How to Have a Successful

[pic] This Is Your Promotional Material


1) 8 Keys To A Successful Live Event

2) A Countdown Checklist To A Winning Seminar

3) Fact Sheet: A Seminar That Changes Lives and Legacies

4) Radio Commercial #1 (60 seconds)

5) Radio Commercial #2 (30 seconds)

6) Bulletin Blurbs/Articles

7) About Steve Diggs

8) Press Release

9) What We Discuss At the NDNS! Seminar

10) How To Set Up and Prepare

11) Why A No Debt No Sweat! Seminar?

12) What Christian Leaders Say About the NDNS! Seminar

[pic] 8 Keys to a Successful

Live Seminar Event

1) Solicit prayer warriors for this effort. Pray that God will open hearts to His truth in the areas of finance, family relations, and personal holiness. Also pray that unsaved people will come to know Jesus through this effort.

2) Be sure to provide childcare—and promote the fact! Many of the people who need this seminar the most have the dilemma of “What will we do with the kids???”

3) Help everyone catch the vision: This seminar isn’t just for people struggling with money troubles. It speaks to people who are doing well financially—and who want some good investment tips and teaching on Biblical giving and stewardship.

4) PERSONALLY invite 6 people that you know: Co-workers, friends, members at other churches, inactive members—be creative! Remember, nothing takes the place of a personal invitation.

5) Have ushers in place to welcome attendees and hand out workbooks.

6) Have attendance cards available so visitors can be identified for future follow-ups.

7) Elders/ministry staff should identify and make personal contacts with members you know who have financial troubles. Urge them to attend.

8) We lead by example—Elders and Staff should make it a point to be present for all four sessions—and let the congregation know you will be.

[pic] A Countdown Checklist

To A Winning Seminar

5-Weeks Prior:

1) Pray: You might consider:

✓ Asking the Elders to lead special prayers at each service starting 4 weeks before the event.

o Ask God to bring people to the NDNS! Seminar.

o Ask for help in areas of giving, stewardship, marital relations and money, materialism, those suffering with too much debt.

✓ Encouraging class teachers to pray with their classes.

2) Establish a Steering Committee to Brainstorm:

✓ Ideas of people to invite (other churches in the area, people who are struggling, high school groups, parents of “mother’s day out” ministry, etc.—be creative!)

✓ Plan child-care

✓ Conceive promotional plan

✓ Schedule special prayer service(s) asking God to bless the event and the people who come, etc.

✓ Conceive ways to involve members throughout the church

4-Weeks Prior:

3) Member Involvement: Encourage every member to be an event promoter. Every member should be a messenger! This accomplishes 2 things:

• Like they say, “Many hands make light work.” The more members who are helping get the word out—the better.

• One of the best ways to get members to attend the event—is for them to partner in the project. When people become involved, they take ownership. When they take ownership—they will want to attend.

• Some things members can do:

o Call their friends

o Speak to co-workers and classmates

o Make and pass out handbills (Feel free to copy/adapt use any of the material we have supplied)

o Write personal letters to friends

o Contact past visitors

o Send an email to everyone on your various email lists

4) Posters: Put posters up approximately 4 weeks prior to the event.

(You may order 11”x17”, full color posters by emailing your request to stevediggs@

(Prices: 12 for $23: 24 for $45; 40 for $74; 60 for $110; or 80 for $136 plus S/H.)

• Post throughout the church building

o All exterior doors (both sides)

o Mirrors in restrooms

o Bulletin boards

o High traffic areas (foyers, hallways, entries to auditorium)

o Adult and teen classrooms

• Public buildings: Laundromats, restaurants, hospitals, bookstores, libraries, civic buildings, other area stores

o NOTE: Meeting shop owners will give you a great opportunity to invite them to attend.

• Ask members to hang posters in their workplaces.

5) Website Promotion: Use the church website to announce the NDNS! Seminar. Put NDNS! Logo on your Homepage with short description and list of benefits (see NDNS! promotional material for ideas.) Be sure to include date, time, child-care info, etc. Also feel free to add a link from your website to the NDNS! website at (You may want to leave this link active even after the seminar as it is filled with great information that members may find helpful on an ongoing basis.)

