Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills

High School





Pascack Valley Regional High School District



The health and safety of our staff and students is a primary concern of the Pascack Valley Regional High School District. Our safety net is our staff and our students. If we are to maintain the security of our buildings, it becomes incumbent upon all of us to communicate concerns to the administration. To that end, the administration shall adopt procedures for potential crisis management.

The purpose of these emergency response procedures is to ensure that the Pascack Valley Regional High School District is as prepared as possible to respond to and deal with crisis situations if they arise. This will help minimize damage and loss and help the school community return to a normal functioning level as soon as possible by diminishing chaos and confusion. These procedures will provide for the necessary counseling to assist students, staff and community members who are affected by the crisis.

Table of Contents

Active Shooter & Lockdown Procedures 6

Bomb Threat 11

Off-Site Evacuation Procedures 13

Emergency Procedures 15

Fire 16

Accident/Medical Emergencies 17

Gas Leaks 18

Hazardous Material Accident 19

Explosion 20

Sudden Loss of Power/Blackout 21

Area Blocked 21

Weapons in School or on School Property 22

Food Poisoning 23

Auto Accident on Campus 24

Collapse of Structure 24

Hostage 25

Kidnapping 26

Animals 27

Weather- Severe 28

Recovery 30

Public Information 32

Code Red Procedures 34

Tragedy Plan 41

Suicide Procedures 46

Crisis Response Resource 51

School Maps 55

Pascack Valley High School

200 Piermont Road, Hillsdale, NJ



Crisis Intervention Team:

1. T. DeMaio

2. J. Puccio

3. D. Squiccimarri

4. D. Fallon

5. S. Hroncich

6. B. Fahey, E. Schwander

7. E. Merk, R. Attanasio, D. Macaluso, M. Manning, E. Elisano, C. Rossig, S. Myers

8. S. Struncis, M. Callanan, L. Taha, T. Henzel, R. Maggiulli, F. Andrisani, J. Kapp

2 Medical: D. Fallon & S. Hroncich

1. Remain in Nurse’s Office unless the CIT is assembling

2. Prepare emergency kit and portable oxygen, if available

3. Provide student confidential health problem list

4. Work with EMT, is necessary, upon arrival

Staff/Student Direction:

T. DeMaio

J. Puccio

D. Squiccimarri

Public Relations:

E. Gundersen

Emotional Trauma:

1. S. Struncis, E. Merk, R. Katz, R. Attanasio, D. Macaluso, M. Manning, E. Elisano, S. Myers, C. Rossig, M. Callanan, L. Taha, T. Henzel, R. Maggiulli, J. Kapp, F. Andrisani

2. Use the Guidance Office as well as assigned sites for crisis to meet with students

3 Trouble-Shooting: B. Fahey, E. Schwander

1. Maintain radio communication with T. DeMaio, J. Puccio, and D. Squiccimarri

2. Meet and guide emergency units to affected areas

3. Advise administration of safety issues

4. Coordinate traffic directions when necessary

Active Shooter/Lockdown:

In the event of an Active Shooter/Lockdown, a school administrator (Incident Commander) will set-up the command post in the Main Office. If the Main Office is not accessible, the alternate command post will be set-up in the Media Center. The IC will also retrieve the administrator’s emergency toolbox.

*Refer to the Lockdown procedures in the Emergency Plan Manual*

Bomb Threat:

Evacuate to the area designated by the police and Crisis Team.

Pascack Hills High School

225 West Grand Ave. and, Montvale, NJ 07645

201-358-7020 x2000


Crisis Intervention Team:

1. G. deMarrais

2. T. Wieland

3. P. Paspalas

4. R. Welyczko

5. B. Fahey, J. Morrison

6. E. Merk, K. Spano, J. Katz, D. Rosko, K. Vargo, G. Mangold

7. S. Struncis, F. Cherichello, M. Donnelly, E. Franceski, C. Schneider

Medical: R. Welyczko

1. Remain in Nurse’s Office unless the CIT is assembling

2. Prepare emergency kit and portable oxygen, if available

3. Provide student confidential health problem list

4. Work with EMT, if necessary, upon arrival

Staff/Student Direction

G. deMarrais

T. Wieland

P. Paspalas

Public Relations:

E. Gundersen

Emotional Trauma:

1. S. Struncis, E. Merk, K. Spano, J. Katz, D. Rosko, K. Vargo, G. Mangold, F. Cherichello, M. Donnelly, E. Franceski, C. Schneider

2. Use the Guidance Office as well as assigned sites for crisis to meet with students

Trouble-Shooting: B. Fahey, J. Morrison

1. Maintain radio communication G. deMarrais, T. Wieland & P. Paspalas

2. Meet and guide emergency units to affected areas

3. Advise administration of safety issues

4. Coordinate traffic directions when necessary

Active Shooter / Lockdown:

In the event of an Active Shooter / Lockdown, a school administrator (Incident Commander) will set-up the command post in the General Office. If the General Office is not accessible, the alternate command post will be set-up in the Guidance Office. The IC will also retrieve the administrator’s emergency toolbox.

*Refer to the Lockdown procedures in the Emergency Plan Manual*

Bomb Threat:

Evacuate to the area designated by the police and Crisis Team.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600







1. Implement a “Lockdown”.

• Communicate this to staff and students using the school’s predetermined language and communication protocols.

• Direct staff and students outside the building to move immediately to the evacuation assembly locations and be prepared to evacuate the school site, if necessary.

2. If Possible, switch school, notification system to manual mode (i.e. bells) (

• If feasible and necessary, deactivate fire alarm pull stations until the appropriate emergency first responder arrives on the scene and assumes the role of incident commander. However, it is vital that all fire sensors are not disengaged during this process.

3. Direct staff to call 9-1-1 or other phone number previously designated by law enforcement officials. The caller should be prepared to:

• Describe the situation.

