Resolution re: Waiver of Reading in Full of the 2006 Budget:



May 4, 2009

8:00 p.m.


This meeting, in accordance with the Open Public Meetings Law, P. L. l975, C. 23l, was announced at the Reorganization Meeting held on January 5, 2009 in the Municipal Building. Notice of this meeting has been posted, and two newspapers, The Record and The Ridgewood News, have been notified.


Mayor LaPaglia was present. Council members Bader, Camella, Glaser, Hoffman, Howley, and Rosenblatt were present at roll call. Attorney Madaio, Administrator Sandve and Borough Clerk Sciara were also present.


All present recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor LaPaglia.


RESOLVED, that the Minutes of a Mayor and Council Meeting on April 20, 2009 copies of which have been received by all Councilpersons, are hereby approved as amended.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mr. Camella

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None


Ordinance 09-08

A. Clerk offers Proof of Publication.

B. Ordinance is read by title only:

Be it Resolved, that the Ordinance entitled

“An Ordinance to Fix the Compensations of Certain Officers and Employees of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey.”

C. Motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mrs. Howley, second by Mr. Camella and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Kevin O’Brien, 227 Pascack Road asked what officers and employees were affected by this Ordinance. Administrator Sandve stated all employee salaries were addressed in this Ordinance. Mr. O’Brien asked for clarification on the Clerk’s salary and wage line. Mr. O’Brien stated that due to these economics times, Mayor and Council could forego their salaries. Mr. O’Brien continued that the EMS and Fire Department donate their time. Mr. Rosenblatt stated that he suggested the Mayor and Council donate 10% of their salary back to the Borough. This suggestion was not accepted. Mr. Hoffman stated that the Mayor and Council did forego the 3.75% municipal raise this year.

Bernard Kettler, Glen Road commented that he would rather see the Mayor and Council have expense accounts than receive a salary.

Motion to close the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Glaser, second by Mr. Camella and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

D. Adoption.

Be it Resolved, that the Ordinance entitled

“An Ordinance to Fix the Compensations of Certain Officers and Employees of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen and State of New Jersey.”

introduced at a Regular Meeting of the Mayor and Council held on April 21, 2009 and published in the form presented to and read at this Meeting, shall be appended to the Minutes of this Meeting, and made part of this Resolution and shall be passed on second and final reading, and the Borough Clerk is authorized to advertise the same according to law.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Resolution Authorizing the Notice of Sale in the Borough of Woodcliff Lake in the County of Bergen, New Jersey $2,638,000 General Improvement Bonds (Book Entry Only) (Bank-Qualified) (Non-Callable_ (Parity Bid) (Sure-bid Surety Bond) dated June 1, 2009

A copy of this Resolution is attached to these minutes and will be made a permanent part of these minutes.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Resolution Authorizing the Waiver of Reading in Full of the 2009 Budget

WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-8 permits that the Budget as advertised may be read by its title providing that at least one week prior to the date of the hearing a complete copy of the approved budget shall

a) be posted in a public place where public notices are customarily posted, and

b) is made available to each person requesting the same during said week and during the public hearing, and

WHEREAS, the Borough of Woodcliff Lake has complied with the aforesaid requirements;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Borough is hereby permitted to waive the reading in full, of the Municipal Budget for the year ending December 31, 2009.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Resolution Authorizing Self Review of the 2009 Budget.

