Pastoral Plan Development

-428625476250 SECONDARY SCHOOL PASTORAL PLANSchool Name: CARDINAL AMBROZIC CATHOLIC SECONDARY SCHOOLSchool Motto:“Jesus is Lord” and “We are God’s Hands”473392574295Mission Statement:Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School is a Catholic Cultural Proficient Learning Community focused on learning and results, providing all students the opportunity to make positive choices, succeed in their faith, hopes and aspirations in a safe, caring and inclusive environment, while discovering where they story fits in our Catholic tradition.Theme for the Year: “Catholic Education: Igniting Hope”Retreats: Identify the location of the retreat, groupings (class, or grade level), theme, facilitator, supervision (chaplaincy leader and/or staff)GRADE 9: All grade 9 retreats days are facilitated and led by our CORE team retreat leaders. ALl retreats will be invited by homerooms and 2 classes per date will attend the Croatian Franciscan Centre - Queen of Peace indoor and outdoor grounds in Norval. The theme of the retreat focuses on Transitions and New Beginnings, while realizing the importance of our own history and story in connection with others. Students will be invited to participate in liturgy, a series of cooperative and community building games and activities, an opportunity for students to share their personal stories and break-out sessions facilitated by our CORE Team. GRADE 10: These religion class retreats are held at The Sara Elizabeth Centre in Vaughan ON. The theme of the retreat focuses on Building Healthy Relationships and responding to our call to Sainthood. Topics covered include Creation, mental health and wellness, hearing the call of God in life (vocations), and actively responding to God’s call to Sainthood.GRADE 11:These religion retreats will be attended by two classes at a time. The theme of the retreat focuses on interfaith dialogue. It will involve a tour of various places of worship in connection to the religions studied in the Grade 11M Religion course. The day begins in the chapel with an introduction to the Catholic Church teaching on interfaith dialogue. Next, students have an opportunity to tour (with an available tour guide at each venue) the Gurdwara Dasmesh Darbar (Sikhism) in Brampton, the Bait ul Islam Mosque in Vaughan, the Solel Synagogue in Mississauga, and end the day with prayer at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church.GRADE 12: The grade 12 retreat will be a joint event with our Student Council and take place here at Cardinal Ambrozic. The theme of the retreat focuses on 'Social Justice' and the 'Dignity of all Persons' central to Catholic Social Teaching. It includes a keynote speaker and Graduation class Mass in the morning, followed by a communal BBQ on school grounds, and ends the day with activities on our field and school grounds. Students are tasked with a variety of responsibilities for the day, including lunch meal preparation, clean-up and recreational activities, preparing a school video of the graduating class, and also leading a number of games for their classmates. OTHER RETREATS:CORE Team Catholic Student Leadership (ARC)- identified grade 9 student leadersStudent CouncilA-Team Retreat for Students in the Planning for Independence Program (PIP)Retreat for Students in the Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Program (Organized by the Academic Resource Department in collaboration with Chaplaincy)Salesian Leadership RetreatsThe Fast and the Servious is a Day of Service and Overnight Retreat for approximately 130 students around the theme of social justiceActivities of a Religious Nature:Each school must identify activities of a religious nature with a substantial component of ritual and prayer (Eucharistic and Non-Eucharistic) Examples could include, but not limited to; school Masses, Sacrament of Reconciliation, Ash Wednesday, Holy Thursday, Devotions etc.Activities of a Religious Nature with a substantial component of ritual and prayerTuesday September 17, 2019Opening Mass (Gym)Friday October 11, 2019PA Day LiturgyTuesday December 3, 2019Sacrament of Reconciliation (on all 3 lunches)- ChapelTuesday, December 10, 2019Advent Mass (Gym)Wednesday February 26, 2020Ash Wednesday Liturgy (Gym)Tuesday March 3, 2020Sacrament of Reconciliation (on all 3 lunches)- ChapelTuesday March 24, 2020Lenten Mass (Gym)Thursday April 3- Friday April 4, 2020Fast & Servious Overnight FastThursday April 9, 2020 Holy Thursday/Week AssemblyTuesday, June 2, 2020Year End MassTuesday May 26, 2020Grad Mass and Grade 12 Retreat DayMonday, June 22, 2020Graduation CeremonyFriday, June 26, 2020Year End Staff MassOther Pastoral/Outreach Activities These activities could include but are limited to: Remembrance Day, Earth Day, Safe School Assemblies, Thanksgiving, Charity, social justice work, including Share Life etc.For any activity involving social justice outreach in the community (food banks, soup kitchens and so on), details must include size of the group, supervision – must have adequate coverage in every area