stands and deposit towels and flip folders at your assigned seats.

8. At the conclusion of the game, pack up your instrument and help load it onto the truck. The buses will be boarded, roll will be checked and the band will depart the stadium.

9. Upon arrival at THS, everyone will remain on the bus until the Band Director gives the final instructions.

10. Procedure for wrap-up:

• Unload your instrument and equipment and put it away in its proper location.

• Locate your pre-arranged transportation home.

• Officers may not leave until they are dismissed by the Band Director.

In the Stands

1. Rules to be observed in the stands:

• The band area is off limits to everyone except band members and chaperones.

• There will be no food or drink brought into the seating area except water or ice, including 3rd quarter break.

• Students will remain in their assigned seats during the entire time the band is in the seating area.

• All members are expected to play, and ALL playing will be directed.

• Cell phones are not to be used during the game.

2. When the signal is given, the band will stand and file row-by-row out of the seating area and down to the staging area to prepare for the performance.

3. At the conclusion of the performance, the band will file back into the seating area. Remain standing (in full uniform) until everyone is at his or her seat.

4. Once the band is seated, members will carefully position their instruments so that they are secure. Then the band will be dismissed to use the concession stands and restrooms during third quarter. This policy will continue only if the privilege is handled with maturity and band members can manage to be back in their assigned seat on time.

5. Concessions – Use your own judgment about what to eat or drink, but if an accident occurs, you will be charged for an extra uniform cleaning whether or not you are at fault.


• All members must travel with the band to performances.

• When traveling on school buses, each band member is responsible for placing instruments and equipment to be loaded on the equipment truck in the designated loading area. Smaller instruments (flute, clarinet, alto sax, trumpet) will be carried on the buses.

• When traveling on charter buses, place instrument and equipment next to your bus, or as directed. A loading crew, to be selected by director, will load the cargo bays. Flutes and clarinets will be carried on the bus.

• All students must ride the buses as assigned. The Director will ride Bus 1. Chaperones will be assigned to each bus.

• Standard rules of conduct for school buses are in effect for all trips.

• Upon arrival, everyone (including chaperones) will remain seated on the buses until the Band Director gives instructions.

• Courtesy must be maintained while in restaurants/malls. Speak quietly and clean up your area when finished.

Signing Out Procedure

All students must travel to and from band events on the band bus. Exceptions to this rule may be granted when a student’s parent or guardian signs the student out at the performance.

A parent or legal guardian must sign out the student, before he/she will be allowed to leave the game. The director (or designee) will have the sign out sheet during the fourth quarter or at the conclusion of the event. Please note that a boyfriend/girlfriend cannot sign out a student. If a student does not follow this procedure, and simply leaves a performance, he/she will be turned over to school administration, and will lose this privilege for the remainder of the football season.

Overnight Trips

• Room assignments will be made in advance.

• All school and band rules will be in effect, plus the following:

o No boys in girls’ rooms, and vice versa.

o Keep noise at a minimum.

o Do not leave the hotel grounds unless directed to do so by the Director.

o Never ride in a private automobile without specific permission from the Director.

o Curfew will be strictly observed.

• Any serious infraction of the rules will result in the offending student(s) being sent home. Other disciplinary action will follow.


Marching Band Uniform

• A uniform will be issued to each student upon receipt of the annual band fee. Students will be held responsible for the uniform issued to them. Replacement of a lost or damaged uniform could cost as much as $250.

• Personally supplied accessories will include the following:

o Black bibber pants (purchased during band camp)

Note: Wash pants in cold water to prevent fading.

o Black “Bando” Shoes (purchased during band camp)

o Solid black dress socks

o Solid black shorts – No spandex unless worn under other shorts

o Official Band Shirt (issued to each student at band camp)

o Black Gloves (purchased during band camp)

Note: These items are considered part of the uniform.

• Hats must be worn at the correct angle. Hair must be up under the hat.

• No jewelry (except wristwatches) allowed.

