Name _______________________________ Lab Night _________________

STAR COUNT (Rev 9/12)

Everyone has to get a tube and make their own measurements. No copying. Keep tube until you have made tube measurements below (part II B).

PART I OUTSIDE (3 pts each)

If you could get away from city light on a moonless night you could see about 2500 stars. Due to the lights and things blocking part of the sky you will see a much smaller number of stars here. See how many stars listed below you can see. Locate using charts. Put one of the choices in blank beside star name.

Choices are: Visible, Sky Too Bright (not dark enough, too many campus lights), Clouds (in that part of sky), Blocked (by buildings or trees), Below Horizon. Only look for those stars in list for this term.

Fall List Spring List

Vega ____________ Sirius _________

Deneb ____________ Castor _________

Antares ____________ Betelgeuse _________

Altair ____________ Rigel _________

Polaris ____________ Aldebaran _________

Alberio ___________ Polaris _________

Arcturus ____________ Regulus __________

Fomalhaut ____________ Spica ___________

Mizar _______________ Denebola ________


A) OUTSIDE Circle correct answer for the describe items below (5 pts each). Then look at 10 different area of the sky through the tube and count the number of stars visible. You may need to wait your eye to adjust to the darkness. If you do not see any stars try a different area. Record counts in table.

Describe the weather conditions

Crystal Clear Clear with some haziness Few small clouds Mostly Cloudy

Describe the lighting conditions

Dark, city lights off in the distance Somewhat dark, no street lights closeby

Usual lousy conditions in front of physics building

Describe the Moon tonight

Not visible during lab period Thin crescent Quarter Moon Gibbous Full

| Record your count results for your 10 trials (cannot be zero). 2 pts ea |

| | | |

|Quantity |Value | How You Would Find These |

|Length |30 | measure in cm |

|Diameter |7 | measure in cm |

|Star Count (n) |1.3000 | calculate |

|Field View Angle |13.31 | calculate |

|Area of Tube |38.48 | calculate |

|Hemisphere Area |5654.86 | calculate |

|Percent |0.6806 | calculate |

| | | |

|# Stars (N) |191.0 | calculate |

|% Galaxy |9.55102E-08 | calculate |


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