Peer Evaluation

Final report & presentation outlineThe report must contain the following sections:Introduction: briefly introduce the report with your investment strategy and overall performance. How did you start and where are you now? What are your basic conclusions?Portfolio strategy: what was your strategy throughout the time you managed the portfolio. For example, was it mainly investing in growth, or value stocks? What about size? You can select multiple strategies for your mutual fund. Make sure to: Outline your strategy and justify why you selected it. Provide historical evidence of the performance of your strategy. Provide evidence showing that mutual funds or portfolio managers use this strategy. Investment policy: Write an investment policy statement for the type of investor who should invest in your mutual fund. what was the purpose and scope of your investment? High or low risk? What region? …etc. Asset allocation: you should know what this means by now. Show pie charts of your weights in different sectors and compare it to the market weights. Also, have a pie chart containing how much cash you have.Portfolio style: have a 3X3 matrix highlighting how many stocks are invested in each category.SmallMediumLargeValueCoreGrowthScreening variables: Explain what criterion have you considered before investing in each stock. What financial ratios will you used to screen stocks?Portfolio performance results: Each group must use the Sharpe and Jensen’s alpha performance measure to evaluate their performance. For purposes of comparison, the S&P500 will be used as a benchmark portfolio. Have some charts and tables where you show your performance.Performance of each stock in the portfolio: briefly highlight your transactions during the time you managed the portfolio. How much you gained and lost and why?Economic conditions and business cycle: discuss the major economic events that happened during the time you managed the portfolio and how they might affected your performance. Conclusion: discuss your overall performance and lessons learned after running a million dollar portfolio. The following points apply to both the final report and the presentation:Each group must submit the printed final report and the PPT slides date TBA. In addition, send a copy of the PPT and the word document via blackboardEach student will present for 3-5 minutes. The time per group depends on the number of group members. The maximum time allowed per group is (number of group members * 3-5 minutes.)You will be graded on your presentation skills as well as your knowledge of the stock simulation and portfolio. Make sure to be well prepared. Present clearly with eye contact. Your tone (voice) must be clear. Slides must be neat and clear to the audience. Professional appearance is expected.You must bring the Excel files of your individual reports to the presentation in a flash drive. Be prepared to answer any question regarding the model and the project. Each member must be well prepared for the Q&A.The report must include a cover page and table of contentsEach student must present his summary of 6 stocks/trades from 2 different sectors which he/she covers.Each student must present his summary of 2 stocks from 2 different sectors which he/she covers.Each student must include a table with all his/her stock/trades recommendations (at least 6 stocks, funds or ETFs per member). This must include name, ticker, sector, industry, date, market price at the date, fair value, market price now, decision, % return since the date of the recommendation, when did you purchase the stock?Each analyst will be responsible for 2 sectors. He/she will provide an analysis of the industry, i.e., degree of competition, growth of industry-wide sales, profitability of competitors, life cycle stage of the industry, Porter’s five factors, and P/E ratios of competing companies. Then choose 3 stocks from each industry (total of 6 stocks per student) to analyze. They will begin by a brief description of the company, its products and services, recent events that are relevant to the valuation of the company, and recent trends in sales and earnings. Valuation of each company must be done using DCF method (DDM or FCFF) and relative valuation using multiples such as P/E, P/BV, P/Sales or any other appropriate multiple. Make sure to include financial analysis (ratios) and analysis of Investment Risks (Business, Financial, Systematic, Financial Statements)The economists must discuss the relationship between macroeconomic variables and the stock market. They should also comment on the main market moving indicators. Mention what actions/recommendations were taken. How did it affect sectors and the market.Each group must include a table which compares sector weights (over/underweight) with reasons behind their choicesDiscuss the business cycle, current economic conditions and world events affecting stock markets.Include discussion of the screening variables chosenInclude the performance of the portfolio (Alpha, beta, Sharpe). Did you outperform the market?What were the best decisions? Bad decisions and mistakes? What have you learned?Include a 3*3 matrix (value vs. size) of your portfolio. Visit for more information.Include a pie chart of the sector weights.How much cash do you have? Why? Did you invest more/less during the weeks of trading?Short-selling brief summary. Name of stock. Why? What was the outcome. When did you cover it.Refer to the handout which was given to you in the beginning of the semester. It includes additional details. Be creative. Your report should be professionally written, and leave little doubt that you clearly understand your trading activity. In conclusion, explain why your selections were made and how they fit into your investment goals. What are the key things you learned from your Stock-Trak experience? Peer EvaluationAt the end of the semester, you will confidentially grade your fellow group members. Their grades should be based on the following criteria:-Did they do their share of the work throughout the semester?-Did the group member attend all group meetings?-Was the member prepared?-Did they share in the presentation responsibilities? ................

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