• Indicate if perpetrator has been identified or isolated.

• Describe any medical injuries.

4. Designate a staff member in the general office to monitor communication with classrooms, another person to meet emergency personnel upon their arrival, and someone outside the building to stop pedestrians/vehicles from entering school grounds until emergency first responders arrive.

5. Allow emergency personnel to control the scene upon their arrival. They will follow their set policies for an active shooter situation.

6. Ensure that all buses enroute to the school are redirected to the pre-designated alternate location.

7. DO NOT check the building or attempt to assess the situation.

8. Follow predetermined communication protocols to contact and advise:

• Chief School Administrator

• Parents/guardians

• Media (check with the incident commander before speaking with the media)

( If a fire alarm goes of while you are in lockdown assess the situation before evacuating the building. The alarm may have been set off by the intruder/shooter(s) and an evacuation may place building occupants in harm’s way. Reasons for evacuating a building when a fire alarm sounds during a lockdown may include:

1. First hand knowledge that there is a fire in the building

2. A report of smoke or fire in the building from a reliable source

3. Advice or an order from law enforcement, fire officials, or the incident commander



PRINCIPAL: Make the announcement on the P.A. system.

(Incident Commander) Set up a command post in the General Office.

Alternate command post:

Pascack Valley: Media Center

Pascack Hills: Guidance Office


PRINCIPAL (S): Call police on school phone or cell phone; report to command post.

The caller should:

1. Give the name and exact location of the school.

2. Describe the emergency situation and if any of the school occupants have been evacuated.

3. Provide the following information, if known:

• The number and a description of the suspect(s) (physical clothing)

• The suspect(s) identity

• Type of weapon(s) the suspect(s) have

• Type, description, location of possible planted explosive devices

Ensure that all buses enroute to the school are redirected to the pre-designated alternate location.


SUPERVISORS Move students to the area behind the serving area and in the back store room.

LIBRARIAN: Lock doors; move students to safety.

(Alternate: LIBRARY STAFF)


OFFICE STAFF: Lock door and safe; move to a safe area.

CUSTODIANS: Lock outside doors.



1. After the situation has been brought under control, the SA or the Incident Commander makes an announcement ending the lockdown or occupants are evacuated by emergency personnel. Occupants of the building may be evacuated to an alternate site for family reunification.

• Staff evacuates the building using the designated exit routes and alternate routes to the assigned assembly areas, take attendance if practical, and move to the busses for transport.

• The SA requests the Chief School Administrator activate parent and media notification protocols and direct parents to go to the reunification site.

• The SA notifies officials at the evacuation assembly locations of the situation and to activate family reunification protocols.

• The SA requests bus transportation or alternate transportation to the reunification site, if needed.

2. The SA activates the District Crisis Response Team and notifies the area mental health agency to provide counseling and mental health services at the relocation site.

3. The SA debriefs the School Emergency Management Team.

4. In consultation with law enforcement officials the SA determines when the school can resume normal activities and communicates the information to parents and the public.

5. Complete an incident report and conduct a debriefing at the earliest appointment.



When a lockdown announcement is heard:

• Lock your door. Remain calm. Scan your hallway for unsupervised students. Lock your door immediately thereafter. If you do not have a room key, wedge chair/furniture against the door. Do not walk the hallways in search of the problem. Stay with your students until you receive further instructions. Keep students calm and quiet.

• Permit no one to leave the classroom. Prepare a list of those present and those out of the room with a pass. Also list anyone else who is in the room, who is not usually in the room that period. Keep this list with you, as it will be necessary to identify “missing students” or possible suspects.

• Shut off all lights, computer monitors, and televisions in the classroom. Shutting off all interior lights reduces the visibility from an outside source. If you can safely close the shades or blinds without exposing yourself to the outside, do so immediately.

• Ignore all bells. During a lockdown, the bell system will be disabled ASAP. In the event that the bells cannot be disabled, please disregard all bells until you receive further instructions.

• Move to safety. Move all your students out of their seats and onto the floor in the safest part of the room, away from all windows and doors. Use any lavatories, large closets, locker rooms, etc. The intent of this directive is to place everyone out of sight of an intruder. If you are not in your classroom at the time of the lockdown, move to the closest empty room or lavatory. Keep everyone together. Do not let any student wander, or leave “to check the status of the school.” In the cafeteria, move to the storage rooms behind the kitchen, and close the door.

• Instruct students not use their cell phones. Use of the cell phones can interfere with police communication and cause a greater disturbance to the site.

• Students are allowed to leave the classroom only when an all-clear announcement is given or when directed to move to another location by the police.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600



A threat may come in written form of a letter, writing on the wall or desk, or note. Another method of threat may be a call from the outside. All secretaries have been trained in specific procedures to detect caller’s sex, any accent, background noise, and caller ID. When a threat in any form is received:

1. Notify Montvale Police Department (9-1-1 or 201-391-4600).

2. Notify Superintendent (ext. 21005).

3. Bring administrative team, nurse, and building manager together in the General Office to prepare for evacuation. All unassigned teachers are also to report to the office to assist.

4. Imminent threat: Announcement and evacuation to outside the building, following fire drill routines and routes, unless otherwise indicated.

a. Nurse to bring emergency pack and AED. Nurse will also have the list of students who need immediate supervision or assistance due to health concerns.

b. Administrators to bring emergency information kit and school register.

c. All teachers must bring their attendance roster and orange hallway pass and keep class together while moving to the outside. Teachers should be last out, but then move to the front of their group. Teachers are to report any missing students to the general office. Students are to remain with their teachers throughout the event.

