Reducers to ensure security to all. discovery (especially ...

CPFP Road Committee Report, Tom & Andr?, May 2020

CPFP private road maintenance strategy

Excepted for small regular maintenance and emergencies we have two annual main activities.

A) Prevention before rainy season: LOWER BUDGET : In May when there are few people on the site and before the rainy season begins, this period is mainly oriented towards controlling rainwater, therefore cleaning the cunetas, checking the exits, identifying plantations to support the sides of the road and in the parallel slopes to reduce the risk of derrumbe and finally making or redoing the muertos, especially to prevent erosion from washing the remaining material of the road and especially not to lose the base of well compacted stone (prevent going on the red earth).

In the past years, in order to have a very positive impact on the community concerning the resurfacing of the road, we decided to do this work in December and not in May, after the rainy season because obviously there is a loss of material and thus impress with satisfaction the majority of the owners or landlords at the peak of visitors to the site (December-April). The budget for December 2019 was $3500 and we got congratulations from many. People's satisfaction creates a positive social atmosphere or climate on the site, which is what is sought after.

B) Resurfacing HIGHER BUDGET: In December after the rainy season we must ensure a resurfacing by enhancing the road but we should always have strategic mini muertos not for rainwater (little in dry season) but rather to lower vehicle speed reduction, reduce spinning wheel and related noise; many vehicles ( owners, renters, workers) do not respect CPFP instructions. People from above do not see the situation because there is little traffic in their area. Do not forget the main mission of the site is that we are in a private park or reserve for environmental protection or the quietness of the place is paramount (for humans and animals alike). A signage system along the road to remind people of this would be important. Another important point is that the road is also used by many as a walking or jogging path and for nature discovery (especially in the mornings and at the end of the day, hence the importance of speed reducers to ensure security to all.

CPFP Road Committee Report, Tom & Andr?, May 2020

Preventive road works map

CPFP Road Committee Report, Tom & Andr?, May 2020

2020 detailed road work plan

Following two sightseeing visits on CPFP private the road (late March and early May) and a third visit with Adolfo to get his comments and ideas, we identified priority 1 and 2 works to be done on CPFP private road. 1. Priority 1 Work plan (see map)

With the arrival of the rainy season priority 1 was to: 1.1. The "muertos" to save the road material 1.2. Clean cunetas with backoe that are filled with soil; 1.3. Identify earth cunetas that require geotextile and rock repairs to prevent erosion; 1.4. Identify the EXIT (caja de registro) to be cleaned and prevent overflow of water on the

road, prevent erosion and other hazards that can cause landslides/derrumbes; 1.5. Identify road areas requiring concrete application for road and cunetas.

2. Priority 1 Work plan(see map) 2.1. Correct cunetas with visible (non-hazardous) aqueduct tube? 2.2. In a second step, correct the muertos after the rain and vehicles have passed over them and flatten them. Make sure to correct them and keep their efficiency (manual shovel); 2.3. Identify areas that require planting: vetiver, bamboo; 2.4. Additional optional loads of lastre and compaction.

3. Work already done on an emergency basis due to severe early rains

3.1. Priority 1.1 Muertos (see map) At the beginning of the heavy rains, a backhoe was already on site and we used its services to do ALL the ``MUERTOS ``' along the whole road. With the backoe we were able to do it much faster including compaction. Before Adolfo took weeks to do this work and used his pick up to bring the equipment. Thereafter and when required, maintenance of the muertos will be done manually by the maintenance team. Some will say that we have too many muertos. Our position is that muertos have a dual purpose: ? They are primarily used to reduce the speed of water and thus limit the formation of ruts causing a significant loss of equipment on the road; ? In addition, the muertos are also a VERY EFFECTIVE way to reduce the speed of the vehicles, a significant factor also causing the deterioration of the road. In this respect they are much more effective than speed limit posters.

