Care Coordination – Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota

Ceresti Health Caregiver Empowerment ProgramQuotes & feedback provided by caregiversThank you for your referrals!August 2020“You talking about transitional/palliative care before Hospice, I did not know about that, so it is very helpful. I will talk to her doctor about that first thing tomorrow. The little videos are helpful to reinforce the things I know too.”Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Le Sueur County Public Health“I know that you are there and that makes it so much easier, you validate everything I am saying and feeling. I have that peace in my mind now. I am so glad my care coordinator sent me information on this program. I almost said no, but I am so glad I didn’t because I really need it.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Le Seuer County Public Health“I LOVE this education so much!!!! Dementia and apathy education has been particularly helpful for me! Both my mom and my sister have issues that are identical to the examples mentioned in these articles (my sister has MS with both physical and cognitive issues also). THANK YOU for guiding me through this!!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services “Very nice tablet. great material and awesome coach”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“It has helped me understand what is happening, I have learned so much.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human ServicesOur caregiver took her tablet into the assisted living facility to share it with the director. “She told her that her goal was to show you how helpful this program has been to her and that she thinks it should be available to people who are moving loved ones into assisted living. The director said that she would love to have her staff review this as well and that it looked so interesting.” Caregiver gave Nicole’s name and number her.Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Southwest Health & Human Services“I’m doing good. I love that evening meditation video. How can I get more of them?”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“I found the hospice tape helpful. I am going to rethink the hospice idea and meet with the nurse and my mom to see what her physical health and what the staff at EC are observing. Your phone call was unbelievable good timing last week. Thank you for talking me thru a tough day!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“The tablet has become like comfort food for me, I may not be able to get to it every single day, but when I do, it is so reassuring and comforting. It helps, it really does. I am so grateful to have it.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“My coach called me today and encouraged me and cheered me up! she is one in a million! :)”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“It's been a learning experience that I greatly appreciate, as well as your willingness to "fill the gap" and to offer wonderful support. Thank you so much ?”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Kandiyohi County Health & Human Services“Thank you! The program was very educational for me & my family. Everything I learned I passed onto them. Thanks for being a great listener.”?Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician ServicesJuly 2020“Hi Nicole, Lots of good information and tips (like chamomile tea instead of harsh mouthwash). Also, Approaches to effective communication was helpful for my mom- I appreciated the helpful tips and phrases for communication. Plan to use those. My mom has trouble expressing ideas and thoughts. And one more- Approaches to dementia care was all inclusive and an excellent reference to fall back on.”Adult Child Caregiver,Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services{Nicole has been connecting this caregiver to resources/products regarding her Mom's dual sensory (hearing/sight) loss)"None of this would have been tried had I not done this program, so it has been worthwhile. it’s nice to know that I have some time to throw ideas at you."Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Kandiyohi County Health & Human ServicesShe was having an off day and was not herself and I was almost worried. I just backed off and let her reset for the next day, the tablet helped me with that interaction. It is really helping me; I got the techniques off of the iPad. All the stuff is so good that sometimes it is hard because I can’t be with her to use the techniques, but it helps that I have you to help me.Sibling Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Meridian ServicesSometimes I think I have gleaned all of the information I can and then something new will come on and I will be like, hey, I needed that and this is great information, so I am so happy to have the program. Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician ServicesI have enjoyed the program, thank you for all the encouragement and support, it is greatly appreciated :)Paid Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services“I also wanted to tell you that my mom's BluePlus social worker called. We usually meet every six months in my mom's room to review and look ahead. We talk on the phone this time (thanks to COVID). He asked if I did the Ceresti program and if so how I liked it. My response was, "I love it! I have recommended to a few friends. It is full of great information, easy to use and helps with usable ideas!" He told me he offered the program to more people but I was the only one who agreed to look at it. He will tell more people that I like it and hopefully more will sign up. We did discuss my only negative was a few questionnaires which I felt were to personal for me and my fantastic coach removed for me. I hope more people try your program!”Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Southwest Health & Human Services“Wow!! The "Communication & Speech" content is very helpful, and oh sooooo real: "Loss of Communication through the Stages of Dementia"...this completely hits home!!!! As difficult as it is, I'm now reassured that these stages are "normal"! When I talked to mom this morning, I practiced some of the techniques described in the content. I asked her simple, short questions, and waited patiently for her answer (without interrupting or trying to complete the sentence for her:-) Thank you for the education!”Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Going to bring the tablet over to Dad today. I don't know if we'll get through an entire video but we'll do the best we can. Covid has really changed my plans with this program. It was so frustrating because I started this to educate him. It has been a real help for me though.” Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“I just wanted to let you know that I have been appreciating the articles. Especially communicating or calming a confused senior or any of the other difficult behaviors that come with late stage dementia since my mom has experienced many of these things.”Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human ServicesJune 2020“I really liked the "Signs and Symptoms" education that I watched/listened to yesterday! I could totally relate to that topic/information. I am really thankful for your most definitely has given me a lot of useful tips and knowledge! I am also so very thankful that I have you to communicate with! Thank you!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“The timing of your information on depression couldn’t have come at a better time. I just had a discussion with mom's health group regarding anxiety and depression coupled with the next stage of her dementia. Sleeplessness, self-isolation, lack of exercise, avoiding activities and socialization especially coupled with corona virus social distancing have made it difficult for family and especially residents in facilities.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Hi Nicole. I just finished a couple of dementia learning modules. I learned a couple if key points about hearing vs comprehension and agitation and anxiety being treated with meds when indeed pain is the cause. If only my parents’ providers could see this too and be reminded.