6) Bulletin Promotions: Promote the NDNS! Seminar event 2 ways in the bulletin:

• Run the ads supplied in the promotional kit in each weekly bulletin.

• Ministers and/or Elders may wish to prepare short articles encouraging folks to come and reminding them of the seminar’s purpose and benefits. (Feel free to use material from the NDNS! book, website, and promotional kit.)

7) Area Congregations: Call area congregations, talk the seminar up! Get

commitments to hang posters—then send them. (Better yet, hand-deliver them!)

3-Weeks Prior:

8) Newspaper: Many newspapers are happy to run articles about upcoming events like a financial seminar. Adapt the sample press release included in your promo kit and ask all the local papers to run it. Be sure to get the material to the newspapers approximately 2-3 weeks before the event. (Hopefully, they will run it the week of the seminar.)

2-Weeks Prior:

9) Radio: Begin airing radio spots in the promotional kit approximately 1-2 weeks prior to the event on both Christian and secular stations. (Frequently stations will air these for free as Public Service Announcements if you make a good case for the community benefits of such a financial seminar.)

10) Television: Consider running commercials on local TV stations. Frequently spots can be bought on CNN, ESPN, Discovery, A&E, Fox News, History Channel, etc. from the local cable company very inexpensively. Also, many cable operators sell “trailer ads” that scroll across the screen.

11) Letter from the Elders: Mail a letter to all members from the Elders expressing

their commitment to this important event. Encourage everyone to attend.

12) Sign: If you have a sign—USE IT! Copy might read:

FREE Money Help Seminar

Day, Date, Starting Time

Childcare Provided

1-Week Prior:

13) Phone Calls from the Elders/Benevolence Ministry: Every church has

members/visitors who have asked for benevolence help on more than one occasion. These people should be called and told that they are expected to be in attendance. (But kind—but firm.)

3-Days Prior:

14) Mass Email To All Members: Prepare a short (75-125 word) reminder of the NDNS! Seminar. Be sure to include: Day, date, time, child-care info, some of the benefits. Also, feel free to paste our website address ()

15) Phone Tree: If your church has a phone tree (either automated or the old-

fashioned member-calling-member system)—USE IT!!! About 3 days prior to

the event make one last church-wide calling—urge everyone to come. Include

day, date, time, and child care info.

[pic] Fact Sheet

A Seminar That Changes Lives and Legacies!

Today the church openly discusses divorce, alcoholism and substance abuse—but we are still afraid to talk about our money. And while we sit quietly by, financial pain is killing us!

The best data confirms that Christians have the same money problems that our secular friends face. As a matter of fact, our plight may actually be worse. Why? Because Christians who struggle with financial pain are often afraid of being found out. No one wants to admit that he’s—

✓ Sitting bolt-upright in bed at 3:00 am wondering how to pay the rent;

✓ Afraid to answer the phone for fear of another harassing collector;

✓ Waiting for the next VISA Card to arrive because all the others are maxed out!

So we continue living a spiritually dysfunctional lifestyle. We borrow 125% of the value of our homes. We come to church in SUV’s that we finance on 7-year loans. (No wonder banks have drive-up windows—they give cars a chance to see who owns them!) We spend money we don’t have to buy things we don’t need—to impress people we don’t like. Folks, this is dumb behavior!

The facts are clear. Today:

✓ We’re spending 20% of our income paying off short-term debt.

✓ 70% of us experience living paycheck-to-paycheck.

✓ Money problems are the leading cause of divorce—4 to 1 over anything else.

✓ 90% of us won’t be able to retire with dignity.

✓ College kids have learned a lot from their parents—the average student is carrying about $3,400 of credit card debt at graduation.

✓ The average car loan lasts 58 months and costs about $380 per month.

No Debt No Sweat! changes the way we think about and use our money. With humor and a confessional heart, you’ll learn how cultural materialism has destroyed our spiritual vigor.

Christians learn to free themselves from the bondage of financial pain. We learn how over-spending is frequently a spiritual issue. Often we are trying to fill the holes in our hearts with stuff. Yet, upon closer examination, we see that these holes are shaped exactly like Jesus—and, nothing else will fill them.

No Debt, No Sweat! has a unique focus on both the temporal and the eternal nature of money—and how we use it. By doing it God’s way, the attendee will be empowered to get his financial house in order, and take off like a bullet with a tailwind!