WHEREAS, N.J.S.A. 40A:4-78b has authorized the Local Finance Board to adopt rules that permit municipalities in sound fiscal condition to assume the responsibility, normally granted to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services, of conducting the annual budget examination, and,

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:30-7 was adopted by the Local Finance Board on February 11, 1997, and,

WHEREAS, pursuant to N.J.A.C. 5:30-7.2 through 7.5 the Borough of Woodcliff Lake has been declared eligible to participate in the program by the Division of Local Government Services, and the Chief Financial Officer has determined that the Borough meets the necessary conditions to participate in the program for the 2009 budget year,

SO NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Borough Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake that the 2009 annual budget be examined in accordance with N.J.A.C. 5:30 7.6a & b and based upon the Chief Financial Officer's certification. The governing body has found the budget has met the following requirements:

1. That with reference to the following items, the amounts have been calculated pursuant to law and appropriated as such in the budget.

a. Payment of interest and debt redemption charges.

b. Deferred charges and statutory expenditures.

c. Cash deficit of preceding year.

d. Reserve for uncollected taxes.

e. Other reserves and non-disbursement items.

f. Any inclusions of amounts required for school purposes.

2. That the provisions relating to limitation on increases of appropriations pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40A:4-45.2 and appropriations for exceptions to limits on appropriations found at 40A:4-45.3 et seq. are fully met. (Complies with the "CAP" law).

3. That the budget is in such form, arrangement, and content as required by the Local Budget Law and N.J.A.C. 5:30-4 and 5:30-5.

4. That pursuant to the Local Budget Law.

a. All estimates of revenue are reasonable, accurate and correctly stated

b. Items of appropriations are properly set forth.

c. In itemization, form, arrangement, and content the budget will permit the exercise of the comptroller function within the municipality.

5. The Budget and associated amendments have been introduced, publicly advertised, and adopted in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Local Budget Law, except that failure to meet the deadlines of N.J.S.A 40A:4-5 shall not prevent such certification

6. That all other applicable statutory requirements have been fulfilled.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this resolution will be forwarded to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services upon adoption.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Mayor LaPaglia introduced Harold Laufeld, III, Chief Financial Officer of the Borough and Paul Lerch of Lerch, Vinci, Higgins, Borough Auditor.

Administrator Sandve presented the 2009 Municipal Budget Presentation to the public. Administrator Sandve explained that the budget process begins in November of 2008. After department head requests are submitted, the preliminary budget is prepared by the Finance Committee for review.

Assessed Values of Property has seen a growth of 3.21 over 2008. This is the 3rd year in a row with growth in ratables over 3.0%, the largest increase in ratables in the past 10 years.

The 2009 General Budget Appropriates including Capital Improvements is $10,999,640, an increase of $92,021 from 2008 or 0.84%. State Aid has decreased 15.74% over the past two budget years due to the Governor’s continued cuts in aid to small municipalities. The top ten budget impact items are Police Department salary and wages, DPW salary and wages, all other borough departments’ salary and wages, debt service, employee health benefits, sewerage disposal costs, policy pension, utilities, solid waste disposal and public employee pension costs. This years’ budget as proposed has no increase in the Municipal Tax Rate for 2009 for the second consecutive year.

Administrator Sandve continued with a summary of Ratable Base from 2000-2009. There was a large increase in the ratable base in 2003 due to the Revaluation.

There is a $100,000 increase or 7.4% of the surplus utilized this year.

The Capital Improvement Fund will finance resurfacing of various streets, technology improvements, the purchase of equipment at the DPW, the purchase of an audio/visual system at the Tice Center, and upgrades to police department equipment. The total for the Capital Improvement Fund is $372,225.

Administrator Sandve broke down the total Woodcliff lake Property Tax Levy. Pascack Valley Regional High School District is $10,340,689 or 29.79%. The Woodcliff Lake Board of Education Tax Levy is $12,933,089 or 37.26%. The Woodcliff Lake School Budget was approved by the voters on April 21, 2009. There was no increase for 2009 in their budget. The Municipal Tax Levy is $7,538,747 or 21.72%. Bergen County Tax Levy is $2,899,528 or 11.23%.