of the facility, safety plan, route plan (if on an “inner city” walk), how often the activity happens (weekly, monthly, once a year)Pastoral ActivitiesThursday October 30, 20192SLGTBQ+ BNE Family of Schools ConferenceNovember 1, 8, 2019May 6,7, 2020 Canadian Food for Children (15-20 students, 1 staff member)Working in the warehouse to organize and package food and necessities to be distributed in containers throughout the worldMonday, October 7 - Thursday, October 11, 2019 Thanksgiving Food DriveThursday October 2019When Faith Meets Pedagogy Youth Conference(1 staff member, student delegation from each school)Monday November 11, 2019Remembrance Day LiturgyWednesday November 20- Friday November 22, 2019Salesian Leadership Retreat (Semester 1) to be held at St. Francis Centre, Mono. (8 students max., 1 staff member)Students are provided an opportunity to be part of a community of faith-filled students, supported by the DPCDSB and under the charism of St. John BoscoMonday December 2 – Friday, December 13, 2019Christmas Basket DriveWednesday March 4, 2020Ordinandi Luncheon (1staff member, 5-10 students)Students from Catholic high schools all over the Archdiocese of Toronto are invited to lunch and listening to the vocation stories of men that are being ordained to the priesthoodWednesday March 25- Friday March 27, 2020Salesian Leadership Retreat (Semester 2) to be held at St. Francis Centre, Mono. (8 students max., 1 staff member)Monday, March 30 - Friday, April 3, 2020ShareLife Week (will include an assembly that showcases the work of one of the ShareLife organizations)Friday April 3- Saturday April 4, 2020The Fast and the Servious (Day of Service and Overnight Retreat)Students will participate in a variety of service placements during the course of the day (incl. the Scott Mission, Good Shepherd Refuge, the Knight's Table, Villa Amica, Sara Elizabeth Centre, Regeneration Warehouse, and Street Missions)Each placement will have 10-20 students and 1 staff memberOvernight retreat is a annual 'fast' that includes activities of a social justice nature, participation in recreational and community building activities, and an evening massMonday, April 6 - Thursday, April 10, 2020Various Activities in Connection with Holy WeekWednesday April 15-17, 2020Salesian Leadership Retreat (Semester 2) to be held at St. Francis Centre, Mono. (8 students max., 1 staff member)Monday May 4- Friday May 8, 2020Various Activities in Connection to Catholic Education WeekThursday May 21, 2020Inter-faith ConferenceCatholic Education Week Sunday May 3- Friday May 8, 2020Highlight activities or events planned for the Week:- Introduction to Week and Each Respective Daily Theme through morning reflections- Opportunities for Guest Speakers- Cookie Drive-Thru (in thanksgiving to parents for supporting Catholic Education)Catholicity Across the School In collaboration with each department head, departmental activities and/or events that infuse Catholic teaching, faith formation, and Catholic culture into the curriculum and the classrooms are highlighted. The content within the CGE Faith Planner may be used to support this portion of the Pastoral Plan.Catholicity is integrated and permeated throughout the academic fabric and curriculum of Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School. Catholicity is evident in the works we teach, the prayers that begin each period of study, and the resources available to students and staff in order to facilitate classroom prayer and reflection.Classes from across the curriculum will be encouraged to invite the Chaplaincy Leader into the class to speak on any variety of subject topics as they relate to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Topics can include (but are not limited to) the following:Healthy Sexuality/Theology of the Body (Physical Education)Music in the Life of the Church (Arts)Prayer: What to Write, What to Say (English, Theology)Does Evolution Contradict the Bible?/How Miracles, Religion and Science Go Together (Science)Numbers and the Bible: The Significance of Certain Numbers in the Old and New Testament (Mathematics)Catholic Social Teaching incl. Preferential Option for the Poor: The Economics of the Gospel Message (Social, Science, Economics, Business)Department Departmental Activities and/or EventsAcademic ResourceIn the Cardinal Ambrozic Special Education Department, we strive to provide a safe and supportive Catholic learning environment where students are part of an inclusive community and are encouraged and challenged to meet their full potential with the support of compassionate and caring educators. They are also encouraged to “be God’s hands” and help out within their communities. Planning for Independence students and staff partake in daily visits to our school’s chapel. Students actively participate in various activities such as listening and singing spiritual songs. In addition, some of the students are part of our school’s choir and sing during school masses and liturgies led by our school staff. Students also participate in a Planning for