• No hair ornaments (except black scrunchies) allowed.

• No fingernail polish (except clear) allowed.

• When in public, the uniform is to be worn correctly and in its entirety.

No uniform is a uniform unless it is worn correctly.


Replacement of lost music is expensive and time-consuming. Each band member is responsible for the music issued to him/her. The following guidelines will be observed:

Marching Music

• No sharing – Each student will have his/her own folder.

• Each student is to put his/her name on the top right corner of each piece of music (print neatly). Flip folders must also be labeled.

• When not in use, the folder – with all music in it – will be kept in the case with the instrument or in the Instrument Storage Room, never left out in the Band Room.

• Replacement of music will cost 25 cents per page. Give money and requests to the Director.

Concert Music

• Many folders will be shared for performance and rehearsal. Each student will have his/her own copy of the music for practice. Names will be neatly printed in the upper right corner of each piece of music. Make appropriate marks neatly and in pencil.

• Replacement of concert music will cost 25 cents per page. Give money and requests to the Director.

School Instruments

Some school-owned instruments (inventory limited), including marching brass and many percussion instruments, are available for student use. In order to rent a school instrument, the student must check the instrument out with the Band Director in an agreement that allows the student to use the instrument for a fee of $25 per semester. The student is financially responsible for any damages or loss incurred during the rental period. The rental fee must be paid by anyone using school-owned instruments or equipment.

Instrument Maintenance

All instruments must receive regular maintenance. The basics are provided below. For more detailed information, please see the Band Director.



▪ Swab the bore after each playing session.

▪ Periodically oil the keys.

▪ Wipe the keys and body clean with a soft cotton cloth after playing.


▪ Periodically check the position of the tuning cork.

Clarinet and Saxes

▪ Rinse the mouthpiece with warm water and avoid mouthpiece brushes.

▪ Always have spare reeds. Rotate them so that you have at least three broken in at a time.

▪ Buy a reed guard and use it. It will pay for itself within a few weeks.

Brass Instruments


▪ Run lukewarm water through the instrument at least once a week and give it a bath at least once a month. Never use hot water.

▪ Wear cotton gloves while playing and wipe off all fingerprints after each use.

▪ Never use brass or other metal polish on brass lacquer finish (shiny gold) instruments. Use a clean cotton cloth and water to wipe instruments clean. On silver-plated instruments, use a non-abrasive silver polish such as International, Twinkle, or Wright’s.

▪ Use tuning slide grease on all tuning slides.

▪ Periodically check corks on water keys to make sure that they are sealing properly.

▪ Occasionally vacuum your case to keep sand and dirt from scratching the instrument finish.

Piston-Valve Instruments

▪ Use fresh valve oil as needed.

▪ Be sure fingers remain curved while playing so that the valve action is straight up and down. This will avoid uneven wear on the pistons.

▪ Check felts to make sure that they are not worn or compacted. Replace as needed.


▪ Use trombone slide cream such as Super-Slick or Trombontine and a spray bottle of water on slide. Do not use oil.

▪ If trombone has a rotary trigger, use rotary valve oil.

Rotary Valve Instruments

▪ Use rotary valve oil.


▪ Avoid damage to heads by using the proper sticks or beaters for each instrument.

▪ Become familiar with proper techniques of changing heads, tuning, and routine maintenance.

▪ Keep instrument clean and dry.


Band Fee Required for all members – Non-refundable


Helps pay for expenses for the “Pride of Tallassee” Marching Band

Band Shirt Required for every new wind and percussion member


We wear a matching “Heat Gear” Underarmour shirt under our uniforms. All students must have this shirt.

Instrument Rental Fee $25 per semester

This fee must be paid by anyone using a school instrument. The rental agreement allows the student to use the instrument, with stipulation that he/she is financially responsible for any damages or loss incurred during rental period.

Gloves Required for all wind players


Covers the cost of 3 pairs of white gloves.

Sticks and Mallets Required for all Percussion Players (Drums and Front Ensemble)

Students will be informed upon completing drum line auditions.