Tax Levy/Total Assessed Value x 100 = Municipal Tax Rate

$7,538,747/$1,705,598,808 x 100 = $0.442 Municipal Tax Rate


Assessed Value/100 x Municipal Tax Rate = Municipal Tax

$624,000/100 x 0.442 = $2,758 Municipal Tax (21.72% of total tax bill)


Motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Rosenblatt, second by Mr. Glaser and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Josephine Higgins, 10 Pond Road stated that she was very surprised to hear that Mr. Glaser was taking quotes from vendors for a new audio system at the senior citizen center without notifying the Senior Board Officers. Mrs. Higgins stated that Andrew Murro took the time to spec out the project and quote a price for a new system. She stated that Mr. Glaser then took Mr. Murro’s specifications and asked other vendors to quote. Mr. Glaser stated that it is Borough policy to try to obtain more than one bid on any project when possible.

Andrew Mauro, Overlook Drive, stated that he did not wish to work on the solicitation of other bids for the audio system with Mr. Glaser, as he did not like the way the process was being handled.

Kevin O’Brien, 227 Pascack Road commented on several ideas to reduce Borough operating costs such as going on a four-day work week. Mr. Camella stated that cutting the work week would not save a significant amount of money. Mr. Rosenblatt stated that employees are not as productive on the 9th, 10th and 11th hour. Mr. O’Brien suggested purchasing 6 cylinder police cars rather than 8 cylinders. Mr. O’Brien questioned Mr. Glaser on the continuance of investigating the school equity funding formula in light of the decision against the dissolution of the River Dell Regional School system. He asked Mr. Glaser how much this investigation will ultimately cost the taxpayers. Mr. Glaser stated that the Board of Education and Mayor and Council of Montvale and Woodcliff Lake would have to discuss what step to take next.

Bernard Kettler, Glen Road congratulated the Mayor and Council for the 2009 Municipal Budget.

Hearing no further comments from the public, a motion to close this portion of the meeting was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Camella and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Adoption of the 2009 Municipal Budget.

BE IT RESOLVED, by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen that the 2009 Municipal Budget is hereby adopted and shall constitute an appropriation for the purposes stated of the sum therein set forth as appropriations and authorization of the amount of $7,538,747 to be raised by taxation for municipal purposes.


Introduce: Mr. Glaser

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley

Nays: Mr. Rosenblatt

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Mr. Rosenblatt explained his no vote. Mayor LaPaglia stated in the Borough newsletter that there were many ways the Borough could save tax dollars. Mr. Rosenblatt asked the Mayor to explain the cost saving measures three weeks ago. As of today’s meeting, he has not received an answer. Mr. Rosenblatt stated that when he realized the cost savings on the revaluation by receiving a second quote, he immediately shared this with the Mayor. Mr. Rosenblatt asked how he could get an answer from the Mayor in the future. Mr. Rosenblatt also stated that the surplus analysis given by Administrator Sandve is deceptive. We are using 81% of surplus, leaving only $339,553 the lowest amount since 2003. Mr. Rosenblatt stated that in this time of economic cuts, he was surprised that funding was added to the celebration line item for Park and Rec. The Mayor explained that the additional money in the Park and Rec budget is not for new programs but for the increase in providing the same concerts as 2008.

Motion to open the meeting to the public was made by Mr. Rosenblatt, second by Mr. Camella and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Mary Harwood, 227 Pascack Road asked if the owner of the construction company for the Powder Hill development went bankrupt. Mayor LaPaglia answered that he heard that the current owner had declared bankruptcy. Mrs. Harwood continued that the property is an eyesore. The dilapidated shed should be painted or removed. An old planting table is laying on her property. The grass is knee high and she feels these conditions are affecting property values. Mr. Rosenblatt asked Attorney Madaio to confirm the bankruptcy status of the current owner.

Kevin O’Brien, 227 Pasacack Road asked the Council if a demolition permit was issued to Powder Hill Developers. Mr. O’Brien asked the amount of funding for the train station renovation. Administrator Sandve stated that there are TEP funds available through economic stimulus grants. Mrs. Howley stated that a consultant company was hired in 2003 to prepare a renovation plan for the train station.

