UbD Lesson Planning Guide (PSI)

Lesson Plan

Grade/Subject:_English 20-1_______ Unit:___Ethics & Morality_____Lesson Duration:_75min___


| | |(Observations, Key Questions, Written |

| | |Assessments, Performance Assessments) |

|Form tentative understandings, interpretations |Students will: |Key Questions: |

|and positions |Construct meaning for the term ‘ethics’ and |What does it mean to be human? |

| |‘morality’ |What is integrity? |

|2.3.1- Connect self, text, culture and milieu | 2) Develop a graphic organizer with peers |How does technology support, influence, shape |

| |about possible ethical or moral issues in |who we are? |

| |today’s society. | |


|Resource #1 Batman Begins Official Trailer - |

|Resource #2 Power Point- Historical Background- the Crucible |

|Resource #3 Slide Share on Macbeth- parts could be used in this class or later |


|* Students will need a copy of the Crucible |

|*SMARTboard |

|* 11x17 sheets of blank paper |


|Introduction (20min.): |

|Hook/Attention Grabber: To begin this introductory class have students clear their desks. Turn off the classroom light and have them close |

|their eyes. Be sure to have the Batman Begins trailer ready to play. Once students have their eyes closed explain that you are going to do a |

|mind walk with them. This just means that they should try and imagine the things you are talking about. |

|“Imagine a world where no one has a conscience. Everyone just does what they want and gets away with it. People steal, hurt, and kill other |

|people and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Take ten seconds in silence and think about how that would make you feel or what you would |

|do to try and stop the bad things from happening. |

| |

|Now think about the things we have in place in our society to keep people in check. We have the police, our parents, teachers, churches… take |

|ten seconds and think about what other things our society has set it place so that chaos does not ensue. |

|Do you have a code that you follow? Some unwritten rules that you won’t cross? How did you come by these rules? Were they always there? Feelings|

|of right and wrong? |

|Well the unit we are about to begin will deal all about the morality and ethics of ourselves and others. Just like this character…. (play Batman|

|Trailer) |

| |

|Assessment of Prior Knowledge: |

|Who has an idea of what the term ethics means? |

|What about morality? |

|Pick two students per term and have them take out their cellphones. Have them race to look up the definition of ethics |

|Do the same thing for morality. |

|Have the class right down the definitions in a blank page. |

|Write down definitions on Smartboard |

| |

|Expectations for Learning and Behaviour: |

|This unit will require each person to keep tabs on themselves. Because this unit focuses around ethics and morality in society, as well as our |

|own codes we need to be respectful of one another’s beliefs, consistently putting ourselves in other’s shoes. So many issues in this world are |

|caused by ethnocentric ideals. (Ask them if they know what that term means- if not. Have them find it on their phones and record it on their |

|sheets) |

|Near the end of this unit you will be given the opportunity to document and explore a certain moral or ethical issue with your phone, i-pad, a |

|camera. I need to be able to trust that when you leave this classroom to go work on your assignments you will work on them. If we come to that |

|point in the unit and I cannot trust you, then you will be given a different assignment. (Shakespeare is everywhere?) |

| |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda: |

|Today: you will be introduced to the two texts this unit will revolve around, as well as some background information on each of them. |

|Then in small groups you will be asked to create a graphic organizer or mind map that explores some of the moral or ethical issues in our |

|society today. |

| |

|Transition to Body: |

|Body (_50_min.): |

|Learning Activity #1: Introduce Macbeth text first- this play will be the second portion of this unit. Utilize the slide share above to give a |

|brief background on Macbeth. Many students may have a bad taste in their mouth about Shakespeare, so it would be good to show a satirical clip |

|(on website) on Shakespeare. |

|Assessments/Differentiation: |

| |

|Learning Activity #2: Have students stand up out of their desks. Select one student (probably one that is confident and well liked in the class)|

|to stand in the corner all by themselves. Send the rest of the students to the other side of the room. |

|Ask the class- why do you think (student name) is on the other side of the room by his/her self? |

|Wait for a series of answers, then say- well, I think because this student has (could name color of hair, eye color, wearing a certain color) |

|they are a witch. |

|That’s right, and actually now that I noticed- (name another student) I think you’re a witch as well. Move over to that corner. |

|Continue picking random people using silly explanations for your reasoning until about 60% of the class is over on the other side of the room. |

|Explain that this type of reasoning was used during the Salem witch hunts. Mass hysteria was rampant through society and it was every person’s |

|word against the other. |

|Introduction to the Crucible. Power points provided (on website) |

|Discuss with students their understanding of the Salem Witch Hunts- |

|Assessments/Differentiation: |

| |

|Learning Activity #3: Using 11x17 sheets of paper have students move into groups (or place them yourself depending on classroom community) and |

|work to construct a mind map of some of the issues in our society. |

|Students could focus on issues like power, integrity, peer pressure? |

|Assessments/Differentiation: |

|If available, students could construct this on a laptop. |

|Closure ( 5__min.): |

|Consolidation/Assessment of Learning- |

|Feedback From Students: Using the sticky note I gave you, write down the definition of either Morality or Ethics, AND one of the issues you and |

|your group came up with today. |

|Feedback To Students: Please bring your Crucible text with you tomorrow. |

|Transition To Next Lesson: We will begin tomorrows lesson by learning about Arthur Miller, the author of the Crucible as well as about the Salem|

|Witch Hunts. |


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