The following items are for all new members and those returning members who need a replacement item.

Uniform Pants $45.00

Shoes $30.00

Band Hat $45.00

Flip Folder $7.00 (holds the music for marching band)

Lyre for Saxes and Brass $8.00 (Attaches the folder to the instrument)

Flute Flip Folder $15.00 (This does not require a Lyre.)

Payment Procedure

▪ Make checks payable to Tallassee High School

▪ Put students name and purpose of check in the memo section of check.

▪ When paying with cash, put money in a sealed envelope. On the outside of envelope, write the amount, student name, and purpose of payment. Then deposit payment to lockbox outside of the Band Director’s Office.

▪ Meet deadlines below, or contact the Director for other arrangements.

Payment Schedule

1. Band Fee – Friday, May 25, 2018 – $50.00 By paying this, you are securing your spot in the halftime show.

2. Uniform Pants & Band Hat– Thursday, June 28, 2018 - $90.00 This payment can be mailed to the school C/O Robert Glasscock Tallassee High School, 502 Barnett Blvd.

3. All Remaining Fees – Friday, July 27, 2018 – Please refer to the list on the preceding page.

Majorette and Color Guard

Rules and Regulations

Also refer to the Point System for Winds/Percussion

Additional information is supplied in the following section.


The purposes of an Auxiliary group are to strive for performance excellence, promote school spirit, entertain the public, complement the Band, and practice good sportsmanship.


• Based on audition, grades, attitude and the ability to attend practices and performances.

• Attendance at Summer Rehearsals is required.

• Attendance at THS Marching Band Camp is required.


• Consistently demonstrate exemplary behavior. The reputation of the squads is of prime importance. Members are not to do anything that would hurt the teams.

• Show good sportsmanship.

• Be polite and treat all adults with respect.

• Maintain dignity and class at all times.


• Wear clothes that will allow you to move freely at practice.

• Practices will be held each Tuesday and Thursday.

• Additional practices will be scheduled by the appropriate Sponsors as needed.

• Any person missing practice will receive points off.

• Water coolers are required at all rehearsals.

Majorette and Color Guard Officer Duties


▪ Assist Sponsor or Director with rehearsals as needed.

▪ Know all routines and be able to teach them.

▪ Assume all officer duties.

▪ Assist Director with record-keeping:

Absences, tardies, inspections and points.

▪ Assist with choreography

▪ Motivate others.

▪ Communicate and work with the Band Section Leaders and Drum Major.

▪ Check roll.

▪ Conduct inspections.

▪ Make necessary phone calls.

▪ After each performance, check the band room/bleachers for misplaced uniform parts, instruments, music, etc. Written report of points on/off is to be turned in to the Director before you leave.

Co-Captain (Color Guard)

▪ Check roll at each rehearsal and performance. Turn in to Captain.

▪ Conduct inspection before performance and submit infractions to the Captain.

▪ After each performance, check the band room/bleachers for misplaced uniform parts, instruments, music, etc. Written report of points on/off is to be turned in to the Director before you leave.

▪ Make sure your section follows all rules and procedures.

▪ Make necessary phone calls to your squad.

▪ Be responsible for all equipment at practice.

▪ Check equipment in and out.

▪ Assist with loading/unloading equipment.


➢ “Fall in” in block formation at the specified time.

➢ Conduct Inspection as instructed.

➢ See points section below for infraction and points off for each.