[pic] Radio Commercial Length: 60 seconds


IF YOU CAN RELATE TO ANY OF THESE SITUATIONS—THEN DON’T MISS THE FREE NO DEBT NO SWEAT! SEMINAR THAT’S COMING TO _______________________________________________________________________

ON ____________________________________________________________________

AT ____________________________________________________________________.



SOUND GOOD? THEN JOIN US FOR THE FREE NO DEBT NO SWEAT! SEMINAR HOSTED BY THE _____________________________________________

ON __________________________________________ AT ______________________.

THAT’S AT THE ________________________________________________________

ON ______________________________________ AT __________________________.


[pic] Radio Commercial Length: 30 seconds


IF SO—THEN DON’T MISS THE FREE NO DEBT NO SWEAT! SEMINAR THAT’S COMING TO___________________________________________________

ON ____________________________________________________________________

AT ____________________________________________________________________.


JOIN US FOR THE FREE NO DEBT NO SWEAT! SEMINAR HOSTED BY THE _______________________________________________________________________

ON __________________________________________ AT ______________________.

[pic] Bulletin Blurbs/Articles

The No Debt No Sweat! Seminar shows God’s people how to use God’s money God’s way—Christians are freed from the bondage of “stuff-itis.” Today Christians desperately need the tools and the knowledge to get out of uncontrolled debt so they can be about Kingdom business. Our people are so busy dealing with debt and bad spending habits—their spiritual vigor is depleted. Most people are now spending 20% of their income paying off short-term, high-interest debt. And, the average Christian is giving barely more than 2% of his income back to God. Money problems are the #1 cause of divorce—by a rate of 4 to 1 over the next thing! Instead of sitting bolt up-right in bed at 3:00 am, at a No Debt No Sweat! Seminar people learn how to kill the Debt Monster and develop spending plans that really work! The seminar gives hope and brings spiritual renewal. It increases giving and restores romance in marriages. It is both humorous and confessional—yet profoundly Biblical.

The 4-part seminar really “softens the beachhead” for a church like ours that hopes to begin an on-going financial training class. The “pep rally” nature of the No Debt No Sweat! Seminar can be a catalyst for fence sitters. It helps them catch the vision and get the motivation to go further in subsequent small group and classroom settings.

Often the very people who need financial help the most won’t go to a small group study because they’re afraid of the “accountability” sessions. But they will come to a seminar where they won’t be drawn out or embarrassed. The No Debt No Sweat! Seminar “softens the beachhead” and can serve as a recruiting tool for a church that wants to follow-up with a small group study. The “pep rally” nature of the No Debt No Sweat! Seminar can be a catalyst for such fence sitters. It helps them catch the vision and get the motivation to go further in subsequent small group and classroom settings.

The seminar is very biblical—yet seeker-friendly. It’s an ideal way to reach the unsaved—everyone wants to learn about his or her money. Churches that invite their communities broaden their outreach and build credibility. This approach opens peoples’ hearts to the Ultimate Message. The sessions are fast paced and presented on Power Point. To enhance the learning experience, attendees receive workbooks they fill out as the seminar progresses.

These days unsaved people won't come to "Gospel Meetings"--but they will come if they think the church is going to help with a perceived need. After all, this was Jesus' approach: He fed and healed before He taught. It still works today. Like they say, "Outsiders don't care how much we know until they know how much we care!"

[pic] About Steve Diggs


After nearly three decades as Chairman of the Franklin Group, Inc., Steve Diggs sold his company in 2000 and entered full-time ministry. With years of experience as a private investor, teacher, and financial counselor, today Steve heads the No Debt No Sweat! Ministry that is overseen by his elders at the Antioch church of Christ in Nashville.

No Debt No Sweat! is a ministry designed to teach God’s people how to use God’s money God’s way. With a passion in the areas of stewardship, getting out of debt, and preparing for a financially secure future, Steve presents the No Debt No Sweat! Seminar nationwide at over 40 churches and other venues annually. He is the author of several books including No Debt No Sweat!—the book that is the basis of the seminar.