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Becker County Human Services“Just to let you know that it's a very good to have the tablet to educate myself because most of the instructions and videos are new for me to learn.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Just when I think we have covered everything there is a great session of something I haven’t thought of. e.g. the picking of scabs which I didn’t even think of until it was covered and which of course my mom does on her head, face, and arms.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“The tablet has been so strengthening for me and there is so much to learn, I really appreciate it. Being a caregiver can be overwhelming, so I am thankful for your program. I appreciate the meditation videos so much, they really help me relax and they are really special.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services“So symptoms will steadily progress for as long as 8-12 years. Does it mean that one's body cannot go beyond that, and then becomes terminal, or that the person could continue for more years at that level of symptoms. A hard question and maybe I shouldn't be going there even. But I can't erase it from my mind and heart so I seek your wise counsel Nicole”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“The shadowing along with the steps in taking care of a dementia loved one was awesome and hit home. I relate to so many parts. I also appreciate the helpful guidance and suggestions to help mom.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“Wow. Nicole, after learning all these things from today, wish I would have known that long time ago. Just to be aware of how her brain has changed and the way that it has diminished is overwhelming and life changing. I'll go back many times to re-read. We are at a full gallop and she is in a slow walk.”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Thanks Nicole. You and the program are wonderful and it helps to write it down as I've never done that before. I've kept everything in my mind. It's really great to have your support and the new knowledge from Teepa. Every day is hard but it's always something to be thankful for. :)”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“The last thing I would want is to not continue. Please know that. Everything we've gone through is just great and has been exceptional. You have been awesome and I know that it wasn't just plain luck of the draw that you become my coach.”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“I have been able to visit Mom and she was in the past. It was easier to go with the flow after watching your videos, I wasn’t worried about trying to get her back to the present. I really do like the videos and had I known it earlier, I would have done things differently. I also like that you do the quizzes because it is challenging me and testing my knowledge. The big take home I have gotten is that you don’t concentrate on what has been lost, you focus on what is still here."Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human ServicesMay 2020“LOVE this education! There are so many things I can relate to (and some things not as much) educates me on how I can proceed (love the helpful techniques)! Just knowing that these "events" are common/normal, helps reassure me that we're not alone in this "journey"! Thank you for this wonderful program!! (I love Teepa's enthusiasm and style of teaching)!!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Most of the time I cruise along in good spirits and then mom reaches a new level or the pandemic adds a new dimension and I appreciate the support.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“I appreciate very much being able to use the Ceresti program. It has so much good information!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services“I've been very pleased with the info received from this program. Renee is going to set up the program via the Ceresti Connect recommendation. I'll be looking forward to a call from you next week.”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc. “I really do appreciate everything that you and your program are doing for me! Thank you so much! Have a great weekend!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Bluestone Physician Services“Just wanted to say I love the "gems" analogy and hoping there are more parts coming on that.”“Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc. ***Nicole had custom content about dual sensory loss (hearing & vision) made for this caregiver.“This lesson was helpful, thank you! Many suggestions mentioned caught my attention. One was lighting. my folks seldom turn the light on in their room and they rely on natural light, even on dark days. The other suggestion was announcing yourself each time speaker changes. It made me realize how I take for granted that mom always knows who is speaking, which may not be true at all. plus, she may quit paying attention because the conversation moves too rapidly for her, even if we feel were speaking slowly. I wish I could visit her to try some of these suggestions.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services***Nicole looked up and emailed local dual sensory loss support/resources to caregiver. "Wow! This IS a great start!!! ... I've always accepted my mom's deterioration: thinking it's the aging process. The resources you sent, shed some hope that even though conditions are permanent, there may be aids/ services that could be beneficial; they could lessen her self- isolation, and increase her desire to communicate. One more thought: it's awesome the resources are based right here, in Minnesota! THANKS for making it local!!"Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Kandiyohi County Health and Human Services“I especially enjoyed the morning/evening meditation, but can I have a permanent copy? It is just amazing; I have never come across anything like it and I even tried writing it down. I was amazed at how it really worked and reduced my stress; the voice was so soothing.”***Nicole emailed the caregiver links to these meditations.Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services“I just love this stuff because most of it is teaching me such a new way of doing things and thinking outside the box. I could have figured out some of this on my own, but it would have been hard and painful, but your program is so helpful to know that it is ok to redirect and how to do it. This could not have been accomplished without your help and these videos, it has been a lifesaver. My gratitude is immense.”“Having your help and support has made a world of positive difference to me. Take care and stay well.”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“I am loving the tips I am getting from the education. I have already used it and it does work like calming down and using touch and keeping my voice down and looking her in the eye and being able to say I am sorry. I wouldn’t do that if I hadn’t learned to do so. I have been really happy with it.”Spousal Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc.“This information is excellent. I wish I would have had something like this when I was caring for my husband all those years. So many great ideas, like redirecting, saying I'm sorry (!!), the hand-under hand hold, moving to the side, and many more techniques to help your loved one- with dignity and respect. Someday, Lord willing, these will be useful in interacting with my mom! I am grateful!”Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Aitkin County Health & Human Services"I am grateful to have you; I was losing it and I was at the point where I didn’t know I could do this. When I started to learn more about Vascular Dementia, I realized my own emotions going into it. It helped to connect the dots. You are making my life, our life so much better. We understand her better because we can now read her signs more. Thank you for giving my Mom this, for giving us this. You are giving us more time with her."Adult Child Caregiver, Delegate Organization: Thomas Allen Inc. ................

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