Point System for Majorette and Color Guard

Also refer to the

Point system for Winds/Percussion

Points will be deducted as follows:

1. Inappropriate attire at practice………………………………………………………………10-

2. Not knowing routines…………………………………………………………………...5 to 10-

3. Not smiling (during routines)…………………………………………………………...5 to 10-

4. Poor Posture……………..……………………………………………………………...5 to 10-

5. Misplaced articles………………………………………………………………………5 to 10-

6. Inspection

• Missing pantyhose………………………………………………………………………..5-

• Hair not ready…………………………………………………………………………….5-

• Incorrect Jewelry…………………………………………………………………………5-

7. Lack of respect for Officer, Director, or any adult……………………………………….varies

8. Not following any stated rule……………………………………………………………..varies

9. Fraternizing with crowd at games………………………………………………………...varies

Points may be added for the following:

1. Parents chaperoning………………………………………………………………………..10+

2. Parent representation at Music Booster meeting……………………………………………5+

3. Taking equipment to and from practice area………………………………………………..5+

4. Attending certain activities……………………………………………………………….varies

5. Miscellaneous (with approval of Director)……………………………………………….varies

• Cleaning equipment area of storage building

• Sewing

• Cleaning band room

• Extra effort

Music Boosters (Parents)

By definition, the role of the booster organization is to “boost” the music program in a positive manner. The purpose of the Tallassee High School Music Boosters is to advance the best interests of the Tallassee High School Music Program by giving support as requested by the directors. All parents or guardians of students enrolled in the music program are members of the Music Boosters organization. Maintaining an active music program requires support and funding beyond that provided by the school system. The Music Boosters organization was formed to provide this support. Activities include the following:

✓ Purchase and maintenance of uniforms

✓ Provision of funds for the purchase and repair of instruments and equipment

✓ Provisions of funds for the purchase of music and supplies requested by director

✓ Furnishing chaperones/volunteers for band events

✓ Organization and implementation of fundraising activities

✓ Encouragement of new parent involvement

Chaperone Guidelines

The support and assistance of parent chaperones is necessary to the success of band activities. These selected parents of band students will act as “away-from-home parents” at band functions. Chaperones are expected to support the philosophy of the program as stated by the director. Chaperones will ride on the buses and stay with the band during the entire activity. Anyone who volunteers to be a chaperone accepts certain responsibilities and will be expected to carry out assigned duties. The Director will make rules and guidelines with the safety and welfare of the band members in mind.

Duties and Responsibilities

▪ Report on time. Bus and duty assignments will be made at this time.

▪ There will normally be two chaperones on each bus. At least one will remain on the bus so long as there is a student on the bus.

▪ Stop all conversation during roll call. One of the chaperones will check roll and report to the Director on Bus 1.

▪ See that all THS Band rules are followed. Basic rules appear in this handbook. The Director will provide more specific rules as needed.

▪ While the band is out of the stands (performing or break during third quarter) some chaperones will stay to watch the seating area, while others will help with equipment, and others will monitor student activities.

▪ There will be no food, drink, or gum in the band seating area except water.

▪ Individual permission for a student to leave the seating area may only be granted by the Director.

▪ The band will not leave the seating area until instructed to do so by the Director. Restrooms can be used during third quarter when the band is dismissed for break.

▪ After the band has left the seating area at the end of the game, check to be sure that all trash is picked up and put in garbage bags, and that no items have been left behind.

▪ When the students have left the buses at the conclusion of a trip, check to be sure that the bus is neat and clean, that all windows are up, and that no belongings have been left behind.

▪ If you have a problem with any student failing to follow directions or showing disrespect, see the Director immediately. The role of a chaperone is to guide and assist. The Band Director will handle all discipline problems.

▪ If a student becomes ill, see the Director!

2018-2019 Pride of Tallassee

Calendar of Events

|Date |Event |Time |Location |

|Fri – May 25 |Band Fee Due $50 | |Payment |

|Thurs – June 28 |Purchase Band Pants $45 & Band Hat $45 | |Payment |

|Thurs. during Summer |Music Rehearsals (Every Member) |Woodwinds |THS Band Room |

| |These will start on June 14th . |10:00 AM – 11:30 AM | |

| | |Brass and Percussion | |

| | |1:30 PM – 3:00 PM | |

|Mon –July 23 |Meeting for Officers and Section Leaders (Work on Field) |10:00 AM-12:00 PM |THS Band Room |

|July 24 – 25 |“PRIDE” Rookie Camp (All New Members, Officers and Section |8:00 AM – 12:00 PM |THS Band Practice Field |