Independence religion retreat organized and coordinated by the school’s chaplaincy leader and our Planning for Independence teachers. As part of their school programming, the Planning for Independence students create rosaries to distribute to the graduating class. As part of our ASD Diploma Support Program, students actively participate in our school’s Catholic culture. In addition, students attend a religion retreat coordinated by the school’s chaplaincy leader and Special Education staff. Students are engaged in religion classes on a yearly basis and they are supported by our Educational Resource Workers and Special Education teachers. The students in this program also spent time volunteering with the Salvation Army and are planning to volunteer with the Knight’s Table. Mathematics/BusinessCardinal Ambrozic’s Mathematics-Business Department is dedicated in integrating our Catholic Faith into the curriculum.Begin class with prayer/reflection, which serves to infuse our gospel values and discussion around personal and community wellnessUse language in class that serves to develop positivity, respect, care and inclusivity;Learning will incorporate the analysis of real-life data based on current social issues.? It is through mathematical reasoning of these issues, teachers will encourage students to develop attitudes and values founded on Catholic social teachings.? Students will also be encouraged to develop a social responsibility of current global issues while developing respectful and responsible use of technology.Data topics chosen for investigation centre around being a responsible consumerArtsThe 2019-20 school year will be another busy year for the Arts Department, but one that will be infused with the tradition of our faith and its practices:Visual Arts will be displaying the student’s work with dealing with the theme “We Are God’s Hands”. The Dance program will again be participating in Dance competitions, such as Dance for Cancer in Georgetown. Drama will be presenting a performance at Cardinal Café. The Choir will continue to be an integral part of all School Masses and Liturgies. The Band program will be performing for the community at various concerts.The entire Arts Department will culminate with a presentation at the Lenten Liturgy on Holy Thursday.To assist in the creating and painting of murals throughout the school and for departments. EnglishAs Catholic educators in the English Department we will focus on the development of faith, by integrating Catholic principles into our courses as we teach and develop lifelong learners and contributing members of society. The English Department will deliver a strong English program that integrates our catholic values and faith and to develop our students into Christian leaders in the school community and society. In our classroom, we will have symbols of our faith displayed, and practice daily prayer before each class. Teaching the English Curriculum allows for many opportunities our faith and Catholic teachings into be integrated into the program through the study of literature and writing tasks. Students will read and explore a variety of multicultural texts effectively and use the characters and stories they encounter to learn about the human condition and recognize that sin, human weakness, conflict, and forgiveness are a part of the faith journey. We will use our faith to guide lessons and help students explore material in creative ways that deal with many moral and ethical dilemmas. This allows students to use their faith to be reflective learners, to evaluate situations and to learn how to solve them when one’s faith is tested. Implementing Scripture into the classroom is something that is not only valuable for spiritual growth, but it is also integral in understanding much of Western literature. In studying these texts, teachers are given the opportunity to discuss humanity’s struggles and triumphs with faith and the rewards of living a life with Christ. In very realistic ways, students can see how the teachings of the Catholic Church can serve as a moral compass in the decisions they must make as teens and as adults later on in life. Teachers share with one another and with their students how recognizing Christian references in literature enriches the experience of reading the text; which allows teachers the opportunity to teach parts of Scripture to their students.The English Department will choose our material, novels, plays short stories with specific themes in mind that connect to our Catholic faith. Some of those themes include search for identity, sins, acceptance and forgiveness. This allows teachers to facilitate dialogue about themes related to our Catholic principles, which includes texts that deal with the theme of discrimination and isolation. This allows for great dialogue about faith to guide the questions that integrate their faith and their critical analysis skills. We will assign writing assignments that require students to use more than just their written skills but requires them to think and support their opinions