5. Disabled Students/Staff Members

Particular attention will be paid to the needs of the physically handicapped or disabled students. They must evacuate the building, but may need assistance. A record of all students who may need such assistance will be maintained in the nurse’s office.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600





Certain events and/or circumstances may mandate evacuation of students and staff to an off-site location. The decision for such an evacuation would be made by police personnel in charge of the incident, in conjunction with school administration. In general, the following procedures will be followed:

1. Police will coordinate decisions and actions as to:

• Location or locations to which students and staff will be moved,

• Traffic control measures to ensure safety while moving away from the school building,

• Security to be provided in the event of immediate danger.

2. School personnel will be responsible for controlling student response and behavior during the evacuation and at the off-site location. Teachers will check attendance periodically throughout the incident.

3. Students will be released to parents or designated emergency contacts only. General office personnel will have such records in their possession in the instance of an off-site evacuation (Refer to recovery procedures).

If a threat of immediate danger does not exist and an off-site evacuation is warranted, the superintendent of schools and the school principal, after consultation with the police, will contact the Superintendent of Schools in Montvale to arrange for an immediate evacuation to Fieldstone Middle School. [201-391-1662 or 201-391-6226]. Students will leave the Pascack Hills property via Spring Valley Road and/or the path behind the school to Akers Avenue, then proceed to Fieldstone. In an effort to avoid bottlenecks and delays, classes will be dismissed in an organized fashion. Police will control traffic in order to facilitate a safe evacuation.

Once at Fieldstone teachers are to keep their class together and take attendance. Students will be housed in the gymnasium and dismissed to parents from Fieldstone at the appropriate time. If possible, students and staff will return to Pascack Hills High School prior to the normal end of the school day.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600




Pascack Valley Regional High School District



Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600


1. The first responsibility is to student safety. Do NOT attempt to fight the fire. Fire extinguishers are in a school building ONLY for the purpose of clearing an exit for students if ALL OTHER EXITS are blocked.

2. When the Fire Department responds to a fire, they are legally in charge of the building until they pronounce the fire out and it is safe to re-enter. NO ONE may enter a burning building without the express consent of the Senior Fire Official present.


1. Sound Alarm. Notify the main office of location of fire.

2. Evacuate. Take grade book as attendance record. Go out with students. Close doors. Designated teachers should check rest rooms.

3. Move at least 200 feet from the building and out of all drives and access ways and await direction.

4. Take roll.


1. Students and staff who are in wheelchairs or on crutches on the second floor should report to a Safe Room in room 228. This room is accessible to the Montvale Fire Department for evacuation. A custodian will be there to supervise and assist.


Room 230 is the alternate Safe Room in the event that room 228 is not accessible.

2. Students and staff who are in wheelchairs or on crutches on the first floor should evacuate with their classes.


1. Evacuate.

2. Notify Police Department

3. Notify Superintendent

4. Make contact with the Senior Fire Official and Building and Grounds Supervisor to determine when it is safe to re-enter the building





1. Personnel must remain calm.

2. Teacher or person in charge should call the nurse/administrator or send two students for the nurse/administrator giving the following information:

a. Location of the person

b. Name of the person

c. Type of injury

3. The nurse and administrator will both report to the emergency scene.

4. The administrator will secure medical attention when the emergency is so severe

that it suggests immediate hospital care.

5. Keep all interested personnel and students uninvolved in the emergency away

from the area.

6. The administrator will stay at the emergency scene to relay instructions to the office.

7. Do not move the student/victim unless his/her location is potentially dangerous.

8. Reassure the student/victim; keep him/her quiet and lying down.

9. The following steps will be taken when calling an emergency vehicle:

a. Call police. VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600

b. Report location and specific entrance to be used. Also give the nature

of the emergency, number of victims, and any other pertinent


11. Once the emergency vehicle has been called, someone should be designated to

report to the specific entrance and escort the emergency personnel to the

emergency scene.

12. Counselors should report to the scene to help calm the students and staff.

If further counseling needs are necessary contact the CST at either or both

schools. VALLEY: 7060 ext. 24019 HILLS: 7020 ext. 22016

The nurse or principal/assistant principal will notify the parent/guardian as soon as possible. Notification should be given tactfully in such a manner as to not create undue panic. If appropriate persons cannot be consulted immediately, follow instructions on STUDENT EMERGENCY CARD, regarding physician and hospital.



Gas leaks are identified by an odor similar to rotten eggs. If a gas leak is suspected, do the following:

1. DO NOT Initiate alarm.

2. DO NOT OPERATE ANY LIGHT SWITCHES OR ELECTRICAL OUTLETS. If the odor is strong, don't use a NEARBY telephone.

3. Open windows in the immediate area to diffuse gas.

4. Evacuate the building immediately according to the established evacuation plan.

(Refer to evacuation plan)

5. Contact PSE&G at 1-800-436-7734.

6. Call Maintenance and report all known information.

VALLEY: 24037

HILLS: 22062

7. Notify an administrator of the action taken.

8. Do not reenter the building until Fire Officials say it is safe to do so.




1. Move upwind away from the spill.

2. Contact an administrator.


1. Avoid direct or indirect contact with the spilled material.

2. Flush with water immediately any area of direct contact.

3. Remove contaminated clothing.

4. Move to an alternate location without common ventilation system to avoid fumes.

5. Contact an administrator.

6. Refer to Material Safety Data Sheet (See Bill Fahey).



Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600


1. Clear area. Do not attempt to do rescue work or fire fighting.

2. Notify main office at once.


1. Sound alarm for evacuation.

2. Notify Police Department at once.

3. Attempt to locate area of explosion, nature, and scope.

4. Have custodian turn off all utilities, if appropriate.

5. Provide information to Police and Fire Department when they arrive.

(Maintenance worker meet Police and Fire Chief)

6. Ask all instructors to make a careful roll call.

7. Advise superintendent at Extension 1005.

8. Do not enter area of destruction.

9. Do not turn utilities back on until advised by the Fire Department.



1. Teachers with classes are to remain in that class with the students until further

instructions. Students are not to be released to use the phone.