I addition to his background in broadcasting, real estate, and business, Steve has taught in David Lipscomb College’s business department and ministered for the Philippi Church of Christ. He also serves on the President’s Council of Heritage Christian University, and consults with various businesses and ministries.

Steve lives in Brentwood, Tennessee, with his wife and best friend, Bonnie. The couple has four children whom they home schooled. Today two are in full-time ministry, and two are in school. Visit Steve on the Web at or call 615-834-3063.


Steve Diggs presents the No Debt No Sweat! Christian Financial Management Seminar at churches and other venues nationwide. The author of several books, today Steve serves as a minister for the Antioch church of Christ in Nashville. For 25 years he was President of the Franklin Group, Inc. Steve and Bonnie have four children whom they have home schooled. The family lives in Brentwood, Tennessee. Visit Steve on the Web at or call 615-834-3063.

[pic] Press Release

For Immediate Release

Contact: _________________________________

Phone: __________________________________


(Name of Your Church/Organization)

Invites You to A Free Money Management Seminar

Have you ever sat bolt upright in bed at 3:00 am wondering how to pay the rent? Have you ever had a fight with your spouse over money issues? Have you ever hesitated to answer the phone because you were afraid it was another harassing bill collector? If so, you’re not alone.

Today total household debt exceeds 100% of disposable income for the first time in history. Last year Americans increased their debt load by another 20%! Surveys indicate that money problems are the leading cause of divorce in America by a rate of 4 to 1 over anything else. The average family is now spending 20% of its income paying off short-term, high-interest rate debt. And, the kids are following their parents’ lead. Today, the average college graduate leaves school with a diploma in one hand, and about $3,400 of credit card debt in the other hand.

The No Debt, No Sweat! Seminar shows people how to free themselves from the bondage of financial pain. The audience learns how to get out of debt—and permanently kill the Debt Monster. People learn how to develop a spending plan that really works. They learn the 6 secrets of the great investors, how mutual funds work, and how to plan for a dignified retirement. Attendees learn how to buy cars without making payments to the bank. Husbands and wives learn how to stop fighting over money. Young people learn to avoid their parents’ money mistakes. This life-changing seminar addresses the issues that cause us to over spend—and live in fear of phone calls from bill collectors.

The seminar is taught by Steve Diggs of Nashville, Tennessee. Diggs is an author, minister, and financial counselor with a heart for struggling people. Having served as Chairman of the Franklin Group, Inc. for over twenty-five years, today he spends his time teaching people how to use their money without allowing their money to use them.

The No Debt No Sweat! Seminar is coming to ________________________

_________________(your congregation/organization here)________________________

on ________________(day and date here)_____________________________________

at ___(time here)_____________________--and you are invited to attend. This is a free seminar to the public and childcare will be provided.


[pic] What we discuss at the No Debt No Sweat! Seminar

Session 1) Failure, the First Step To Success

• Stuffaholism: The Church’s Closet Sin

• “Where Do I Start?”

• Why We Borrow

• Paul’s Advice To the Rich

Session 2) The A,B,C’s of Christian Money Management

• “A”cknowledge Who Owns Our Money

• 3 Great Principles of Godly Giving

• Stewardship

• Some of the Blessings of Godly Giving

• “B”udget Your Money

• Why We Hate to Budget—9 Keys To A Successful Spending Plan

• Your “Personal Financial Freedom Plan

• “C”ontrol Your Money, or It Will Control You

• 3 Ways To Achieve Financial Freedom

• The “Wolf-Barrier”—Keeping the Wolf from the Door

• The Difference Between “Need Money” and “Seed Money”

Session 3) Getting Out of Debt and Dealing with Credit Cards

• Credit Cards: Plastic Prosperity or Plastic Explosives?

• Is It Wrong To Borrow Money?

• 6 Things to Do When the Situation Looks Hopeless

• Tips On How To Use A Credit Card or Debit Card

• A Do-It-Yourself Credit Repair Kit

• Are Bill Consolidation Loans A Good Idea?

• How to Stop Having Car Payments

Session 4) What I Wish They’d Told Me About Investing & Retiring

• 6 Secrets of the Great Investors

• Avoiding Moral Shortcuts

• Avoid “Brass Ring” Thinking: A More Christ-like Paradigm

• How Mutual Funds Work

• Satan’s Investment Approach

No Debt No Sweat! is overseen by the Elders of the Antioch Church of Christ, Nashville. Call us at 615-834-3063. Or check us out on-line at

[pic] How To Set Up & Prepare


1. Select an area that you feel will be most appropriate. Usually the auditorium is best, however some churches prefer to set up tables with seats in a large all-purpose room.