using their values, morals, and faith to guide their responses. This activity is in accordance with curriculum reading and writing strands but also allows for the students to use their Catholic principles which play a role in their learning. In the English program books are the vehicle to connect students to their faith and examine the human condition teaching them to become compassionate and reflective to the marginalized and outcast of society. We will challenge them to become active Christian leaders and take action by encouraging service trips with the chaplaincy team to distribute food to the homeless and prepare food in shelters. This gives students the opportunity to take their learning off the page, out of the classroom and into reality where they can live their faith. Religion/TheologyThe religion/theology department is committed to being an example of how we can integrate our Catholic Faith in our curriculum, but also in our lives as a school community.(Grade 9/10 ASD) Focus on the teaching and tradition of the Catholic Church "The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the LORD's doing; it is marvelous in our eyes." Ps 118:22-23Having students in each grade develop liturgies in coordination with Chaplaincy to create a more collaborative and faith-filled environment Focus on using one's God given potential to explore contemporary social justice issues:? "Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep." Rom 12:15Focus on further integration of Catholic perspective into grade 11 courses as well as grade 12 philosophy;Enhance interdepartmental cooperation in areas of faith formation (ie. Collaboration with the Guidance Department on pairing leadership course with grade 11 religion course.)GuidanceThe Guidance Department of Cardinal Ambrozic Catholic Secondary School is committed to recognizing each student as a Child of God: created in the image and likeness of God. Our mandate is to support students in their self-discovery as a person of dignity who can choose to use their gifts and talents for the good of others and to love. We fulfill this goal by creating a welcoming, efficient, clear and safe environment that accommodates and celebrates the diversity present in our faith community. Our call to participate in a faith community modelled after the Holy Trinity inspires us to seek out the most vulnerable amongst us and treat them with respect and dignity.We do this by:Taking a lead role in the transition process.From Grade 8 to Grade 9Transition meetingsSharing of information meetings with our elementary teachersSupporting the Get Ready ProgramFacilitate the Registration processParent information NightsEncourage and train students on “My Blueprint”From Grade 12 to post High SchoolUniversity and College information sessionsGrade 12 information sessions with regard to post High School opportunitiesMonitor Graduation requirements Remain updated on post-secondary requirementsIndividual counsellingFacilitating at risk students scheduling and programingIdentify and monitor students marks and attendanceNetwork with special services to support student with specific needs beyond the High SchoolIndividual counsellingSupporting Departments in their scheduling and programmingWorking with SAAC, Guidance creates the schedule to accommodate the needs and requirements of each DepartmentProvide a clear calendar of needs and expectations for the departments.Mark entry datesDates for students to change courses and programs (applied, academic and locally developed)Coordinate the preparation of Report CardsMonitor the submission of marksFacilitate the promotions meetingDevelop and implement the process for Report Card distributionCreate a welcoming and accommodating Office EnvironmentThe visual representations in the Guidance Office are reflective of our communityThere is a clear process for students to meet with their Guidance Counsellor.We are vigilant in providing fair and equitable processes for meetings, counselling, and course and program changes.We have created a flexible environment to efficiently respond to community and personal crisis. Canada and World Studies and ModernsThe Canada and World Studies and Moderns Department is dedicated to integrating our Catholic Faith into all facets of teaching and learning:The CWS and Moderns department courses lend themselves to discussions infused with Catholic social teaching.Student led reflections/prayers to begin class;Student led liturgies on topics directly related to the particular course (liturgy topics may include - Parenting - sacredness of human intimacy and sexuality; ?Geography & Environment Studies - stewardship of the environment; Challenge & Change and Law - poverty, discrimination, diversity, interdependence of the world's peoples and cultures);Every course has built into them specific Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations (to name only a few: ?thinking critically as an interdependent team member, respects rights, responsibilities and contributions of others, values and honours the important role