2. No student movement should occur without instructions from the administrative team.

3. All teachers and other personnel, who do not have any classes, should meet in the main office of the school at this time for further information. Administrators and other personnel will cover all exits.

4. If power failure occurs during lunch, all teachers in the cafeteria should assist in supervision.


A condition where the area around the school is blocked by an emergency that does not involve the school, such as fire, disaster, power lines down, or other situation.


1. Keep students in classrooms.

2. Advise General Office of any problems that develop.


1. Investigate situation to determine duration, seriousness, and whether school time will have to be extended.

2. Advise the Superintendent at Extension 21005.

3. Advise students and staff of decisions, new school exit routes, new school bus routes, etc. via the PA system.




1. Obtain as much information as possible about potential weapons on school property.

2. Find out who has the weapon, what kind of weapon, and location of weapon (e.g., backpack, locker, etc). DO NOT announce that a weapon is in the classroom.

3. Notify a school administrator immediately. This may be accomplished by sending a sealed note to the office with a trusted student. The administrator will notify the police department at once.

4. If the incident is after school hours (e.g., athletic event, dance, etc.) contact the police department immediately or inform the police officer at the event if there is one present. VALLEY 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600

5. Make every effort to keep your eyes on the person suspected of having a weapon until help arrives so that you may point him/her out to the police.

6. It is best to have the police officer confront the person and conduct the search of the person suspected of possessing the weapon. Let the police officer take custody of any weapons.

7. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded. If a firearm is found, do not pick it up, but call the police. Make every effort to secure the area and move students to safety.

8. To reduce the risk of injury and promote personal safety, AVOID HANDLING WEAPONS. Remember that some weapons can de disguised in such things as pens, belt buckles, or even jewelry.

9. Ask the police officer to photograph the weapon and send a copy of the photo along with an incident report and police report to the principal.



Cases where a large number of students are made ill by food or other means.


1. Notify main office.

2. Remain with students, if able. Call school nurse.


1. Notify School Nurse.

2. After assessing situation, notify Police Department for medical assistance, if necessary. VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600

3. Notify school physician – Dr. Gold at 201-666-3900.

4. Notify District Health and Safety Officer – Bill Fahey (ext. 22021).

5. Group ill students and staff members to consolidate treatment.

6. Notify Superintendent at Extension 21005 and request assistance of nurse from sister school if necessary.

7. Have kitchen staff save all food that is in the kitchen.

8. Contact parents.



Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600

1. Attempt to keep students out of the area.

2. Note names of any students or staff members who observed the accident and advise police.

3. If school children are involved, notify the parents of those children and the superintendent.


Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600

1. Advise the Superintendent at Extension 21005.

2. Clear all uninjured persons from the area and secure the area.

3. Have custodians turn off all utilities that might be hazardous.

4. Contact nurse and qualified staff members to begin immediate emergency care.

5. Establish an emergency care area with easy access to emergency vehicles.

6. Keep driveway open until police arrive. A maintenance designee should greet police.

7. Begin building survey. Prepare to notify police/emergency rescue personnel of areas where persons might be trapped.

8. Relay information to police when they arrive.

9. Arrange for attendance check and prepare a list of missing person.



Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600


1. Notify General Office. Give as much information as possible.

2. Move as many students as possible to a secure area of the building.

3. Barricade or lock the door. Keep students low, away from windows and as calm as possible.


1. Notify police and give as much information as possible, such as number of terrorists, number of hostages, location, and known weapons.

2. Isolate the area. Administrators will direct staff in nearby classes to quietly take students to a secure area of the building, or an alternate site.

3. Establish command centers; communicate to police and Building Services Coordinator.

4. Notify the Superintendent at Extension 21005.

5. Do NOT make a P.A. announcement or sound the fire alarm.

6. Develop a list of hostages and/or casualties.



Notify Police: VALLEY: 201-664-4200 HILLS: 201-391-4600


1. Report incident to the General Office at once.

2. Do not attempt to interfere if kidnapper has student or is using a weapon.

3. Make careful note of all items possible: description of subject, direction of travel, comments, etc.


1. Notify police.

2. Notify the Superintendent at Extension 21005.

3. Do not interfere if kidnapper has student or is using a weapon. The most effective follow-up will be information for the police. Attempt to ascertain direction of travel, description of vehicle, type of weapon, description of subjects, comments, vocabulary, etc.

4. Make a list of students and staff who observed the incident for the police.

5. Watch for panic reactions among students and staff (implement Crisis Intervention Team).

6. Attempted recovery of the victim should only be done if there is no danger of harm to the victim.

7. Notify parents of kidnapped child.




1. If you observe an animal in the building roaming the halls and rooms, advise the General Office. Shut doors and attempt to keep it away from students.

2. Do not permit students to approach it.

3. In the event of animal bites, notify the nurse and attempt to keep track of the animal.


1. If advised of a loose animal, secure the help of the custodians, and attempt to force it out of the building.

2. If it appears dangerous, call the Hillsdale Police at 201-664-4200 or the Montvale Police at 201-391-4600 for an animal control unit or officer.

3. In case of bites, the nurse will follow up on emergency care. Notify parents and physician. Attempt to isolate or follow the animal. It must be kept under observation for rabies.

4. In all bite cases, notify the appropriate police department.





While Classes are in Session

In the event of lightning, the Lightning Detection System will sound

School Building:

1. Stay indoors. Do not venture outside unless absolutely necessary.

2. Stay away from open doors and windows, metal objects, electrical appliances

and plumbing until the storm passes.

3. Keep telephone use to a minimum (Emergencies). Telephone lines conduct


4. Do not handle flammable liquids in open containers.

5. TV sets, computer equipment, all electrical equipment and appliances should be unplugged.

School Grounds:

1. Get out of open areas and into enclosed building as storm approaches.

2. Do not seek shelter under isolated trees or close to metal fences, playground

equipment or exposed locations.