2. Occasionally a church will ask, “Would it be better if we rented a separate facility?” Generally, it is best to host the seminar at the church building. Why? Because this is an ideal way to get visitors comfortable and familiar with your location. The goal is to make visitors feel at home—and comfortable coming back to future worship services.

Equipment Needs and Set Up

1. I will need a wireless microphone.

2. The entire seminar is presented on Power Point. I will need a Power Point projector that I can control from the front of the auditorium/hall.

3. Please set a table up in the foyer (and at any other point of entry) for book and tapes.

4. Please post a member at each door with workbooks to be handed out to all attendees.

5. Please arrange for me to have some drinking water available during the sessions.

[pic] Why a No Debt No Sweat! Seminar?

Today Christians are drowning in debt. Our marriages are in trouble. And people

aren’t giving like they should. We are so busy dealing with debt and bad spending habits—our spiritual vigor is depleted.

On average people are now spending 20% of their income paying off short-term, high-interest debt. And, the average Christian is giving barely more than 2% of his income back to God. Most college kids start out in the hole—graduating with $3,400 of credit card debt! Money problems are now the #1 cause of divorce!

A No Debt No Sweat! Seminar shows God’s people how to use God’s money

God’s way—Christians are freed from the bondage of “stuffaholism.”

The NDNS! Seminar serves on several levels:

✓ Christians learn how kill the Debt Monster —and begin giving like we should by developing spending plans that really work.

✓ Restores romance in marriages.

✓ People learn to save for college and prepare to retire with dignity.

✓ Christians learn to give like never before!

✓ The seminar is also seeker-friendly. It’s an ideal way to reach the unsaved—churches that invite their communities broaden their outreach and build credibility. This approach opens peoples’ hearts to the Ultimate Message.

✓ Kids learn to avoid the mistakes we’ve made.

✓ It is both humorous and confessional—yet profoundly Biblical.

✓ NDNS! Seminars “softens the beachhead” for churches that may want to offer an on-going small group study in Godly money management.

✓ People learn that there is real hope—a brighter future.

[pic]What Christian Leaders are Saying About the Seminar

“I highly recommend the No Debt No Sweat! Seminar…We need to be wise stewards for the Lord, and I believe Steve’s program can help us to do this. It can also be very useful to young marrieds to avoid the pitfall of financial problems in their marriage.”

- Willard Tate, Abilene Christian University, Abilene, Texas

“Thank you so much for ministering to us and for us. We were richly blessed and the conversations you stirred continue to grow and encourage people in making better financial decisions. God be with you.”

- Don McLaughlin, Senior Minister, North Atlanta Church of Christ, Atlanta

“I have heard nothing but raves. Thanks for the good work you do!”

- Dr. Cecil May Jr., Dean, Faulkner University

“In this time of financial uncertainty, Steve Diggs’ No Debt No Sweat! Seminar is a must! By using humor, practicality, and authenticity Steve presents a Biblically based and informative model of good stewardship for all ages and life situations.”

- Jerry and Lynn Jones, Marriage Matters Ministries

“With a world to win for Christ, Christians need to learn to be financially capable and accountable, especially in this time of ups and downs in our economy. Steve Diggs’ interesting, practical and forceful presentations in his No Debt No Sweat! Seminars are needed and all who attend will profit from his classes.”

- Tex Williams, World Bible School and Elder, Westover Hills Church of Christ

“This seminar has helped hundreds of people escape the credit trap and regain financial stability. (Steve’s) insight and humor make the seminar a joyful, yet practical experience…you will be blessed by hearing these messages.”

- Dr. Bruce White, Senior Minister, Madison Church of Christ, Madison, TN

“We had a lot of good comments from those who attended the seminar at Garnett. You gave much useful information on money management. Your presentation really motivated people to get out of debt. We would recommend the seminar to anyone.”