| |Leaders) | | |

|Thu – July 26 |Marching Camp (All members) |8:00 AM – 12:00 PM |THS Band Practice Field |

|Fri – July 27 |Size for Uniforms |Seniors – 8:00 AM – 8:30 |THS Band Room |

| | |Juniors – 8:30 AM – 9:00 | |

| | |Sophomores – 9:00 AM – 10: 00 | |

| | |Freshmen – 10:00 AM– 12:00 | |

|Fri – July 27 |All Remaining Band Fees Due | |Payment |

|Mon – July30 – Aug 2 & Aug|Pride of Tallassee Band Camp |5:00 PM – 9:00 PM |THS Band Practice Field |

|6-7 |(All Members) Attendance is Mandatory | | |

|Aug. 9 |2017 – 2018 School Year Begins | | |

|Aug. 9 |After School Rehearsals begin: |6:00 PM – 9:00 PM |THS Band Practice Field |

| |Tuesday and Thursday | | |

|Fri – Aug 17 |Tiger Night |TBA |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Aug 24 |Catholic Football Game |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Aug 31 |Handley Football Game |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Sep 7 |Greenville Football Game |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Sep 14 |Carroll Football Game |TBA |Ozark, AL |

|Fri – Sep 21 |Early Co. Football Game |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Sep 28 |OPEN Week |N/A |N/A |

|Sat – Sep 29 |Marching Contest |TBA |TBA |

|Fri – Oct 5 |Valley Football Game Homecoming |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Fri – Oct 12 |Rehobeth Football Game |TBA |Rehobeth, AL |

|Sat – Oct 13 |Possible Marching Contest |TBA |TBA |

|Fri – Oct 19 |Charles Hen. Football Game Senior Night |5:45 PM – 10:00 PM |THS Football Stadium |

|Sat – Oct 20 |Possible Marching Contest |TBA |TBA |

|Fri – Oct 26 |Beauregard Football Game |TBA |Beauregard, AL |

|Fri – Nov 2 |Elmore Co. Football Game |TBA |Eclectic, AL |

|Fri – Nov 9 |First Round of Playoffs |TBA |TBA |

|Sat – Dec 1 |Tallassee Christmas Parade |9:00 AM |East Tallassee Church of Christ |

| | | | |

Contest Dates are subject to change. We will only attend 2 Marching Contests. Specific dates from the various contests have not been announced at time of calendar printing.

Check the Tallassee High School website for more information:

To be signed and returned:

We have read this handbook thoroughly, we understand it, and we agree to abide by its rules, policies, and regulations during the year. We realize that it is not all inclusive, and that some revisions may need to be made during the school year.

Please initial each section and sign at the bottom.

_____ I have read the section about signing out my student from football games and band events on page 13 of this handbook.

_____ I have read the grading policy and point system found on page 5 and 6 of this handbook.

_____ I understand that attendance at summer music rehearsals, PRIDE Rookie Camp and Band Camp are mandatory for participation in the Pride of Tallassee Marching Band.

For students under the age of 16:

_____ I understand that rehearsals will end at times stated, and I will receive notification of the band’s arrival back in Tallassee from away football games/contests and that as a parent of a child who is under the age of 16 and cannot drive I will be present to pick up my child. You will have 30 minutes upon the band’s arrival to pick up your child. First time the student is not picked up, you will receive a warning. The Second offense will result in your student not being able to participate in the Marching Band.

Student's signature_______________________________________________

Parent's signature ________________________________________________

Date: __________________________


If you have any questions about this handbook,

please call the Band Office.

Communication is the key to success.

283-3689 Music Department

283-2187 Tallassee High School

Mr. Glasscock

E-mail: robert.glasscock@

I am responsible for my behavior and the results of that behavior.

Life does not accept excuses.

I will not let my need to be accepted by others

keep me from doing what is right.

I am an integral part of the “Pride of Tallassee.”


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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