Athletic Events:

1. Seek shelter in buildings.

2. Avoid open fields and high objects in the area where there is no shelter.

3. Keep twice as far from isolated trees or objects that are tall.

4. Get into a crouching position if open areas cannot be avoided.

5. Avoid open spaces, metal fences, sheds or unenclosed shelters.

6. Avoid electrically conductive overhead wires (i.e., wires).

7. Do not use metal objects such as golf clubs.

8. Remove metal-cleated shoes.

In Transit:

1. Stay inside of vehicles:

a. Do not touch exposed metal parts.

b. Do not park vehicles under electrical lines or trees.







1. Will make an announcement over the PA and portable radio to

activate Severe Weather-Tornado procedures.


1. Bring all students into the building.


1. Teachers will direct the students to their assigned safe areas.

2. Students will leave all belongings behind, including computers,

books, bags, coats, etc.

3. Once students are in their assigned safe areas, they should assume the Tornado Protective Kneeling Position.

Safe Shelter Areas:

1. Internal hallways.

2. Internal classrooms without glass walls.

3. An internal stairwell if glass is not present.

4. A basement if quickly accessible and internally safe.

Tornado Protective Kneeling Position:

1. Students and staff should kneel or crouch on their knees and

elbows, with their head between their knees and hands clasped

over the back of their head.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600



1. After the situation has been brought under control, the SA or the incident commander

makes an announcement ending the lockdown or occupants are evacuated by

emergency personnel. Occupants of the building may be evacuated to an alternate site

for family reunification.

• Staff evacuates the building using the designated exit routes and alternate routes to the assigned assembly areas, take attendance if practical, and move to the busses for transport.

• The SA requests the Chief School Administrator activate parent and media notification protocols and direct parents to go to the reunification site.

• The SA notifies officials at the evacuation assembly locations of the situation and to activate family reunification protocols.

• The SA requests bus transportation or alternate transportation to the reunification site, if needed.

2. The SA activates the District Crisis Response Team and notifies the area mental health

agency to provide counseling and mental health services at the relocation site.

3. The SA debriefs the School Emergency Management Team.

4. In consultation with law enforcement officials the SA determines when the school can

resume normal activities and communicates the information to parents and the public.

5. Complete an incident report and conduct a debriefing at the earliest appointment.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600





1. Release information to the media as promptly as circumstance allow, within

appropriate legal and operational guidelines. Delay releasing information until facts

are verified and the school’s position about the crisis is clear.

a. Designate a specific area for members of the media.

2. Collaborate with the appropriate emergency personnel regarding the release of

information to create a consistent message within the limits of confidentiality.

a. Create uniform message.

b. Keep messages concise, clear, and consistent.

c. Don’t release names of victims or persons involved.

3. Contact the top administrator or designee to inform him/her of the current situation,

emerging developments, and to clear press releases and remarks.

4. Make clear to faculty and staff that representatives of the media should work with the

personnel designated for that purpose.

a. All media questions should be referred to the designated liaison.

b. Advise students of the media policy.

c. Students can choose not to speak with the media.

5. If necessary, schedule ongoing press conferences and ensure all necessary personnel

are in attendance and confirm authorized identification from the news organization

and press credentials.

6. Designate a specific area for members of the media.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District

Pascack Hills High School

Montvale Police: 201-391-4600



Code Red is the highest emergency condition where the President or Governor restricts the movement of individuals within a specified geographical area. This may occur as a result of terrorism, chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear conditions. There is lock-in condition where no one may enter or leave the building. There is no use of motor vehicles and all transportation, public and private stops. We are placed under a “STAY PUT ORDER.” The public safety is at risk at this point and the duration of the order may not be specifically defined.

A number of conditions are addressed in this document. The first condition addresses steps to be taken if movement within the building is possible. The second condition addresses a restricted movement within the building. There are general strategies and communications that may apply in either case.

The format for the procedures is set in a flowchart and is an “IF” “THEN” format for ease of use.


| |

|Locking with General Movement Within Building |

| | |


|Code Red Announced |*Communication with Superintendent |

|Crisis Management Team Meets |*Review plan and individual roles |

|Notification to staff by delivered memo |*Bells frozen for designated period of |

| |time in lockdown mode where students |

| |do not leave the classroom |

|Announcement over P.A. |*If possible, periodic updates provided |

| |*Teachers to double check attendance |

| |*Teachers discuss issues with students |

| |*All perimeters doors locked by |

| |custodians |

| |*Signs placed on all exterior doors by |

| |custodians |

| |*Staff stationed in halls to monitor area |

| |and doors |

|Counselors/CST Members on call for support |*Guidance Suite—Counselors |

| |*2nd Floor—CST members |

|Communications Relay |*Website Notice |

| |Record Message on 358-7020 |

| |2-way Radio check—Channel 5 |

| |Lobby sign-in duty teacher |

| |First floor mobile hall duty |

| |teacher |

| |Second floor mobile hall |

| |duty teacher |

| |Physical Education radio |

| |Jim Morrison |

| |Peter Brink |

| |Jim Devaney |

| |Courtney Hastings |

| |General Office |

| |Timothy Wieland |

| |Glenn deMarrais |

| |12. CST |

|Movement from class to class |*Movement directed by P.A. System |

| |*Careful attendance and pass system; |

| |document all student movement |

|Lunch Periods |*Students to be escorted to the |

| |lunchroom by teachers who have lunch |

| |period; Teachers to be in the hall where |

| |they have most of their classes. |

| |Movement directed by P.A. Teachers |

| |To stay with students in cafeteria. |

|Duty/Prep Periods |*Teachers to report to Auditorium for |

| |re-assignment |

|At the end of the last period a return to Period 1 teacher for |*3 p.m. – 5 p.m. large group activities [1] |