of family in society, respects and understands the history, cultural heritage and pluralism of today's contemporary society, respects the environment, contributes to the common good, exercises the rights and responsibilities of Canadian citizenship, read, understands and uses written material effectively, and presents information and ideas clearly and honestly with sensitivity to others)A welcoming and inclusive environment for all students;In Geography and Environment class students actively involved in the school's Green Society teaching them of Catholic social teaching relating to the environment;Students coordinate the Remembrance Day liturgy in conjunction with Chaplaincy;Catholic teaching brought into all discussions but especially related to Canada's role and expectations in relation to Indigenous Rights and the HolocaustPhysical EducationImplementation of the 5210 program focusing on the 1 hour of daily activity in all nutrition units.Grocery shopping for nutritious food as a class for the Christmas baskets; CPT focused on community resources in fitness and development of Catholic values.Creating Catholic conditions for well-being, learning and leading.Teaching practices and lessons that demonstrate and encourage a positive sense of self and respect for the dignity and welfare of others.Using fair, equitable and transparent assessment practices, informed by our Christ-centred approach to professional judgement in order to create hope, engagement and growth for all to realize their full potential; Designing and implementing effective lessons that are Christ-centred, purposeful, engaging and inclusive that will reflect success for all.ScienceThe Science Department is dedicated to integrating our Catholic Faith into all facets of teaching and learning:Our department's biblical motto is and "God saw that it was good" from the Book of GenesisPrayer tables in each classroomBegin class with prayer/reflectionClass discussion on the various theories of evolution and the Big Bang Theory including how the Bible can play a role in our understanding as to the origins of the universe and humanityClass discussion on the bioethical implications of various topics including (but not limited to) stem cell research, reproductive technologies in biology classrooms (when appropriate)Class discussion on our role as environmental stewards throughout the entire curriculumProviding opportunities for students and staff to participate in activities that integrate Science curriculum with Catholic Social Teaching (for example - doing a old glasses drive for the Grade 10 Optic unit)Technological StudiesAs a department we focus on the ability of each student to create with their minds and build with their hands.We continue to provide support in many of our school events (audio and video support for school masses, or school productions which showcase our student’s abilities)Provide auto service to our community of staff and studentsBring awareness to the recycling of found materials to produce fashion pieces. Cook and provide food and support for school functions. Build beds for under privileged families in our community from woodProvide our challenged student opportunities to show their skills in all of our Technology labs. All of these opportunities tie together the importance of serving as a catholic community and the importance of pride in what we do. As teachers we lead by example and demonstrate these qualities each and every day. School Environment reflective of our Faith These religious icons, symbols and visible expressions of our Catholic identity are present in the school environment:The school's coat of arms is a true symbol of our distinct Catholic identity and includes the following features:Colours and Symbols of Aloysius Cardinal Ambrozic's Coat of Arms, which include the gold-winged lion (representing the Risen Lord) and the Gold CrossGold-Winged Lion is a symbol for the Gospel of Mark, the Gospel that Cardinal Ambrozic used for his doctoral thesisThe Riverhawk represents our relationship to the local environment, and are displayed proudly in our sporting teams and clubs, and uniformsThe Canadian Flag represents our pride to be citizens of Canada and our hope and aspirations for a future full of peace and respectThe Catholic Diploma represents the characteristics of the Dufferin-Peel graduateThe book is a symbol for knowledge and wisdomThe emblem of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and St. Patrick's Catholic Church represent our story in Dufferin-Peel and the local Catholic communityA large wooden representation of the school's coat of arms (which was constructed by Mario Bevilacqua) is displayed in front of the chapel as a representation of our unique identityGod's Hands Wall in the foyer (“We are God’s Hands – St. Teresa of Avila)Hands Prints on Canvas of Grade 9 Students since the inception of the school to show the continuous tradition of being God's Hands throughout our school's history Peace Garden at the front of the schoolMural painted in the cafeteria displaying the