Mr. Mazawey, 19 Hunter Ridge stated that there is no entity affiliated with Scott Forbes, the current builder of the Powder Hill project that is in bankruptcy. Mr. Mazawey stated that bankruptcy has never been contemplated. He continued that Mr. Forbes has done an exemplary job of addressing all issues that have arisen with this project. All residents are concerned with aesthetics. The proposal Mr. Forbes originally submitted with the houses facing Ellis Court was supported by the Police Department, the DPW and emergency services. If this project was allowed to go forward without opposition from a few, there would be six beautiful houses on this site with no debris. Mr. Mazawey continued that there was never a moment when any member of the public was in any public health danger. There was no friable asbestos present that was a danger. Mr. Forbes will work with the town to create a harmonious conclusion to this issue.

Kevin O’Brien, 227 Pascack Road adamantly stated that her saw the red tape marked “asbestos” wrapped around the shed and on windowsills. Mr. O’Brien contended that this site remediation should have been taken care of in 14 days, not four years. Mr. Bader stated that he would speak to Mr. Saluzzi first thing in the morning on this issue.


Mr. Bader asked that the binding arbitration resolution on for the next meeting be worded more strongly.


Motion to accept the Consent Agenda as amended was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mrs. Howley.


Introduce: Mr. Bader

Second: Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Camella, Mr. Bader, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

Resolution to Authorize Entering into Executive Closed Session

WHEREAS, the Open Public Meetings Act, P.L. 1975, Chapter 231 permits the exclusion of the public from a meeting in certain circumstances; and

WHEREAS, the public body is of the opinion that such circumstances presently exist; and

WHEREAS, the Governing Body wishes to discuss: Property Acquisition/Legal Issues; and

WHEREAS, this session is anticipated to last approximately ½ hour; and

WHEREAS, these Minutes will be kept and once the matter involving the confidentiality of the aforementioned no longer requires that confidentiality, then the minutes can be made public.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the public be excluded from this portion of the meeting.


Introduce: Mr. Hoffman

Second; Mrs. Howley

Ayes: Mr. Bader, Mr. Camella, Mr. Glaser, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Howley,

Mr. Rosenblatt

Nays: None

Abstain: None

Absent: None

The public was advised that no action would be taken and the meeting would be adjourned once returned to open session.

Motion to return to open session was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Camella and approved unanimously by voice call vote.

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Bader, second by Mr. Glaser and approved unanimously by voice call vote. The time is 9:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Lori Sciara, RMC

Borough Clerk

Payroll. (Consent Agenda – 1)

RESOLVED, that the following Payroll Disbursements made by the

Treasurer since the last meeting are proper and hereby are ratified and


Payroll released $ 166,076.34


Authority to Pay Claims. (Consent Agenda - 2)

RESOLVED, that the following current claims against the Borough for

materials and services have been considered and are proper and hereby are

approved for payment:

Current Fund $ 4,752,164.05

Escrow/Trust $ 75.00

Animal Control Fund $ 250.20

Police Private Duty Fund $ 481.86

General Capital Fund $ 5,500.00

Resolution Authorizing Release of Escrow Balance (Consent Agenda – 3)

WHEREAS, A request has been made for the release of the escrow balance with respect to the following in the Borough of Woodcliff Lake:

Stein and Sons

12 Marz Drive

Road Opening Permit Release


Advance Realty

Escrow Release


WHEREAS, the Borough Construction Official has confirmed that all is satisfactory and has recommended that the escrow balance be released;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that in accordance with the recommendation of the above, the Mayor and Council does hereby authorize the release of the escrow balance in the amount of $3,384.10 in connection with the aforementioned.