- Ken Hager, Elder, Garnett church of Christ, Tulsa, Oklahoma

“The No Debt No Sweat! Seminar is an effective tool in encouraging members to get serious about financial responsibility. My wife and I benefited greatly.”

- Chris Smith, Senior Minister, Harpeth Hills church of Christ, Nashville

“I want to add my word of appreciation to you for the very profitable week-end you spent with the Sunset church. Your seminar was sorely needed and warmly received…it sounded a strong warning for those headed for fiscal disaster, and yet provided hope…for those who had already given up hope of ever breathing another breath of debt-free air.”

- Cline Paden, Chancellor, Sunset International Bible Institute, Lubbock

“This was the most successful event that we have conducted over the years.”

- Ron Russell, Shepherd, Seaford, Delaware

“Your financial seminar at the Bright Angel church of Christ was a big success! The elders have received words of thanks from all ages. This would be an appropriate program on Christian stewardship for other congregations to provide for their members.”

- Thomas Trimble, Elder and Chairman, Pepperdine University Board of Regents

“No Debt No Sweat! Seminar was a hit! The presentation was fast paced, enthusiastic and covers a wide range of financial information based on God’s word. Thanks!”

- Rodney Roberts, Involvement Minister, Sunset Church of Christ, Lubbock

“Thanks again for the great job you did for us. You have been a blessing to our personal and church family.”

- Mark Hodges, Minister, Suncoast Church of Christ, Lake Worth, Florida

“I found Steve Diggs’ seminar to be both attention-grabbing and informative. I wish I had heard this information 25 years ago. The information Steve shares is vital for today’s young couples. The section on stewardship is a “must-hear” for today’s church.”

- Rick Ross, Pulpit Minister, Mesquite church of Christ, Dallas, Texas

“Steve has an incredible talent to reach all ages, as well as crossing socio-economic lines. It was exactly what we needed!”

- Chuck McAlpin, Family Minister, Hixson church of Christ, Chattanooga, TN

“Thank you for your part in making this perhaps the our best workshop to date. Your efforts have touched the lives of people from all over the country. People came from as far as Illinois to hear what you had to say—and they were blessed. Thank you soooo much for making our workshop so meaningful and enriching!”

- Kevin Schwiger, Director, Spiritual Growth Workshop, Fresno, California

“The No Debt No Sweat! Seminar was very helpful for the Figueroa Church of Christ and for me personally. I am pleased to recommend it to others.”

- Dr. Calvin Bowers, Senior Minister, Figueroa Church of Christ, Los Angeles;

Professor of Communications, Pepperdine University

“For many years I have been an admirer of this great man and his family. I recommend to you and support Steve’s No Debt No Sweat! Ministry. It is life changing!”

- Alan Bryan, Christian Teacher and Author

“We have had two No Debt No Sweat! Seminars with Steve Diggs on our campus and we have scheduled another one for next year. I would recommend this valuable and helpful seminar to any Christian group or business.”

- Dennis Jones, President, Heritage Christian University, Florence, Alabama

“There is something for everyone in Steve Diggs’ No Debt No Sweat! Seminar. His presentations are filled with energy, humor, and practical insight. I especially appreciate how he combines Biblical truths with solid financial guidance. His seminar will bless all who have an opportunity to hear it.”

- Jim Anderson, Family Life Minister, Nashville, Tennessee

“Thank you so much…many families will be greatly blessed as a result of you being with us. I highly recommend it…a worthwhile, and very much needed, ministry.”

- Russ King, Minister, Rural Hill Church of Christ, Nashville, Tennessee

“I wanted to tell you how much your seminar has meant and will mean to my wife, me and our four children…we are determined to take advantage of all of the information that you shared with us. I really appreciate this ministry that you have undertaken and I know that it is producing that real heart change in countless people…”

- James Lampley, Minister, New York Avenue Church of Christ, Oak Ridge, TN

"The No Debt No Sweat Seminar was the most informative and effective tool we have ever used to help our people better understand and control the financial blessings God has given us. Our weekly giving has increased and our attitude toward money has a more Biblical context. Steve Diggs does an outstanding job of communicating clear and simple principles in an environment that is educational and fun. Christians who adopt these

principles will have more money with which to do good."

- Jack English, Minister, Center Street Church of Christ, Fayetteville, Arkansas


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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