virtues, three crosses representing academics, school spirit, sports and our Catholic faith, and an image of the Riverhawk with the display of our Academic Motto of "Riverhawks Soaring to Success"The school chapel includes items that have been donated by the parish, including the tabernacle, a tapestry of the Annunciation, an icon of the Nativity, a statue depicting the Mother and Child, the Holy Water Font, and the consecrated mensa at the altar during the Consecration of the ChapelStained Glass (organized by our stain glassed club and led by Nick Bruzzese) in commemoration of each graduating class (since the inception of the school) to replace individual window panes on either side of the SanctuaryA box for student and staff prayer request in the ChapelWeekly Morning Mass on Tuesdays at 8 AM is celebrated in the school Chapel by Fr. Vito Marziliano, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church. Mass is attended by parishioners and school staff and students.A crucifix is present in each classroom, each with a unique design. These crosses were made by students during the first two years of the school form a single piece of wood from the cross used during the school blessing.Classrooms and other rooms such as the library and main office have a prayer table. Each prayer table also has two-sided linen (purple and green) with the school's motto embroidered on the cloth A chaplaincy bulletin board that displays information for students including upcoming events, social outreach opportunities, virtues education, information on mass and liturgies, etc. The bulletin board also includes a place where students can ask faith-related questions to either the chaplaincy leader or to our parish pastor.Collaborative School Culture These activities are organized by the School Catholic Community Culture and Caring Action Team:Student leadership follows a model of six branches extending from a central source, working collaboratively and cohesively, while maintaining a distinct mandate. The six branches of student leadership are: Student Council, Brampton Riverhawks Against Violence Everywhere (B.R.A.V.E.), the A-Team (a grade 11 leadership course focusing on student transitions), Sports Leadership, Ambrozic Riverhawks Chaplaincy (A.R.C.) and a group focusing on diversity, equity and inclusion. All events that take place within the school fall under the mandate of one of these student groups.A Staff committee centred on the six branches of student leadership called CASTLE (Cardinal Ambrozic Student Leadership Experience) that will meet throughout the year. This essentially is the School Catholic Community Culture and Caring Action Team at our school.An annual retreat will be offered to identified CASTLE members looking at Catholic Social Teaching and Social Justice Education. Parish Connections Planned and existing initiatives that maintain and enhance positive relationships with the local parish communities:Our school maintains a close and intimate connect with St. Patrick's Roman Catholic Church:The school chapel includes items that have been donated by the parish, including the tabernacle, a tapestry of the Annunciation, an icon of the Nativity, a statue depicting the Mother and Child, the Holy Water Font, and the consecrated mensa at the altar during the Consecration of the ChapelWeekly Mass on Tuesdays at 8am is celebrated in the school Chapel by Fr. Vito Marziliano, Pastor of St. Patrick’s Church. Mass is attended by parishioners and school staff and students.Sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated during Advent and LentSchool Masses are celebrated by Fr. Vito Marziliano, PastorStudents help to clean and make ready St. Patrick’s Church in preparation for special liturgical seasonsFr. Vito Marziliano oversees the erecting of the Nativity each AdventFr. Vito Marziliano visits the school on a weekly basis and is always available to support and care for our school communitySome of the money raised during various school events has and will be donated to the building of the new church for the St. Patrick's church communityA mutual support of events through the parish bulletin and our school's social media accountsChaplaincy, Salesians and a Proposed Youth Alpha program will work closely with St. Patrick's Church to help in the development and attendance of a Youth Ministry program at the churchParishioners of St. Patrick's have provided donations for our school's mission trips to the Dominican Republic and PeruThe Knights of Columbus from St. Patricks Church (as well as St. Anthony of Padua Church and St. Marguerite D'Youville Church) will donate the proceeds of their Pasta Dinner to help fund religious activities and mission trips in our schoolThe Knights of Columbus, Bishop Marocco Wildfield Council #10283 and Catholic Women's League of St. Patrick's Catholic Church sponsor community awards for deserving students during our annual graduation ceremony.LifeTeen sign up and registration days in support of youth group at the parishWorking in collaboration with Pastor and Youth Minister in