Rubric: Ethical-Dilemma Paper


Rubric: Ethical-Dilemma Paper

|Required element |0 points |3 points |5 points |

|Identifies ethical problem |No dilemma identified/ Problem |Does not concisely identify |Concisely identifies ethical |

| |identified not related to |ethical dilemma |dilemma |

| |ethical dilemma | | |

|Identifies ethical principles |Lack of identification of |Incomplete identification of |Clearly delineates involved |

|involved |ethical principles/identifies |involved ethical principles |ethical principles |

|(points x3) |inaccurate principles | | |

|Lists all possible courses of |No actions identified |Partial list of possible courses|Complete list of possible |

|action | |of actions |courses of action |

|Lists actual course of action |No action or rationale |Incomplete course of action &/or|Course of action with rationale |

|with rationale |documented |rationale stated |stated |

|Describes cultural influences |No cultural influences described|Incomplete description of |Clear description of cultural |

|shaping decisions | |cultural influences |influences |

|Grammar, length and reference |Does not cite references/does |More or less than 3 pages in |Three pages in length/ less than|

|citation: Cites two references |not include at least one web |length by more than 6 lines/ 5 |5 grammar &/or spelling errors/ |

|(at least one web reference) |reference/ references |to10 grammar &/or spelling |complete citation of pertinent |

| |inappropriate; more than 10 |errors |references |

| |grammar &/or spelling errors | | |

Total pts poss = 40

Up to 5 points will be taken off for exceeding 3 pages by more than 6 lines, for repeated grammatical or spelling errors, and/or for inadequate or inappropriate references or citations.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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