3.2. Priority 1.2 cunetas cleaning (see map)

CPFP Road Committee Report, Tom & Andr?, May 2020

Also with the backhoe, we cleaned some cunetas spotted as urgent to ensure adequate drainage of water (see photo).

3.3. Priority 1.4 cleaning EXITs (see map) This work was also done quickly with the backhoe. This backhoe work has fortunately saved the little material we had on the road; the great early rains we have had show us the instantaneous effectiveness of these interventions.

Total cost of works already done ? $1035.71 including 3 loads of lastre + 14 hours of backhoe.

4. Work to be done

4.1. Priority 1.3 repair cunetas: geotextile and rock cover (see map) Material: Geotextile $100 + $100 of one load of rock (+/-$250) used also for priority 1.5; Labour: used Adolfo regular maintenance Locations: mainly between the first curve of lot 4 to the entrance of lot 5, before arriving at lot 8 (Mario) and few sections are to be completed in Phase 3.

4.2. Priority 1.5: On downhill side of the two cemento tracks in Phase 1, there is a very narrow area and a landslide that must be repaired to make it safer: ? Install 2 gabions with rocks ; ? completely cover the road with concrete up to the cuneta; ? Install concrete up to the other section of cemento; ? Expand this existing top section to allow an easier and safer ride.

Material:? 2 strong galvanised gabions (125$) + rock travel (same than 1.3) Tabo cemento: cement + base + mesh; Labour: 60 hours x $5= 300

See the photos Gabiones installation cost: 2 strong mesh galvanized gabions ($125 each) + rock load part priority 1.3 + cement $100 + base $100 = $150 load of rock 1.3. Total: 575$ incl. Adolfo maintenance contract labour 20 x 5= $100

The extension of tabocemento will use the tabo cemento 1500$ budget. Grand Total 1.5 priority = 1500+475 Option: If we don't use all the money from the tabo cemento budget in the so-called Mario curve (no far away to get to lot 10) we could put cement only for the uphill curve. See photos

CPFP Road Committee Report, Tom & Andr?, May 2020

Priority 2.1 Surplus soil movement ( not urgent)

It is suggested to use a backoe to remove excess soil and place it on the other side of the road. Some owners (Lot 11 and Lot 35) require backhoe and compactor services for their respective private entrances and would be willing to share the cost of transporting the equipment (if applicable) with the community. This is called COLLABORATION WITH POSITIVE IMPACT FOR ALL.

Cost: Maximum cost 1 hour of backoe (-/$40) (if present on site)

4.3. Priority 2.2 Muerto in front of lot 25A

Cliff suggests removing the muerto in front of lot 25A and installing it higher/uphill on the road. We recommended to keep this muertos and only change the angle of the muertos that goes to the EXIT (caja de registro). We believe that putting a second muerto higher will reduce the amount of water thrown into this area; but before doing anything we must check at the bottom closed to stream 4 because from the road you can see red dirt. With Adolfo and his crew, we should go and see the potential gravity at the base; it is a very steppy area and it is not obvious how to safely go there. This would be the first important action to be taken in this area. After that, the actions to be taken would depend on what will be discovered.

It is not recommended to remove the muertos for reasons (double vocation) already mentioned; muertos will lower and compact each time a vehicle goes on. If we already manually lower them (like Cliff did), the heavy will wash away the muertos (premature wear and tear) and the road material will be lost.

Cost: Maintenance but lack of analysis information at the bottom of Creek 4.

4.4. Priority 2.3 Planting vegetation

We will identify on the map the areas to be done in terms of prevention.

Cost: Maintenance (plants already on site)

4.5. Priority 2.4 Additional loads of lastre

If budget allows, add 3 loads of lastre spread by a backoe at some spots in phase 1 and 3 by a backoe and use a running from top to bottom. Some owners lot 11 and 35, this would correct some areas of phase 1 and 3.

Cost: backhoe 4 hours at 40$/h = $160 + compactor 4 hours at 65$/h = $260 + 3 loads of lastre at $200 = $600

Total cost: $1020


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