|attendance |gyms, [2] auditorium, [3] cafeteria |

|Dinner Periods by Period 1 class |*5 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. |

|Students and teachers move from Dinner to large areas for |*Students and teachers after meetings |

|informational updates and evening plans |report to Period 2 location for the rest |

|Rotation to bathroom—groups of 10 |of the evening and night. |

| |*All staff reassigned to double up in |

| |classrooms overnight; one adult sleeps |

| |and the other adult stays awake. |

| |Keep one set of lights on. |

|Breakfast rotation by Period 1 class |*8 a.m., 8:30 a.m., 9:00 a.m., 9:30 a.m. |

|Rotation to bathrooms—groups of 10 |*9:35 a.m. all students back in Period 1 |

| |class for morning update. |

|Adjust delayed opening bell schedule so students start classes |*Movement controlled by the P.A. |

|at 9:45 a.m. and start to go through their daily schedule | |

|Medication schedule |*Nurse dispenses medication to students |


In the case of being under a direct attack or immediate danger of chemical, radiological, biological or nuclear condition, we would go into an immediate Internal Lockdown.


| |


| | |


|Internal Lockdown is announced and fire alarm sounded for one |*Teacher takes immediate attendance |

|bell—this turns off the ventilation system immediately. |*Students assemble all belongings |

| |*Teacher looks at sign for the location of Internal Lockdown and |

| |reads it to the students. A student leads the class and the |

| |teacher is the last one to leave the room. The group moves |

| |together in a slow yet deliberate manner to the destination. |

| |*Once at the destination all students gather |

| |around the teacher. |

| |*Teacher takes attendance every half hour. |

| |*CMT members go to assigned areas |

| |*Custodians lock all doors and put up signs |

| |*2-way radio check for all carriers |

|Tape exterior doors |*Tape in key areas |

|Distribution of water and food |*Water and food in key areas |

| |*Plastic bags for debris collection |

|Bathroom facilities movement |*Gym—locker rooms |

| |*Auditorium—Guidance bathrooms, music wing bathrooms |

| |*2nd floor—English bathrooms |

| |*Materials in bathroom storage areas [Lysol, disinfectant spray, |

| |plunges, rubber gloves] |

|Communication Updates |*CMT Leaders manage 3 primary areas |

|Perimeter Security |*Administrative cycling along with CST/ |

| |Guidance/Custodial assistance |


To Do List

1. Prepare statements for varied situations for Website, telephone

2. Signs for all exterior doors

3. Individual role responsibilities during the two situations

4. Expectations of teacher/staff role during a Code Red

5. Flashlights, radios, bullhorns

6. Check with Rose on medical supplies—separate ‘medical bags’

7. On all field trips—cell phone number

8. Emergency power for server

9. Duty schedule for emergencies

10. Administrative boxes for evacuation

11. Pre-school emergency forms

12. Check on emergency vehicles during Internal Lockdown—police and ambulance

13. Emergency P.A./copier functioning—moveable generator—check cost






Students will have less post-trauma difficulty if you can appear to remain calm and in control. This does not mean that you are in control of the situation—obviously a crisis means that things are not in control in some ways. But students are very dependent upon your direction and support. They can have terrible things happen, but if their perception is, “Something bad is happening, but my teacher knows how to help me get through it safely,” they have much less mental anguish later.

Give clear directions. No one will be thinking clearly, so short sentences giving clear directions will be best. Tell them exactly what to do.

Reassure them that you won’t leave them alone.

Be sure to listen carefully for relocation directions during an evacuation so that you can tell your students where to meet, if the need arises.


When information is received while school is not in session.

The principal should be notified. The principal, in turn, contacts the superintendent and other administrators and reviews the situation. The principal should contact the substitute caller to call in additional substitutes to assist, and the board office to alert bus drivers. The principal should also contact the Crisis Team, consisting of guidance counselors, Child Study team, SAC, nurse, and administrators for an early morning meeting.

The faculty phone chain goes into effect to:

▪ Give all faculty a brief summary of the situation with known facts to date.

▪ Request attendance at a faculty meeting at 7:30 A.M.

▪ Gather concerns or additional information from staff that may be helpful to the Crisis Team or police.

Before the faculty meeting:

Assemble student(s)’ schedule, cumulative folder(s), and master teacher schedule.

Meet with Crisis Team to share specific information and decide upon responsibilities



▪ Address the faculty.

▪ Produce a written statement to be read at the beginning of school regarding the incident.

▪ Prepare a written statement to be read by General Office secretaries or by those covering telephones.

Assistant Principal

▪ Assign crisis center locations and adult supervisors.

▪ Assign staff members to parking lot supervision and hall patrol to monitor unauthorized personnel (media, etc.).

▪ Call in substitutes to help with coverage/hallway monitoring.

▪ Identify and clean out locker(s) before students arrive (watch over during course of the day).

▪ Check school’s schedule (trips, assemblies, etc.) to possibly alter.

▪ Contact local schools and elementary sending district involved.

▪ Maintain police contact to share information.

School Psychologist

▪ Contact and coordinate mental health clinicians (262-HELP).

School Social Worker

▪ Contact and coordinate local clergy if necessary.


▪ Act as spokesperson.


▪ Contact hospital/family, as need be, to confirm information and keep in contact regarding new developments.

▪ Review student(s) daily schedule(s) and be available to sit in those classes throughout the day.

Athletic Director

▪ Locate and empty student(s) sports locker, if appropriate.

▪ Notify coaches as needed.

Attendance Office

▪ Call absent students to ascertain the reasons for absences.

Secretaries in General Office and Guidance Office

▪ Review any mailings about to be processed and remove any mailings to student(s).

Child Study Team and Guidance Counselors

▪ Compile a list of “at risk” students.