developing and improving upon our Pastoral Plan and Liturgical CelebrationsWorking towards having the parish host our grade 10 religion retreatsChaplaincy Core Team Retreat Model (Catholic Leadership)These activities are organized by the Chaplain in conjunction with teachers and Catholic partners in the identification and formation of grade 9 student leaders: 1.? Formation retreat (September)- building a caring and compassionate community - sharing our story - review our school year- September 25-27, 2019- Grade 9 retreats, 2019-20 (CORE team retreat leader facilitation)2.? Education Series (October –December)- Catholic Social Teaching (October)- Facilitation Training (November)- Equity & Diversity Training (December)3.? Retreat planning and organization (February- April)- Grade 9 retreat, 2019-20 school year- Retreat Leader Formation- February and April4.? Identification of Leaders (May)- Grade 9 students - invitation to overnight retreat - distribution of application forms, letters to parents, CORE buttons, and pot luck socialStaff Faith Development Catechesis and faith formation among our staff:Mass is celebrated to begin the first staff gathering for the 2017-2018 academic yearThe Chaplaincy Leader in coordination with our two Adult Faith Ambassadors will invite staff to participate in all Family of Schools faith building eventsCreation and implementation of a monthly prayer groupCreation and facilitation of staff twilight retreats during the Seasons of Advent and Lent at St. Patrick’s parishStaff liturgies to mark the beginning of the school year, the end of Semester 1 and beginning of Semester 2, and the last day of schoolStaff Prayers for all meetings and social gatheringsStaff are invited to participate in creating or reading reflections over the PA during the morning exercises Staff will be invited to all liturgical events provided by the DPCDSBSpecial liturgies will be planned to address unexpected events as neededOur school staff will create a community that promotes well-being. Included in this is “Hearts and Flowers” which commemorates important moments for staff and students. In this way, the image of the Paschal candle is used to symbolize the connection to our faith in marking important moments like births, deaths, illness and marriage.Mass cards from the Society of the Little Flower are given to staff members (on behalf of the school community) who have experienced the death of a loved oneLooking to create Professional Development Day for all staff devoted to Catholic Leadership in TeachingTransitions Students supported in the area of Transitioning from Grade 8 to Grade 9, from Grade 12 to Post Secondary as well as from one grade to another:The A-team student leadership class maintains student led leadership regarding transitionsChaplaincy supports transitions, such as in the grade 9 retreat and as neededThe Chaplain working alongside the A Team throughout the school year and assisting with the formation of the student members, as well as providing an annual retreat for A Team members in preparation of the transition meetings and formation with grade 9 studentsVocations Vocations to religious life and pastoral ministries promoted through:Cardinal Ambrozic is very fortunate to have the strong presence of our Pastor from St. Patrick’s parish. Fr. Vito Marziliano is an example to our students of vocational lifeThe Chaplaincy Leader facilitates interactions between students expressing vocational interest and the parish pastor or related events (i.e. Ordinandi Lunch, etc.) and retreats promoted by the Archdiocese of Toronto through the Office of Vocations, the Office of Lay Ministry and the Office of Catholic YouthWorking with Regeneration- Catholic Missionaries from the Office of Catholic Youth in promoting a culture of vocationsPresentations and visits from the Office of Vocations, Director Fr. Chris Lemieux and Program Coordinator, Joe Di FonzoStudent participation in Salesian retreats also serves to promote religious life and lay pastoral ministries.Signature Page Rev. Fr. Vito MarzilianoPastor, St. Patrick's Roman Catholic ChurchAngelo MinardiChaplaincy LeaderGiorgio RacoDepartment Head of Theology and Catholic Board Improvement Learning Cycle Committee (Catholicity)Teresa AbbruscatoTeacher and Catholic Board Improvement Learning Cycle Committee (Catholicity)Sabrina BrownTeacher and Faith AmbassadorJohn D'IppolitoDepartment Head of Academic Resource Nadine DornfordDepartment Head of EnglishTeresa PachecoDepartment Head of GuidanceClaudio AttanasioDepartment Head of Mathematics and BusinessCatherine LindsayDepartment Head of Modern Languages and Social ScienceBrent ProsperoDepartment Head of Physical EducationJulie GrandoDepartment Head of ScienceMario Bevilacqua,Department Head of Technology, Arts and Cooperative EducationPaula KulasChair of Catholic School CouncilDiana SperanzaVice PrincipalVince AngaranActing Vice PrincipalJason BoilyPrincipalJodi KuranSuperintendent, Brampton North-East Family of Schools ................

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