Resolution Designating Representatives to Mediate on the Borough of Woodcliff Lake’s Behalf to Attempt to Mediate a Resolution of the Objections to the Housing Element and Fair Share Plan Filed

(Consent Agenda – 4)

WHEREAS, the Borough of Woodcliff Lake has petitioned the New Jersey Council on Affordable Housing (“COAH”) for substantive certification of its adopted Housing Element and Fair Share Plan; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:96-3.2 requires a 45 day period of public review of the petition and Housing Element and Fair Share Plan and all supporting documentation; and

WHEREAS, three objections to the Borough of Woodcliff Lake’s Housing Element and Fair Share Plan were filed, consistent with N.J.A.C. 5:96-4.1(a), as determined by COAH; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:96-9.1 requires that COAH meet with representatives of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake and the objectors and attempt to mediate a resolution of the objections; and

WHEREAS, the Borough of Woodcliff Lake is required by N.J.A.C. 5:96-8.2(d) 2 to adopt a resolution designating representatives on its behalf concerning such mediation.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following persons shall constitute the representatives from the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, Bergen County, State of New Jersey, and are authorized to act on its behalf and to attend, as deemed necessary and prudent, the mediations sessions to be conducted by COAH with regard to the objections filed to the objections filed to its Housing Element and Fair Share Plan:

1. Mayor T. LaPaglia

2. John Glaser

3. T. Thomas Van Dam

4. Donna Holmqvist

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the above named person are authorized to negotiate on behalf of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joseph LaPaglia and John Glaser are authorized to execute any written agreement reached during such mediation on behalf of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake ; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that at any mediation session the named representatives of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake that are present shall have full authority to act; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joseph LaPaglia and John Glaser are authorized to execute any written agreement reached during such mediation on behalf of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake subject to the full Council’s approval; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolutions be submitted to COAH promptly following adoption hereof.

Resolution Authorizing a Dedication by Rider - Accumulated Absences

(Consent Agenda – 5)

WHEREAS, permission is required of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for approval as a dedication by rider of certain revenues; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-39 provides that a municipality may dedicate certain revenues in any budget when the character of the revenue is not subject to reasonably accurate estimate in advance by including in said budget a statement dedicating such revenues to the purpose or purposes for which they are received; and

WHEREAS, N.J.A.C. 5:30-15 permits municipalities to receive amounts for costs incurred for Accumulated Absences:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen, New Jersey as follows:

1. The Governing Body does hereby request permission of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to pay expenditures for Accumulated Absences created in accordance with N.J.A.C 5:30-15 as per N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39; and

2. The Borough Clerk of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Resolution Authorizing a Dedication by Rider, Developer Fees- Affordable Housing Trust Fund (Consent Agenda – 6)

WHEREAS, permission is required of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for approval as a dedication by rider of certain revenues; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-39 provides that a municipality may dedicate certain revenues in any budget when the character of the revenue is not subject to reasonably accurate estimate in advance by including in said budget a statement dedicating such revenues to the purpose or purposes for which they are received; and

WHEREAS, the Borough will receive developer fees for costs associated with Affordable Housing,

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen, New Jersey as follows:

3. The Governing Body does hereby request permission of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to pay expenditures for Affordable Housing in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39.

4. The Borough Clerk of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Resolution Authorizing a Dedication by Rider - Parking Offenses Adjudication Act (PL 1989 C.137) (Consent Agenda – 7)

WHEREAS, permission is required of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for approval as a dedication by rider of certain revenues; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-39 provides that a municipality may dedicate certain revenues in any budget when the character of the revenue is not subject to reasonably accurate estimate in advance by including in said budget a statement dedicating such revenues to the purpose or purposes for which they are received; and

WHEREAS, the Borough will receive funds from Municipal Court for fines and costs associated with parking offenses in accordance with P.L. 1989 C. 137:

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen, New Jersey as follows:

5. The Governing Body does hereby request permission of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to pay expenditures for Parking Offenses Adjudication Act in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39.

