Freedom Is More Than Just A 7-Letter Word


Is More Than Just A Seven Letter Word

a book by Veronica: of the Chapman family


as in


First Edition: September 2009

This book is all about freedom. I think it will surprise you how much you actually do not know about that subject. And how very little, in essence, you really need to know in order to attain it.

I hope that, by the time you have read it all the way through, your path into the future will be obvious to you. You should discover that, even at the age of 7 years old, you had more power than any Government, Judiciary, Police Force and Military combined. But you did not realise it. And therefore, throughout your life, you have thrown it away. But take heart, it is still there. And you can learn how to use it.

After having read the Chapters on Taking and Money, you may be wondering why you paid a price for a copy of this book. The answer is pretty obvious. The Monetary Belief System is still 'king', however much one would wish it away. Suffice to say, the majority of that price was the production, printing and any postage costs. As the Author, my royalty has been reduced to the barest minimum, in order to keep down the overall cost. Consequently, in that respect, it forms a labour of love on my part.

What is worth more than all the gold in the world is your appreciation that, having read this book, you have become empowered in the way you always should have been - had you been educated, rather than indoctrinated - during your childhood.

I apologise, up front, for the use of word-stressing in the text of this book. I'm compelled to do that in order to attempt to overcome the ingrained indoctrination to which we have all been subject throughout our lives. And the lives of our ancestors living or now deceased. I only have 'the printed word' (in its various forms) at my disposal.

Please also note that, if you wish, you may quote any part of this book under one restriction only: That you quote exactly as is and within context ... because I cannot be held responsible if you should misquote me. One final thing. Please don't worry about the grammar or


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word the style. It's written exactly the way the Author wanted it written. I know that, because I'm that Author.

Veronica: of the Chapman family, September 2009, Feltham, UK.


I dedicate this book to everyone in the Freedom Movement, without whom

(and without whose support) writing it would not have been possible.

You are heroes. You are heroines. And you know who you are.

"Reason is the life of the law; nay, the common law itself is nothing else but reason. The law which is perfection of

reason" Sir Edward Coke, Lord Chief Justice of

England 1552-1634. "Corruption is not the problem. It's the

acceptance of corruption that's problem"

Patrick Rattigan ND. "I just say what I say because everyone is entitled to my opinion" Saffire: of the Elder family (aged 7).

I write this book for Yana, and Saffire, and all the little ones like


Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word

them. And I thank Yana's mother for the cover design.



Freedom Is More Than Just A Seven-Letter Word




Chapter 1: Taking


Chapter 2: Money


Chapter 3: Legalese


Chapter 4: Religion


Chapter 5: Global Elite/Psychopaths


Chapter 6: Promises & Contracts


Chapter 7: Honour, Dishonour & Noticing


Chapter 8: Societies & Statutes


Chapter 9: Common Law, The Law-of-the-Land 60

Chapter 10: Notices, Invitations & Summonses 64

Chapter 11: Legal Fiction Person


Chapter 12: Solicitors, Lawyers & Notaries


Chapter 13: Veronica's Very Cunning 2-Step Plan

for Freedom


Chapter 14: The Principles of the Application of

Common Law


Chapter 15: Fundamental Established Axioms 78

Chapter 16: Signatures


Chapter 17: Courts & Proceedings


Chapter 18: Liability & The Ultimate Sanctions 102



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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