▪ Call “at risk” students’ parents.


At Morning Faculty Meeting

▪ Principal reviews the situation and gives known facts surrounding the incident to faculty and support staff.

▪ Announce crisis center locations.

▪ Regular school schedule will be maintained as much as possible.

▪ Discussion Questions/response sheets will be distributed for individual teachers to decide how to use.

▪ Teachers should request assistance during the day, if need be.

▪ “At Risk” student names should be shared with guidance counselors, Child Study Team, or administrators.

▪ If needed, the statement to be read by first period teachers is distributed.

▪ Request faculty, during prep periods to check in with the General Office to see if they can be of any assistance.

▪ School psychologist will review anticipated reactions, questions, etc, and answer questions from staff.

▪ Remind staff that the superintendent is the only spokesperson, and all unauthorized visitors should be escorted to the General Office.

▪ Ask teachers to review their lesson plans over the next several days to avoid sensitive areas (e.g., “Death of a Salesman”).

▪ Review which supervisors will be in the building and where.

▪ Identify a location for staff processing during the day.

▪ Announce a follow-up meeting for the end of the day.


All other announcements are cancelled.

The Principal either reads a statement or introduces a very important message that teachers will read, which will be followed by a moment of silence if appropriate.

After the moment of silence, the principal alerts students to crisis center locations and encourages students to seek assistance if they need to.

Communication of Information

The building principal will make a brief, straightforward announcement in the morning. He/She will explain that a loss has been experienced and share the school’s condolences. This is done to help set the tone and assist the homeroom teacher in making a presentation of the fact.


The principal’s statement should convey the items outlined in the following sample:

I have a very important announcement and would like the attention of all teachers, staff, and students. Your teacher will be sharing an announcement of a tragic loss that the school has suffered. Our sympathies are being extended to the family(ies) of this (these) student(s). Your teacher will provide you with additional information following this announcement. For those students who feel a need to talk further with someone, the [library] will be made available and counselors will be present throughout the day. Please request a pass from your teacher prior to reporting to the [library].

We are all affected by this loss. Staff and students at Pascack [Hills/Valley] are known for their caring ways. Today and for the days ahead, I encourage all of us to be aware of our own feelings and to be respectful of the feelings of others.

Teachers should:

• Share basic facts and dispel rumors without welling on the details of the incident. If appropriate, they should emphasize the highlights and accomplishments of the student(s)’ life (lives).

• Share their feelings of loss and grief.

• Encourage the students to share their feelings with each other and/or the teacher.

• Remind students of available counseling.

• Observe the reactions of individual students.

• In the event of a suicide, be sure not to convey in any way the message that suicide is an admirable way to deal with problems.

• Maintain discussion at a level consistent with students’ age and awareness.

School Day Concerns for Crisis Team

• Call parents of “at risk” students

• Check immediate mailings to be sure that nothing is sent home to the student(s)’ parents (e.g., progress reports, discipline letter, etc.). Check to make sure that student(s)’name is not on the absentee sheet.

• Gather all school records of student(s) in one central location.

• Be in contact with funeral home or hospital concerning information or arrangements. Encourage students to attend any services with parents. If during the day, prepare for appropriate busing, release time, permission slips, faculty supervision and school-wide decision-making.

• Check and call every absent student to determine reasons for absences.

• Use sign-in sheets for all crisis center locations for future reference.

• Decide about afternoon, evening activities.

• Identify faculty/staff in need of support services.

• Be highly visible to show presence, support, and control of the situation.







School personnel must treat seriously all suggestions, demonstrations or communications of suicide. Staff members must also continue to increase their sensitivity, awareness, and knowledge of the verbal, behavioral, and syndromatic signs and clues to potential suicide. A critical response to students who exhibit these tendencies is an immediate mobilization of appropriate supportive staff and resources. Commitment to student confidentiality will be superseded by the imperative initiating of life-saving intervention.


1. A change in eating habits

2. An increased isolation from family and friends

3. A tendency to become more active and aggressive than usual (unlike suicidal adults, who tend to become more apathetic)

4. A drop in academic achievement

5. A decision to give away a valued possession or actually giving away possessions

6. An increased interest in talking about suicide

7. A sudden and intense interest in religious beliefs and the afterlife

8. Having a suicidal plan

9. A recent trauma or loss (for example, divorce, death in the family, a friend’s death, moving, a recent break-up in a relationship)

10. An increased interest in getting his/her life “in order”

11. A loss of interest in hobbies or things he/she used to enjoy

12. A direct or indirect statement about the wish to die and unhappiness with life

13. Previous attempt at suicide

14. Taking life-threatening risks

15. Making a “will” (leaving possessions to friends)1

16. Dramatic change in personality or behavior

17. Preoccupation with weapons or guns or media presentations glorifying suicide

18. Stockpiling legal or prescription drugs

19. Someone they loved diagnosed with a terminal illness

20. Sudden happiness in a normally depressed person

21. Unusual neglect of personal appearance or hygiene

22. Violent actions, rebellious behavior or running away

23. Copy cat situations



A staff member who has reason to believe a student has self-destructive tendencies shall immediately notify the principal who shall notify the student’s parents or guardians and appropriate members of the Crisis Team.

After gathering the appropriate information, the principal and team member shall determine the level of risk for a life-threatening situation



2. The principal or her/his designee must notify the parent immediately, and professional help must be recommended. Confirm the telephone conversation in writing and reiterate the need for a mental health consultation. A list of facilities and qualified personnel in the area will be available to the parent.

3. The student may be released only to her/his parents, legal guardian, or the police/first aid squad. At the time of release, the Suicide Prevention Release of Information Form will be signed. If the parents are uncooperative, the principal of designee shall contact the Division of Youth and Family Services.

4. The referring staff member shall complete the anonymous report form, indicating the reason for referral, and submit to the administration. This form will be used as a follow-up checklist.