6. The Borough Clerk of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Resolution Authorizing a Dedication by Rider - Outside Employment of Off-Duty Police Officers (Consent Agenda – 8)

WHEREAS, permission is required of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services for approval as a dedication by rider of certain revenues; and

WHEREAS, N.J.S. 40A:4-39 provides that a municipality may dedicate certain revenues in any budget when the character of the revenue is not subject to reasonably accurate estimate in advance by including in said budget a statement dedicating such revenues to the purpose or purposes for which they are received; and

WHEREAS, the Borough will receive funds from private persons or entities for costs associated with employment of off-duty police officers

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Governing Body of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake, County of Bergen, New Jersey as follows:

7. The Governing Body does hereby request permission of the Director of the Division of Local Government Services to pay expenditures for outside employment of off-duty police officers in accordance with N.J.S.A. 40A:4-39.

8. The Borough Clerk of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake is hereby directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Director of the Division of Local Government Services.

Resolution Approving the Engineering for the Pascack Valley Cooperative Pricing System #107-PVCPS 2009 NJDOT Road Resurfacing Program (Consent Agenda – 9)

WHEREAS, the municipalities of Westwood, Woodcliff lake, River Vale and Park Ridge have received NJDOT grants for 2009 road projects in the amount of $750,000.00; and

WHEREAS, in order to save on the cost of preparing plans and specifications for these grant funded projects and ensure consistent oversight and inspection, the Pascack Valley Cooperative Pricing System #107-PVCPS issued an RFP on March 12, 2009; and

WHEREAS, six (6) engineering firms responded with proposals for these grant funded projects on or before the deadline of April 1, 2009; and

WHEREAS, after review and analysis by the Administrators of Woodcliff Lake and Westwood, it has been determined that Maser Consulting, P.A. has submitted the most cost-effective proposal.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake hereby approves the Maser Consulting proposal for the engineering oversight of the Borough’s 2009 NJDOT project in an amount not to exceed $49,400; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Borough of Westwood’s portion is not to exceed $9,880 subject to certification of funds by the CFO.

Resolution Releasing the Remainder of the Performance Bond Guarantee – Tamarack Drive (Consent Agenda – 10)

WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer and the Borough Administrator have reviewed the paperwork submitted by developer of Tamarack Drive prepared on the amount of work completed to date; and

WHEREAS, the Borough Engineer takes no exception to the Borough releasing the remainder of the original Performance Bond Guarantee; and

WHEREAS, the Borough Administrator, the Borough Attorney and the Borough Engineer agree that due to the time that has exceeded , a maintenance bond does not have to be posted on this project.

NOW, THERFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of Woodcliff Lake authorize the release of the Performance Bond Guarantee for Tamarack Drive.

Resolution Authorizing Onetime Payment for Receiving Required State Mandated Certification (Consent Agenda – 11)

WHEREAS, Edward Barboni has received certification from the State of NJ in recognition of his successful completion of The New Jersey Recycling Certification Series, February 4, 11, 18 and 25; and

WHEREAS, upon successful completion of this required State Mandated Certification Mr. Barboni will receive a onetime payment of $2,500.00; and

WHEREAS, this onetime payment is in accordance with Borough past practices to employees who receive their certifications that are required for and by the Borough; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff authorize this onetime payment to Edward Barboni for receiving his certification.

Bader Camella Glaser Hoffman Howley Rosenblatt LaPaglia

Resolution Authorizing Boswell McClave Engineering to Perform Construction Inspection Services for Woodcliff Lake for the Pascack Valley Cooperative Pricing Program 2009 Road Resurfacing Cooperative Price Program (Consent Agenda – 12)

WHEREAS, Boswell Engineer has submitted a proposal for providing construction inspection services for the aforementioned project; and

WHEREAS, the 2009 Road Resurfacing Program in Woodcliff Lake will include a portion of Brookview Drive, Colonial Court, London Court and the Commuter Parking Lot at the Apostolic Church; and

WHEREAS, the fee for these services will not exceed $13,500.00.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Woodcliff Lake approve the proposal from Boswell Engineering to perform construction inspection services for Woodcliff Lake for the Pascack Valley Cooperative Pricing Program 2009 Road Resurfacing Cooperative Price Program.


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