5. The student will return to school following a clearance by an approved psychiatrist; until then, if necessary, the student’s assignments will be gathered from teachers and made available to the parent.

6. The student’s guidance counselor is to maintain contact with the student and appropriate teachers. Confidentiality is to be maintained at all times.

7. All reports of identified students are to be kept locked in a separate location to be determined in each building.

Pascack Valley Regional High School District


To document your report of suicidal behavior, please complete this form and submit it to the principal or assistant principal.


Name of Student______________________________________Date_____________


Please check one or more:

Suicidal Ideation_________ Actual attempt of suicide__________

Brief description of the case: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Basis or source of your information: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Signature of CIT Staff Member:_______________________________________

Signature of Administrator___________________________________________

Follow-up: Psychiatric Referral via Parent_____ Referral List provided____

Psychiatric referral via School_____ CST Referral____

Parent Compliant____ Referral to DYFUS____

Notification: Counselor_____ Nurse_____ CST______

Report of Psychiatrist to Principal or designee______


I, ______________________________________________, hereby authorize the release of any confidential information pertaining to myself to:





I further release the Pascack Valley Regional Board of Education and its employees from any and all liability of any kind and description whatsoever as a result of:

freeing such information

receiving such information

_________________________________________ __________________________

Signature of Student Date

_________________________________________ __________________________

Signature of Parent Date






Care Plus Trauma Unit 201-986-5000 ext. 270 Stephanie Mulfinger

Trauma Unit Coordinator

Bergen Regional

Crisis Intervention 201-262 HELP (4357)

Pascack Valley Jorge Becerra

Mental Health Center 201-391-1355 Director

Rabbi Benjamin Shull

Temple Emmanuel 201-391-0801

Reverend Bridgett Kieth

Holy Trinity Episcopal

Church 201-664-2428

Kathie Elgert

Hillsdale Social Services

Domestic Violence/

Welfare 201-664-7100 ext 110

Barbara Martine

Hillsdale Public

Health Nurse 201-664-4800 ext 5028

Morrisa Drobnick, LCSW 201-261-3024

Grief Counselor


|Pascack Valley High School |Pascack Hills High School |

| Lecture Hall |Media Center |

|Library Conference Room |Front Office Conference Room |

|Guidance Conference Room |Guidance Conference Room |

|CST Conference Room |Nurse’s Conference Room |

| |CST Conference Room |

| | |



Monvale Police Department




Erik Gundersen

Home 201-818-2695

Office 201-358-7004 x21005

Cell 551-486-6261

( (

Director C.I.A Building Principal

Barry Bachenheimer Glenn deMarrais

Home 973-364-0147 Home 201-261-2342

Office 201-358-7020 ext. 22032 Cell 551-206-0766

Cell 973-493-8365 Office 201-358-7020 ext. 22004

( (

Supervisors Timothy Wieland Philip Paspalas

Home 551-427-7792 Home 201-768-5254

Office 201-358-7020 Office 201-358-7020

Ext. 22006 Ext. 22037

Cell 551-427-7792 Cell 201-788-6062

( ( ( (

Eva Merk Sean Struncis Rose Welyczko Bill Fahey

Home 973-200-0376 Home 973-533-1808 Home 973-706-5704 Home 201-358-0853

Office 201-358-7020 Office 201-358-7060 Office 201-358-7020 Cell 201-832-9761

ext. 22020 ext. 24010 ext. 22027

Cell 201-755-5724 Cell 973-768-9288

( ( ( Child Study Team Guidance Counselors Jim Morrison

Home 201-391-8986

Office 201-358-7020

ext. 22062

Cell 201-832-9763




| |201-358-7004 X1005 |201-818-2695 |551-486-6261 |

|Business Administrator | | | |

| |201-358-1004 X1009 |201-385-5106 |201-638-2251 |


| | | | |

| |201-358-7020 X2032 |973-364-0147 |973-493-8365 |


| |201-358-7020 X2021 |201-358-0853 |201-832-9761 |


| |201-358-7020 X2062 |201-391-8986 |201-832-9763 |

|NIGHT SUPERVISOR |N/A |862-224-0440 |862-224-0440 |

|PRINCIPAL |201-358-7020 X2002 |201-261-2342 |551-206-0766 |

|VICE PRINCIPAL |201-358-7020-X2004 |551-427-7792 |551-427-7792 |


| |201-358-7020 x2037 |201-768-5254 |201-788-6062 |


| |201-358-7020 X2002 |201-666-9226 |201-615-8716 |

|ATHLETIC TRAINER |201-358-7020 X2045 |201-792-2155 (U) |201-207-6978 |

|NURSE |201-358-7020 X2027 |973-706-5704 |973-632-7465 |


| |201-358-7020 X2007 |201-337-3418 |551-206-6449 |


| |201-358-7020 X2055 |201-664-8258 |201-780-9453 |


| |201-358-7020 X2029 |201-807-0251 |201-312-2255 |

|CAFETERIA MANAGER |201-358-7020 X2065 |201-666-3747 | |

| | | | |


|MONTVALE POLICE |911 |201-391-4600 (Non-emergency) | |

|WOODCLIFF LAKE POLICE | |201-391-8222 | |

| |911 |(Non-emergency) | |

| | | | |

|MONTVALE FIRE |911 |201-391-2100 |201-391-4240 |

| | |(Non-emergency) |(Fire House-W. Grand) |

|WOODCLIFF LAKE FIRE |911 |201-391-9566 | |

| | | | |

|FIELDSTONE SCHOOL |201-391-1662 | | |

|SUPERINTENDENT |201-391-6226 (Bus.Off) | |201-638-3196 |

| | | | |

|FIELDSTONE SCHOOL |201-391-9000 X500 | | |

|PRINCIPAL, ETC. | | | |












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